AI advantage



  • jambattles
    jambattles Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    jp1 said:
    This is fundamentally flawed in regards to the scientific process as well as the concept of peer review. 

    At this point all you can legitimately present is speculation. I’m not suggesting you are a liar, I’m trying to present you with the rationale being used in questioning your conclusion. 

    The onus is on the accuser to present proof of their allegations not bystanders or the accused. Sorry if you are feeling attacked because of that, but it’s the way things work.

    There again it’s 100 games. I play 40ish a day. It’s too small of a sample size to give validity. This thread or game doesn’t deserve the use of scientific review. 

    I played 100 games. Tracked the number of times the AI received 3+ AP. It came up to 84%. Everyone is asking for proof. For scientific process. For peer review. It’s ridiculous to ask for it. All it is a sheet of paper with 3 columns. To make this big of a deal over proof is silly.  If anyone wants proof, they can conduct it themselves. 

    With the all the proof comments and scientific process, makes me believe that it must be pretty accurate to get everyone so worked up. I wonder how many marvel puzzle quest employees have replied? 

    If you want to reply, I’ll probably reply once more but without additional topics or conversation arcs, I’m pretty much done with this discussion. 
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m not worked up at all. I can assure you I don’t work for MPQ, a quick read through my post history would confirm that. 

    Here is the problematic statement:

    After keeping with the stats, there is zero question of AI advantage. It's a joke to consider it not a cheating pos algorithm.”

    If you don’t want to respond to that, I understand. This kind of language is the reason you have people asking for proof is all I’m saying. You are saying yourself it is conjecture at this point. 

    Conjecture is perfectly fine as long as it is presented as such. Anyway, I hope your luck improves. Perhaps submit a bug report, as this hasn’t been the experience of most people posting perhaps something is messed up on your end. Contacting them through the app is a lot more likely to get you an official response than here on the forum.

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
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    Issued a warning for violating rule 7 of the Forum rules and locking thread. Insulting others and refusing to engage in positive, constructive discourse is inappropriate for the forum. Please be kind and civil when presenting your arguments. 

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