Year-old bug: Crash when starting a match just before X o'clock [Investigating]

ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler

It's been years that there's been this issue. If you start a match just before the exact o'clock time, let's say 3:59.50PM, there's a chance that you'll get a "something went wrong" message and cannot be able to join your match. However it does count as a loss.

I just got plagued in the Seize the day event and lost 10 points to an issue that Oktagon is aware of for years! I already had doomed myself two years ago with the exact same bug and I sent you guys a ticket and... The bug is still out there.

Of course I usually look at what time it is before launching a game to escape this issue but from time to time I forget to do so. Anyway I don't think players should watch their watch before launching a match, right?

I think this issue might be related to the way the game has hourly routines starting at every hour o'clock. I think that if you get a match while the routine is launched, the system crashes: you get assigned to a match you cannot join.

Of course you "compensate" for the loss but that usually doesn't repair the loss of points. For instance I ended 100+ with only one lost match in Seize the day so to this bug, so you will give me the 50+ rewards. But that's far from what I could have got with the best rewards I could have achieved if I had the chance...

What can you guys do to fix this issue once and for all?



  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2023

    @Oktagon_Support last week during the coalition event a few of us were hit with a hard reset of the game exactly at 3:55 not limited to any more eastern standard time. I had zero reports during the week. now this weekend I am agian getting reports of hard resets to the game. exactly at 5 minutes to the top of an hour.
    1. the players effected are doing different things. its not limited to playing a coalition battle.
    2. it completely resets the game. so it have not screenshots.
    3. I can try to narrow down a spacific time for you. this list hit was exactly at. 11:55am eastern standard time. will double check that.

  • Taranis
    Taranis Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    edited January 2023

    I had today a hard reset at 17.55 CET , while searching for a opponent in the weekend event. Luckily the game hasn't begun. Game just force closed itself.

  • Jonster78
    Jonster78 Posts: 56 Match Maker

    I've actually seen this twice, its not just reatricted to coalition events. It happened during the weekend

  • FullMetalFiddler
    FullMetalFiddler Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    Happened to my team en masse yesterday at that time. Several dropped a coalition game. Our final placement in the event has been completely sabotaged.

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello @ertaii ,
    Thank you for all the information provided, this issue will be investigated!
    If you have any additional information that you consider relevant, please don't hesitate to send me 😊

  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    got hit at :55

  • Moggsy
    Moggsy Posts: 2 Just Dropped In

    Posting to corroborate
    In rotgp, about 0300 UTC, after attemptiing to fight bolas the message something went wrong (cancel/retry) kept popping up every time no matter how many retries.
    Again it counted as a loss even though the match never launched

  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    @Oktagon_Support multiple threads on this subject

  • Cimarronboy
    Cimarronboy Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    edited March 2023

    Not sure if they are a bug or tech issue but my game as of the last couple weeks has been freeze crashing. Most of the time it occurs during/after using a pw ability (has happened when not using pw abilities) and has occurred in both events and story. Literally have to close out the game and re-open/start it for the game to work again. Can't get battle logs due to game totally freezing.

    I'm on a Galaxy a71 5g as utd as can be (just had a system update yesterday morning that installed "One UI"), with the game also utd. Did usual trouble shoots (un/reinstall, settings adjustments, cache clear, checking for gstore updates) and I have posted about this on my coalitions discord. Not sure if this is an isolated issue or if others have experienced the same. Did take pics of the screens when frozen.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 696 Critical Contributor

    Several reports in our Discord of this bug happening at :25 during the Break the Powerstone event this weekend

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello guys,
    Thank you for all the information provided, this issue will be investigated!
    If you have any additional information that you consider relevant, please don't hesitate to send me 😊

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello @Cimarronboy ,
    Thank you for all the information provided, this issue will be investigated!
    If you have any additional information that you consider relevant, please don't hesitate to send me 😊

  • Squirrelbeast
    Squirrelbeast Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2023

    Some days after successfully plsying ONe the game started to randomly freeze after my interacrions. During navigation in menus, deck building and in-game.
    Animations like lighning flickers, but otherwise no response from the game - have to restart. The frequency makes playing impossible!
    I reinstalled, didn't help for longer than one day.

    Device: Samsung A71
    OS: Android 13

    Regards, Stefan

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards

    I have experienced this once so far. I believe I went from the event screen to the home page through the menu.
    Game froze without a loading circle as opposed to Stefan’s screenshot above.

    I shut down the app and restarted the app.
    Playing on a fully updated IPad Pro (iOS and app).

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello guys,
    Thank you for all the information provided, this issue will be investigated!
    If you have any additional information that you consider relevant, please don't hesitate to send me 😊

  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    we had hard crashes the other day. sending pics

  • ezrael1234
    ezrael1234 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2023

    We're seeing lots of reports of game crashes during Kamigawa Run this weekend.

    I had one last night at 9:08 pm in the middle of the battle. 4 coalition members reported crashes as well. And on the discord. A player posted "For me it was at 16:03 CEST (one and a half hour ago), I had just validated my deck for garruk b/g in the third match of You found an entrance. The game just closed itself and I was back to my android main screen.For [one player it was] in the in-game chat and got thrown off of the game, same minute as I had my issue. "

    Currently we are suspecting it was caused by the FblThp event being added (ie the on the hour data push bug). Lots of frustrated players here.

  • Blighted
    Blighted Posts: 22 Just Dropped In

    I can confirm that the game closed on me. I was in chat and the game closed and returned me to my phone screen.