We have Spider Verse milestones to do!



  • toecutter3095
    toecutter3095 Posts: 61 Match Maker

    My 4-stars on the to-champ bench are mourning the reduction in ISO from the Guardians event, but this was definitely much less grindy so I guess there has to be a price for that.

  • EienRyuu
    EienRyuu Posts: 82 Match Maker

    I will say as well that I liked this one much, MUCH better than the last one. And I managed to complete it as well.
    To be fair, I was thinking that I probably wouldn't make the 150 web tiles one since out of the 4 stars websters, my Miles is 3/3/3. The others - not so much... Like Gwen Stacy is 0/1/1. Only my 3* Spidey is very far.

    Either way, kudos to the team. :)