Scl 10 experiences and questions.



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,092 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    For my part, i tend to brute force my way to 900 and tap out without playing too "smartly" and certainly without coordinating. I find I have the roster to get myself to 1,000 now, so i've been attempting that these past 2 events. To be honest I probably always could have, I just didn't care about the RISO that used to be there. 1200 was a step too far for me, I only did it 2, maybe 3 times ever. So i know my own behavior has changed. 

    You are seeing more people enter PVP because the rewards are better (especially in 10).  You are seeing higher scores because there isn't a 300 point gap between the 4* and the last CP.  There was no functional way to get from 900 to 1200, in most cases, without shielding once, maybe twice.  With 1000 it becomes a lot more viable to straight climb.

    Also, if you care about placement, SCL9 and below will probably offer easier placement (if you find the rewards worthwhile) than 10 does.

    TLDR:  More people means you might find it harder to place than before.  Higher scores will be required to place because the CP will lead people to climb higher.  That said, I think there will be a dramatic drop off past 1000 so you might still do OK above that.

    The way I see it, it doesn't matter really. SCL10 PvP is win/win no matter what.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    tiomono said:
    PiMacleod said:
    ....just remembered...

    Theres that node in the cap marvel PvE where you go against Gritty.

    Thats gonna be a headache.
    Blacksuit and daredevil tear gritty up. Thorkoye is pretty effective as well. You dont have to worry whether or not the team you beat them with will leave you vulnerable on defense. I feel the royal family and the heros for hire with mockingbird will be 2 of the toughest.
    I guess my problem is i dont have that kind of roster.  Only 1 purple for BSSM, only a few DD covers, around 7 covers for Thor, and 4 for Okoye.

    For the record, i have no complaints, and i'll face the onslaught anyways.  I never imagined i'd have such a roster that i own now as a $2/month player, and i'll keep rocking it for the forseeable future.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    ^SCL 10 is straight up superior for my PVP needs, that's for sure. Jury remains out on PVE, but i'm trending positive mostly. I feel like the token upgrades alone have ramped my 4* shard progress. I do still get a standard or two out of node rewards, which seems like that should all be gone at this point. They seem like they should be Elites if not Heroics at this point, but regardless I don't need to be getting any more 1* covers in this clearance level.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Before SCL 10 was out, 1000 easily nets me top 50 placement in PvPs.
    Now, I'm getting boot out of top 50 consistently in SCL 10.

    Does this mean players are playing harder in PvPs? I believe the extra 18 CP being shifted to 1000 point incentivises some players to play harder. In the past I was getting 10 CP based on my goal of 1000. Now, I'm getting an extra 18 CP for the same goal. 
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well not sure if this thread is supposed to be PvP or PvE as the discussion is all over the place but I did find my SCL 10 PvE savior (at least so far) in the second sub of Meet Rocket & Groot:  Infinity Cap.  

    The problem with a non-Gritty roster like mine with only baby champs is that with so large of health pools, the AI will eventually pound you down with one (maybe two) active powers and its game over.  The only real way to make four clears of some of the tougher nodes is to rely on stun or AP denial.  I tried stunning but it just wasn't reliable enough with my roster (yes even with Bishop who dies real fast in SCL 10).  So I turned to AP denial, Infinity Cap.  His purple is really effective in denying the enemy from firing active powers.  Pair him with Thorkoye and allow Okoye to soak enemy goon damage from countdown tiles or destroy them with her red if possible.  She can hopefully soak up most of the match damage and heal as well, although eventually InfinityCap will need to use a health pack every few matches.  On the 2nd sub challenge node of Mags/Mystique/Subject clears, I was able to use this team effectively to clear it four times with only 1 health pack for Cap and 1 for Thor.  

    The challenge was it is a rainbow team and difficult to deny all AP with that amount of health plus Mystique is an AP accelerator which can be a problem.  I basically tried to deny blue, red and black and let the AI match yellow, green and team ups as much as they wanted.  Half Thor did a good job of making purple plentiful so I was able to keep Infinity Cap fed and use it to deny enemy AP pools that was getting too high.  6 turns is a lot of time and allows you to easily get another 6 purple AP for Cap.  Thor and Okoye do the damage.  Sometimes I had to take a hit from Subject countdown tiles and I let Okoye soak those and just healed her.  Now I know this team may not be effective on every challenge node but I thought it was a good test since it was a diverse enemy team with many active powers.  I think Infinity Cap shines even more if the enemy team is heavily dependent on only two colors for damage powers, so it might be even more effective on certain nodes.  
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor

    In the meantime, learning to play cl10 with just boosted 4*s and baby champ 5*s would seem to be extra valuable for those building out their 5* rosters. 

    This was my thinking when i  joined  SCL10 with my 12 cover doom5  420 as only real 5 * and I think i will get the  initial  shards and extra part cover 4 *

    What i loose though is a shed load of ISO, time and health packs but most importantly   CP's. Given in the long run  the CP is worth  as much as the shards ( I say each CP is worth  (500/7/25 = 2.8 Shards  missing out on  roughly  40 CP is 115 shards )

    PvP is a different story as I play for wins not points the extra  progression is well worth stepping up

    So back to 9 aiming for full progression in PvE  but more effort in PvP  to reach 50 wins/1000 instead  40/900

    That's where I landed as well, Dirion. I'll play up in PVP, because I still have the wins metric to get me the rewards I'm chasing. In PVE unless it's a new character event and I have a decently covered 5 star, though, I can't see adding extra play time to try for progression for half a 5 star cover unless the 5 star is really good. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've actually found it somewhat easier to get past 900 in the last couple of events. I'm not sure if it's that more players going for 1K overcomes the MMR chokepoint or what. It might even just be random, or perceptual bias.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same, it's definitely easier to reach 1k compared to 900. More people trying to climb straight to 1200, the nodes dont dry up once you pass 900-1k (every one used to shield and start hoping).
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah I’ve been able to climb to 1200 both events unshielded. Both times I threw up an 8 hour and finished just inside T100. There are definitely more points to be had which is great and I’m okay with lower placement if it means full progression while not having to spend a ton on shields. 
  • MrPlow
    MrPlow Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    I thought 2000 was an insane score in PVP.  There are people with scores over 4000 in SCL 10.  How many matches do you have to win to get that high.  Seems crazy.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    how much hp does that cost? Surely those people are buying it?
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    In PvE news, i finished SCL 10 progression.

    That was rough on the last "new" node in MR&G!  Not sure i would've been able to do it with a different 5* champ than Gritty & boosted Prof.  No, i dont have champed thor/okoye/DD/JJ/etc.

    HOWEVER -- due to slogging through this on SCL 10, i had earned the shards needed to champ my 5*Prof!  That seems highly worth it!

    This will undoubtedly affect my decision to select SCL 10 PvE every time.  Leaving 5* shards on the table seems like a lost opportunity.  Of course, i can understand not having a 'meta' team and therefore choosing a lower SCL.
  • A_Wise_Man
    A_Wise_Man Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    I've actually found it somewhat easier to get past 900 in the last couple of events. I'm not sure if it's that more players going for 1K overcomes the MMR chokepoint or what. It might even just be random, or perceptual bias.
         Eh, wanted to reply to like 6 of the pvp comments, this appears to be the last one so you get the tag.  
    They haven't changed MMR the server end.  Any time they ever have theres been a warning.            What has changed is people's behavior.  For one, more people are going for 1k points rather than 900 and quit.  This means more points are out which gives you better points to hit.  Keep in mind *any* hit below ~ 1.1k in pvp is a net gain in points overall (I get 30, you lose 25 or whatever the case may be).  Above that is the 1:1 for points gained/lost.  
         Another thing that has changed is 5 star shards for placement.  With those being out there, top end players are hopping higher and higher.  Both s1 and s4 are averaging about 1000 points above normal for top scores.  From what I hear 3 and 5 are a little higher as well.  S2 is....s2.  Having all those extra people trying to score higher and higher means the people who are going for t25 have to hop, for t50 as well.  With all these people shielding it also increases average points (for 5 star players anyway).  
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll agree with that.....

    In fact, it doesnt feel like a difficulty level, as much as a "do you have a champed meta team" level.

    I mean... Seriously.  If you dont have a thorkoye, a gritty, or maybe some sort of support(s) and/or dr strange based team ready... 

    I think its a bit much!  Im not having a problem with gritty/prof... But thats gritty doing the heavy lifting and prof adding the cherry on top.  If you've got a champ SS, doc ock, and phoenix (just an example), is SCL 10 just as easy with those guys??

    Probably not.  Or at least its a major health pack sink!  

    I wonder if they made this difficulty as a way of saying "yeah...we're not gonna nerf any meta teams.... We expect you to use them!"
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the problem now is that with SCL 10, Gritty just became that much more powerful.  I bet most people having success in SCL 10 are using that team first, even over Thorkoye.  At least in the old SCL, Thanos was seen as a meta, but he is certainly not now in SCL 10 PvE.  Wonder if this will further skew usage statistics even further towards Gritty since that appears to be a thing with the devs. 
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    I don't mind the difficulty too much, but i have always enjoyed matches against over-leveled opponents in small batches (old heroics, or the guantlet).  But I suspect my enjoyment will be a lot lower with some of the more troll-y matchups (Daken/thug/thug, royal family etc).

    (Note that I do have thorkoye and decent stable of 4*s and 5*s, so I have more options than many, even if I am not a top 1% player.)

    I think I would prefer the challenge node if it started at 600+ but only gave points for 1-2 clears.  So more of a true challenge event and less of a grind.  This would also. Be a great opportunity to do non-standard matchups (1v1s, 2v2s, etc bosses, or even new modes like evergreen).
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,769 Chairperson of the Boards
    Update my baby champ, Gritty-reliant SCL 10 adventures!

    That new node in "I Have A Plan", titled "Trick or Treasure"...

    Didya know that Gritty is just Carnage's plaything?  I mean, on paper, it sounds like Carnage has advantages, sure.  But i couldnt even get him halfway down on the first clear!  

    I tried multiple times.  Once with my babychamp Prof X.  Once with Medusa (all those tiles, hoping to get purple AP for Hair Mettle, and extra healing too).  Once with Juggs (his damage soak is nice).  

    None of them worked.  You know who DID work?  Everyone's favorite!


    First turn, his extra turn plus his regular turn, meant a minimum of 10 AP for me.  Stunned him.  Proceded to work him like a bag.  But it took all 4 turns of stun to kill him.  Still, won it.

    Second match.  Same thing, except he got out of stun for a turn before he died.  Same outcome.

    Third match.  NOPE!  He's too strong then.  The match damage alone crumples him like paper.  Never get the stun off.

    So i tried other matchups.  Tried my unchamped HE with champed/boosted Hammercap, and boosted Fantastic.  Nope.  It worked for a while though, kept him stunned with F's blue, and Hammercap kept his boosted red flying.  F's yellow kept me healed a bit.  But eventually, Carnage snuck a move in, and dead.

    Finally, got sick of it.  Whale'd him.
    Juggs/SW/DP.  With a black damage support, Juggs matches most tiles himself, so he soaks it all up nicely.  Unfortunately, DP still takes purple... So i had to make sure to cascade into purple, or wait for thr SW countdown to go off.  Either way, with purple boosts, got the 14 and whale'd them.

    Fourth (my final) match, i havent won yet.  Ran out of health packs.  I'll revisit this whale strat later.  I did, for the record, try with the Thing instead of Juggs, which allows me to match purple so Thing will jump in.  It worked for like 2 turns.  Then he gets that extra turn rolling, and even 4K of defense cant help you with 5* Carnage match damage in round 4.  Juggs was defending better, with no tiles, which means Carnage didnt get extra turns either.

    Either i whale him later, or i make up 520 points from playing other nodes for a 5th time.
  • TriSentinel
    TriSentinel Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    PiMacleod said:
    Update my baby champ, Gritty-reliant SCL 10 adventures!

    That new node in "I Have A Plan", titled "Trick or Treasure"...

    Didya know that Gritty is just Carnage's plaything?  I mean, on paper, it sounds like Carnage has advantages, sure.  But i couldnt even get him halfway down on the first clear!  

    I tried multiple times.  Once with my babychamp Prof X.  Once with Medusa (all those tiles, hoping to get purple AP for Hair Mettle, and extra healing too).  Once with Juggs (his damage soak is nice).  

    None of them worked.  You know who DID work?  Everyone's favorite!


    First turn, his extra turn plus his regular turn, meant a minimum of 10 AP for me.  Stunned him.  Proceded to work him like a bag.  But it took all 4 turns of stun to kill him.  Still, won it.

    Second match.  Same thing, except he got out of stun for a turn before he died.  Same outcome.

    Third match.  NOPE!  He's too strong then.  The match damage alone crumples him like paper.  Never get the stun off.

    So i tried other matchups.  Tried my unchamped HE with champed/boosted Hammercap, and boosted Fantastic.  Nope.  It worked for a while though, kept him stunned with F's blue, and Hammercap kept his boosted red flying.  F's yellow kept me healed a bit.  But eventually, Carnage snuck a move in, and dead.

    Finally, got sick of it.  Whale'd him.
    Juggs/SW/DP.  With a black damage support, Juggs matches most tiles himself, so he soaks it all up nicely.  Unfortunately, DP still takes purple... So i had to make sure to cascade into purple, or wait for thr SW countdown to go off.  Either way, with purple boosts, got the 14 and whale'd them.

    Fourth (my final) match, i havent won yet.  Ran out of health packs.  I'll revisit this whale strat later.  I did, for the record, try with the Thing instead of Juggs, which allows me to match purple so Thing will jump in.  It worked for like 2 turns.  Then he gets that extra turn rolling, and even 4K of defense cant help you with 5* Carnage match damage in round 4.  Juggs was defending better, with no tiles, which means Carnage didnt get extra turns either.

    Either i whale him later, or i make up 520 points from playing other nodes for a 5th time.
    I managed the first two grinds with Kitty-BRB-Danver5. 

    I filled the board with shield tiles and then used Danver5 green several times in succession to do some heavy damage to Karnage amd then move on to the other two.

    I will try Juggs with DP for the whale and maybe Bishop too.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    PvP is a-ok in CL10.

    PvE needs some level of adjustment. The jump from 515 to 650 is just bonkers. The health pools on enemies is tedious more than anything.Repetitious battles were already referred to as the grind, but dragging them out is really not the direction to go...