MPQ Sneak Peek: February 2019 Edition *Updated (2/25/19)



  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's a surprise Wakanda celebration that gives 1 free token that allows you to pull from a 41 item Wakanda Celebration vault.

    It cost 11250 HP for 40 pulls. This vault contains 1 Okoye Costume, 2 LTs, one 4* Black Panther and Shuri cover, some Wakanda related supports, 12 Heroic Tokens and some other isos.

    Just 2 LTs and 2 4* covers in this vault automatically say "value". Too bad I don't have 11250HP to clear this vault.

    The 2850 HP tenpacks are almost as good a value, it costs 11400 HP to clear out the vault that way. The advantage of the tenpacks is you can quit if you get a lot of the stuff you want early. I got two tenpacks but stopped since I got the 3* Royal Talon Fighter that I wanted. There's still a Legendary token and a Shuri cover I really want in there, but I don't Think I can motivate spending more HP in there now...
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2019
    That's true. The difference is only 150HP. I didnt expect the difference between pulling 10x four times and pullling 40x to be that close. I thought it's going to be at least 1000HP or more.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 41 Vaults are normally fairly close but that is still fairly surprising for what is a more of a high end vault.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Black Panther PvP! I can finally try out my new Black Panther oriented Support!!! Oh, wait... :neutral:
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *(02/20/19) Brigby - Updated Versus events, Story events, and Deadpool's Dailies
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *(02/22/19) Brigby - Updated Versus events
  • Kingart813
    Kingart813 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    What happened to the black panther stiry event?  It seems like we get the same old tiring repeated events...

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    The devs took Fight for Wakanda (Black Panther Story Event) out of rotation because a lot of players were complaining about the event. 

    New Captain Marvel story event coming up though.
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    The devs took Fight for Wakanda (Black Panther Story Event) out of rotation because a lot of players were complaining about the event. 
    Are you serious? Was that officially stated by devs?
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2019

    I hope this isn’t their solution to the Wakanda event, because I have a feeling it is, and it’s not the solution.
    No, I recognize that this change isn't going to address feedback on Fight for Wakanda. (We've taken that event out of rotation and hope to make some tweaks before we re-introduce it.)

  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor

    I hope this isn’t their solution to the Wakanda event, because I have a feeling it is, and it’s not the solution.
    No, I recognize that this change isn't going to address feedback on Fight for Wakanda. (We've taken that event out of rotation and hope to make some tweaks before we re-introduce it.)

    Wow... Very interesting way of fixing a “problem”. Was there a problem even, besides it being slow?

    Thanks for sharing HoS!
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    To summarise: the cd tiles were not "neutral" enough. I remember that the description were something like neutral tiles will drop and do the following effects. Many have a problem with the devs calling it "neutral". It was apparent that the devs' definitions of "neutral" were different from those players' definition.

    Based on memory, the complains for the first run were:

    Day 1 (healthpack drain + potential cascade on enemy turn and potential free ap for enemy): CD tiles that explode and did AoE damage to both teams
    Day 2 (unfairness) CD tiles that churn out friendly protect tiles and then flip the protect tiles to the enemy team. The cd tiles won't flip the enemy protect tiles back to the players.
    Day 3 (ap steal): cd that steals ap

    On the second run, they made some changes and I think Day 4 was added.

    Day 1(same as above): cds that explode and  deal single damage to front character of both team
    Day 2(unfairness): same as above
    Day 3 (random ap steal): both teams
    Day 4: cds that randomly stun characters.

    Definition of "neutral" of those players:

    Day 1: cd tiles should explode on player's turns to give them potential cascade and potentially free aps.

    Day 2: instead of flipping the protect tiles to the enemy team and stopping at that, it should flip back and forth 

    Day 3: none but it slows down match.

    Day 4: none but it slows down match.
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    So they bowed down to semantics... Simple solution would have been: they are neutral, as not owned by player of AI, but they go of on AI turn... And we wouldnt have lost an event..
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smart80 said:
    So they bowed down to semantics... Simple solution would have been: they are neutral, as not owned by player of AI, but they go of on AI turn... And we wouldnt have lost an event..

    They probably bowed down to the unwashed masses outside of the forum not playing the event.
    Surely they'd use metrics to can an event, not forum feedback.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Smart80 said:
    So they bowed down to semantics... Simple solution would have been: they are neutral, as not owned by player of AI, but they go of on AI turn... And we wouldnt have lost an event..

    They probably bowed down to the unwashed masses outside of the forum not playing the event.
    Surely they'd use metrics to can an event, not forum feedback.

    It's quite possible CS got more complaints than usual about the event being ""bugged" too. Pure speculation, but more work for Customer Service would probably be a heavier factor than complaints on the forum.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Smart80 said:
    So they bowed down to semantics... Simple solution would have been: they are neutral, as not owned by player of AI, but they go of on AI turn... And we wouldnt have lost an event..

    They probably bowed down to the unwashed masses outside of the forum not playing the event.
    Surely they'd use metrics to can an event, not forum feedback.
    Perhaps some of both.  I fully believe that less people played the event, especially once it got past the first run and they didn't like the difficulty.  Placement in FFW was always easier for me than in other events (and not just because one run, I had a champed godboosted Thor).  It was obvious less people were trying hard.

    But, around one of the last runs, Brigby (if I recall correctly) asked for feedback on the forum on what people thought about the event and what seemed unfair about it (which was the main complaint, that the tiles were described as "neutral" but mostly benefitted the AI).  So I assume the feedback here informed the devs to a degree about why people didn't like the event, and what changes might be needed to make it more appealing.

    That said, I am curious why the team hasn't tried to re-introduce it.  I know it would take a lot of work (probably) to modify the tiles' behavior, but at the same time, there was a lot of work done to get the event put together and it's just been mothballed.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    It did say that they were hoping to make some tweaks before re-introducing but I guess that fell down the back of the sofa next to System Reboot.

    Unless SCL10 PvE will be introduced featuring Fight for Wakanda on a never ending loop.
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    I would have thought the Oscars would have been a nice time to reintroduce them, if ever...
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *(02/25/19) Brigby - Updated Versus events, Story events, Deadpool's Dailies, and Weekly Buffs
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    I appreciate the update letting us know:

    1.  We have a boss event (Thanos) coming Thursday
    2.  What looks like a War Machine PVP is coming soon, which is appropriate for Carol in terms of comics and their relationship.

    Others, I'm sure, appreciate the weekly buff and DDQ update a bit early as well.