A request: a single source of truth



  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2023

    @S0kun said:

    @gamecat235 said:
    1. Specify what method we should be looking at?
    2. Mirror the communication within the “official” delivery methods?

    Appreciate the constructive criticism and yes, I do agree that we could be better in pointing our players to a centralized destination instead of playing telephone.

    You'll sometimes see @DevpoolMPQ_BCS or @IceIX on Discord and Reddit speaking directly with players since we don't have our own channels there, but for the official statement, it will always be on our social media channels so please make sure you're following either Twitter or Facebook. Those comms can sometimes take a while since we're broadcasting to a much larger player base and we don't want to jump the gun until we have a full grasp of the situation. I'll be sure to post MOTD communications where the need arises as well.

    From a larger picture, we've got plans in the works to centralize where we'll be able to address ad hoc communications. Look to have an update on that later this year.

    So, to be clear, the official forums are not the official source for news and announcements? It’s difficult, in my experience, to sort the wheat from the chaff in the cesspools of Facebook and Twitter (“cesspools” reflects my opinion only).

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    I agree that official announcements should also be posted here, even if it’s just a link to the other source.

    I mean, there’s a dedicated forum section called MPQ News and Announcements with the sub title ‘Current and upcoming information about the game’ that doesn’t allow comments. It’s very confusing that this is NOT the main source of game news for people to look.

    Should that sub title be changed to ‘‘Current and upcoming information about the game in addition to Facebook and Twitter?’

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2023

    I mean.... couldn't WE do that? Start a thread where we all link to all bits of information floating around on other places?

    Yeah I know THEY really should keep the information flow centralized, and duplicate it in other locations if desired. But we've been asking this forever and they have zero motivation to change their individual preferences

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,529 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hard to imagine that this is not part of the monthly release checklist. I strongly suspect that its a non gamer/non-tech guy who just schedules press releases based on what he's told. As someone who has purchased advertising from Facebook, you can pre-select a campaign date window along with your metrics and tags. I'm suspect they don't know how to schedule a forum post in advance. That would be the simplest reason why they can coordinate a facebook/twitter campaign but not coordinate an accompanying forum post.

    In any case this just needs to be added to someone's daily checklist.

    1. Post a relevant forum message for any upcoming twitter/facebook messaging.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    @gamecat235 and all interested parties:

    My previous comments about the mod team not receiving advanced information are no longer valid. My fellow mod @Scofie has managed to convince the Powers that Be that we can be trusted to help aid in facilitating information flow on the Forum so it looks like we will be given more responsibility in that area.

    @killahKlown: We are currently discussing that idea of creating a centralized thread for information found elsewhere that may be of interest to forum users. If we get the go-ahead, I will try to have the up later today.

  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler

    @fight4thedream said:
    @gamecat235 and all interested parties:

    My previous comments about the mod team not receiving advanced information are no longer valid. My fellow mod @Scofie has managed to convince the Powers that Be that we can be trusted to help aid in facilitating information flow on the Forum so it looks like we will be given more responsibility in that area.

    @killahKlown: We are currently discussing that idea of creating a centralized thread for information found elsewhere that may be of interest to forum users. If we get the go-ahead, I will try to have the up later today.

    That the information will be coming here is great news. Thank you!

    I truly hope I have not added to your burden on the forums. congratulations(?) @Scofie and apologies to all.

    I really do appreciate the work you guys put into this community.

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,000 Chairperson of the Boards

    No worries! We are happy to help the community in whatever capacity we can. There is a need that isn't being met here so we will try our best to pick up the slack to better serve the community.

    Thank you for taking the time to put it all in perspective. We really appreciate it!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think it is great that the Mods care enough about the forum to try and plug these gaps, so thank you for doing that.

    From a player perspective, I am a bit salty that there is even the need to do this because you guys already have your hands full as Mods without now being journalists but it is what it is and from that perspective I guess it is a next best thing. I do hope players will appreciate that even if you do communicate this information there are going to be times when you can't answer follow up questions - I felt Brigby was treated quite poorly by some forum users in the past deriding him as "town crier" and simply a mouthpiece (which he was) - he was an official employee.

    The Mods are volunteers - let us all remember they do this for us.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    Follow-up questions shouldn't be needed.
    Fight and Scofie both play, so they are going to ask for clarification from the team before posting the info.
    At least that's how I hope this will work.
    Especially Fight should know exactly what to ask.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    Poor Brigby. I remember he was a nice and helpful guy.

    And the stakes will be high for Fight in the future. Will he continue to fight for the people's dream tiredlessly on weekends or holidays, or will he crumble under the pressure and criticisms and finally walk the path of Brigby, who went from Hero to Villian?

  • killahKlown
    killahKlown Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    Check out the new guy stepping up in a big way!

  • GJSchaller
    GJSchaller Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    As at least one other person has noted, not everyone uses FB or Twitter (myself included). I would much, much rather see this forum be the primary source of all news, with additional outlets posting back to this source (i.e. - a post is made here, and a link to that post goes out to FB / Twitter / Discord either via automation or by hand if needed). Keeping it simple and unified, and then linking to that single source (rather than replicating it) would make things much, much easier to follow, while still spreading the message across multiple channels.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    Even though very few people post on this forum these days, a lot of people still read it, and it's still linked to in the game. I guess if they like Twitter more that's ok, but it does seem weird.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't know why you'd want to start using Twitter as your primary source of info these days with all the Musk idiocy going on, but yeah.
    Might as well shut down the forums, then, though?