Compensation for Chasm nerf discussion



  • Jimsta_rooney
    Jimsta_rooney Posts: 167 Tile Toppler

    @Yepyep said:

    @Jimsta_rooney said:
    1st thing i thought of when seeing chasms abilities is he was designed to counter shang.
    It worked to a certain degree

    I'd say it worked perfectly and that's one of the reasons he's so reviled. Plus he's pretty effective at whittling down Colossus and Switch, too. Lots of players had their bunkers busted by Chasm and he's resented for it. And, being fair, Hulkasm is my bunker and I don't want it busted.

    @Yepyep you know my thoughts on this monstrosity lol
    And i feel forced to run it!
    I really hope nobody plays him with animations on...

  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 974 Critical Contributor

    @Scofie said:

    So > @revskip said:

    I don't want to see Shang get nerfed any more than I want Kang, mThor or Chasm nerfed. I like all of their kits and they all punch way above their class. But all are by my definition OP and if any of them got nerfed I would adapt.

    I understand this claim as kind of "if you break my beautiful toy I want yours broken too".

    I read it more as "I don't want you to break any toys but if you do, I'll just find new unbroken toys to play with.

    Pretty much this. I'll use whatever tools are available. If they break one of the OP characters I'll just use the next best thing.

    I can cheese stuff with Kang and Shang-Chi just as easily as I can with Chasm. And both are just as "broken". For most of the time I have been in SCL10 pre Shang-Chi the challenge nodes were exactly that. After Shang-Chi they were no longer challenging they just took more time. After Kang they no longer took more time. Now both of those characters get a pass because folks like that they make PvE take less time so no one finds them to be OP. I play a lot more nodes of PvE in a given week than I do matches in PvP where I am generally just looking to get to 1200 and top 25-50 as quick as possible 3 times a week. In a given week I play at least 35 challenge nodes alone so having an OP character like Shang or Kang helps out a lot more in just that one out of 9 nodes. Often if the boost list isn't generous those two see way more play than Chasm does in PvE for me.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,227 Chairperson of the Boards

    @revskip said:

    @Scofie said:

    So > @revskip said:

    I don't want to see Shang get nerfed any more than I want Kang, mThor or Chasm nerfed. I like all of their kits and they all punch way above their class. But all are by my definition OP and if any of them got nerfed I would adapt.

    I understand this claim as kind of "if you break my beautiful toy I want yours broken too".

    I read it more as "I don't want you to break any toys but if you do, I'll just find new unbroken toys to play with.

    Pretty much this. I'll use whatever tools are available. If they break one of the OP characters I'll just use the next best thing.

    I can cheese stuff with Kang and Shang-Chi just as easily as I can with Chasm. And both are just as "broken". For most of the time I have been in SCL10 pre Shang-Chi the challenge nodes were exactly that. After Shang-Chi they were no longer challenging they just took more time. After Kang they no longer took more time. Now both of those characters get a pass because folks like that they make PvE take less time so no one finds them to be OP. I play a lot more nodes of PvE in a given week than I do matches in PvP where I am generally just looking to get to 1200 and top 25-50 as quick as possible 3 times a week. In a given week I play at least 35 challenge nodes alone so having an OP character like Shang or Kang helps out a lot more in just that one out of 9 nodes. Often if the boost list isn't generous those two see way more play than Chasm does in PvE for me.

    I'm the same on PvE and rarely play PvP. I use Chasm very rarely because I don't enjoy using him. Shang is fun, Kang is quick, I still use Grockitty most days. I did the entire Balance of Power pick 3 SCL10 nodes with 4* characters today for something different. I think it's a case of find what works and do what you enjoy.

    PvP is different - I can't do what I want there because it actually makes a difference to scoring and placement, far more than taking an extra 10 minutes and losing a place or 2. So I just join with 15 mins to go and do what I can.

    But Chasm is still a part of the team and I'll not sell him even if he is nerfed to be worse than every other 5* at the end of it.