Unpopular Opinions



  • Unknown
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Ragnarok, while not OP like he used to be, is underrated. His green is much better than its reputation; if you save up enough to use it 2-3 or more times, it can become self-sustaining and a huge AP farm.

    Yup, I've been discovering this recently. I love pairing him with Loki and Dr. Doom in lightning rounds when they're all buffed. Once you build some AP momentum, here's what a single turn looks like: Thunderclap -> Godlike power -> (minor cascade) -> Illusions -> (minor cascade) -> Technopathic strike -> (BIG cascade) -> Summon demons -> Illusions and/or Godlike power again...

    Also, Bullseye is underrated (at least once he gets to 5 black covers)
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    Exce1sior wrote:
    I like the sound of it, but then I'll get excluded from event "Essentials" or not have a powered up team for a restricted roster Heroic event and have to grind, grind, grind.

    Essentials are (almost) always reserved for newer 3/4 star characters. That's MPQ's way of trying to extort new users into buying packs.

    When I say "****, redundant characters", I'm talking about most all of the two-star characters.

    Once you start fully making the 3 star transition, there is little point in keeping characters like Bullseye, Bagman, Modern Hawkeye, Captain America and even Dakan. Depending on how your ISO is invested, I could even see letting go of Magneto(NOW) or Moonstone.

    Those 7 characters alone represent about 3000 HP in savings (avg. 450 HP per slot) from not having to open new roster slots.

    Whatever you might 'miss' by losing those characters in a short-term event will more than make up for itself in buying almost 3 covers of a powerful 3 star hero. Someone you will use every day for months to come.
  • Unknown
    If you're playing PVE with 2* characters, a great team to take is OBW, Cap, and Moonstone. Within three or four turns even with a bad starting board you can overwrite any countdown tiles that you can't match, heal any damage that you somehow manage to take, and with Cap's ability to choose his target tiles you can essentially choose Moonstone's purple or black targets as well by eliminating all other options.
  • pmorcs
    pmorcs Posts: 126 Tile Toppler

    -Thor, OBW and mStorm are like the best combo ever and I've beaten teams of lvl 85s countless times with that combination (and my OBW isn't even maxed)

    Absolutely. There were a couple of nodes in the last Prodigal Sun sub that were nuking all the *** combos I could throw at them, but this unassuming trio could take them down with zero risk. Not quickly, mind you, but they could do it.
  • Unknown
    Justdangit wrote:
    repronaz wrote:
    Exce1sior wrote:
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Hoard your HP in an attempt to buy 3 star covers you need. Don't just blindly buy more roster slots; dump ****, redundant characters instead.

    I like the sound of it, but then I'll get excluded from event "Essentials" or not have a powered up team for a restricted roster Heroic event and have to grind, grind, grind.

    Hence the thread name icon_e_wink.gif

    This thread have the potential to become the biggest troll bait ever.

    Look ma, I dun found one said sumint silly!!

    https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/imag ... Kb7-T8YgQk
  • Unknown
    I mostly like the PvP MMR changes. It eliminated the tediousness of retreating all my guys every so often and decreased my playing time since I'll run out of health packs faster and have less desire to grind up the PvP ladder (I assume most people justifiably think decreased playtime is a bad thing). The only part I don't like is that I have to use my stronger cadre of dude(tte)s out the gate rather than messing around with unconventional teams.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    - The game is still a lot of fun to play.
    - The devs aren't completely shafting F2P players with every change.
    - The devs do listen to and act on our complaints, and I appreciate it.
    - I actually like the flood of new characters we're experiencing.
    - Black Panther isn't totally awesome.
  • akboyce
    akboyce Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    Guess I will post one I just made in another thread that may not be popular.

    It is better to over nerf a character than to under nerf one.

    Obviously the best thing is that PERFECT nerf that gets them just in line but between the options of over or under I think it is better to bring the hammer down on the side of over.


    With any nerf big or small we are going to have groans. Better to get it all out of the way with one big groan than having to do multiple nerfs to get someone in line resulting in multiple groans, having to do multiple of the sell back deals, and having the character still warping the environment in the mean time. Plus if you over nerf and the data shows that the character is under performing you can later buff them which will result in player happiness.

    OverNerf: Nerf -> RABBLE -> Character under used -> Buff -> HURRAH

    UnderNerf: Nerf -> rabble -> Character still a problem -> Nerf -> (more) Rabble
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    Moonstone is a better character than 2* Wolvie on offense. Gravity Warp is better than Wolvie's green, and one of the few active purples in the game; red abilities are pretty much the same; both third abilities really don't matter, but Moonstone's is better.
  • Unknown
    If you're playing PVE with 2* characters, a great team to take is OBW, Cap, and Moonstone. Within three or four turns even with a bad starting board you can overwrite any countdown tiles that you can't match, heal any damage that you somehow manage to take, and with Cap's ability to choose his target tiles you can essentially choose Moonstone's purple or black targets as well by eliminating all other options.

    Err, how you do that? Even with CMags who can kill 2 tiles for just 5U I wouldn't bet on consistent ability on turn 3-4. Let alone on a "bad" board which just fails to give you a single match of your wanted colors.

    So how then you manage the 11-12-17 APs that early? Those working with 8-9AP abilities can tell it's far from easy just get the 3 match worth of AP and the 4th match can only get available after mid-game, or not at all to finish. Barring "good" boards.

    I try to recall the number of retreats in heroic for 3 maggia maps...
  • Unknown
    Getting free 3* characters was a mistake D3P should never make again. Also, event tokens should have a 0.0001% chance of landing the featured heroes and 0.00001% chance of other 3*.
  • Unknown
    Moonstone is a better character than 2* Wolvie on offense. Gravity Warp is better than Wolvie's green, and one of the few active purples in the game; red abilities are pretty much the same; both third abilities really don't matter, but Moonstone's is better.

    So you say most players are just way too stupid, as you see a plenty of wolvies still and hardly any moonstone?

    Red is similar? After you collected the 11 reds the board will have 3-4 left, doing 1k, maybe little more. Nothing to compare with consistent 3200 for just 1 AP more. Calculate what board you'd need for equal outcome.

    Warp would be okay but too easy to get disrupted, so many special tiles of all colors. If at least you could fix the color of exchange. Claws got nerfed massively but still provide decent DOT if you play them with good timing.

    You get a chance for Moonie's black like every 100th game? At the point it is completely redundant? Yeah, fun but you won or lost at that point anyway. While W. regen brought him back from death several times not to mention the related surprizes when the opposition just healed up on me (happened a few times in the recent PVE too...)

    Unpopular vs. just not true -- there shall be some distinction.
  • Unknown
    Loki is actually pretty good.

    Pre-Spidey nerf, I was running 141 3/5/5 Punisher, 128 3/5/4 Spidey, 87 5/5 Loki and it was wonderful. Punisher did the damage, Spidey took care of the defense and whenever the board was unfavorable or I was 1 match away from an ability, Loki shuffling the board allowed me to get the match I wanted automatically or with the next move quite often. And at 5 AP, it wasn't uncommon for me to use it multiple times in a row which was great with the strike tiles.

    And as an insurance, if I was going up against Patch, Punisher or another special tile guy, I would always make sure I had 11 black available to keep board control when the opponent used one of their abilities that created the specials. Which reminds me, I should use him versus any Falcon's... stupid shields.
  • Abralicious
    Abralicious Posts: 56 Match Maker
    I really like Moonstone and when you're a newbie, an All Girls team of mStorm, Moonstone and one of the Russian broads is fun.
  • Unknown
    pasa_ wrote:
    Err, how you do that? Even with CMags who can kill 2 tiles for just 5U I wouldn't bet on consistent ability on turn 3-4. Let alone on a "bad" board which just fails to give you a single match of your wanted colors.

    So how then you manage the 11-12-17 APs that early? Those working with 8-9AP abilities can tell it's far from easy just get the 3 match worth of AP and the 4th match can only get available after mid-game, or not at all to finish. Barring "good" boards.

    I try to recall the number of retreats in heroic for 3 maggia maps...

    So it was a bit of an exaggeration I guess, maybe more like five turns. If OBW is 3/5/5 then you're pulling extra AP from most matches, fire off her purple to collect more of everything else. Plus the only unwanted color is green which is usually a good denial color so most starting boards won't be bad anyway.
  • Unknown
    pasa_ wrote:

    Red is similar? After you collected the 11 reds the board will have 3-4 left, doing 1k, maybe little more. Nothing to compare with consistent 3200 for just 1 AP more. Calculate what board you'd need for equal outcome.

    Maybe that would be true if you were matching red to the exclusion of all else. But in reality (at least for me, and I suspect most players) matching decisions are much more opportunistic, and I'm usually focusing on 2 or 3 colors, not just red. Furthermore, if there's a match-5, I'll obviously get it regardless of color, lots of matches come during cascades, and so forth. All this means that by the time you get 11 red for photon blast, I often find there are plenty of reds still on the board.
    pasa_ wrote:

    You get a chance for Moonie's black like every 100th game? At the point it is completely redundant? Yeah, fun but you won or lost at that point anyway. While W. regen brought him back from death several times not to mention the related surprizes when the opposition just healed up on me (happened a few times in the recent PVE too...)

    If you run her with OBW, you get a lot of black through espionage. I manage to use Moonstone's black about 3/4 of the time, not 1/100. Anyway, I don't know that Moonstone is better than Wolverine, but yes she can be good.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    tyru_yaka wrote:
    With a good strategy you don't get hit by teams of 3 Hammer-guys, Maggia, Brotherhood etc. - so it doesn't matter whether they are on Level 10 or scaled up to Level 350.
    And that works right up to the point where you get completely screwed over by a board that doesn't provide you either with what you need or any chance of getting to countdown tiles.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Putin isn't all bad. He has great taste in hats.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 727 Critical Contributor
    I'd quite like the AI to be a little smarter...

    A smarter AI would make beating similarly levelled opponents more of a challenge, and mean the game doesn't need to scale opponents up un-realistically in PVE to make any sort of challenge.

    I still think the AI would have to retain a level of fallibility and not make the absolutely perfect move, but it should at least eliminate some of the more dumb moves. Like placing an attacking countdown tile, then immediately matching it or always making the 4 in a row move when you can make the 5 L move.

    What's most frustrating is when they make a really dumb move (like 3 city environmental when there is lots of options) and then get a HUGE cascade out of nowhere...
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Punter1 wrote:
    What's most frustrating is when they make a really dumb move (like 3 city environmental when there is lots of options) and then get a HUGE cascade out of nowhere...
    If they get a huge cascade out of it, was it truly a really dumb move, then? Or was it efficient, robotic strategery? icon_e_wink.gif