Would you continue playing if a 6* is released?



  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 99 Match Maker

    Probably wouldn't quit right away. But I imagine that acquiring them would be so difficult for me (I have to pick and choose which 5s to chase, I will never be able to fully cover them all). They'd have to make 5s easier to get, and then probably introduce a whole new currency so that CP is kept for 5s or something. It would get crowded and messy and I'd get super frustrated. I remember when I first tried to break into 5s and it was such a slog that I ended up taking a few months away from the game. It wasn't until I got BRB and Jessica Jones that I really came back. Building rosters has gotten better since those days, but it's still not super easy. Adding a new shiny would really demoralize me

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 234 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Scofie said:

    @Venomous said:
    Honestly. I am not sure how I'd feel. I honestly left Contest of Champions because of them adding 7 stars and I am unsure of whether I would for PQ. But I have a lot more invested in PQ than I do CoC so doubt I'd do the same.

    I'd rather they wouldn't but it would depend heavily on exactly it's done. The specifics matter here such as would there be higher clearance levels now to get them? Regardless, the addition of 6 stars would mean 5 stars would become more common which would be a good thing.

    My thoughts honestly are there. What I loved of 5 stars originally was that 5 stars were always super powerful or dangerous characters. Silver Surfer and Phoenix being some of the first. Both are basically godlike beings. If we were to get 6 stars, I'd rather they stick with that. Make it so 6 stars are only characters deserving of the title of 6 star. What If Ultron, Galactus, Beyonder, Shadowland Daredevil. The sort of characters that realistically it would take an army of characters to defeat.

    I agree entirely. So if I combine this and @entrailbucket's post from further up, what about a 6* effectively being a pick-1(maybe with a couple of side-goons, depending on thematics). And with some sort of immunity (e.g. Red and Green matches and powers do no damage or "Can only be downed if each active ally fired a power this turn" - AI-proof? 🤔) so you have to think about how to take them down rather than auto-piloting.

    The problem here is that you basically instantly reduce the game from a 3-on-3 to a 1-on-1. Sure, some players won't have 6* and they'll fight 3-on-1 and have interesting fights or whatever, but everyone who can will just run the one best 6* for everything forever. You'd kill whatever small metagame variety currently exists.

    I see another solution here. What if 6 stars required several slots to be used. Like say you have a 3 team. To use a 6 star, you need 2 slots. So in using a 6 star, you can only have a team of 2. The missing or lack of character to make up for the 6 star could play well into making the 6 star themselves stronger like adding minion or good mechanics exclusive to that 6 star.

    For example say you have team. You can choose let's say Green Goblin for character 1. But in having someone like 6 star Galactus on your team, you would only be able to have the two of them. The third character would either remain blank or can add onto the 6 star. Such as say the 6 star is World War 2 Captain America. Upon adding Captain America, the reserved slot is immediately replaced with WW2 Bucky Barnes and can't be removed as long as Cap is on the team.

  • kirk justice
    kirk justice Posts: 60 Match Maker

    I said yes. But my hope for 6s would be that you can only have one 6 on your team, they have unique mechanics (maybe like an aura ability or something that is always active, even if they're downed), and that the leap from 5s to 6s isn't so gigantic that the 5* tier is completely invalidated (sort of like how once you get into the 5* tier the majority of characters in the lower tiers become irrelevant)

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,102 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2023

    When Marvel Avengers alliance was still around there were a couple characters (Dr. Doom and Kang) who were legendary characters. They had about double the health and stats as most other characters and got 2 turns per round instead of just one, but the trade off is that they took up 2 roster slots.

    They could do the same thing with 6 stars and have one 6 star take up 2 character slots on the team.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,164 Chairperson of the Boards

    I dunno, if 6* aren't...like, good -- clearly, significantly better than 5*, then what's the point? When the game first launched, 4* were just trophies (X Force and, later, IW, were pretty awful) and nobody bothered to roster them at all.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,052 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2023

    Yes. But please then fold the 1 and 2 star tiers into the 3 star tier (or retire those 20 characters entirely), retire standard tokens and make the elite token simply draw a 3 star every time.

    Then the game has only 3-6 stars characters and new players start in the 3 star tier.


    P.S. To have the kind of power creep EB mentioned (Surfer vs 4 star champs) would mean a 6 star would have to start at 650 and champ at 750 and pretty much all of them would need a passive that stopped power spamming (ie max firing of a power 1-2x a turn) because otherwise even a baby champed Shang would down this character via a Winfinite with someone like Valk very fast. That Surfer battle happened before champ levels so the 4s were limited to 270 and had to actually fire powers that cost 10+ compared so it's not a meaningful comparison because just about any 3 modern 4s would own a 450 Surfer at L270.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 795 Critical Contributor

    @DevpoolMPQ_BCS said:
    Never say never, but I can confirm nothing outside of the usual tier-rating characters are set for release this year.

    Thank goodness

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards

    I always considered Supports as the 6* tier

  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    Something else

    @Tony_Foot said:
    I'm convinced we will see a 6* this year. 300 characters, 140 4* and many of us here taking no interest in them. It's a bloated tier of rubbish and such a huge wall for newer players.

    Why am I convinced we will see a 6*, well the new Dev's seem to have softened their stance to the previous lot, who stated no. They have made 4* completion very fast and even 5* you can comfortably get 3-5 covers before they rotate out. Resources have been improved to the point you can cover the 5* on LT alone and not do anything with CP if you just want to champ them all. A re-balance of CL10 has been mentioned.

    Anyway, I think we will see a 6* for the 10th anniversary. Would this cause you to quit? Would you rather just keep playing on auto pilot, with more and more 4*?

    I'm still working on champing all the 4 *s while rostering and collecting as many covers as possible for the 5 *s - without champing any of them yet. So 6 *s would be a large way off for me still, hence a general lack of interest for me. I'd rather see new types of events - like a PvE season type thing akin to the PvP simulator, or my personal impossible dream - events where you can use a larger team like 5 or 6 characters at once to take on gnarly challenges like never ending waves that get progressively harder and/or require a specific win con like downing all enemies with the same ability or something.

    For 6 *s to be a viable and worthwhile addition to the game it'd have to be something entirely new, and not useable in standard events or it'd just further solidify the veteran whales' position at the top of all placements and diminish new player interest. Maybe something akin to a Planeswalker from MTG could be cool - a mega enchantment board modifier rather than a creature if that makes sense. So for MPQ maybe they wouldn't have match damage or health, so you couldn't use them to tank or anything, and if you down all characters it's still a win - but they grant passives and/or actives to the whole team. Like a team wide support and/or a set of abilities you can add to your 3 character team.

    Only other things I see working at all are either:

    A.) "Advanced" versions of existing characters - like a level above champed, letting you run 5/5/5 versions with stronger versions of their abilities or a 4th ability or something maybe -


    B.) A single customizable (or maybe one per affiliation or something) character, along the lines of Taskmaster and Doop, where you can select the character's abilities. Maybe you can't earn covers for them, only shards, and when you spend the shards you choose from the covers of other characters - 300 shards lets you unlock 3 * abilities, 400 4 *s, 500 5 *s. Or maybe you could also apply any pulled cover to them instead of to the actual character, would be a nice way to get more use out of covers for already maxed champions. Build up a bank of abilities and customize them before each match. Health, match damage and ability color could also be customizable but I dunno how.

    End of the day though, anything like any of these suggestions would require massive overhauls and tons of programming so it's unlikely we'll ever see something like them implemented. And if they were to just be another tier of health and damage beyond 5 *s? Well then at best they wouldn't really add anything to the game for most players and at worst, they'd be a detriment to game balance further squeezing out newer players. Even if they were to add something like one of my suggestions they would have to be useable only in a new SCL or specific events or something or you'd run into the same problem honestly. Personally I'd much rather they slow down the new character release schedule all together and focus more on adding new events and increasing the amount of gameplay. I'd take something like a monthly campaign release - extending into higher * tiers - that you don't have to play in a set time frame but adds more gameplay, or a farming style mode with no placement rewards but extensive progression rewards as it gets harder and harder and adds nodes that have win cons like puzzle ops or restrictions like what characters you can use - over an inundation of new characters or a 6th tier any day.

  • Captain_Trips88
    Captain_Trips88 Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker

    I'd carry on playing because its now part of my routine, and I'm not going for placement rewards so ridiculously for the type of game, new character releases don't alter reaching my goal, maybe just an adaptation of the team but a lot of the time I just use the boosted 5s fpr a bit of variation.

    Anywho, my issue with a new tier would be well who is in it? back when 5* first became a thing it was the really powerful Marvel characters who got the shiny 5* badge, but as time has gone by there are some really really odd choices at this level. so who would be left to be 6* or would we just get the same characters but with stronger powers etc.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,102 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Captain_Trips88 said:
    I'd carry on playing because its now part of my routine, and I'm not going for placement rewards so ridiculously for the type of game, new character releases don't alter reaching my goal, maybe just an adaptation of the team but a lot of the time I just use the boosted 5s fpr a bit of variation.

    Anywho, my issue with a new tier would be well who is in it? back when 5* first became a thing it was the really powerful Marvel characters who got the shiny 5* badge, but as time has gone by there are some really really odd choices at this level. so who would be left to be 6* or would we just get the same characters but with stronger powers etc.

    The devs have said since the beginning that star powers are a representation of a covers rarity in acquiring and has nothing to do with a comic character power level. Any character can be any power star level. Even at the very beginning we had a huge power level like juggernaut and venom at one star and a regular person like punisher at 3 star.

  • NemoAbernnigan
    NemoAbernnigan Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    Something else

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @Captain_Trips88 said:
    I'd carry on playing because its now part of my routine, and I'm not going for placement rewards so ridiculously for the type of game, new character releases don't alter reaching my goal, maybe just an adaptation of the team but a lot of the time I just use the boosted 5s fpr a bit of variation.

    Anywho, my issue with a new tier would be well who is in it? back when 5* first became a thing it was the really powerful Marvel characters who got the shiny 5* badge, but as time has gone by there are some really really odd choices at this level. so who would be left to be 6* or would we just get the same characters but with stronger powers etc.

    The devs have said since the beginning that star powers are a representation of a covers rarity in acquiring and has nothing to do with a comic character power level. Any character can be any power star level. Even at the very beginning we had a huge power level like juggernaut and venom at one star and a regular person like punisher at 3 star.

    Punisher killed the Marvel Universe in the 90s. Power level is always dependent on how well it tells the story. I've always felt star level was based on perceived perception of popularity of characters, desired popularity of characters, and the current plans of Marvel corporate on a macro level with tie ins and whatnot.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,102 Chairperson of the Boards

    @NemoAbernnigan said:

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @Captain_Trips88 said:
    I'd carry on playing because its now part of my routine, and I'm not going for placement rewards so ridiculously for the type of game, new character releases don't alter reaching my goal, maybe just an adaptation of the team but a lot of the time I just use the boosted 5s fpr a bit of variation.

    Anywho, my issue with a new tier would be well who is in it? back when 5* first became a thing it was the really powerful Marvel characters who got the shiny 5* badge, but as time has gone by there are some really really odd choices at this level. so who would be left to be 6* or would we just get the same characters but with stronger powers etc.

    The devs have said since the beginning that star powers are a representation of a covers rarity in acquiring and has nothing to do with a comic character power level. Any character can be any power star level. Even at the very beginning we had a huge power level like juggernaut and venom at one star and a regular person like punisher at 3 star.

    Punisher killed the Marvel Universe in the 90s. Power level is always dependent on how well it tells the story. I've always felt star level was based on perceived perception of popularity of characters, desired popularity of characters, and the current plans of Marvel corporate on a macro level with tie ins and whatnot.

    "What if" comics are non canon and are not representative of a characters power level. The characters being killed are always much less powerful than their main universe self and die from things that their 616 counter parts would have easily survived.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,164 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yeah, they've said multiple times that they don't do star ratings based on comic power level.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,503 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yes. I play the game for the grind. It scratches a special itch like Diablo 2, and not many games can do that.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,503 Chairperson of the Boards

    @BriMan2222 said:
    "What if" comics are non canon and are not representative of a characters power level. The characters being killed are always much less powerful than their main universe self and die from things that their 616 counter parts would have easily survived.

    Power levels aside, Frank could kill a big chunk of the marvel universe. Empaths, regenerators, and Hulks aside Frank is a master strategist and could probably assassinate more than 50% of the Marvel roster with the proper motivation.

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 234 Tile Toppler

    Thing is he is Batman but no qualms of killing.

    While "Kill the Marvel Universe" isn't quite canon, it proves that if Frank wanted to, he can plan and execute it if he wanted to. Punisher's superpower isn't that he is a heavily armed veteran. It's his deathwish. He will go to basically any length to do what he feels he must, ironically just like Batman.

    Extension of this. I get people don't like variants but would a 5 star War Machine armor Punisher be too bad? Honestly 5 star is the only rarity Punisher isn't in so a 5 star version would be neat.

  • Timemachinego
    Timemachinego Posts: 467 Mover and Shaker

    @Venomous said:
    Thing is he is Batman but no qualms of killing.

    While "Kill the Marvel Universe" isn't quite canon, it proves that if Frank wanted to, he can plan and execute it if he wanted to. Punisher's superpower isn't that he is a heavily armed veteran. It's his deathwish. He will go to basically any length to do what he feels he must, ironically just like Batman.

    Extension of this. I get people don't like variants but would a 5 star War Machine armor Punisher be too bad? Honestly 5 star is the only rarity Punisher isn't in so a 5 star version would be neat.

    I'd prefer the "Fist of the Beast" version as a 5*, personally.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Venomous said:
    Thing is he is Batman but no qualms of killing.

    While "Kill the Marvel Universe" isn't quite canon, it proves that if Frank wanted to, he can plan and execute it if he wanted to. Punisher's superpower isn't that he is a heavily armed veteran. It's his deathwish. He will go to basically any length to do what he feels he must, ironically just like Batman.

    Extension of this. I get people don't like variants but would a 5 star War Machine armor Punisher be too bad? Honestly 5 star is the only rarity Punisher isn't in so a 5 star version would be neat.

    Much like Batman, writers take enormous liberties with the Punisher and his ability to take on super powered foes. In reality the Marvel Universe would very much swat Frank before he got anywhere near to killing them. Spider-Man alone has the ability to dodge bullets, is strong enough to lift a car, has a danger sense AND a long ranged weapon. The Punisher would stand no chance if the writers didn't dumb down his opponents every single time.

    All that said I have no issue with a 5* Punisher and please don't take the above as my hating on Frank! I just find it annoying how far the writers have to stretch reality to justify the Punisher as being some sort of unstoppable rampage monster against superhuman foes. Just let Punisher do what he does and stop all the Frank could kill the Fantastic Four with his eyes closed nonsense.