How many games do you want to be FORCED to play per day?



  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    I get your frustration, but insulting is quite harsh. Not very thought through, absolutely!
    By the way - nice that you have some million useless runes. But that's the vast monitority right now. I just started being competitive when QB was around, and I can seriously need all the runes I can get my hands on - and so will be every player that started within the last two years and likes getting planeswalkers. Runes are a good extra reward. Fully agree on the origins thing, by the way. It's likely the first set any player finishes.
  • Outersider
    Outersider Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    To me giving an Origins pack at 42 is an insult. and nothing but runes at 43 is a further insult. It's nothing more more than here's your piece of coal you've been a bad boy all year mentality. If the reward were jewels or crystals then that is something I can use. Something I can't use means you don't care about veteran players and that IS AN INSULTl.
  • Outersider
    Outersider Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    You were given something by levelling before ... leveling up to better rewards..After that no more rewards no more levels.... However by introducing us to new levels you would expect that they reward you with something that you can use....  I truly want to know how they even thought that giving a veteran player at level 42 would need anything from an Origin pack.... or that a 43 player needs runes...    Give us something that I'm sure most of veteran players can use like jewels or crystals or a pack from the newest set.... at least we would have a chance at obtaining a card we might not have.... 
  • TheDude1
    TheDude1 Posts: 199 Tile Toppler
    Outersider, I don't mean to speculate too much, but there very well may be a reason that levels are being built with rewards that include origins and legacy packs.  Right now, the only way to earn levels is by mastering cards, so what you say is correct in the current environment.  But Brigby has explicitly mentioned that there will be other ways to earn XP/level up that do not include card mastery, which makes it sound more likely that players will advance to levels 30+ without having nearly the same sets that veterans currently do. 

    That seems especially true since it now takes so much more XP just to master a card.  Based on MBurns's awesome data, a new player can nearly get to level 30 by mastering 80 uncommons and 30 rares, which is essentially one set.  (It will take a lot of matches to do so, but leaving that aside for now.)  That is nowhere near the mastery of what most veterans currently have, but in that context the reward structure seems more appropriate going forward. 

    When you layer on additional ways to earn XP in the future, including partially-mastered cards, it wouldn't be altogether surprising to see future level 40+ with relatively small collections.

    I'm setting aside any arguments for what veterans should have received (reward or level) during the conversion, and focusing on just what the going-forward basis will be.  The XP/leveling reward is a setup based on a structure that isn't directly tied to the past mastery setup, which will only be one part of leveling in the future.  The transition was handled with very poor communication/implementation and it's still unknown how the future setup will look, but I don't think comparing the rewards to what you already have is the best approach here.
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been taking my own advice more and just not playing Training Grounds most of the last few days and it's so relaxing!
  • tfg76
    tfg76 Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    Are you saying we don't get XP for partially mastering? I thought that was the whole change! I'll have to check my bar next time, but it does say, with big characters, "+20 XP", so I assumed that applied to my mastery level. 
  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    tfg76 said:
    Are you saying we don't get XP for partially mastering? I thought that was the whole change! I'll have to check my bar next time, but it does say, with big characters, "+20 XP", so I assumed that applied to my mastery level. 
    Color mastery and profile experience are two separate things.  You only gain color mastery points when complete mastery of a card is accomplished.  You get profile experience during even partial mastery (the +20 you describe, for example, is profile experience).
  • Outersider
    Outersider Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    The current rewards still make no sense... even if a new player can level up quickly (which again punishes veterans who took years to get where they are) that still leaves the veteran player with nothing they can use. I'm betting 99% of anyone reaching 43 has enough runes to level the next 10 planeswalker to max . They mean nada. Again give us something EVERYONE can possibly use, jewels/grystals/pack from newest set. If you don't make it something that everyone could possibly use then all you are doing is rewarding a portion of the player base. I'm not asking that I get an automatic card I don't have... just something I can POSSIBLY use, not something I CERTAINLY cannot. 
  • Brakkis
    Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    The current rewards still make no sense... even if a new player can level up quickly (which again punishes veterans who took years to get where they are) that still leaves the veteran player with nothing they can use. I'm betting 99% of anyone reaching 43 has enough runes to level the next 10 planeswalker to max . They mean nada. Again give us something EVERYONE can possibly use, jewels/grystals/pack from newest set. If you don't make it something that everyone could possibly use then all you are doing is rewarding a portion of the player base. I'm not asking that I get an automatic card I don't have... just something I can POSSIBLY use, not something I CERTAINLY cannot. 

    I can use that Origins pack. I'm level 44, about 1000 from 45. I can take that pack, get some orbs, and put those towards crafting one of the 302 cards I don't have.

    If you have every card, and you don't need orbs, you shouldn't be complaining in the first place.
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm at level 46, nearly 47. I was around when quick battle was a thing. I'm missing no rares, but some dozen legacy mythics. I own and maxed every pw so far. I don't have enough runes to level Brokhan to sixty,and didn't even think about getting deck slots.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Kinesia said:
    I've been taking my own advice more and just not playing Training Grounds most of the last few days and it's so relaxing!
     Same  feeling and I haven't been playing most of the TG for few days too. Maybe be both don't want to admit we're exausted or we don't know it. I hope many are not doing the same cause it isn't good.

    I don't bother mastering cards for having my hands full with dailies already. I just don't have time playing sub optimal decks which is aggravated by the fact that there are no benefits in mastering cards and leveling at this point in time, nor are we getting any competitive advantage . The reward/time ain't worth my attention. I'll reconsider when mastering/leveling makes more sense.

    With 2 TGs, Trial of The Planes feels somehow a bit too much with 8 games to finish.
    Again, no one is required to play anything.

    Time, not necessarily having the upper hand/fun drives some to seek specific cards and powerful combos.

  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    Theros said:
    Kinesia said:
    I've been taking my own advice more and just not playing Training Grounds most of the last few days and it's so relaxing!
     Same  feeling and I haven't been playing most of the TG for few days too. Maybe be both don't want to admit we're exausted or we don't know it. I hope many are not doing the same cause it isn't good.

    I don't bother mastering cards for having my hands full with dailies already. I just don't have time playing sub optimal decks which is aggravated by the fact that there are no benefits in mastering cards and leveling at this point in time, nor are we getting any competitive advantage . The reward/time ain't worth my attention. I'll reconsider when mastering/leveling makes more sense.

    With 2 TGs, Trial of The Planes feels somehow a bit too much with 8 games to finish.
    Again, no one is required to play anything.

    Time, not necessarily having the upper hand/fun drives some to seek specific cards and powerful combos.

    Then for battle of the 4 tribes I made a new Sunbird deck and tested it in training grounds, playing the 4 games while tweaking it and then I stopped and went back to B4T.
    So I think I'll mostly just do it occasionally on purpose like that instead of pushing myself for every day. It felt far more natural.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    I should thank Octagon for adding another TG. Since two of them are available, I don't play any of them anymore :-) So much more relaxing. So... thank you Octagon!
  • Outersider
    Outersider Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    I own every pw all maxed. I need 9 Mythics from Guild to h ave every Mythic. I need 57 Maasterpieces.  I am down to my last 18 cards (2 common, 4 uncommon, 5 rare, 4 Mythic and 3 Masterpieces). to master. I might make 43 with them. I'm finding it difficult to believe that people are at 47 and still need runes. I'm at 2.3 million and they are worthless. ....  They serve no purpose now. If I could trade them in for something useful then I could see giving runes. How folks can be at 46 and still need runes is beyond me. Most of my runes were gathered by mastering cards so I can't see how anyone could need them at 47. Something seems off about that for some reason. I would be curious to know how many cards others have and what levels they are?   I still believe that giving us Runes and Origin Packs is an insult. Jewels/Crystals/Newest set packs (at least 99% of us would have a chance at something useful). 
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Outersider read my and others posts in "please provide Infos about mastery" and other threads to understand why it can be that way. Basically, the more cards mastered, the fewer experience per mastered card was transferred. I started with 41, I'll get to 48 (maybe 49 when I craft some more mythics). Without the discount on the transition, you'd be likely in the high 80s/90s regarding your level. I'd be a couple of levels below you but in the same region. So the rewards in the 40's levels are more or less aimed at the players who will get there in the future, not who are now there.

    And believe me, I do need runes. Brokhan is at 59, the rest is at 60, but I got.. Three deck slots. I know about half a dozen players with some million runes - it's the vast minority,even for the vets.
  • Gabrosin
    Gabrosin Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    To max out every available planeswalker would take just shy of 6.4 million runes.  Soon to be close to 6.9 million, with the three new RNA planeswalkers we expect.  This also doesn't count buying the bonus deck slots, which adds about another 1 million runes.

    I've been playing nonstop for a little over a year now, and I've accrued maybe 3 million runes in that timeframe.  I never got to experience Quick Battle.  Those of us who have come on board during that time are still far short of the runes we would need to max everything.

    There's a legitimate argument that people should be able to use their runes for something other than one deck slot per PW and maxing out their levels.  But turning off the flow of them would be a really bad thing for the growth of the game.  Especially with so many of the game's best PWs costing 4x runes to get to 60 compared to a monocolored PW.

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Please keep all comments on the topic of how many games players want to play a day. Thank you!
  • BigSwifty
    BigSwifty Posts: 98 Match Maker
    The more games you play, the better your reward should be. I am happy with things the way they are at the present. If you play 3-6 games in RT you will have good rewards and earn your entry crystals back. If you play more you get more as RT continues to pay out 200runes per objective. If you play less you get less. Balance right now is perfect imo.
  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
    In answer to the thread title: