Compensation for Chasm nerf discussion

System Posts: 1,026 Chairperson of the Boards
This discussion was created from comments split from: Upcoming Rebalances - Kate Bishop, Jubilee, Magik (Phoenix 5).


  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,080 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

    Your argument was that they're operating some sort of digital pump-and-dump scheme -- release an overpowered character, collect a ton of money from it, then nerf the character and screw the poor players out of all that money, or whatever hoarded resources they spent.

    Whether they're doing that or not, I have zero sympathy for players hurt by this, because they should have learned by now that they're not in control of the game -- the developers are.

  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,080 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

    Your argument was that they're operating some sort of digital pump-and-dump scheme -- release an overpowered character, collect a ton of money from it, then nerf the character and screw the poor players out of all that money, or whatever hoarded resources they spent.

    Whether they're doing that or not, I have zero sympathy for players hurt by this, because they should have learned by now that they're not in control of the game -- the developers are.

    My argument was that for the game to exist it needs to generate revenue. When you start seeing actual dollars being refunded after a nerf, that’s when I would be willing to entertain a different view.

    I’m not making some claim that the game developers are a roster of evil overlords preying on the “poor players”. Nor did I claim they or you should have sympathy for anyone.

    I still just don’t think we are having the same conversation. It’s all good man… probably best we just sideline it. No disrespect, I just don’t see anything positive coming of this.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't understand why they would ever refund actual dollars for what are objectively worthless digital goods. Money spent on this game is being flushed directly down the toilet. Anyone who thinks otherwise simply hasn't been paying attention. seems like you're saying a bunch of stuff and then saying that you aren't saying that stuff. If the plan is to keep doing that, then, right, this won't be productive. If you'd like to articulate the actual argument you're actually making, I'm more than happy to engage with that.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

    Your argument was that they're operating some sort of digital pump-and-dump scheme -- release an overpowered character, collect a ton of money from it, then nerf the character and screw the poor players out of all that money, or whatever hoarded resources they spent.

    Whether they're doing that or not, I have zero sympathy for players hurt by this, because they should have learned by now that they're not in control of the game -- the developers are.

    My argument was that for the game to exist it needs to generate revenue. When you start seeing actual dollars being refunded after a nerf, that’s when I would be willing to entertain a different view.

    I’m not making some claim that the game developers are a roster of evil overlords preying on the “poor players”. Nor did I claim they or you should have sympathy for anyone.

    I still just don’t think we are having the same conversation. It’s all good man… probably best we just sideline it. No disrespect, I just don’t see anything positive coming of this.

    They don't refund dollars. When 5* Gambit was nerfed, the deal was if you sell your Gambit you received a special 5* only token for each cover. I believe this was before Championing was implemented though so that could be alot of tokens for some players

  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,080 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Punisher5784 said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

    Your argument was that they're operating some sort of digital pump-and-dump scheme -- release an overpowered character, collect a ton of money from it, then nerf the character and screw the poor players out of all that money, or whatever hoarded resources they spent.

    Whether they're doing that or not, I have zero sympathy for players hurt by this, because they should have learned by now that they're not in control of the game -- the developers are.

    My argument was that for the game to exist it needs to generate revenue. When you start seeing actual dollars being refunded after a nerf, that’s when I would be willing to entertain a different view.

    I’m not making some claim that the game developers are a roster of evil overlords preying on the “poor players”. Nor did I claim they or you should have sympathy for anyone.

    I still just don’t think we are having the same conversation. It’s all good man… probably best we just sideline it. No disrespect, I just don’t see anything positive coming of this.

    They don't refund dollars. When 5* Gambit was nerfed, the deal was if you sell your Gambit you received a special 5* only token for each cover. I believe this was before Championing was implemented though so that could be alot of tokens for some players

    Yeah, I remember. I don’t expect them to refund dollars. I was just making a point. However, the tokens should be for a special store with top tier characters if this is the intended compensation. I wouldn’t sell anyway, but for those who do.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,511 Chairperson of the Boards

    @jp1 said:

    @Punisher5784 said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

    Your argument was that they're operating some sort of digital pump-and-dump scheme -- release an overpowered character, collect a ton of money from it, then nerf the character and screw the poor players out of all that money, or whatever hoarded resources they spent.

    Whether they're doing that or not, I have zero sympathy for players hurt by this, because they should have learned by now that they're not in control of the game -- the developers are.

    My argument was that for the game to exist it needs to generate revenue. When you start seeing actual dollars being refunded after a nerf, that’s when I would be willing to entertain a different view.

    I’m not making some claim that the game developers are a roster of evil overlords preying on the “poor players”. Nor did I claim they or you should have sympathy for anyone.

    I still just don’t think we are having the same conversation. It’s all good man… probably best we just sideline it. No disrespect, I just don’t see anything positive coming of this.

    They don't refund dollars. When 5* Gambit was nerfed, the deal was if you sell your Gambit you received a special 5* only token for each cover. I believe this was before Championing was implemented though so that could be alot of tokens for some players

    Yeah, I remember. I don’t expect them to refund dollars. I was just making a point. However, the tokens should be for a special store with top tier characters if this is the intended compensation. I wouldn’t sell anyway, but for those who do.

    If they do tokens, the solution is a ton simpler. Just have tokens for a vault and all the rewards in the vault are 500 5* shards.

    Then you can just pick whoever you want. Easy.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Punisher5784 said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @jp1 said:

    @KGB said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    Yeah, I will never understand the "no nerfs ever" attitude that a whole bunch of MPQ players seem to have. Every competitive game nerfs. Every. Single. One.

    I think a lot of this stems from Demi who went WAY over board on every balancing Nerf they ever did. If they had just made minor adjustments until the character was in line, players wouldn't dread Nerfs so much. Demi truly put the NERF in Nerf.



    Also, just because every other game does it doesn’t really mean it’s something you have to agree with, right? It’s actually one of my least favorite aspects of modern gaming. Grinding out for hours to get some rare drop and then it’s magically deemed “OP” and nerfed into complete uselessness. It’s a manipulation tactic. Do you honestly believe another character won’t come along worthy of the town cries about yet another nerf? It won’t be until the cash flow slows down on them that the problem gets addressed. It’s strange isn’t it?

    I’m not saying MPQ is particularly egregious with it. I’m just saying it is a common tactic in sales (a field I am in at an upper level where these discussions happen behind closed doors.) it’s just sad it has to trickle down into video games so heavily.

    Anyone spending money (or tons of resources) on a single overpowered character gets exactly what they deserve when a brutal nerf shows up.

    This game has made clear time and time again that they'll nerf, and nerf HARD, when the situation requires it. Players spent tons of money on Gambit and got burned. After Gambit, how can anyone think going all in is still a good idea? How are players still surprised when this happens?

    Players are not in control of the game. The devs make the rules, and the devs can change anybody anytime they want. You cannot "outsmart" the game in the long term, because you are not in charge. I don't understand why some players refuse to learn this lesson, after 10 years. It's Charlie Brown with the football. The first few times it's Lucy's fault, but after that...

    I mean, agree to disagree. But I don’t understand how this last paragraph is relevant to what I’m saying. I’m not trying to control the game…I’m putting in my two cents the same as every single person who is calling for the nerf. Is that not trying to “control the game” as well? Also, I already said I didn’t go all in on Chasm. I pull as I go. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you l, but it feels like we are having two different discussions.

    Your argument was that they're operating some sort of digital pump-and-dump scheme -- release an overpowered character, collect a ton of money from it, then nerf the character and screw the poor players out of all that money, or whatever hoarded resources they spent.

    Whether they're doing that or not, I have zero sympathy for players hurt by this, because they should have learned by now that they're not in control of the game -- the developers are.

    My argument was that for the game to exist it needs to generate revenue. When you start seeing actual dollars being refunded after a nerf, that’s when I would be willing to entertain a different view.

    I’m not making some claim that the game developers are a roster of evil overlords preying on the “poor players”. Nor did I claim they or you should have sympathy for anyone.

    I still just don’t think we are having the same conversation. It’s all good man… probably best we just sideline it. No disrespect, I just don’t see anything positive coming of this.

    They don't refund dollars. When 5* Gambit was nerfed, the deal was if you sell your Gambit you received a special 5* only token for each cover. I believe this was before Championing was implemented though so that could be alot of tokens for some players

    Championing was definitely in place for the Gambit nerf. I am pretty sure it was for OML too.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    I don’t think compensation will be a thing for Chasm. If it is I don’t care either way. I don’t think I would trade covers in for him anyway.
    I have roughly 20ish classics that need covers, but none of them would even be worth investing in.

    For players that went all in on him, it just depends on how they nerf. If he gets down to the inside of a dumpster then maybe compensation would be warranted.
    I have a suspicion this nerf isn’t going to go far enough though.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    "Fair compensation" would be all the rewards those players earned while using Chasm. As long as they're willing to give all of those back, they can compensate for the nerf.

    Will they compensate players who didn't use Chasm? Since they're admitting he was an overpowered mistake, it seems like we were unfairly denied rewards that we should have earned.

    Wait, what? How does this make any sense? How can you compensate somebody for choosing not to use Chasm? You cannot be suggesting that 5* players who were able to champ him did not? And even if they didn't then why should we care. Why don't we compensate the softcappers for the rewards they might have got if they had chosen not to softcap?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    Do you have a specific example in mind here because surely a large swarth of the 5* player base quite obviously had Chasm and used him. Who are these players who deserve compensation because of Chasm being used and impacted? Are you saying that the clogged SHIELD SIM queues are all the result of an elite group of entitled players who somehow gained an advantage despite Chasm not being a purchase only with real cash 5*? I am at a loss trying to understand you with this one.

    I also think that @jp1 has been pretty reasonable in his comments and doesn't deserve the level of scrutiny being thrown at them. Just an opinion.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,746 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well my chasm is 454 and I don’t use him more than once every 3 days for 1 match. I still think the only fair compensation is to let people take those 100 covers they put into chasm onto another release of their choice. Not even getting 100 pulls at rng is fair compensation. They were given a character that time and time again were told is balanced and the days suggested xyz. So they doubled down and now might pay the price for all their investment.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well at present all we know is that Chasm is actually getting a buff to his AP drain!

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'm sure there are plenty of players who didn't use Chasm, or didn't even have him at all, and lost out to those who did. Not everyone has every character championed. I used him a bit when he was boosted, because there was really no choice if you wanted to win a fight, but otherwise he's stayed on the bench.

    There obviously won't be any compensation for players who didn't use Chasm, but why wouldn't there be? How does it make sense to give extra compensation to the players who won everything while using a broken character?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @entrailbucket said:
    "Fair compensation" would be all the rewards those players earned while using Chasm. As long as they're willing to give all of those back, they can compensate for the nerf.

    Will they compensate players who didn't use Chasm? Since they're admitting he was an overpowered mistake, it seems like we were unfairly denied rewards that we should have earned.

    Wait, what? How does this make any sense? How can you compensate somebody for choosing not to use Chasm? You cannot be suggesting that 5* players who were able to champ him did not? And even if they didn't then why should we care. Why don't we compensate the softcappers for the rewards they might have got if they had chosen not to softcap?

    Softcappers don't get compensated because softcapping isn't a mistake made by the developers.

    By nerfing Chasm they are admitting that they screwed up and released a character who was way too good. Who should be compensated for that mistake? Surely not the players who took advantage of the broken character to win everything during that time?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    So your argument is that players shouldn't pursue good characters, developers shouldn't make good characters and if they do they should be punished? Do you have a champed Chasm? If not then why not and let us know why we should feel sorry for a player of your level not having this? No offence intended.

    I just don't... understand this. I feel that your rant is actually aimed at players who are not in this thread but also quite possibly quit the game circa 2018...and that Chasm is just a placeholder. I guess these are the same guys who will be setting fire to the Devs HQ as per your various previous dire warnings of the ferocious underbelly of MPQ mafia out there ( I hope the save their spreadsheets before igniting their torches).

    Sorry - I know the above is flippant and sarcastic and for that I am sorry. I just don't....get it? Maybe that is on me.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,172 Chairperson of the Boards

    What rant? You're reading things into this that I'm not saying.

    The developers made a mistake by releasing a character that was too powerful. They admit that they made a mistake. Who was most impacted by their mistake? Who should be compensated when they fix it?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    I am just reading! But OK.

    But...I sort of feel now that we have changed tact and am very confused. You didn't answer my question as to whether you have Chasm (of course you do, how could a player at your level not?) and the poster you have been sticking the boot into has said he is not a whale or anything so who exactly are you railing against?

    Excuse any lack of response from here I have to play on the Wii now (yes I still own one!) and not a lack of courtesy.

    Chasm is getting buffed/nerfed so I am gonna see how it plays out.