What's New MPQ (Updated 11/18/20)



  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Didn't we already get Polaris boss rewards? Between shards and saved covers I'm already at like 8 and I only drew one natural, shouldn't it be someone more recent?
    They rotate the most recent 4-stars, and we see them in rewards more frequently. Red Guardian isn't in tokens yet. The latest three 4's are Polaris, Negasonic, and Elsa. If it weren't Polaris, it would very likely be one of the other two (or possibly a much older classic 4). If anything, the fact that she's popular makes it a good thing she's the choice again.

    But the short answer is that she IS recent.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Didn't we already get Polaris boss rewards? Between shards and saved covers I'm already at like 8 and I only drew one natural, shouldn't it be someone more recent?
    Yes, in the last boss event she was the alliance reward. She's one of the very best 4s in the game though so I'm ok with it.

    Also, for those that don't know yet Heimdall is featured in Webbed Wonder and not Mags although the 5* shards in progression are for Mags.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think if they do include 5* shards, they will give only between 15 to 30 shards, and 50 shards if I'm really optimistic.

    As a reference:

    For progression, SCL 8 and 9 give 50 5* shards.

    For placement, only top 1 get 25 shards in SCL 8 and zero shards for the rest, and 50 for top 1 and 25 for top 5 and top 10 in SCL 9.

    Introducing... gives 15 5* shards.

    One possible way they give more is they change the levels of enemies and bosses in alliance event to be based on the MMR of the highest level player in the alliance. So, if any one of your teammate has champed 5*, everyone faces enemy found in SCL 9/10 hard nodes right at the beginning.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think if they do include 5* shards, they will give only between 15 to 30 shards, and 50 shards if I'm really optimistic.

    As a reference:

    For progression, SCL 8 and 9 give 50 5* shards.

    For placement, only top 1 get 25 shards in SCL 8 and zero shards for the rest, and 50 for top 1 and 25 for top 5 and top 10 in SCL 9.

    Introducing... gives 15 5* shards.

    One possible way they give more is they change the levels of enemies and bosses in alliance event to be based on the MMR of the highest level player in the alliance. So, if any one of your teammate has champed 5*, everyone faces enemy found in SCL 9/10 hard nodes right at the beginning.
    But then you would be punishing players with weaker rosters just because one player in their alliance is a 5* player. It would be better to add a round 9 that has 5* shards as the final reward.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    I think that could work, just like how they threw in SpiderHam cover for those top alliances. But, what is the bare minimum number of shards you think is reasonable? Top alliances can finish 8 round within 24 hours. Adding another round probably adds in another 12 hours.
  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 428 Mover and Shaker
    If SCL was added to Alliance events it could be done. No change to the Alliance element and points earned, but side nodes scale according to the SCL chosen by the individual player. Personal progression rewards could then be linked to the SCL and reward 5* shards accordingly.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    If that's the case, can boss event still considered alliance event because it doesn't embody the spirit of "oneness"? 
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like that idea, @Ptahhotep

    And yes, they could still be a proper alliance event, @HoundofShadow.  Just have alliance progression rewards, like we already do.  The 3 4* covers, then the LT... then something else... another LT?!  I dunno!  

    In other words, each player's stuff is still giving points towards an alliance total, no matter what SCL they are in, but make the individual progression rewards enticing enough so that people will wanna go for higher SCLs for personal gain.  But -- make the alliance progression rewards require enough points where you need at least X amount of players completing "so many" nodes so for everyone to gather those rewards.

    It'd be quite the numerical balancing act... but I believe it's possible.  Oh, and of course, there will be more complaints than praise for it.  Alliances of 20 people will be mostly okay, but smaller alliances will have to crack down harder, and then there's those alliances of 20 where only like 5 people do the work -- in other words, there'd be more people upset by it than pleased --- UNLESS... they actually made the alliance rewards reachable by, say, 8 full-progression players.  Something where people might rethink their alliance structure, or search out new ones, or whatever, but it's not TOTALLY unfeasible for the every-man.

    I'm obviously spit-ballin' here.  I don't have metrics to back my thoughts -- just my own experiences and imagination.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    What were the two "new" alliance events where everyone got to essentially choose an SCL? Places of Power and a spider man one maybe? The point structures in those were a mess for any alliance that wasn't ultra coordinated, it really didn't work at all as implemented. 


  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    In that case, wouldn't alliances simply choose SCL 1 because the amount of points earned towards alliance rewards won't fluctuate according to difficulty level? 

    I remember Places of Powers being an event of mathematical calculation. The first player will dip into the event and clear all the nodes, then calculate how many players were needed for that choice. Only top alliances could coordinate well on the second day. Besides the complain about the dev not revealing the number of points, the other complain was alliances having members who do things their own way, thus causing the disruption of optimal reward paths. :D It happened in my alliance too and it was a little disappointing. 

    The other event was Sinister 600?, which ran after PoP. I can't remember much about the event, except that the rewards weren't as good as PoP.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2020
    That's all true.  I guess I was thinking more simply?

    Both of those events had something that our current boss events don't have -- separate paths... am i right?

    And why would alliances just choose SCL 1?  I mean, lets just imagine for a moment -- SCLs 1 thru 10 have better rewards (and harder fights) the higher you go.  If you all choose SCL 1.... cool.  You win -- a shiny new 2* cover!  Yay!  Whereas SCL 10 might give 250 5* shards (after all, we get that individually from a PvE event, and boss events usually take the place of a PvE event).  I mean -- why would high level players want to scale their fights down for less rewards, if they're totally capable of more (in a feasible amount of time)?  Once again, this is where personal rewards for personally chosen SCLs have to be good enough to entice the individual, and at the same time, challenge the player a bit.  The alliance wouldn't need an overall SCL -- just give rewards based on points earned across all players in the alliance.

    This reminds me -- I had this thought recently about them too.  Since when we log into the event, it "locks" us in, maybe the devs could make a scaling chart of points required, based on the amount of players in the event.  Bear with me for a second -
         Assuming you can't join as a 1 person alliance... and using the term "full progression" as a points measurement....
         2 players join = 1.25 players full progression for max alliance rewards
         3 players join = 1.6666~ players full progression....
         4 players join = 2.25 players full progression....
         and continue from there.  This is just me throwing out numbers, mind you.  The point is, the alliance reward points can be altered based on how many players from your alliance JOIN, instead of how many TOTAL alliance players you have.  After all, the game already recognizes who's joined and who hasn't... so lets use that!  This would allow people to get rewards for playing as a group, without getting penalized because a player or two took a vacation that weekend.  I realize that they'd need to have a full chart of points requirements and rewards for each amount of players -- but that's just (supposedly) 19 reward charts.  And its probably something that can be made based on on a mathematical constant, like 66% of ([individual progression reward requirement] multiplied by [number of players joined]).  Once again, theoretical values here.

    As boss events stand now, we all just do the same thing.  And that could remain for alliance rewards.  All that coordination and "scouting ahead" and all that wouldn't be necessary if we all are doing the same thing.  Keep the boss events as is.

    I guess I was speaking from a place of 'keep the current boss events as they are, but add in an extra layer of reward opportunities'.  After all, people still complain that boss events don't hand out enough value -- and I honestly only believe that's because those same people are done with the event within 24 hours, and thus, they're left with a few days where they're doing nothing (but PvP & DDQ). 

    Personally, I don't have those complaints, because my alliance completes all 8 rounds, but over 3 days minimum.  Gives me plenty to do.  But hey, I'll throw ideas out there when I think of them.  :)
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I don't think you could scale the total progression points dynamically without creating some problems. Imagine you join and event and get to round three before anyone else joins - what happens when the next person joins? Do they get the round one and two rewards? Do the additional points required for one and two get added to round three? If you're within a few points if finishing round three and then everyone dives in your progress would look like it was falling really fast... 

    It's not impossible to do of course but it would make things a lot more complicated and would need a fair bit of work to figure out, and resolve, those problems ahead of time. 
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right, right... but I think it'd be worth it.  It's highly annoying when people don't contribute any help to an alliance thing, so... if you were to have alliance progression rewards, I figured you'd need to have it based on amount of players in it.

    Yeah, if you're in it alone, and you get to round 3, I think you'd have to treat it something similarly to current PvP.  You earn the rewards based on the current situation... but just imagine, in PvP, if you get knocked down a couple hundred points, you don't re-earn the rewards coming back up... so, in a similar fashion, you've already "earned" those rewards at those tiers, that now have a farther away target number than what they once did.  If you're at 22k points, and you earned the 20k point prize, but now it moved to 25k points due to player(s) entering, you still already earned that prize... now you just got a further amount of points to go, HOWEVER, you now have alliance-mates helping you get there.

    And yes, just like alliance events now, if players 3 and 4 and so on join in, and the alliance already has enough points to earn rewards 1 thru whatever, yes, the new player just earns them for doing nothing more than joining.  Just like joining an alliance thing now, where you can be 4 rounds deep, a person joins, and they get the rewards for the previous rounds completed without them.

    Again, it's just me spitballin' ideas, here... but this is nothing that we don't already see at varying levels in the game.
  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 428 Mover and Shaker
    Surely the simple solution would be to award the same number of points regardless of SCL. Then it wouldn’t matter what SCL a player chose for the alliance element; that would work in the same way as it does now. The choice of SCL would only affect the difficulty and the node and personal progression awards.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ptahhotep said:
    Surely the simple solution would be to award the same number of points regardless of SCL. Then it wouldn’t matter what SCL a player chose for the alliance element; that would work in the same way as it does now. The choice of SCL would only affect the difficulty and the node and personal progression awards.
    EXACTLY.  Stop all this "different points" non-sense... as long as the personal progression rewards are worth it, people will go up to higher SCLs.
  • RGV123
    RGV123 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Guessing at the 4-star ... maybe Eros, the brother of Thanos.  He was passionate and stubborn.
  • Sithforever
    Sithforever Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    Scorpion 🦂 
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,018 Chairperson of the Boards
    RGV123 said:
    Guessing at the 4-star ... maybe Eros, the brother of Thanos.  He was passionate and stubborn.
    And his superpower was basically roofies. I'm thinking that Marvel hopes we gradually forget about him...
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    So I've been on a hiatus for a while, can anyone fill me in-- since when do we get Latest Legends tokens for the boss event (alliance+personal progression) rather than 2 tokens for the new Legendary store?
    That's new to me, when did they change that?