**** Morbius (The Living Vampire) ****



  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    He is the best removal things in game, either special tiles or cds. With his blue he can remove anything, pve or pvp.
    My guess is him being as good as polaris he is not a feeder too.
    With this character hulkoye on pick 3 is totally free for to do what they want. 
    Another time Im asking for a 4* who can be a good counter to hulkoye teams since the first turn.
    For having the complete set of 4*s countering metas.
  • pestilentpangolin
    pestilentpangolin Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    It's worth noticing that just like old man daken before him, morbius *does* send ap to beta ray bill whenever he "removes" a protect, so that's not working as described.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's working as intended because if you match away one of his protect tiles, he will gain 1 blue and 1 green ap. However, he won't gain from the removal of his protect tiles.
  • Theghouse
    Theghouse Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    It's working as intended because if you match away one of his protect tiles, he will gain 1 blue and 1 green ap. However, he won't gain from the removal of his protect tiles.
    Thanks for confirming this.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Morbius at 1/1/1 against boosted Polaris is not an ideal way to showcase his abilities, lol.
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    I’ll say one thing , in his PvAI , in the first 22 matches I drew , not ONCE did I see BRB, Kitty, Grocket or Polaris. All those tinykittys who I’ve seen playing them for 6 months are either skipping this event or playing lame teams that iHulk tramples through . He will definitely change the meta heirarchy 
  • Chenpion
    Chenpion Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    So, in pick 2 PvPs against Polaris and Kitty/BRB/R4G, who are your choices to team up with Morbius?

    Polaris? Kitty? Okoye? BRB? Anyone else?

    I wanna know where you play, because I NEVER see Polaris with Kitty/BRB anymore.

    Just endless iHulk/Okoyes...
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2021
    I’ll say one thing , in his PvAI , in the first 22 matches I drew , not ONCE did I see BRB, Kitty, Grocket or Polaris. All those tinykittys who I’ve seen playing them for 6 months are either skipping this event or playing lame teams that iHulk tramples through . He will definitely change the meta heirarchy 
    It is odd they released a Polaris or BRB/Kitty counter before a ihulk counter. Onslaught was an attempt at a Okoye counter, but too rng dependent to be effective probably. That being said, Polaris definitely needed another four star counter to combat the endless hoard every PvP.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hardly see any iHulkoye in Simulator once I hit past certain points. While climbing up from 1700 to 2000, I get a lot of BRB/Kitty/Polaris thrown at me. I have more than 5 5* champed and their levels aren't more than 460.

    These are my opponents in Sim after crossing 2000:


    Anyway, I tried Kitty/Apocalypse/Morbius against Polaris and Britty.


    I think it should work even better if I have Morbius's black with 5 covers. I will be able to make use of their Polaris to trigger my Kitty's Circuit Breaker every two turns for over 10k damage even faster, and then gain ap from the last destroyed tile. 

    Also, notice that BRB gained only 1 green and 1 blue ap after I destroyed one of his protect tiles. The removed protect tile doesn't trigger his passive ap gain.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,490 Chairperson of the Boards
    Morbius is one of those rare new releases where the loaner is pretty useful in his PvP despite being underpowered, that is always nice to have.
  • fractalvisions
    fractalvisions Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    Morbius at 1/1/1 against boosted Polaris is not an ideal way to showcase his abilities, lol.
    Actually, maybe it kind of is. Just for fun, I decided to go up against a Polaris + R4G team with two 3* (Quicksilver and Colossus). Whilst it wasn't easy, I did manage to win. Now putting him with Apcalypse and Chavez, I can get through a Polaris match whilst sustaining much less damage than usual. So it's a little surprising that there's still Polaris everywhere.
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Morbius at 1/1/1 against boosted Polaris is not an ideal way to showcase his abilities, lol.
    Actually, maybe it kind of is. Just for fun, I decided to go up against a Polaris + R4G team with two 3* (Quicksilver and Colossus). Whilst it wasn't easy, I did manage to win. Now putting him with Apcalypse and Chavez, I can get through a Polaris match whilst sustaining much less damage than usual. So it's a little surprising that there's still Polaris everywhere.
    Yeah, I agree he is certainly showing promise at 1/1/1. Morbius still only removes one strike tile with one cover so when I actively target my own strikes my Polaris can kill either Morbius in one turn or Polaris in two to three turns. I would like to say I've seen more non-Polaris higher up, but I was targeting Karnak, Chavez teams in the Beast PvP. I have been doing the same here. Once Morbius removes three I don't think I would be comfortable targeting Karnak. Hell, I have him removing two and it helps if the opposing AI accidently matches one of my strikes away (allowing the opposing Polaris to create her own) instead of matching team up tiles like it is supposed to. 
  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 888 Critical Contributor
    Can anyone confirm if the yaro root support helps morbius' blue or not? Thought I was being clever but I don't think he's getting the bonus heal from his repeater, thanks in advance
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2021
    Can anyone confirm if the yaro root support helps morbius' blue or not? Thought I was being clever but I don't think he's getting the bonus heal from his repeater, thanks in advance
    Yaro root works as expected granting him the healing bonus.
    By the fact I can confirm his blue is true healing and that it makes it even more interesting. 
  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 888 Critical Contributor
    Yeah just tried it out myself, to quote palpatine "good........good"
  • ArchusMonk
    ArchusMonk Posts: 219 Tile Toppler
    I’ll say one thing , in his PvAI , in the first 22 matches I drew , not ONCE did I see BRB, Kitty, Grocket or Polaris. All those tinykittys who I’ve seen playing them for 6 months are either skipping this event or playing lame teams that iHulk tramples through . He will definitely change the meta heirarchy 
    Your MMR is too high. As a 4* player I still see tons of those teams. Not only that, I’m still successfully using Polaris Grocket in this PVP. I don’t see why that will change even when people have 5 black Morbius. I believe that everyone predicting the death of Polaris in PVP are probably not actually playing her in 4* land. I will still use her because there is nothing faster. The existence of Morbius does not change that. She was already terrible on defense. Morbius doesn’t change that.  Morbius does add another defensive deterrent, but those already existed in the form of Sabre and Medusa and a couple others. He basically adds another team I’ll tend to skip, but his adoption rate would have to be extremely high for it to affect my game, and I’m not sure why that will happen since he doesn’t seem to speed up killing in any meaningful way. In fact, he probably won’t even replace Sabretooth on my Grocket-hunting team. 
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2021
    I’ll say one thing , in his PvAI , in the first 22 matches I drew , not ONCE did I see BRB, Kitty, Grocket or Polaris. All those tinykittys who I’ve seen playing them for 6 months are either skipping this event or playing lame teams that iHulk tramples through . He will definitely change the meta heirarchy 
    Your MMR is too high. As a 4* player I still see tons of those teams. Not only that, I’m still successfully using Polaris Grocket in this PVP. I don’t see why that will change even when people have 5 black Morbius. I believe that everyone predicting the death of Polaris in PVP are probably not actually playing her in 4* land. I will still use her because there is nothing faster. The existence of Morbius does not change that. She was already terrible on defense. Morbius doesn’t change that.  Morbius does add another defensive deterrent, but those already existed in the form of Sabre and Medusa and a couple others. He basically adds another team I’ll tend to skip, but his adoption rate would have to be extremely high for it to affect my game, and I’m not sure why that will happen since he doesn’t seem to speed up killing in any meaningful way. In fact, he probably won’t even replace Sabretooth on my Grocket-hunting team. 
    I think Morbius is supposed to act as a deterrent in a way that doesn't necessarily directly benefit the Polaris meta. As you mention, Sabertooth potentially destroying multiple special tiles feeds Polaris. Morbius removing them hurts her, which potentially allows Karnak, America, or others to thrive a bit more. I agree with you though, Polaris should still be top of the meta in spite of Morbius. Hopefully she just won't be ubiquitous as one approaches 8-900 pts in PvP. 
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2021
    And Morbius can slow her down from round 1 with nearly any type of enemy tile. Whereas Sabertooth needs strike tiles which is more character specific. And Medusa also needs a couple rounds to get going as well.
    I'm just glad because so far this is another counter to Polaris and she can still do her thing in PVE.
  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    The Morbius/ Polaris combo double shot against tiles with a power booster I’m finding offensively is clearing the battle in 3 to 5 moves . Regrettably this still feeds BRB even faster , moving him up the meta chart . But except for Hulkoye and BRB he can handle all the others , especially Kitty and Carnage