***** Scarlet Witch (WandaVision) *****



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    KGB said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    KGB said:
    It may be that on an AOE, the damage isn't applied to the front character first. This may be why you see Switch take the full Tommy Gun damage and Quicksilver take less even though he may be in front.
    AOE may hit the middle character (from the team selection page before battle) first, then the left, then the right). We've never cared before since there has never been a power like hers before so we may not have noticed.

    I think the key is to when Wanda creates the charge. As she can't create the charge before an ally is hit, she doesn't get the benefit but they do as she then creates the charge before the damage is applied to her team mates. However, now that a charge is in place, it protects all moving forward.
    But that doesn't make sense based on when I just played her.  I had QS in front and let the Tommy Gun go off. She took full damage and QS took 40% less. Then I watched as her repeater did 2 charges worth of damage to the Muscle.
    That means her power recognized her team as taking damage twice since she stored 2 charges (correct). It also meant SHE took the first damage (100% worth), then the reduction kicked in and QS took 60% (also correct from the powers wording).
    The only quirky part is that she took AOE damage first as the non-front character. So either Switch secretly jumps to the front on AOE damage (unlikely) or AOE damage is applied based on team selection page (where she is the middle and thus 1st character) but we never noticed before because it never mattered.

    Maybe it is bugged then?
  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2021
    Thanks for the clarity guys. Be interesting to see how she works in the nodes to come next few days. 
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I will just say, finally a 5 to be exited about! It was about time!

    Still a bit early to know how meta she is going to be but at least it is great having some new char that I look forward on champing!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021
    as I as I play her in her introduction event I am wondering about 3 things.

    first with her purple power will it be better to use a an AP feeder over a supplemental damage?  For example running her with Apoc and having her purple feed red.

    2nd with her green how will someone like Apoc or Okoye work with this power?  On her own she will only add a small amount of damage but if each charge hits on its own Apoc and Okoye could add a ton of damage to this power.

    3rd I really want to know if her Purple will stack with Okoye and or Apocalypse.  
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021
    I managed to get an interaction where Tommy Gun went off, followed by Pistol going off on the same turn.

    When Tommy Gun went off, SW (in front) took full damage and stored a charge tile, allowing QS to take 40% lesser damage. When QS took damage, another charge was stored, allowing SW to take 80% lesser damage from Pistol. 

    On the next turn, over 1800 was dealt. So, SW will be the anti-iHulkoye because her repeater intercepts each hit of attack, including AoE, provided that the order of operation is consistent for passive power.

  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    One thing to consider is that she will boost powers but only depending on how much ap you have in that color. So if you're using her purple to generate ap for other powers, her boost is irrelevant.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anon said:
    One thing to consider is that she will boost powers but only depending on how much ap you have in that color. So if you're using her purple to generate ap for other powers, her boost is irrelevant.
    That is open to the player analysing of the board. In a long pve battle the normal option should be to choose a color not covered.
    Yet on a quick battle I would think it carefully.
  • Kwahder
    Kwahder Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    This might be awkward to set up, but could you see if Black Bolt’s yellow negates her blue level drop?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021
    In the first video, IHulk is level 454 with his Green Door dealing  5661 damage, with green match damage of 884.

    From 0:16, IHulk pops a green match-3 dealing 456 damage to him. Colossus reduce match damage by 83%. 456/(884*3)= 17.19%. That checks out.

    Next, a second match damage from a cascade takes a 25% match damage reduction. Since it's a green match-3 again, 456 + (456*75%) = 798, which checks out again.

    Ihulk destroys 2 green tiles. So, Colossus will take 17.19% * (884*2) = 303.91 rounded off to 304, which checks out.

    Finally the AoE... By now SW would have built up three charges, so enemy power will be minus 80%. 

    5661 * 20% = 1132, which checks out for non-Colossus. Colossus shows 304 + 1132 = 1436 damage due to inclusion of tile destruction.

    There should be 6 charges now.

    A match-4 and a Signal Boost by the enemy increased her charges to 8 now.

    However, she dealt 17730 damage next turn, which is equivalent to 9 charges.

    Did SW count IHulk's tile destruction as 2 charges? Or did I miss out something?

    In the second video, Enemy Apocalypse's level is 463, running on a 4/4/5 build. Survival of Fittest deals 3 hits of 4533.

    At 01:00 minute, Enemy's Apocalypse dealt 8160.

    Doing a quick calculation:

    4533 + (4533*60%) + (4533 * 20%) = 8159.4

    If only BRB's CD can intercept enemy's just like SW's repeater...

  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021

    Did SW count IHulk's tile destruction as 2 charges? Or did I miss out something?
    Based on the first video, the answer is yes. EDIT: turns out iHulk's tile destruction is one charge. Thanks @Pantera236

    On the player's second move, when Wanda's repeater activated, it dealt 17730 damage.

    On the player's third move, it dealt 11820 damage. This is where my confusion comes in.

    17730/9 = 1970

    Where the  charges came from:

    1: iHulk AoE
    2: iHulk AoE
    3: iHulk AoE
    4: Green match-3
    5: Green match-3
    6: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    7: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    8: Blue match-4
    9: Prof's Signal Boost damage

    11820/6 = 1970

    Where the 6 charges came from:

    1: iHulk AoE
    2: iHulk AoE
    3: iHulk AoE
    4: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    5: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    6: Green match-3
    7: Red match-3

    As you can see, the opponent did 7 hits of damage, but Mystical Feedback only did damage for 6.

    1970 is the damage Wanda's repeater does per charge stored. Thus iHulk's tile destruction counts as two charges, since it destroys two tiles.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2021
    That could be interesting against characters who destroys lot of tiles, like 4* Thanos. Is she going to store 32 charges?  :D

    450 SW deals 1970 per charge.

    Edit: You forgot the AoE. Add 3 more and you get 9.

    Is her Mystical Feedback considered buggy then?  :o
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    That could be interesting against characters who destroys lot of tiles, like 4* Thanos. Is she going to store 32 charges?  :D

    450 SW deals 1970 per charge.

    Edit: You forgot the AoE. Add 3 more and you get 9.
    Yup I edited my post. Now my confusion comes from the second round, as I've listed.
  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor

    Did SW count IHulk's tile destruction as 2 charges? Or did I miss out something?
    Based on the first video, the answer is yes.

    On the player's second move, when Wanda's repeater activated, it dealt 17730 damage.

    On the player's third move, it dealt 11820 damage. This is where my confusion comes in.

    17730/9 = 1970

    Where the  charges came from:

    1: iHulk AoE
    2: iHulk AoE
    3: iHulk AoE
    4: Green match-3
    5: Green match-3
    6: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    7: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    8: Blue match-4
    9: Prof's Signal Boost damage
    10. Proof's Signal Boost destroys an additional tile

    11820/6 = 1970

    Where the 6 charges came from:

    1: iHulk AoE
    2: iHulk AoE
    3: iHulk AoE
    4: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    5: iHulk destroys a Green tile
    6: Green match-3
    7: Red match-3

    As you can see, the opponent did 7 hits of damage, but Mystical Feedback only did damage for 6.

    1970 is the damage Wanda's repeater does per charge stored. Thus iHulk's tile destruction counts as two charges, since it destroys two tiles.
    Think this is where the "extra" charge is coming from here and the destroying two tiles is one charge
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Pantera236 ah that makes sense. I totally glossed over Prof's destroying a tile. Thanks!

    @HoundofShadow looks like we have an answer.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nice catch. All cleared. There's goes 32 charges.  :p:

    It seems like it's going to be a slow fight against SW from now on. But, there should be more variety in PvPs.
  • MadScientist
    MadScientist Posts: 317 Mover and Shaker
    In the videos, it looks like Kitty is more annoying than BRB and should be killed first.
  • talleman
    talleman Posts: 445 Mover and Shaker
    Thanos said:
    Still playing w/ her, but so far it's all about her green. blue is too expensive, rarely use it. Purple's ok, too bad you can't change the color it makes. Her green is good enough alone to make her worth having, just wish she had another damage source. So far Apoc is her best teammate for PVP. Any team requests let me know

    Would like to see a video with Switch/Iceman/DD

    Get 3 purple AP asap or start with boosts so that you can fire Switch purple. Choose blue and try to collect them asap. Iceman will spawn CD tiles and stun the enemy when matched. DD will do extra damage to stunned enemy and Switch will boost the damage with her Chaos magic.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Iceman will keep on draining blue ap, isn't it? 

    It has been confirmed that if you fire a power in the colour of Chaos Magic that you chose, it will apply the % boost to the power before draining it.

    Also, her Mystical Feedback seems to be counted as a single attack even if there are 8 charges.