New Feature: VIP Membership *Updated (6/17/19)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited June 2019 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Update 6/17/19: We have updated the reward charts to reflect the changes to how the plan rewards will be distributed after the 3.5 build. Players will now see more of the rewards weighted in the weekly rewards, and less in the immediate rewards.

Update 5/31/19:
Just wanted to provide an update that we completed the crediting to almost all players that purchased Master and/or Pro VIP Memberships in the time listed below. There are a couple of additional accounts that need to be confirmed and we should have those resolved by Monday. Thank you for your patience!

Update 5/24/19:
We have an update in regards to players that were getting duplicates with their Master and Pro VIP Membership plan purchases.  This is now currently fixed and we will reward users next week that made these purchases during the window of time.

We have included an FAQ section at the bottom of this article that contains answers to some of the most frequent player questions. This will be continuously updated as we answer additional relevant questions.
Hi Everyone,

What if we told you there was a way that players could achieve better rewards faster through game progression without detracting from the fun and engaging experience of the game? Say hello to VIP Membership!

VIP Membership is a brand new subscription plan that grants players both an initial burst and weekly flow of resources to boost their progression experience. Members are first in line for exclusive content, gain access to special discounts for things like Planeswalkers and Booster Packs, unlock Members-only custom deck slots, and get to show off their support for the game with Membership Avatars and Titles to decorate their Player Profile!

There are 3 different VIP Membership plans that players can choose from: Basic, Pro, and Master.

Not sure you want to dive headfirst into a monthly plan just yet? This is the perfect choice for you then! Dip your toes into the water with just a week-long Basic plan to see how being a part of VIP Membership can help boost your progression.

To celebrate the launch of VIP Membership, all players will be able to try out a free Basic plan following the 3.4 update!

Ready to take your Magic Puzzle Quest experience to the next level? The Pro plan offers a full months-worth of useful resources, booster packs, and cards. Not only that, but you’ll get access to exclusive content before anyone else, a wider pool of booster packs to choose from in the Vault, and special discounts on certain items!

Get the full VIP Membership experience at your fingertips with the Master plan. This Membership plan takes all the benefits of the Pro plan and cranks it up a notch: more resources, more booster packs, and more cards! This way you can spend more time fine-tuning your decks and strengthening your Planeswalkers, and less time having to gather the resources needed.

Just like the Pro plan, you’ll also get access to exclusive content before anyone else, a wider pool of booster packs to choose from in the Vault, and special discounts.

Upon starting any VIP Membership plans, all players will receive an immediate burst of rewards followed by additional rewards given out weekly. Check out the reward details below!

Not only that, but players can enjoy additional benefits from gaining the new VIP Status. For those who continue to support the game with a Membership plan each month (Pro & Master), they’ll be eligible to receive a VIP Status. Each month they renew their plan, their VIP Status will increase by one Tier. With each Tier comes even more perks; everything from bonus resources and one-time offers to even Non-Duplicate pulls of Mythic and Masterpiece cards!

Check out the full details below:

(More Tiers will be added in the near future)

Mana Jewels Bonus
In addition to supporting the game with your VIP Membership, all active members will be able to earn bonus Mana Jewels when making a purchase! For each dollar over $10.00 USD (rounded up), players will receive 2 Mana Jewels in return.

For example, if a player purchases a $14.99 USD offer, they will receive 10 Mana Jewels.
  • (14.99 - 10) x 2 = 9.98 => 10 Mana Jewels
We hope you enjoy all the benefits and rewards you can earn from being a VIP Member! Thank you for supporting the game, and as always, thank you so much for being a part of the Magic: the Gathering - Puzzle Quest community!


Are the immediate rewards only when starting a plan or also earned when renewing one?
The immediate rewards are awarded each time a plan is renewed.

How many times can Tier rewards be earned?
Tier rewards are only awarded once when the player reaches that Tier.

How do I increase my Tier?
Tiers are increased when you renew an existing Pro / Master Membership plan or whenever you upgrade to a higher plan. Basic plan does not increase your Tier.

What happens to my Tier if I cancel or downgrade my plan?
Your Tier is unaffected if you downgrade from Master to Pro. If you downgrade to the Basic plan or cancel, then your Tier will remain at the same level for 30 days before it begins dropping a Tier each following month.

Is early access to content similar to exclusive cards?
Yes. Early access to content is in the same vein as the current Exclusive Card bundles, where players can acquire it ahead of time, but all players will eventually have access to it at some point.

How frequently can I craft Masterpieces, once I reach Tier 6?
So long as you are at Tier 6 or higher, then the option to craft Masterpieces will always be available to you in Booster Crafting.

How much does a Masterpiece card cost to craft?
Newest Set: 15,000 Mana Orbs
Standard: 10,000 Mana Orbs
Legacy: 6,000 Mana Orbs



  • Stalker
    Stalker Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    Biggest concern for me is the pricing. Ramps up quick and pretty high. 
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    ayuready7 said:
    The content of this game is not worth paying.
    Content is fine enough. The rampant bugs and instability are the main points of contention I see when considering a subscription model. Would you pay for Amazon Prime if 20% of your 2nd-day orders showed up a week later?
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:

    In addition, we're dedicating a large portion of an upcoming build to addressing Game Performance Stability and Loading Time.
    Music to my ears!
  • Azerack
    Azerack Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Is the VIP money going to support the QA team and the Developers unit testing?

    That being said, I agree that this pricing is a little crazy. $15.99 is what people pay for VIP status on online MMORPG's like WoW, TERA, EQ and others... 

    I honestly don't know a game where you pay $30 a month, except I think Sony..sorry.. Daybreak games has their "All Access" pass that runs that much but that pays for ALL games that Daybreak owns.

    I will fully expect a LOT more "upping of your game" on your side if this VIP thing takes off. Whomever came up with it really needs to look at the pricing out there for things..
    Even Marvel PQ's VIP isn't that expensive...

    Finally, up-fronting $15 a month, let alone $30 a month, how much of a discount can be expected on any special card or PW sales?

    Sorry, final-finally... The mana RUNES rewards for Tier 2-4? You can do better than that, right? 
  • sjechua
    sjechua Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    edited May 2019
    @Brigby ... so, if you pay for 6 consecutive months of VIP Membership Pro Plan @ USD$89.94, do you gain the ability to craft Masterpieces indefinitely at Tier 6? Or is it only for 1-month?

    How many Mana Orbs would be required to craft a Masterpiece after the 5-month wait?

    The VIP Tier rewards seem to be missing a zero at the end of each reward... should be 20,000 Mana Orbs at attaining Tier 6.

    What guarantees do we have that the initial 6 Tiers will not be adjusted downwards after say 3-months?
  • Azerack
    Azerack Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Also, can you switch between plans and still maintain the Tier level,  or does it reset?
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    jtwood said:
    ayuready7 said:
    The content of this game is not worth paying.
    Content is fine enough. The rampant bugs and instability are the main points of contention I see when considering a subscription model. Would you pay for Amazon Prime if 20% of your 2nd-day orders showed up a week later?
    That certainly is understandable, which is why our team wanted to include as many bug fixes into the 3.4 update as we could; this includes the soft-locks players have been encountering.

    In addition, we're dedicating a large portion of an upcoming build to addressing Game Performance Stability and Loading Time.
    Sorry, but I do not like this VIP option at all, and what is more, you recognize that the current buggy status is not worth paying. Incredible!
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2019
    Bil said:
      Do the VIP status include tbe payback of rewards lost because of bugs in events?  .... No? Then all of this is pointless.
       Also ... I would have been kind to fix bugs and ensure the game works properly BEFORE milking back players ...
      Just my 2 cents tho...
    You are right. They fix some bugs, but no one knows how many new an exciting bugs will come with the new version and of course how many old bugs will come back.

    And of course no new content.
  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    You can say there are upcoming bug fixes until you are blue in the face, that doesn't mean squat with the many, MANY times updates have come out saying they fix something only to not actually fix it, or it breaks again the same way next update. The bugs and inconsistencies are so rampant in this game that you can't even get me to play it for free, and you think I'm going to want to spend money to play it? Management of this project is sorely out of touch with the product.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    VIP or no VIP does not matter to me. Its not like its really "valuetown" pricing anyway. Feels like a relatively ignorable part of the update.. at least with the current content available. 

    But with the consecutively odd decisions being made recently.. outlook does not seem too good.