Unpopular Opinions

Abralicious Posts: 56 Match Maker
edited June 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I love threads like these so I thought I would start one. Please try and post actual unpopular opinions not stuff like 'Spidey's changes are ****' or 'I hate when the server goes down'. Thanks in advance.

Some of mine-
-Yelena Belova isn't THAT bad especially when you're first starting out. I prefer her to modern Black Widow.
-Human Torch is one of the best characters in the game.
-I really like modern Hawkeye.
-Thor, OBW and mStorm are like the best combo ever and I've beaten teams of lvl 85s countless times with that combination (and my OBW isn't even maxed)

I'll try and think of some others but for now, take it away!


  • Unknown
    I love threads like these so I thought I would start one. Please try and post actual unpopular opinions not stuff like 'Spidey's changes are ****' or 'I hate when the server goes down'. Thanks in advance.

    Some of mine-
    -Yelena Belova isn't THAT bad especially when you're first starting out. I prefer her to modern Black Widow.
    -Human Torch is one of the best characters in the game.
    -I really like modern Hawkeye.
    -Thor, OBW and mStorm are like the best combo ever and I've beaten teams of lvl 85s countless times with that combination (and my OBW isn't even maxed)

    I'll try and think of some others but for now, take it away!
    How bout a word of explanation?

    Cos honestly - I have only one word in response to first three opinions of Yours - _why_?
  • Unknown
    I will play along.

    MPQ is really fun even with the changes! I can't stop playing!
  • Abralicious
    Abralicious Posts: 56 Match Maker
    Emeryt wrote:
    I love threads like these so I thought I would start one. Please try and post actual unpopular opinions not stuff like 'Spidey's changes are ****' or 'I hate when the server goes down'. Thanks in advance.

    Some of mine-
    -Yelena Belova isn't THAT bad especially when you're first starting out. I prefer her to modern Black Widow.
    -Human Torch is one of the best characters in the game.
    -I really like modern Hawkeye.
    -Thor, OBW and mStorm are like the best combo ever and I've beaten teams of lvl 85s countless times with that combination (and my OBW isn't even maxed)

    I'll try and think of some others but for now, take it away!
    How bout a word of explanation?

    Cos honestly - I have only one word in response to first three opinions of Yours - _why_?

    1. When you're a new player and all you can get for rewards is standard tokens with 1* covers, she can pack a decent punch, which is really what it's about as far as advancing. Especially when your Venom is injured or downed and you need someone with black. Don't get me wrong, I sold her a long time ago, but I think her reputation as being THEWORSTCHARACTER is undeserved. I lost way more times using modern Black Widow than I did with Yelena even when they were the same level.
    2. I should have prefaced this by saying that I am not at a level where I have lv141 Hood or anything wild like that but I can always count on him to do some solid damage. I really like him with OBW, which is probably also unpopular.
    3. This one I can't explain, hahaha. I think I've just gotten lucky with him, honestly.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I was still at 2 star level, I had a lot of success with pre-nerf Wolvie, Daken and M Hawkeye. The claw boys would tank and regen while Hawk avoided damage and stunned/did group damage.

    So he's not all bad, if you use him decently. Although if you don't use him well, Avoid will end up hurting your team more than it helps.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Moonstone is worthwhile to play with, especially in PVEs - her skills are suited to disposing of countdown tiles, even though her black is a bit too expensive. She synergises well with Daken; you're obliged to protect his red strike tiles anyway, giving Moonstone a stock of "ammunition" to power up her red ability. Her purple would be much improved by either letting the player select which tile to target, or doing damage in all circumstances.
  • Unknown
    This game is free to win. You don't have to spend any money at all.
  • Unknown
    1) Skipping 2* transition is a good choice.....................
    2) Not using HP to open roster slots is a good choice

    1) - I imagine this one makes people whince but I only ever got thorverine to 85 pre nerf and sold them (while better ISO offered) to pump up Pun & Hulk. These two with lvl 61 modern hawkeye (my only 2* above lvl 6) got me to the point of running a 3* team. I now also have a fully covered lvl6 OBW in my roster but not sure I will ever invest ISO into her.

    2) - Only invested around £30 into this game and only for shields or covers. This allowed me to use my shields sooner to get better placements in PVP and enhance 3* covers quicker.
  • Unknown
    I like Daredevil mechanics...but the problem is, I (often) only put him on defense.
    Really appreciate when your opponent is taking all the traps one by one.

    Remember one time, Patch + Shieldbro...killed in 1 turn ! Lucky time.
  • Exce1sior
    Exce1sior Posts: 30
    I love getting 5 ARES COVERS IN A ROW from my 2* or better reward tokens, as I already have him maxed. I don't want covers I can use, just give me stuff to sell! icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Unknown
    You don't need OBW. Just use Thor and Ares plus one other and smash your enemies in the face repeatedly.
  • Unknown
    Hoard your HP in an attempt to buy 3 star covers you need. Don't just blindly buy more roster slots; dump ****, redundant characters instead.
  • Unknown
    Ragnarok, while not OP like he used to be, is underrated. His green is much better than its reputation; if you save up enough to use it 2-3 or more times, it can become self-sustaining and a huge AP farm.
  • Exce1sior
    Exce1sior Posts: 30
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Hoard your HP in an attempt to buy 3 star covers you need. Don't just blindly buy more roster slots; dump ****, redundant characters instead.

    I like the sound of it, but then I'll get excluded from event "Essentials" or not have a powered up team for a restricted roster Heroic event and have to grind, grind, grind.
  • Unknown
    Exce1sior wrote:
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Hoard your HP in an attempt to buy 3 star covers you need. Don't just blindly buy more roster slots; dump ****, redundant characters instead.

    I like the sound of it, but then I'll get excluded from event "Essentials" or not have a powered up team for a restricted roster Heroic event and have to grind, grind, grind.

    Hence the thread name icon_e_wink.gif
  • Unknown
    repronaz wrote:
    Exce1sior wrote:
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Hoard your HP in an attempt to buy 3 star covers you need. Don't just blindly buy more roster slots; dump ****, redundant characters instead.

    I like the sound of it, but then I'll get excluded from event "Essentials" or not have a powered up team for a restricted roster Heroic event and have to grind, grind, grind.

    Hence the thread name icon_e_wink.gif

    This thread have the potential to become the biggest troll bait ever.
  • Unknown
    I strive to be like Klingsor when i grow up.
  • Unknown
    Phantron is NOT in love with Spiderman.
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    Phantron is NOT in love with Spiderman.

    It was raining, Spider-Man was upside down having an awkward conversation with Phantron, who went in for the kiss only to be told by Spider-Man, "I just don't see you that way"

    And thus began the nerf crusade. Magneto snickered at the end of the alley way, and that is how he got added to the crusade.
  • Unknown
    Clintman is a tool. icon_twisted.gif

    disclaimer:a big tool

    more disclaimer:a rusty tool at best
  • Unknown
    With a good strategy you don't get hit by teams of 3 Hammer-guys, Maggia, Brotherhood etc. - so it doesn't matter whether they are on Level 10 or scaled up to Level 350.