Would you continue playing if a 6* is released?

Tony_Foot Posts: 1,785 Chairperson of the Boards

I'm convinced we will see a 6* this year. 300 characters, 140 4* and many of us here taking no interest in them. It's a bloated tier of rubbish and such a huge wall for newer players.

Why am I convinced we will see a 6*, well the new Dev's seem to have softened their stance to the previous lot, who stated no. They have made 4* completion very fast and even 5* you can comfortably get 3-5 covers before they rotate out. Resources have been improved to the point you can cover the 5* on LT alone and not do anything with CP if you just want to champ them all. A re-balance of CL10 has been mentioned.

Anyway, I think we will see a 6* for the 10th anniversary. Would this cause you to quit? Would you rather just keep playing on auto pilot, with more and more 4*?

Would you continue playing if a 6* is released? 101 votes

KolencezonatahuntironsmudgiexKOBALTxentrailbucketPhumadefight4thedreamJangoLoreChipster22Punisher5784liminal_ladTony_FootBlackstoneCodexJackDeath666killahKlownkirk justiceKGBCaracticusAlfje17 65 votes
atomzedawarnicaStranger DanaxmosstonypqDaredevil217JezequelbigwhoopZalastaDyingLegendBubba3210PalookavilleWaddles_Pinesskittledaddy658_2MgoBlue51tupacboyBriMan2222Walk65Timemachinego 29 votes
Something else
TheVultureenergomashHistamielBadNemoAbernniganCongoFuryscottishhaig 7 votes


  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,379 Chairperson of the Boards

    i mean, probably? I guess we'll see how it goes

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,210 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't like the idea of 6 stars, but I wouldn't immediately quit if they introduced them. I'd give it a chance and see how it goes.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    If they ever do introduce 6*, they need to be like the introduction of 5* -- only obtainable via some new currency.

    Hopefully that'll cause most of the hoarders to just disappear.

  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor

    With my goals already having been completed, I'm barely playing anymore, as is.
    A 6* tier would definitely be the final straw to finally let me walk away for good.

  • will7612
    will7612 Posts: 91 Match Maker

    Yes, but......, will need to have a clear picture of how and when will be the releasing process
    And also to STOP releasing 3* and 4* which are useless

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Something else

    I'd say it's totally impossible to release a 6* tier and making it working right along with (remember?) supports in pvp.
    Only working on trying to make supports in pvp in a right way, balanced and without bugs, they have enough work until next year. Imho

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,072 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would see what was what. Could be fun? A 6* tier would of course mean an expansion on SCL something the old Devs said could never happen but now we have new Devs. I would want to see concrete evidence that the new Devs can program new Story mode stuff though which so far we have zero proof of (they also have zero success with legacy PvE so far either and new Boss Events are completely basic). I would like to see some success stories with what we have before we start ramping things up.

  • WeaponX092
    WeaponX092 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    I thought Chasm was already the first 6* released.

    I would definitely keep playing.

  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker

    The problem with this game is not "too few characters - needs more characters." The problems are everywhere else. I wish the devs showered as much love and tried as many new things elsewhere as they spend on new powers, game mechanics, or meta characters. But... it's a gacha game, and collecting new characters is how they make money, so that's what they're incentivized to focus on.

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker

    I’ve always been a big collector and somewhat of a completionist so the more that gets added to the game the more I would want to continue playing and adding and developing my roster. I don’t really foresee much that would want me to really stop playing this game.

  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    Something else

    I'd have to wait and see; if they simply roll over 5s or inflate PvE enemy health to intolerable levels, I would consider calling it a day on MPQ.
    With the old dev team it would be a safe bet that the first few 6
    s would be absolute trash tier (since that has happened with every other ranks introduction), but with the new team I could see it going either way - trash to not rock the boat, or simply the best character ever.

    If I had to design 6s in a way that I wouldn't personally find detrimental, I would actually opt for them as a supplement to the 5 tier:

    • Very few of them i.e. 2 to 4 per year
    • Very high standard but not so complicated/oppressive as recent additions
    • Very slow to acquire (blend of regular play, achievements, and store offers e.g. shards on log-in for their 3-month/6-month launch period)
    • Start at level 450 with 1st cover, and once you have 13 covers and have maxed them they are level 550 - no champion levels
    • Power level simply the same as 5*s at 550
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    The first 5* (Silver Surfer), at 450, could easily beat a team composed of the 3 best 4* at the time he was released. I think it was Teen Jean, Carnage, and...I forgot the 3rd. They gave us a loaner 450 Surfer to take those guys on 3-on-1 and it was a joke of a fight.

    Of course Surfer lost his luster over time, as other, better 5* showed up, but when he was released it was a massive jump. I remember one very famous player spent an insane amount of money on Surfer and got him championed before any of us had a single cover, then showed up in s2. We figured out how to beat him eventually (one-shot with Flaptain red, believe it or not) but it was never consistent.

    So I'd expect the first 6* to be able to singlehandedly, trivially shred a team of the 3 best 5*.

    Nick Fury (the first REAL 4*) was a pretty similar jump, so I'm not sure where the "trash tier" thing is coming from.

  • Venomous
    Venomous Posts: 234 Tile Toppler

    Honestly. I am not sure how I'd feel. I honestly left Contest of Champions because of them adding 7 stars and I am unsure of whether I would for PQ. But I have a lot more invested in PQ than I do CoC so doubt I'd do the same.

    I'd rather they wouldn't but it would depend heavily on exactly it's done. The specifics matter here such as would there be higher clearance levels now to get them? Regardless, the addition of 6 stars would mean 5 stars would become more common which would be a good thing.

    My thoughts honestly are there. What I loved of 5 stars originally was that 5 stars were always super powerful or dangerous characters. Silver Surfer and Phoenix being some of the first. Both are basically godlike beings. If we were to get 6 stars, I'd rather they stick with that. Make it so 6 stars are only characters deserving of the title of 6 star. What If Ultron, Galactus, Beyonder, Shadowland Daredevil. The sort of characters that realistically it would take an army of characters to defeat.

  • liminal_lad
    liminal_lad Posts: 471 Mover and Shaker

    I think the difference between 3s and 4s is much less than the difference between 4s and 5s. If 5s and 6s were closer in power, I could see it working. If 6s can down 4s with a turn of match damage, we’d have a problem.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,297 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Venomous said:
    Honestly. I am not sure how I'd feel. I honestly left Contest of Champions because of them adding 7 stars and I am unsure of whether I would for PQ. But I have a lot more invested in PQ than I do CoC so doubt I'd do the same.

    I'd rather they wouldn't but it would depend heavily on exactly it's done. The specifics matter here such as would there be higher clearance levels now to get them? Regardless, the addition of 6 stars would mean 5 stars would become more common which would be a good thing.

    My thoughts honestly are there. What I loved of 5 stars originally was that 5 stars were always super powerful or dangerous characters. Silver Surfer and Phoenix being some of the first. Both are basically godlike beings. If we were to get 6 stars, I'd rather they stick with that. Make it so 6 stars are only characters deserving of the title of 6 star. What If Ultron, Galactus, Beyonder, Shadowland Daredevil. The sort of characters that realistically it would take an army of characters to defeat.

    I agree entirely. So if I combine this and @entrailbucket's post from further up, what about a 6* effectively being a pick-1(maybe with a couple of side-goons, depending on thematics). And with some sort of immunity (e.g. Red and Green matches and powers do no damage or "Can only be downed if each active ally fired a power this turn" - AI-proof? 🤔) so you have to think about how to take them down rather than auto-piloting.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    I will play until the game shutters. A new tier wouldn't change anything for me.

  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,746 Chairperson of the Boards

    I've always liked the idea of 6* not being a character, but a team: f.ex. 6* X-Men would be stronger/have more powers if you had all the X-men in your roster.
    Your 6* would then be played as a Saved team of 3 boosted X-Men, perhaps with extra powers/immunities.

  • captainheath
    captainheath Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker

    If 6 stars happen, I hope it is set up for only one allowed on a team. That way the rest of the roster is still useful.

  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    The last few comments in this thread are starting to make me want 6*s.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Scofie said:

    @Venomous said:
    Honestly. I am not sure how I'd feel. I honestly left Contest of Champions because of them adding 7 stars and I am unsure of whether I would for PQ. But I have a lot more invested in PQ than I do CoC so doubt I'd do the same.

    I'd rather they wouldn't but it would depend heavily on exactly it's done. The specifics matter here such as would there be higher clearance levels now to get them? Regardless, the addition of 6 stars would mean 5 stars would become more common which would be a good thing.

    My thoughts honestly are there. What I loved of 5 stars originally was that 5 stars were always super powerful or dangerous characters. Silver Surfer and Phoenix being some of the first. Both are basically godlike beings. If we were to get 6 stars, I'd rather they stick with that. Make it so 6 stars are only characters deserving of the title of 6 star. What If Ultron, Galactus, Beyonder, Shadowland Daredevil. The sort of characters that realistically it would take an army of characters to defeat.

    I agree entirely. So if I combine this and @entrailbucket's post from further up, what about a 6* effectively being a pick-1(maybe with a couple of side-goons, depending on thematics). And with some sort of immunity (e.g. Red and Green matches and powers do no damage or "Can only be downed if each active ally fired a power this turn" - AI-proof? 🤔) so you have to think about how to take them down rather than auto-piloting.

    The problem here is that you basically instantly reduce the game from a 3-on-3 to a 1-on-1. Sure, some players won't have 6* and they'll fight 3-on-1 and have interesting fights or whatever, but everyone who can will just run the one best 6* for everything forever. You'd kill whatever small metagame variety currently exists.