Welcome to SHIELD



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2020
    Loosie said:
    Vhailorx said:
    I got it (thing/mordo/star-lord) done straight up with wasp (I have a champed wasp around lvl 310, and a 1-cover storm). My suggested strategy:
    (1) boost +2 blue asap and try over and over until you get a board that allows you to collect 6 more blue ap one the first (via cascade) or second turn.
    (2) play VERY conservatively, as an enemy cascade is WAY worse for you than just about any other outcome.  avoid leaving high-value matches to the ai, and pay attention to their ap (plus whatever color wasp is about to steal). 
    (3) wherever possible collect red and black (bearing in mind that this is less important playing conservatively). Storm's black charged tiles should be a priority, both because you need the black and because letting the ai have it is very risky.  Neg can eat one cast of the black if the board doesn't have too many charged tiles out, but more than that is likely a wipe.
    (4) once you have 14-21 black and 18 red, AND have destroyed 6 charged tiles, stun the ai team (first star lord, then thing, and mordo if he has enough ap to be dangerous. this consistently did not proc thing for me, somehow). 
    (5) cast red x2 on star-lord.  This should kill him. 
    (6) while the enemy is stunned, chase charged black matches as much as possible.  use Neg's yellow if the board is unfavorable.  If you can collect 14 black every three turns, you can stunlock the ai team. 
    (7) While doing the above, use red and green to drop mordo.
    (8) finish thing at your leisure
    if you can keep them stun locked for a while, then wasp will eventually drain almost all their ap, and you can generally afford to let them have a move or two if you are short on black. But be wary because there will likely be a lot of charged tiles on the board by now, and if they get lucky you might be in trouble.
    Using this strategy, I am about 1/10 so far.  so be prepared to use a pretty good number of boosts and healthpacks.
    You need to be very lucky with the board to do this. My lvl 297 Wasp lasted 3 turns.
    I said I had a 10% win rate and only really got deep into the match 2-3 times.  Of course you need lots of board luck.  But them's the breaks when you are playing against level 575 opponents with a **** 4* loaner, a token 5*, and 1x 4* champ.  That is a difficult thing to do. 

    All I can say is, to the extent possible, make your own luck with my (2) above.  Play extra carefully.  When the lower portion of the board is favorable to you (ie has no dangerous matches in colors you are trying to denh the ai), make matches at the top and towards the edges to leave only bad options for the ai.  Don't chase colors if the result will give the enemy good matches.  if you just grab the first match you see each time the ai will probably eat you alive.  And remember that all that caution is necessary but not sufficient.  You also need to get lucky.
  • Orglmeister
    Orglmeister Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    DAZ0273 said:
    Well 4* Wasp didn't work in the slightest.
    Worked for me, did take 10 tries though.
  • StormDragonE55
    StormDragonE55 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In

    As for Day 3 nodes, 4* Wasp (3/5/5) definitely work. Aim for 8 blue ap, follow by black charged tiles, yellow, red and finally green matches. If you want to speed up, use +2 blue ap. Use Storm's yellow to create more black tiles, while using her green to destroy tiles to make matches. I stun Starlord first usually, followed by whoever is the next dangerous.

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!   While my Storm didn't hang around long, I did finally manage to get through that 5 star node.  Took a couple of tries and Nega/Wasp were hanging in by their finger nails, they managed to beat them.
    Did I remember to say 'THANK YOU!!!!'?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't get me wrong - I completely understand the Wasp tactic but you need things to go your way big time to keep up the stun lock. Not happened for me yet.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx said:
    Alfje17 said:
    This is the first SHIELD training I haven't been able to finish in about a year and it hurts.
    The Riri node is just killing me time and time again.
    Nega is just $%!£ and my 5/5/2 Storm isn't much better and neither tank purple, so my Pool gets slaughtered within 3 turns (in 15 attempts I once got to 9 purple after which Riri wiped my team).
    This is after I gave up using half-Thor, even with all boosts, I got wiped.
    I will try one more time with an invisible toon if I have an hour spare time, but after that I give up.
    It's nice to realise that my transitioning to 5* roster was better than my current one with all 4* champs and a bunch of 5* champs... or maybe it just proves that Nega is utter garbage.

    Use a whales teamup.

    That only works if youj actually get one.  Everytime someone gives me one, I get a Red DP TU.
    If their roster space / HP situation allows for it, ask for people to roster a purple cover only Deadpool that can be used to send whales.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    Speaking of Whales...I actually don't have enough DP points to do it right now! I mean...how did that happen? I don't even use super whales that often...guess I had better break out 3DP some more...
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    DAZ0273 said:
    guess I had better break out 3DP some more...
    Definitely. It takes 9-10 days to accumulate enough points to use the super whales.

    It probably wont take that long as I am not a million miles away from what I need but it certainly is a pain as a lack of an option for that horrible Thing node.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    They just made Day 3 easier or harder by changing their teamup from 3* Iron Fist's purple power to 3* Sam Wilson's purple power.
  • krakenoon
    krakenoon Posts: 355 Mover and Shaker
    I almost always use Deadpool for my Dat Required, just to make sure he has points when needed.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    krakenoon said:
    I almost always use Deadpool for my Dat Required, just to make sure he has points when needed.
    I used to do that.  Then my roster got so big that scrolling over to 3* do every day was just too much hassle.  Can we get some better sorting options for the team selection screen, please demi?  A selectable favorites list, quickteam slots, or something?
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    krakenoon said:
    I almost always use Deadpool for my Dat Required, just to make sure he has points when needed.
    Exactly THIS.  Required character/5* Thanos/3* DP.  Done.  points earned, node cleared really fast.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tend to mess around in DDQ on Dat Required and Big Enchillada - sounds like I will have to have a 3DP every day for a while so this doesn't happen again.
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,760 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for all the suggestions: Black Bolt got me past the Riri node and Quantum Realm gave me enough purple to whale the Mordo one.
    I agree that not everyone should be able to finish every event, but I got to ask: who should be able to do it?
    After 5 years and getting a full roster with 15 5* champs and 100 4* champs, I assumed I should be able to finish SHIELD training (as I've done ever since the Kraven one). Have I just been lucky for 2 years and is this event only supposed to be for people in the endgame phase?
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Alfje17 said:
    Thanks for all the suggestions: Black Bolt got me past the Riri node and Quantum Realm gave me enough purple to whale the Mordo one.
    I agree that not everyone should be able to finish every event, but I got to ask: who should be able to do it?
    After 5 years and getting a full roster with 15 5* champs and 100 4* champs, I assumed I should be able to finish SHIELD training (as I've done ever since the Kraven one). Have I just been lucky for 2 years and is this event only supposed to be for people in the endgame phase?
    I have way more champs than you and I think I may have finished Shield Training once, if that. By finish, I mean get all of the rewards, including the LT. So, props for being able to do that for 2 years. I was able get the 4* regularly, but getting the big reward (Legendary Token) eluded me. I would argue yes you were VERY lucky, or spent way more on the game than I’m willing to (which I am no means complaining about. You do you.)

    I’d argue they made the LT easier to get now than it was before in SHIELD Training. They’ve also made getting new 4*s covered easier than ever before in the game as a whole, which is likely why they reduced the 4* reward in Welcome to Shield from what it was in SHIELD Training. 

    I also think the event finally reflects Shield Training’s stated purpose, which was to reward those with deep rosters. They said that, but it wasn’t the case when progression was tied to getting the latest 4* at a certain level. Now you just need one cover. The access is there for everyone, but the better your roster, the better chance you have of winning. It’s no different than in Crash. It doesn’t matter how many champs I have if the one featured is not one I have well-covered. 
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with Daredevil on almost everything.  (And fwiw, I have fewer 5* and 4* champs that you alfje, and have completed every 'welcome to shield so far).  welcome to shield is not perfect, but it is definitely better at achieving demi's stated goals for the event than was shield training.
    Where I part ways with DD however, is on rewarding deep rosters.  Welcome to shield is easier for very deep 5* rosters as having the essential 5* champed is a big help, even if just for meatshield purposes.  But mostly this event has just rewarded (1) those who have Valkyrie, Yelena, or a handful of other characters that excel in this peculiar format, and (2) those who look at the forums/reddit/line to get advice about who to use.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    What I dislike the most is having 2 characters preselected for you. I get that you have to use the new character, but the second mandatory character can make or break a team. My lvl 255 Storm at 12k health was utterly useless against 100k+ health opponents. Sadly I had to whales it (again).
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    Likewise my St5rm doesn't have the health to withstand the Thing node and Negasonic can't handle all 3 on her own - any 4* I bring is one cascade away from getting wiped. This looks like being the first one of these I will fail unless I get lucky before the event ends. That is OK, the 5* node is very challenging indeed and I have no expectations that I should definitely defeat it.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tried Vulture but unfortunately when the other two die he eventually runs out of black and has to land - guess who has been getting free matches in the meantime and are filled up with lovely AP?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Isn't Vulture a good third character to have there? Storm should tank black, so he could go airborne early to build up APs for Negasonic. He should be safely airborne after a few turns.
    I think the problem with this strategy is that is has no suppression of enemy ap.  And the enemy team hits harder than negasonic.  By a lot, and on a lot more colors.  (You will probably need ~ 6 casts of red plus severals greens). So even with the ap boost from vulture, I don't know that you will survive long enough to win. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2020
    Exactly. An undercovered Storm might tank over Vulture but that isn't going to help if the enemy get even just one single power fired against her. Negasonic is then left to try and take out the other three - she can take maybe one hit, probably not two before she is dead. Yes you can heal her but you can't suppress green, purple, red, blue and black all at once- somebody is going to get some AP and of course Mordo can take big advantage of Storm too.
    I guess one part solution is to level up Storm if you can but I think this would depend on future intentions to use her. I like her well enough that I might try that but even then her health is still not going to be that huge as an uncovered non champ.