Oh my gosh - what a survey!!!!



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,733 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m glad to see the survey. 

    I hope there's some action, something to return interest, something to renew the game.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seems like they are having some big picture debates about where to invest dev resources, and one side or the other wants data to back up their arguments.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    As someone who's been paying since Anniversary #1, This is definitely the best Survey they've ever had.  
    And to think I almost skipped it cause I assumed it would be like the other repeated nebulous ones they've done before.
    A form with clear options to choose instead of write-in boxes makes for easier data analysis when collating the results.  Kudos to them for making it.

    Which of the following do you like most? *
    A. Collecting new characters
    B. Playing events where I do not compete against other players (e.g. Cinema Showdowns or 12 days of Marvel)
    C. Playing with my Alliance in events (e.g. Civil War or Avengers vs. Ultron)
    D. Playing Story events (e.g. The Hunt or Cosmic Chaos)
    E. Making my characters stronger
    F. Playing challenging battles
    G. Creating teams that work well together
    H. Playing Versus events (e.g. Combined Arms or Earth's Mightiest)

    Which of the following do you like least? *
    Make between 1 and 3 choices

    A. There is not enough Iso-8
    B. I dislike having to play at very specific times
    C. I am tired of playing the same events
    D. I am tired of fighting the same teams in Versus
    E. In Versus, I don’t like being attacked by teams much higher level than me
    F. There are not enough ways to play the game on my own time
    G. It is too hard to get the Supports I want
    H. There is not enough Red Iso-8
    I. There are not enough new types of competitive events
    J. I wish the developers communicated with the community more
    K. I have nothing to do with all my Iso-8
    L. There are too many 4-star characters in cover packs for me to get the character I want
    M. I do not feel my rate of progress matches my time investment
    N. The game is hard to navigate or does not provide the options I want

    The Good:
    I choose E because this encompasses a lot = Getting characters, powers, etc. and leveling, max leveling, champing, etc.

    The Bad:
    My 3 choices (B, F, M) are essentially the same problem:
    In order to make any meaningful progression you have to:
    1) play this game 2 to 3+ hours a day (or even more if you do 1200 PVP progression and try for +t20 placement)
    2) play multiple times a day
    3) those play sessions have to be at very specific times
    4) and if you don't do all 3 of these well enough, you make very little progress above the 3 Star Tier.  This compounds more and more as you go, until you hit the 5 Star progression and its molasses slow.

    Runners up were L (Cover Dilution) and (Wishful thinking) and I guess G and/or H (I don't even bother with Supports because the R-ISO rate is so bad; maybe I'd care more about them if it were better and the time to max one wasn't insane even if I did somehow manage to get a Rank 5 Support?)

    Interesting there was no entry about 5 Star cover acquisition or 5 Star anything...  If there were, it probably would have been in my top 3.  Since it wasn't that was why I picked since it's the closet to touch upon it.
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2019
    NotBAMF said:
    Which of the following do you like most? *
    A. Collecting new characters
    B. Playing events where I do not compete against other players (e.g. Cinema Showdowns or 12 days of Marvel)
    C. Playing with my Alliance in events (e.g. Civil War or Avengers vs. Ultron)
    D. Playing Story events (e.g. The Hunt or Cosmic Chaos)
    E. Making my characters stronger
    F. Playing challenging battles
    G. Creating teams that work well together
    H. Playing Versus events (e.g. Combined Arms or Earth's Mightiest)

    Which of the following do you like least? *
    Make between 1 and 3 choices

    A. There is not enough Iso-8
    B. I dislike having to play at very specific times
    C. I am tired of playing the same events
    D. I am tired of fighting the same teams in Versus
    E. In Versus, I don’t like being attacked by teams much higher level than me
    F. There are not enough ways to play the game on my own time
    G. It is too hard to get the Supports I want
    H. There is not enough Red Iso-8
    I. There are not enough new types of competitive events
    J. I wish the developers communicated with the community more
    K. I have nothing to do with all my Iso-8
    L. There are too many 4-star characters in cover packs for me to get the character I want
    M. I do not feel my rate of progress matches my time investment
    N. The game is hard to navigate or does not provide the options I want

    *I highlighted my choices. Curious as to what everyone picked.

    Good call by Viceroy; I should explain my answers:

    As for the good, the two aspects of the game I enjoy are PVP and Boss Events. I don't really care "special" PVPs, so I went with Alliance events.

    As for the bad:

    A) This is always a problem. There are a ton of characters I WANT to level up, but I can't because there's never enough ISO-8. I'm always afraid to spend it, even though I am close to having all my covered 4* at at least 209. Between farming 2* and 3*, wanting to lift up my best 5* above 255, and needing to champ a bunch of my 4*… I just have NOWHERE near enough ISO, and it's frustrating.

    L) Dilution sucks, and it's the main reason I wouldn't recommend this game to a new player right. There are way too many 4*, and it's too hard to get any specific ones.

    E) This isn't a big complaint. After A and L, nothing on this list was a bane of my existence. B was close, but the tedious, repetitive aspect of PVE is a much bigger problem than time since I just play for progress. So I went E because it absolutely sucks to get smacked by champed 5* Thorkoye teams with my 4* roster. It's annoying that they are able to queue me. But it's not a BIG complaint.

    If there was an option for "PVE nodes are repetitive and required too many clears", I'd have voted the heck out of that.

  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    On things I like, it is definitely C and G. 

    I'm leaning towards B C and H on things I like the least. Improving B and C would go a long way to my enjoyment of the game. H has been an issue even with Support Circuit. They needed to increase that amount if Supports are going to be here to stay.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    NotBAMF said:

    Good call by Viceroy; I should explain my answers:

    As for the good, the two aspects of the game I enjoy are PVP and Boss Events. I don't really care "special" PVPs, so I went with Alliance events.

    As for the bad:




    If there was an option for "PVE nodes are repetitive and required too many clears", I'd have voted the heck out of that.

    For your last comment, it is somewhat being asked as Issue M = "I do not feel my rate of progress matches my time investment"
    Lots of required clears means lots of time spent playing the game.  Or, don't, and have practically zero advancement.  And this true regardless of where you are in the game's progression.  So, we have to grind out max clears all the time every time for any type of advancement, and when a player becomes post-ISO, it's pretty meager.
    I lumped this into Issue M, and i was a big reason why I picked it myself.

    Your choices bring up a big part of the problem though.

    Your reasons are 100% totally valid for you based on where you are in your progression.
    I was right there with you with these same issues maybe about 2 or 3 years ago (wow, when I say it like I really have been playing this game for too long...).

    I think we need to remind ourselves that the devs have an immense challenge to make all of the different subsets of their player base happy while not adversely affecting the others.   It's possibly a contributing factor as to why they are so slow and hesitant to make even little changes.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    tiomono said:
    It's painfully obvious now that the devs have zero idea where to take the game. Either that or they're internally divided to the point of having to ask us. 
    Or they want to see what the largest group sees as an issue so they can address that first then get to the other issues.
    I pretty much said that in the second half of my post lol. :D

    "Not knowing where to take the game" is just another way of saying they don't know what to fix first. 

    Lol indeed. My reading skills are questionable today (and most other days).
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I would have appreciated an opportunity to leave comments, but I can understand from a statistical perspective that this is probably the quickest and easiest way to sort out our choices and draw inferences from what was chosen the most/least. I truly hope an overwhelming majority of people chose the "there are 2 many 4-star characters in cover packs" option, and that prompts them to take action sooner than later. Of all the options on the list, that's the one I feel needs to be addressed immediately because its the one that continues to worsen the most frequently. Most of them can be addressed by tweaking reward structures and event schedules, but addressing dilution is something that's going to require a regular amount of maintenance even if they do slow down the release schedule. 
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here are the main questions (non-support):

    Edit: I hope they reveal the result of this survey because this will be interesting.

    Which of the following do you like most? *
    A. Collecting new characters
    B. Playing events where I do not compete against other players (e.g. Cinema Showdowns or 12 days of Marvel)
    C. Playing with my Alliance in events (e.g. Civil War or Avengers vs. Ultron)
    D. Playing Story events (e.g. The Hunt or Cosmic Chaos)
    E. Making my characters stronger
    F. Playing challenging battles
    G. Creating teams that work well together
    H. Playing Versus events (e.g. Combined Arms or Earth's Mightiest)

    Which of the following do you like least? *
    Make between 1 and 3 choices

    A. There is not enough Iso-8
    B. I dislike having to play at very specific times
    C. I am tired of playing the same events
    D. I am tired of fighting the same teams in Versus
    E. In Versus, I don’t like being attacked by teams much higher level than me
    F. There are not enough ways to play the game on my own time
    G. It is too hard to get the Supports I want
    H. There is not enough Red Iso-8
    I. There are not enough new types of competitive events
    J. I wish the developers communicated with the community more
    K. I have nothing to do with all my Iso-8
    L. There are too many 4-star characters in cover packs for me to get the character I want
    M. I do not feel my rate of progress matches my time investment
    N. The game is hard to navigate or does not provide the options I want

    My options were listed differently. On question 2 L was most definitely the first choice.

    What I liked most was B not playing vs others.

    What I liked least was mostly based on my time. Playing at specific times. Not enough ways to play on my time. It's too hard to get the supports I want.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed with @Dormammu

    Without wanting to dive into the quote option...
    I chose the "play at specific times" option, "see more versus team variety" (hoping that leads to something), and the " I like more non-competitive PvE events"

    Just things to change the game up as much as I can, honestly.  Not to say I don't like it now... But after way too many countless hours invested, I'd like to see a shake-up.

    ...hmm... I wonder if there is a record of how much time each single account has spent in-game?  That would be crazy.
  • Therealsmkspy
    Therealsmkspy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    Dormammu said:
    It's painfully obvious now that the devs have zero idea where to take the game. Either that or they're internally divided to the point of having to ask us. 
    It's never a bad idea to survey your customers regardless of whether you think you know the answers or not. This is a good practice for any business. I think more companies and businesses should survey their customers and employees on a regular basis.

    100% agree and never said otherwise. This is nothing but a good thing and hopefully the results push the devs to action.

    This poll should have come a long time ago, but at least they've finally done it. 
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe in the Good List, Issue B = "Playing events where I do not compete against other players" is putting out feelers for a return of the Gauntlet?
    Given the other thread, such a tease. ;)

    In hindsight, I maybe should have made my single Good entry to this one, as it could potentially eliminate 2 of my negatives, Issue B =  "must play at specific times" and Issue F = "There are not enough ways to play the game on my own time".
    These two issues (especially the "must play at specific times" one) mostly exist because of the need to place well on the Leaderboard for the good pries.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,221 Chairperson of the Boards
    NotBAMF said:
    Which of the following do you like most? *
    A. Collecting new characters
    B. Playing events where I do not compete against other players (e.g. Cinema Showdowns or 12 days of Marvel)
    C. Playing with my Alliance in events (e.g. Civil War or Avengers vs. Ultron)
    D. Playing Story events (e.g. The Hunt or Cosmic Chaos)
    E. Making my characters stronger
    F. Playing challenging battles
    G. Creating teams that work well together
    H. Playing Versus events (e.g. Combined Arms or Earth's Mightiest)

    Which of the following do you like least? *
    Make between 1 and 3 choices

    A. There is not enough Iso-8
    B. I dislike having to play at very specific times
    C. I am tired of playing the same events
    D. I am tired of fighting the same teams in Versus
    E. In Versus, I don’t like being attacked by teams much higher level than me
    F. There are not enough ways to play the game on my own time
    G. It is too hard to get the Supports I want
    H. There is not enough Red Iso-8
    I. There are not enough new types of competitive events
    J. I wish the developers communicated with the community more
    K. I have nothing to do with all my Iso-8
    L. There are too many 4-star characters in cover packs for me to get the character I want
    M. I do not feel my rate of progress matches my time investment
    N. The game is hard to navigate or does not provide the options I want

    *I highlighted my choices. Curious as to what everyone picked.
    O. All of the above (except for A or K, they kinda cancel one another out if i pick both  :D)
    I change my answer to O, lack of ways to cover 5* if they're going to be released so close to one another (re: 5* Storm announcement and the apparent move from 445 to 4545 release...)
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Glad this topic exists. I generally don't bother filling in the surveys since they were the usual "How likey to recommend" and "What characters do you want" style questions that I felt accomplished nothing.

    This at least asks some important questions.

    Sadly one of the main negatives I have wasn't listed. Specifically there's no way of catching up in 5* land with older characters when there's new stuff to focus on. But that's a simple solution, just create a Classic Legendary token and add it (ADD, mind. Don't replace) to the reward system in PvE and PvP.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here’s what I put:

    Which of the following do you like most? 
    G. Creating teams that work well together

    The interaction of various characters is the core of the game IMHO and what maintains my interest. None of the other options would really answer the question “why are you still playing?”

    Which of the following do you like least? *
    Make between 1 and 3 choices

    -I wish the developers communicated with the community more
    -There are too many 4-star characters in cover packs for me to get the character I want
    -I do not feel my rate of progress matches my time investment

    The other mobile game I play the most, War Robots, just completes their 5th anniversary.  They have an in-game link to all their social media, link to both official and fan-made videos and put out video announcements for all major updates, events and releases.  They aren’t 100% transparent by any means, nor should they be, but the level of communication is just on a whole other level, so that’s definitely a place for improvement for MPQ.

    Otherwise, dilution has ground my progress to a halt so i’ve really had to reevaluate how I play the game just to cover any new releases, and for a “Top 400” player, that means ignoring a substantial number of new characters unless I REALLY want them, as my choices seem to be so limited and the only counters to dilution presently (bonus heroes or direct buys) only let you focus on a small number of characters, at best.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2019
    Which of the following do you like most? *
    C. Playing with my Alliance in events (e.g. Civil War or Avengers vs. Ultron)

    Which of the following do you like least? *
    Make between 1 and 3 choices

    B. I dislike having to play at very specific times
    C. I am tired of playing the same events
    J. I wish the developers communicated with the community more

    Choosing C for the first question goes hand in hand with the specific time question of the second question. But I also like that my whole casual alliance always comes out for alliance events (Boss ones anyway, not so much the new style ones) but doesn't for regular PvE or PvP. It's also when we actually have chats and plot strategies instead of just ask for team ups.

    The other answers about same events and communication are self explanatory. I'm quasi post ISO (6 million ISO but only 50 of the 4* champed but no real reason to champ any of the rest unless they are meta since L209 suffices for everything). Supports/RISO don't really matter much at 4* level other than provide a small boost since I can clear CL7 easily and 8 isn't worth it to me and 9 is out of my reach until my 5* are better. I also don't have any PvP problems with a max level 300 roster in terms of Gritty/too many hits/lack of different teams to fight etc.

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 786 Critical Contributor
    I thought more people would have voted for being tired of facing the same team in versus 

    the gritty bishop issue definitely needs addressing 

    i really liked the questions in this one.

    looks like most of us like the alliance based events. Would be great to get some fresh ones but hopefully not events where we have to split into different subs 

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yepyep said:
    I clicked through it (i.e. dismissed it without response) a bit foggily late one night. I wonder if they can requeue it for me. 
    The survey can be completed here: https://teamd3go.typeform.com/to/Ktu0xG
    You can also get the game to repost the news of the day popups in the options menu.