Unpopular Opinions



  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Getting back on non trololol topic:
    I really like Loki. He's limited in what he is good at/for. but -once you get those covers in- is REALLY good at what he does.

    I am having a blast running Loki/Patch/OBW in the sim.
  • Unknown
    I really don't like Astonishing Wolverine. I leveled him 'cause he was pretty accessible and known as a good 2* but I realized he's not that good when I first maxed him. Oops, you should have maxed Ares instead. I only use him because A. I only have three maxed 2*s B. people with 1*/nonmaxed 2* teams think he's powerful, slightly deterring attacks.
  • Unknown
    I love threads like these so I thought I would start one. Please try and post actual unpopular opinions not stuff like 'Spidey's changes are ****' or 'I hate when the server goes down'. Thanks in advance.

    Some of mine-
    -Yelena Belova isn't THAT bad especially when you're first starting out. I prefer her to modern Black Widow.
    -Human Torch is one of the best characters in the game.
    -I really like modern Hawkeye.
    -Thor, OBW and mStorm are like the best combo ever and I've beaten teams of lvl 85s countless times with that combination (and my OBW isn't even maxed)

    I'll try and think of some others but for now, take it away!

    In case you're serious, I agree that yelena is actually quite good with dealing with CD tiles. I think she is underrated.

    2-star Daken, m.bw, and m.storm are a fearsome combo. Use them in the forest or desert for maximim enjoyment.
  • Abralicious
    Abralicious Posts: 56 Match Maker
    I was serious! I frequently see her listed as the worst character in the game and I just don't get it. Is she great? Hell no. But when you're first starting out and you just need to beat ANYONE, she can help a lot.
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    I really like bag-man, and am only about 5k ISO from bringing him up to 85. He's fun to play against goons, Switcheroo is a fun power (I respec'ed it to 5 and regret that now, but hey, it shouldn't be long before I get a blue cover to swap back), and Web Slinger has saved my bacon more than a few times. I often run him along with OBW on goon boards (like Coffee Break, for example) as Snarky Remark will often buy me the one more turn I need to make that next blue match and not get hit with a Tommy Gun that will team wipe me. OBW basically makes his blue and purple unnecessary, as hers are straight up better, but still Snarky Remark makes a nice little bit of insurance.

    Does he have problems? Absolutely. If I had my druthers I'd make Snarky Remark do something (nearly anything) when there are no countdown tiles on the board, and juggle bits of pieces of Switcheroo and Web Slinger around (personally, I'd like Switcheroo to swap tiles but not convert them into web tiles, then make Web Slinger convert tiles to webtiles rather than locking them, then re-cost as appropriate), but against goons, he's a lot of fun.
  • Unknown
    I would LOVE a lazy Moonstone.

  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I would LOVE a lazy Moonstone.

    If it means they fix up the normal one too I'm right there with you.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really like bag-man, and am only about 5k ISO from bringing him up to 85. He's fun to play against goons, Switcheroo is a fun power (I respec'ed it to 5 and regret that now, but hey, it shouldn't be long before I get a blue cover to swap back), and Web Slinger has saved my bacon more than a few times. I often run him along with OBW on goon boards (like Coffee Break, for example) as Snarky Remark will often buy me the one more turn I need to make that next blue match and not get hit with a Tommy Gun that will team wipe me. OBW basically makes his blue and purple unnecessary, as hers are straight up better, but still Snarky Remark makes a nice little bit of insurance.

    Does he have problems? Absolutely. If I had my druthers I'd make Snarky Remark do something (nearly anything) when there are no countdown tiles on the board, and juggle bits of pieces of Switcheroo and Web Slinger around (personally, I'd like Switcheroo to swap tiles but not convert them into web tiles, then make Web Slinger convert tiles to webtiles rather than locking them, then re-cost as appropriate), but against goons, he's a lot of fun.
    If you're just using him against goons, why bother leveling him? all his powers are level independent
  • famousfoxking
    famousfoxking Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    Spoit wrote:
    If you're just using him against goons, why bother leveling him? all his powers are level independent

    Because rocket launchers and flame throwers. Also, because I have a dream that he's in the queue somewhere for a buff. Don't take my dreams, they're all I have.

    Besides, it's only ISO, what else am I going to do with 70k? Actually, don't answer that.
  • Unknown
    Here's my unpopular opinion:

    The game is still a lot of fun and not at all stressful or time consuming. The trick is just to play casually. Personally I'm of the opinion that all mobile games are meant to be played this way anyway. I have my PC for hardcore competitive games - I have my phone for something to do on the **** or when I'm waiting for something.