What 5* would you like to see get their first feeder?

Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
Expecting Kitty to run away with this. But was bored and decided to make the poll anyway. 

I hope I didn’t forget anyone!

What 5* would you like to see get their first feeder? 94 votes

Archangel (Classic)
CT1888CharlieCrokerMegaBee 3 votes
Cable (Nathan Summers)
wymtimeBrigadierbleuDAZ0273Vins2TherealsmkspyOmegased 6 votes
Doctor Doom (God Emperor)
NeuromancerDeNappaAXP_ismeZootSaxPongieWarbringaJackDeath666rg72MadScientistcrackninjaBigSoftieFFHoundofShadowrandomhero1090Gold_DragonWilhelm_ScreamtheomenKixtyIIAlonditeII[Deleted User] 19 votes
Gambit (Classic)
killercoolUNC_SamuraiDaredevil217n25phillybluewolfSteve111Rod5bowla33Xair 9 votes
Hela (Goddess of Death)
ThanosxKOBALTxgrunth13[Deleted User]bonny79TPF AlexisBB_KaroThaRoadWarriorAres76spidyjedi84dingoNeoktheone 12 votes
Kitty Pryde (Uncanny X-Men)
PuceMooseDragon_Nexustrat73IridiousChipster22dokiyLytes420jreddMoosePrimeLLohmDukeUpdateWEBGASThe Viceroy Returnsmaguirenumber6KGBReecohMonsoon3thatgyemartinSteel_Coltdramatist 29 votes
Rescue (Pepper Potts)
METT-T dependent 1 vote
The Hulk (Bruce Banner)
rbdragonbuddy2034The rockettBlack DukeAlfje17ursopro 6 votes
One of the Latest Legends (please specify)
Loosiejackstar0jp1 3 votes
None/Don’t Care/Want to watch the forums burn
BowgentleabmorazTony_FootRhipfMrEd95Godzillafan67 6 votes


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hela (Goddess of Death)
    OK, yeah, I admit I'm biased due to already having Kitty champed. Rescue is in the best position for me to finish with a Feeder, but I like Hela better. Of the current Latests, Iceman is really falling behind, and I kind of doubt I'll get him fully covered without a Feeder or some really impressive luck.
  • Godzillafan67
    Godzillafan67 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    None/Don’t Care/Want to watch the forums burn
    I'm not in a position to use feeders effectively right now, so burn mother hee-haw, burn.
  • ursopro
    ursopro Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    The Hulk (Bruce Banner)
    inb4 the thread gets closed because of the last option
  • Xair
    Xair Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Gambit (Classic)
    gambit from rogue, just cause it's so obvious. 
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2019
    Kitty Pryde (Uncanny X-Men)
    Going with the obvious choice here, because she's the only five-star I use. She's also my closest to being fully covered, at 3/5/2.
  • carlj64
    carlj64 Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Kitty Pryde (Uncanny X-Men)
    Kitty with daken feeding? No?
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    None/Don’t Care/Want to watch the forums burn
    Don't care, tiny issue for a small amount of players. 5* dilution is barely a thing worth worrying about. I might be concerned when they added 5* boosts to pvp but meh.

    3 to 4* dilution is the issue, despite this being a hurdle I'm over for the sake of the game I'd rather see the 3-4* feeders both cleaned up, finished and double feeders before I even start caring about a cover or two for a 5* in classics.

    I imagine 4 to 5* feeders was a mistake that would be removed from the game if they could. So many people who would spend to chase a 5* have a roster full of double treble or more of a 4* at 370. To add double feeders would cut the need to ever chase anyone in the 5* tier.

    The supposed end game tier should have been controlled on BH rates, so people have to keep pulling and increasing LT and CP while chasing down a 5*. Giving them a feeder at launch would be financial suicide.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doctor Doom (God Emperor)
    I thought they already communicated that they think that they released feeders too fast and they will be released on special events.

    There are 37 5* and 11 don't have feeders. 26 have feeders.

    Feeders were introduced on 20 Nov 2017. That's about 102 weeks or 23.5 months. 

    The rate of feeders is now 26/23.5 = 1.106 feeders per month. 

    Could it be that they are aiming for 1 feeder every 1.5-2 months?

    Even if all 5* have feeders right now, I and many other mid- 4* players will not benefit from this immediately. The only group who benefit are those deep in 5* land, who are in the minority. 

    Let'd be honest. What happens if the devs say that Spiderman 2099 will be the feeder for Doctor Doom tomorrow? I bet a lot of you will be pissed off instead of being happy.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gambit (Classic)
    Feeders?  Don't make me laugh.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gambit (Classic)
    Bowgentle said:
    I thought they already communicated that they think that they released feeders too fast and they will be released on special events.
    Look, if the sixth anniversary of your mobile game isn't an event that is special enough to warrant a couple of feeders, then what is?
    That question should really be directed to the devs.
  • MrEd95
    MrEd95 Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    None/Don’t Care/Want to watch the forums burn
    I don’t not care, but I have no particular priorities. I am a chaotic neutral, though, so I say let the forums burn!

    although please give us some feeders
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doctor Doom (God Emperor)
    One of the devs or mods already mentioned that more details will be coming tomorrow. Besides, they already briefed the players here in advance that they are tied up with events and even Marvel has to take a step back. Also,  communication in the forum is way down on the priority list. 

    Why not wait for tomorrow before concluding that there are no feeders for this anniversary?
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hela (Goddess of Death)
    I was torn between Hela and Rescue, either one is probably feeder-finishable on my roster in the same amount of time since I'd need to get whoever it is to 300 to do it. I like them both, but I think Hela is a little more interesting, even if Rescue is likely to play better with my current crop of 5*s.

    I actually think new 4*s launching as feeders is the move here if the concern is controlling the flow of fed covers to the player base. That way everyone is starting off on the correct foot (ie square 0) when one is announced. It would be great if a Latest 5* drops into Classic, then some 4* released after them came out as their feeder. Now everyone who wants to has to chase that 4*, which is harder to get on purpose than the 5* would have been while in latest, and it seems to me that balance is restored somewhat on the accessibility vs scarcity seesaw?

  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2019
    Kitty Pryde (Uncanny X-Men)
    It seems pretty clear from:

    1) the lack of any solution to dilution in any * tier,
    2) the release of new 5*s significantly outpacing the introduction of new 5* feeders, and
    3) the increased number of new 4*s that are either disruptive to the 5* meta or let 4* teams “punch above their weight” (Cap Worthy, Bishop, Sabretooth, Juggy)

    that the devs true solution to the 4*-5* transition is not to make it faster but to give everyone more reasons not to make it in the first place.

    I’m not sure how I feel about this, as part of me wants the progression of getting my first 5* champed, but part of me hears the stories from those already there and thinks I will enjoy the game less if/once I get there due to all the issues mentioned in many other threads.

    But I still can’t help but to want more (human condition I suppose) so I picked Kitty because as both a PvE and PvP player she seems the best to be my first (Okoye a close second). And if the devs want to see some real fun (note: sarcasm), make her feeder either Bishop or Cap Worthy, not because it makes any sense other than them being interesting partners for her and Grocket that don’t already feed someone else.
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,018 Chairperson of the Boards
    Archangel (Classic)
    My Archangel is 5/1/5 with six saved covers, and I'd quite like some of those champ rewards.
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    One of the Latest Legends (please specify)
    All of those listed that are worth having, I have champed already except Gambit (who is in no position to be finished by a feeder). RNG hasn’t been great to me with ProfX and my pull rate is getting lackluster...so, I would like to see him get a feeder before leaving latest so I might get to finish him.