Elsa SHIELD : First one might not finish



  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
    pheregas said:
    I did it with Loaner Elsa, my champed Doom (457), and champed Immortal Hulk (450).  Collect yellow, blue and black.  Punch tiles with Elsa, nuke with Doom black, then if I see that there is enough AP for the AI to launch a power, I make sure Hulk is right there up front, ready to eat that knuckle sandwich.

    When he springs back to life, drop the yellow team heal from Doom.

    Did it on my first try, no AP/damage boosts either.  
    Not picking on you but I guess I am.  In my initial post I said, specifically, my Doom and IH are undercovered.  I get that I could do this if they were champed but I don't have them champed.  Was curious how people did this with non-champed GED and IH.
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,018 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Boy some of you work hard.

    I did what any sane player would do in these situations. I brought a Whales TU and +2 TU AP.
    You know, I'd never seen a starting board with only three TU tiles before...
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did mine first try just a bit ago... champed Apoc got it done.  Skip to 8:30~ish to start that part of the vid.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Champed Apocalypse and Champed Doom took care of things. Had a terrible board, and Apoc was the only one standing at the end, but a win is a win.
    When I need someone to basically 1v3, I usually pick Kitty. Try to get her red and yellow fired early and boost those tiles. Bring a TU that also drops specials, like something from Hela, JJ, or even a 3* Falcon.
  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    One of my alliance did the Day 2 node with Polaris. I tried the same and did it first time. We both have low level Dooms. You need to be able to match specials early though. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    One of my alliance did the Day 2 node with Polaris. I tried the same and did it first time. We both have low level Dooms. You need to be able to match specials early though. 

    Really? Wouldn't think that would work without someone boosting them, too.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Legion really does work, and he should be pretty widely champed given the increased 4* cover rate for new releases.  I used loaner Elsa + a 255 2/0/0 GED + a 271 legion (I boosted +2 purple). Won on my second try (and I gave up on the first try after a nasty enemy cascade).  Elsa and GED both died just before the decoy.  I chewed through 200k health on riri + Bobbi with just legion
  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 594 Critical Contributor
    for the Riri/Mockingbird/minion, you gotta take the minion out first. that way riri won't keep you airborne. So nuke that guy, or stun them.

    I have a champed Apoc, and got lucky. rushed yellow, then was able to black, then red them with minimal.

    I'll probably do the same next round, with a Whales team up I would guess.

  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    I just went with 3* Deadpool and some purple boosts. Chase purple and then whale them. Saves you from asking for Whales teamups (and getting completely different ones or getting A Little From The Top). Took me two tries, mainly because DP jumps in front to take the damage and his HP are quite puny.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dogface said:
    I just went with 3* Deadpool and some purple boosts. Chase purple and then whale them. Saves you from asking for Whales teamups (and getting completely different ones or getting A Little From The Top). Took me two tries, mainly because DP jumps in front to take the damage and his HP are quite puny.
    That's what I had to do.  Felt a bit cheating but that did the job.  Hate that I had to use the Whales, considering I have 18 champed 5s and every 4 champed except Elsa.  This game sometimes, SMH.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Got it first go with a 3/5/2 Doom (lvl 405), and 277 Valkyrie (thanks for the tip!)
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    Dogface said:
    I just went with 3* Deadpool and some purple boosts. Chase purple and then whale them. Saves you from asking for Whales teamups (and getting completely different ones or getting A Little From The Top). Took me two tries, mainly because DP jumps in front to take the damage and his HP are quite puny.
    That's what I had to do.  Felt a bit cheating but that did the job.  Hate that I had to use the Whales, considering I have 18 champed 5s and every 4 champed except Elsa.  This game sometimes, SMH.
    Yeah, it isn't my favourite thing to do either, but these particular matchups are so constrictive. My Doom is 5/3/1 but still at lvl 255 so cannon fodder. Elsa isn't too impressive too, and any champed 5* one might bring to the match probably has lower HP than Riri and Mockingbird. And even then, it has to have some synergy with the other two.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,413 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, my GED is only 2/2/2 so essentially worthless in this fight.  Whales was the way to go!
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was thinking the newer 5* like Deadpool should be able to handle this node with ease. He can absorb green, red and blue ap passively, and everyone have uses for these three colours. His Penance Fare is cheap and can be fired often. If opponent fires Bombshell or Remote Gauntlet, just offer your teammates as sacrifice and hit them back hard with Penance Fare. On top of that, he has a stun to boot. Since Mockingbird's strongest colour is red, potentially, you could destroy his red CD and stun her for two turns.

    He's my ideal model of character who can do the following:

    1) steals ap from enemies, like Talos/4*Wasp 
    2) packs an offensive power
    3) stuns opponent

    Unfortunately, I don't have this guy champ.  If not, he would be my swiss-knife of ST 5* node, instead of Valkyrie.

    Legion is also really good at suppressing aps.
  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 246 Tile Toppler
    Whales for me too.I had two dead while they were barely touched before I hit my 14th teamup. I will do the same for tomorrow’s beating too.

    One slot really limits your options and this node has always been nasty.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just used Legion. Use black to go invisible, blue to fortify the tiles and purple to suppress their ap.

    Takes forever and a day but works reliably.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used Kitty and it wasn't too difficult. Doombot would put out a special tile and then she would kill it. My only screwup was focusing on Mockingbird first and not Riri as Riri hit me with her gauntlets which hurt. I had a Polaris teamup so after I killed off MB I stunned Riri and then took her out and Doombot was an easy kill. Tomorrow, however, I shall be dropping whales.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mr_F said:
    Loosie said:
    Ultimately though I learned form Negasonic Teenage Warhead
    What I learned is that dev are lazy here with same node every SHIELD training and that those thougher nodes are poorly designed. I mean they are designed not to be tough but frustrating as YOU KNOW you can beat them but...

    I say it other words: Crash of the titans. I have managed to beat with one cover characters and even the ones when I have champed 4* arent piece of cakes every time. THIS i how you make challenging node. While day 2-4 4* & 5* nodes are same every time with same problems every time: none of the teams we have to use are designed to face that danger. With Negasonic I had 4/2/4 lv 375 5* Storm and EVEN with that BOTH Storm and Negasonic were hindrance for me in that node. BOTH! Storm was nothing more that a meat ball to be eaten. I just whaled it. What is the point in nodes when solution is always same:
    1. High leveled Okoye/Apocalypse
    2. Invisibility. Tons of.
    3. Valkyrie.
    4. Whales.

    Devs just made Mockinbird/Riri/Decoy node and throw every Training the new 4* and required 5* to face them. Wow. I just do what I did last time.

    Let say... what would be better/challenging opponents here for today 5* node? Maybe if I could think a bit more I could came up with 2-3 CHALLENGING and NOT MUCH FRUSTRATING opponen's teams.
    I’ve used Thor, Kitty, and Yelena for these (depending on the 4* character and 5* I’m saddled with). You’ve mentioned Apoc/Okoye/Valkyrie. Apparently Polaris and Hulk have worked for others too. I like Hound’s Deadpool idea as well (I’d definitely try it with a team that’ll tank for Pool a lot).

    If you are a 5* player with a decent roster (mine are all baby champs- did this one with 451 Yelena), these nodes should be manageable.

    If you are not, then these nodes probably aren’t for your roster level. But I’d be grateful that unlike say COTT, you can bring ANY character you want (including invisible-spam), boosts, and any team-ups you desire (including whales). I think these nodes were meant to be for end game rosters but rather than complaining, I’d be happy there are avenues for almost everyone to get rewarded. 
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lazy event? Like always. But you can bet if nodes were rotating it could be for to eliminate the usual ways to pass them.
    My GE is 3 covers, so Xavier saved the day another time. With a fortifier support is a walk in the park.
    On the first day she faced a low leveled ihulk, as if she was the ultimate ihulk slayer. That was funny. But ihulk could take the place of riri as I said.
    Without her red power truly active elsa cannot do too much. Compare her with the time used when polaris shield training was running.
    At least my LL is taking the road to my pocket so I can be glad.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 723 Critical Contributor
    @Daredevil217 This nodes are poorly designed. They put out every tinikitty off me because I KNOW I can beat them, not with easy, but I struggle because they are designed to NOT take into consideration WHAT character we are supposed to use! And to be not challenging for -  ta dam - 5* players. AND we are speaking about FOUR STAR EVENT. They should be designed with 4* in mind. BUT not just champed 4* but something like near maxed ones, so not every 4* player would cakewalk them.

    With such cases, 5* players would just bam through them and 4* players would be challenged.
    If these event was for new 5* then ok, 4* players shouldnt be able to do them. But its opposite.