Grand Experiment 2: Treading Water in the SCL 10 Post-Shardpocalypse



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    now that I have all the HoD shards, I only need 46 more shards to finish SC up the "hard way." There is a non-zero chance that I'll get the shards for him chasing an organic cover, assuming no bonus shards that's only 15 more pulls. With the alliance event starting today though, that will mean less overall CP probably (or possibly more I suppose, since my alliance forces us to grind out a million rounds to reach progression rather than playing all at once), so I'm not 100% sure. I do know that in these off-season pick-3s I've been struggling to hit full progression. i think I just don't have  a killer team lined up for this grindhouse boost list that doesn't have any big nukers in it. Either way the situation is not dire at this point for Shang-Chi. Kinda similar to what happened with Electro, where I had pulled enough covers to champ her, just not in the right distribution, and i preferred to grind the shards rather than do the 3:1 swap. So I don't know if I have the "forumula" right for it, but it seems to be working well enough alternating between LT and CL. 

    I like that @HoundofShadow is that meticulously tracking their resources, but for me that's just a step too far when it comes to detailed record keeping. Since I am only pulling from Latest or Classic, I just infer my resource earn based on the spend. It does make it a challenge to truly compare pull rates in a "what if I'd only spent in latest?" question though at those times i'm drawing classics.

    Currently the backburner chase for Black Panther has my P4nther at 345. He seems to be out of true with his shard delivery, since 5* Panther is at 450 shards (3/4/4 build). So when he hits level 350, 5P is going to have 350 shards towards that final cover. The question then becomes do i set my 5* fav to him and focus fire until 4* hits level 355 and he is done, or re-target my 5* to Ultron and let p4nther go until he hits 358? 3 more levels doesn't sound like much, and i suppose it isn't, but you know, why not just be done I guess?

    My next best covered unchamped vintage 5 is Spider Man: Peter Parker at 4/4/3, 70 shards. Vulture is currently sitting at 340, so that'll be the next grind.  

    At this point, I only have 10 Classic 5*s who are missing some covers:

    Archangel: 2/2/4 with 440 shards
    FA Cap: 5/2/3 with 130 shards
    Jean Grey: 5/2/2 with 290 shards
    Surfer: 4/3/3 with 360 shards
    Nata5ha: 4/1/2 with 350 shards (my worst non-new 5*)
    Doctor Octopus: 3/3/4 with 355 shards
    black suit spider man: 4/3/3 with 150 shards
    Parker Spider-Man: 4/4/3 with 70 shards
    Wa5p: 3/4/3 with 40 shards
    (iron man is covered, waiting on iso)

    All are fed, so I could definitely use my 5* fav on Next Unchamped Out and focus on using my 4* feeders and random classic pulls to finish up the remaining ones without feeling too bad about it at this point. I am curious if any of the spider fam of characters might be due for a buff or refresh or something as we stare down the barrel of "something something Home" coming to theaters too.
  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,256 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it's any consolation, I'm several hundred 5* levels ahead of you and I can't play the unboosted events at all. 

    Most of the events do have boosted 5s as part of the list...I wish they'd fix them so that the event-specific boosted 5* in each event get +100 instead of +15.  I guess some people really like them though.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, Shang-Chi dropped out with only 7 shards left to go, so that could have been worse. I got another yellow for Gamora moments before the data push too. I was grinding so hard in Snowball Fight to get that last shot. i had to Thano5 my way through 4 and 5pt 4* teams for the last 20 points, it was ugly lol. Oh well. 

    Current Latest Crop:
    Ultron: 1/2/2 with 550 shards
    Gamora: 0/0/2 with 740 shards
    Sersi: 0/0/0 with 390 shards

    Current favorites: Shang-Chi: 3/5/4 with 493 shards (sigh)
    Black P4nther: lvl 348 with 42 shards
    Black Panth3r: lvl 195 with 272 shards (I'd been walking that one around chasing LTs for awhile)
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    Three more pulls! So sometime today. Tomorrow if rng decides to toy with your emotions. So exciting. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    My P4nther has a long way to go before getting the next 5* Panther cover. It will be as long as him appearing in the next special store, so I might as well wait for it. Mine is at 12 covers and has fewer shards than yours.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    My P4nther has a long way to go before getting the next 5* Panther cover. It will be as long as him appearing in the next special store, so I might as well wait for it. Mine is at 12 covers and has fewer shards than yours.
    My 5* Panther is 4/4/4 with 100 shards, that was my 4* I listed there. For me those guys are a place to park my 4* and casually finish up the tier.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I had 6 legendary tokens this morning and decided to try for the last Shang Chi cover I needed. I got lucky on pull number 5. 

    Then it took my last legendary plus 50 cp to get a Sersi cover so that was lucky too. 
    Now to hoard legendaries until Ultron (lvl 455) is out. My Gamora is doing fine at 3,1,3 with 700+ shards so I think I can go back to classics with cp for awhile at least. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Three more pulls! So sometime today. Tomorrow if rng decides to toy with your emotions. So exciting. 
    I'd be surprised if I get 3x more pulls today with DP vs MPQ running, and me having already exhausted the cp in snowball fight. But soon enough for sure.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Shang-Chi is sitting at 499 shards to completion. 1 more and he'll be done after champing Ikaris for the LT. pushing to 500 in evergreen will get me one more pull; i feel obligated to do so now... 
  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can really torture yourself and wait for him in the shard store lol. Wait. That sounds too awful. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    What if that pull gave him 500 5* shards? 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    That would be fine, it would be an LT champ level. But it did not give him 500 shards, just the 3 and a purple for Fury. I moved my fav to Ultron. Thank goodness for double iso, I need ~70k to champ him and Iron Man is still on the back burner.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I pulled my first 100 cp in classics in a few months. First pull ended up being a saved cover for my 3,3,5 Banner Hulk and the fifth pull was level 451 for Shang Chi. 

    So he’s apparently easier to pull from classics. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,554 Chairperson of the Boards
    dramatist said:
    I pulled my first 100 cp in classics in a few months. First pull ended up being a saved cover for my 3,3,5 Banner Hulk and the fifth pull was level 451 for Shang Chi. 

    So he’s apparently easier to pull from classics. 

    As the owner of an 8/4/3 Shang Chi I like the sound of this news update!
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m trying to decide if I want to experiment with completely committing to Classic and sharding next available out with this group; I’m definitely chasing Big Wheel directly though, that character is everything I want from a Marvel game lol
  • Zalasta
    Zalasta Posts: 302 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2021
    I burned around 110 LTs when SC rotated out, and have been burning earned CP in latest as well (have been doing classics until the LT pull). Ultron is set as favorite at 4/2/3 with 458 shards, so probably need another 3 pulls to finish him up by the time his next event rolls around. 

    Gamora at 1/4/3 with 250 shards.  Sersi is 1/2/3 with 375 shards.  I'm not sure how committed I am to Gamora or Sersi. Guess we'll see how the LT pulls go before Ultron rotates out.   I might be in trouble past Sersi since I won't have any type of hoard going.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,698 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hit my 13 covers for ultron so I will be passing on both gamora and sersi.

    I will pull for big wheel but i have a couple months to build up pulls for it.

    Passing that I will be going to classics I think, unless there is some meta jumping in the pool.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Latest has been pretty dry for me; I did land a black for Gamora, and this double iso has allowed me to champ Shang-chi and Iron Man, just in time for his boost week it turns out. 

    Current latest crop:
    Ultron: 1/2/2 with 860 shards (current shard target)
    Gamora: 0/1/2 with 740 shards
    Sersei: 0/0/0 with 390 shards

    Big Wheel: 0/0/0 with 265 shards

    I need 7 more levels on P4nther (351) to complete BP: Civil War who is currently 4/4/4 with 350  shards.

    My next 4* shard target will be Vulture, currently level 341, so I can work on SMPP who is my next highest covered vintage 5* at 4/4/3 with 70 shards.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2021
    Broke my lengthy dry spell with a couple Gamoras and a Sersei. Current latest:
    Ultron: 1/2/2 with 982 shards
    Gamora: 1/1/3 with 940 shards
    Sersei: 0/1/0 with 390 shards

    Big Wheel: 0/0/0 with 390 shards

    4.5 more P4nthers until BP:CW is finished

    i should be within a cover or two of my second max champ 4* after hitting progression in this Frost PVP as well.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2022
    having a bit of a Gamora rally while Ultron languishes. Current latest crop:
    Ultron: 1/2/3 with 1030 shards (current favorite)
    Gamora: 2/2/4 with 1065 shards
    Sersi: 0/1/0 with 715 shards

    Big Wheel: 0/0/0 with 390 shards

    4* panther hit 355, which means 5* panther only needs 50 shards to be complete. That's 3x more 4* covers, or direct sharding him instead of Ultron for 17 pulls. I think I'll do the latter, it'll happen way sooner, and move my 4* grind over to Vulture. Since I can't think of any 3* that feeds vulture, I'll be using my 3* to play re-champ catchup on my recently flipped 3s.