SWW error after battle - Fbthlp & Multiple Events [Fixed]

Dodecapod Posts: 96 Match Maker

After completing any battle in Standard TG, Legacy TG, or Routes of Ravnica today, I’m encountering a serial “Something Went Wrong” error after the “Victory” screen and before the ribbon claiming screen, while the latter screen is loading.

Retrying numerous times fails to resolve the error, and cancelling (or alternatively, refreshing the app) results in the battle counting as a loss.

Additionally, each time this issue occurs, it appears to trigger one or more secondary bugs in its wake.  After cancelling the error pop up, the next battle begins with the PW at 10% health, regardless of at least 3 different scenarios which would normally be relevant:

1.  Healing the PW with a potion has no effect (the PW begins the next battle at 10% health).

2.  Switching PWs (and/or switching events) has no effect.

3.  Switching PWs then healing the new PW has no effect.   In this case (I didn’t attempt the following for case 1), multiple potions can be consumed on a single PW between battles, each time failing to correctly restore health.

There may be other secondary issues as well, including a possible display bug in TG in which the W/L counter fails to register the loss that resulted from the SWW error (I didn’t track details for this or other issues, but I noticed unusual behavior overall beyond what I was able to clearly identify and reproduce).

Refreshing the app appears to resolve all of the secondary issues in each instance (with the minor exception that the first PW to battle after the refresh will start at 10% health unless it consumes a potion), but the primary SWW issue has continued to recur after each battle in (both versions of) TG and in RoR even after refreshing the app and after uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

The primary SWW issue does not appear to affect the Planechasing Fblthp or Ravnica at War - Promise events, although the secondary PW health issue does affect PF (I didn’t test RAW) if the app is not refreshed and/or a potion is not subsequently consumed following the primary SWW issue.

Speculatively, this issue may be related in some way to the new Planechasing Fblthp event, as this is the first time that event is running, and I have never before encountered the app behavior I’m currently experiencing.  In particular, all of the events which are unplayable today were functioning normally yesterday.

Possibly related threads:

1.  https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/79175/fblthp-the-lost-cant-win-cant-heal#latest

2.  https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/79172/tg-error-with-fblthp#latest

3.  https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/79171/tg-legacy-broken#latest

//Edited Title -Brigby



    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    I can not end any game with a win. If I win it end up in sww-error (tryed in tg and rr). 

    I bought fblthp, finished his event and purchased both other packs in the vault. 

    Is it because I bought him? Has anyone the same problem? 

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    There is a thread in the bugs section claiming to experience the same as you @IM_CARLOS
  • Parrinator
    Parrinator Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    It Is the same for me. Can someone point me to the other thread?
  • Eglyntine
    Eglyntine Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Having the exact same problem. I've gone through it twice now.
    WiLDRAGE Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2019
    My issue is definitely related.  I didn't actually try anyone else after I bought Fblthp.
  • Parrinator
    Parrinator Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    This is the same issue I'm experiencing
  • Dologan
    Dologan Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    Same here. Is this definitely not affecting Ravnica at War? I'm afraid to even try after this...
  • only1wolz
    only1wolz Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    TheRedBandit Co-Leader from tinykitty of TP9 confirming multiple members having the same issue.
  • Horadrim
    Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I am Totally Lost as well. Someone in Oktagon must be laughing right now.
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    Seam they fixed it. I can play through TG now. 
  • Horadrim
    Horadrim Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    IM_CARLOS said:
    Seam they fixed it. I can play through TG now. 
    Looks like they fixed it. Can confirm.
  • chaosascends
    chaosascends Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    This happened to me in Ravnica at War as well.
  • Dkrone
    Dkrone Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2019
    This is happening again in A World Reborn. The Fblthp thing is going on again, it may be related since that’s when it happened last time. Just tried TG, same thing.
  • Stormcrow
    Stormcrow Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Yep, I played through the Fblthp event just fine (not using Fblthp this time) but as soon as I switched to AWR I got "Something Went Wrong", and the usual symptom of persistent Planeswalker damage, after every win. Didn't bother trying Training Grounds; I'm just not gonna bother with the game until tomorrow.

    Also, the 1st node in AWR, that's supposed to count summoned Knights/Angels, was definitely not counting them correctly, unless some of my Thopter tokens have chosen to identify as Angels or Knights.
  • Lady_River
    Lady_River Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    I had the SWW just then, doing AWR, I didn't get in the first node but 2nd node when did all the required things for extra points I and winning then the SWW error popped up on me. And now it's as if I didn't do that node at all.
  • Dodecapod
    Dodecapod Posts: 96 Match Maker
    edited August 2019
    I'm encountering the same issue again this weekend as well.
    So far, I have only experienced it in AWR this weekend and haven't attempted to play other events, but other players have mentioned issues in TG and NoP as well.  As was the case last weekend, the issue does not appear to affect the PF event itself, although the timing of the issue suggests that that event may be related to the problem arising in other events.
    As a follow up to the initial description regarding last weekend, I first noticed the issue some time between 00:00 GMT and 04:00 GMT on the day PF began, and I stopped encountering it at approximately 14:00 GMT the same day.  Comments from other players on Slack and Discord suggested some people likely had a similar experience, others may have been entirely unaffected, and still others continued to experience similar issues throughout the day.
  • Vorazg
    Vorazg Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Same thing here. 
    Can't get any match to finish and PWs not healing.  

    - V 🤬
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone - We are aware of the Something Went Wrong errors that began occurring today, and our team will be looking into what may be causing this issue.

    We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause, and we thank you all for your patience.
  • Shadowslayer
    Shadowslayer Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    Fblthp, the totally lost rewards, strikes again. 
  • Shadowslayer
    Shadowslayer Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    Seems this issue, has not been resolved. 
This discussion has been closed.