550 from Latest



  • _TrashPanda
    _TrashPanda Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2023

    @Scofie said:
    I guess the other question would be whether having 5* Wasp and 1st Avenger Cap at 550 would allow swaps from the Kang store? It's completely theoretical for me, just interested.

    To my knowledge they've only allowed swaps from a special store once in the past for the brb anniversary vault. But who knows. I'm now questioning everything.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    You can swap Latest once you have one Latest at 550.
    5s that are released, but not in Latest yet, count as Latest.
    So you can get Kang once you have one of the 3 of Riri, Wong, or Monkey maxed.

    When did they change this policy and where was it announced?

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,026 Chairperson of the Boards

    @_TrashPanda said:

    @IrisRyu said:

    @Sekilicious said:
    Wong would have to be max champed as well. I guess there was a short time where Arcade was still in though. Anyone see a 550 Arcade or Wong in the wild?

    Sorry, but you’ve misunderstood the policy. Wong doesn’t need to be 550 to be able to swap to Kang. Only HM or Riri need to be at 550. From there you can swap to just Kang.

    So what is stopping someone from only maxing one of the latest to 550 (Say RiRi) and then using any extra to swap for all Kang and just skip maxing the other 2? Is the policy that they have to have 2 of the latest at 550 or do they only need to have one of the latest at 550? If so, why? Doesn't really make much sense.

    RNG? If I go all in on Riri/HM/Wong and happen to 550 Riri, any extras are worthless. So those can be swapped for any other Latests that I don’t have at 550, including Kang. But as I’m pulling for Riri, I’m bound to get an abundance of HM/Wong as well. It actually makes sense that you’d only need one at 550, to swap extras but imagine you are only swapping extras when you pull that specific person that you have maxed.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,026 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Those covers aren't useless, you can recruit the Riri as a duplicate and get champion rewards from her once she's 450+.

    I've done this with nearly all of my 550s, because the developers don't provide a way to exchange covers in game, and their policy on cover swapping is kept secret and isn't posted anywhere.

    Why does it only apply to Latest characters? Why did it change from "all 3 maxed" to "any character maxed?" How will anyone know if it changes in the future?

    As a non-550 player, I don’t care about any of this, lol (I’m sure I will if I ever hit that point). My point was it would be hard to go “all in” on just one character to exploit this in a store that gives equal odds of pulling 3 characters.

    I do have two dupe 5*s myself. IHulk and GladiaThor. But those were because I didn’t want to level them too high and pulled extra covers lol.

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    It isn’t a secret. I found this in the New Player Guide on Reddit.

    “If you want to try to jump all the way to completely maxed (level 550) 5* characters all at once, it will take you somewhere around 1800 pulls, assuming you’ve got most or all of the 4* characters champed. It’s worth noting that, if you do reach getting a 5* character at level 550, customer service will work with you to exchange any additional covers for that 5* character for any other 5* character currently in Latest Legends. If you have all three characters at level 550, they will work with you to swap extra covers for classic 5* covers of your choice”

    Like most of the knowledge for any game that is released nowadays it has been crowd sourced though.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    My guess is because players doing this are actually the 0.00001% of the playerbase.
    Those who can do it already know it.
    Those who can't could feel it not really right.
    So they won't officially announce it.
    But now try to do it.
    First rob a bank.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well, I'm not this type of player at all and I never will, but I can question things bit time:

    • Is it sure that this policy changed from time to time?
    • Is there enough trasparency in all cases in order to verify that the policy changed?
    • Weren't the huge hoards already depleted?
    • Exactly how many players already have a maxed kang?
    • How much money in addition with hoards they spend?
    • Is kang so good? Or is because of riri and HM?
      Lot of questions of difficult answer :D
  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2023

    @Sekilicious It seems that the new player guide is still incorrect though? As noted in this thread, they will also exchange for Kang, who’s not in Latest currently. The wording might need an update. So even despite the magic of the social network, the information is not comprehensive. Who’s responsible for it being factually true?

  • Codex
    Codex Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2023

    @Bad said:
    Well, I'm not this type of player at all and I never will, but I can question things bit time:

    • Is it sure that this policy changed from time to time?
    • Is there enough trasparency in all cases in order to verify that the policy changed?
    • Weren't the huge hoards already depleted?
    • Exactly how many players already have a maxed kang?
    • How much money in addition with hoards they spend?
    • Is kang so good? Or is because of riri and HM?
      Lot of questions of difficult answer :D

    To add to the list of questions, in the scenario mentioned. Would Riri/Hit monkey/Wong only need to 550 to get swaps into let say Okoye or would Kang now need to be 550 as well?

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    @Zarqa said:
    @Sekilicious It seems that the new player guide is still incorrect though? As noted in this thread, they will also exchange for Kang, who’s not in Latest currently. The wording might need an update. So even despite the magic of the social network, the information is not comprehensive. Who’s responsible for it being factually true?

    It isn’t incorrect. The three in the LL and the one about to rotate in are the ones that can be traded for after one is 550. You can trade for any after each is 550. If you are looking to do it contact Customer Service when you are about to pull and get the details. Or there are enough people on Line, discord and Reddit that can share their experiences. Daiches on Reddit and Discord as an example has done it multiple times and is pretty forthcoming with sharing experiences.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    @Sekilicious said:
    It isn’t incorrect. The three in the LL and the one about to rotate in are the ones that can be traded for after one is 550. You can trade for any after each is 550. If you are looking to do it contact Customer Service when you are about to pull and get the details. Or there are enough people on Line, discord and Reddit that can share their experiences. Daiches on Reddit and Discord as an example has done it multiple times and is pretty forthcoming with sharing experiences.

    From the phrasing in the new players guide, it wasn’t clear to me that the newest 5 character was also eligible, even before they enter latest. Codex and Trashpanda seem to have thought the same. Maybe it’s not technically incorrect, but at least it’s incomplete information how it’s currently written in the guide?

    I’m not interest myself in 550s, but I agree with EB that it probably would be best if these types of policies were included in the gameplay tips or something similar, if only so that everyone has the same information coming directly from the developer.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,026 Chairperson of the Boards

    There is a ton of stuff the developers don’t post like how leveling 5* too early can wreck MMR or the optimal way to grind PVE. These are things some players may never figure out, but if they stick around long enough, will likely find their way to a forum, Reddit, or Line chat. This is just how it is. This information isn’t “secret” per se. It just isn’t published by the developers themselves. But having said information definitely results in an advantage for those who have it and a disadvantage for those who don’t. Only my examples effect most players, whereas this cover swap think affects a very small percentage of players who are likely tapped into these online channels and at a minimum know how to reach out to CS directly for any questions about swaps.

    By the way, I doubt if you reach out to a developer, they will tell you to ask another player. If you ask a direct question I’m sure you’ll get a direct answer. Same as if you ask CS rep at a store where the return policy isn’t posted on the wall (those do exist).

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    You could shoot CS an email whenever you hit 550 on a Latest.
    That shouldn't happen by accident.
    And not every day.

  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,695 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Daredevil217 said:
    There is a ton of stuff the developers don’t post like…

    It might just be faster to list the things the devs do post. :)

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    Player B didn't do anything wrong.

    Companies change their policies all the time and they don't always advertise the change. Many times I've been surprised to find a policy change at a company I've done business with for years and had no idea things had changed. I am sure the end user agreement we've all never read says they have the right to change things without informing us.

    It comes back to the old maxim: "You don't get what you don't ask for"


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Also, you can't advocate for the devs to change things up for players on one hand - then expect their policies to stay the same until the end of time.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    There is no dev telling all these high, high endgame things but it could be because of different reasons.
    The game (and so devs) is only trying to entice the player. And it's not easy task, given how many hundreds of thousands of games there are.
    Obviously officially posting how to swap 550 covers, or even giving info on the game about it won't help to entice at all the big majority.
    Players should be the ones interested on optimally looking for it, and devs should keep trying their best on their own, that's ideally how it works the best.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,408 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    @entrailbucket said:

    @KGB said:
    Player B didn't do anything wrong.

    Companies change their policies all the time and they don't always advertise the change. Many times I've been surprised to find a policy change at a company I've done business with for years and had no idea things had changed. I am sure the end user agreement we've all never read says they have the right to change things without informing us.

    It comes back to the old maxim: "You don't get what you don't ask for"


    Are these companies competitive games, where knowing about the policy change provides a competitive advantage over other players?

    Nope. It's even more important than that. It's actual real life with real consequences (money / services / goods). That's something far more important than a competitive game that doesn't pay tangible real life rewards.

    Going forward the lesson is simply that when you contact customer service regarding cover swaps you should ask what the current policy is. This is something I always do when ever I contact customer service of any kind. You have no idea how many times you get offered something not officially listed anywhere.


  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    ** mod note. I removed a bunch of posts that were spreading misinformation about Broken Circle and 505 games policy on Latest Legends. Please refer to the forum rules, specifically Rule #8, on spreading misinformation. I apologize for letting the discussion get derailed in the first place.**

    Also, if you have an issue with either moderator of this forum, please discuss with S0kun via private message.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    Customer service replied to my ticket and told me that the swap policy is explained in this forum post, from 2018:


    They mentioned that changes have been made to the policy, but not necessarily to the post. They didn't have any information on why the policy only applies to Latest.

    It would still be nice if someone from the devs could update the post or create a new one with the current details of the policy, and let us know when changes are made.