Cards requiring different amounts of experience to master depending on event. [Fix in 3.4]



  • GregDreher
    GregDreher Posts: 100 Tile Toppler
    Here's my experience playing with the brand new cards:

    1. Put a new common into a deck for Revolt Against the Consulate.  Upon winning, get +20 XP and move the gauge 20% of the way.  After five rounds, each getting +20 XP, the card is mastered.

    2. Put a new common into a deck for Rising Tensions.  Upon winning, get +20 XP and move the gauge more than half the way.  After winning a second game, still get +20 XP, but now the card is mastered.

    I'm testing in Training Grounds as well.  It appears to be following the XP progression of the first example, but it's going to take 17 rounds to master.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    edited March 2019

    Thanks for your observations @GregDreher. Exactly the same as mine. Therefore, @Brigby, @Tombstone, please update us on the status for a fix to this in RT. It's the only daily event that allow us to master cards in a reasonable fashion. I used to play TG for this, but with the current abominable 6 XP per win, it takes forever to master cards there.

    How about this suggestion? Give cards in TG 20 XP per card for the first 4 won matches, meaning, if you received all the rewards in TG, subsequent wins only give 6 XP per card. That would be a great balance and also restore the fun I had with playing and trying new cards and decks in TG. I've been playing Ajani Unyielding cats for two months now and I still haven't mastered Pride Sovereign. That becomes a bit dull to the point that I stopped playing TG alltogether. Is that something you want? I only play TG now when I have some spare time, which is... like... almost never.

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    It seems to be OK in the "new" Rising Tensions event. I'm content with that. so I guess a thank you is in order :-)
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    Nope... the old Rising Tensions still messes with the XP per card. Please fix this issue!
  • Larz70
    Larz70 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2019
    The old RT experience bug improved by a little bit.  Commons used to take 2 games to master (40 exp), now it takes 3 (the third game only gave me +10XP for a total of 50 XP).  Until this is fixed avoid mastering in the old RT.

    EDIT: I did not properly control my test as other cards also got mastered during that match, so it's possible that I got 20XP on the third game for a total of 60XP.  Still bugged though as commons should provide you with 100 XP per devs confirmation.
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  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the additional information everyone, I'll inform the team that this issue is still being seen in some events.  
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2019

    No, no, no!

    @Brigby: the rune rewards may have been fixed, but now the RNA RT event is also messing up the XP gain. I just used two unmastered cards from RNA (a common and an uncommon) and before getting the 20 XP due to winning the fight, the visual bar showed the common almost over HALF!

    So, it seems that @arNero's wild guess is not so wild. (S)he may be correct that the three times rune rewards are linked to the three times XP reward a card gets, while only 20 XP per card is added to the player profile.

    In my opinion, this needs to be fixed ASAP! It's already unbelievable that players that mastered a lot of their cards are put at a major XP disadvantage, but with the current two RT events, EVERY player that uses unmastered cards are also partially robbed of their potential XP gains.

    Any response to this would be greatly appreciated to avoid that this matter is covered in silence, like so many other matters.

    Edit: part of the fun of this game for me (I speak for myself here) is playing with unmastered cards and see if I can find some cool interactions with other cards. Getting XP for them is an extra incentive. Now, both RT events get boring daily chores, because I have to use the same setup with all mastered cards. Diversity is what keeps me connected to this game. I hope that my rationale will show the importance.

  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2019
    Guys, guys, an emergency question please:

    As of today, RNA Rising Tension can give up to 600 runes per win unlike the last time. But do any of you remember if the old RNA Rising Tension was affected by the Mastery fiasco (as in, Xp bar filling up more than what the XP gain should give)?

    Because now the RNA Rising Tension behaves EXACTLY like GRN Rising Tension, where you get the same amount of mastery XP per card (20), but the mastery bar fills up MUCH faster and hence it takes fewer games to fill up the mastery bar, denying the Xp in the long run.

    EDIT: Oh, dang, @Machine, you JUST answered my question at the exact same second as my post D::D

    EDIT: I can understand @Brigby's decision to split off some of these posts to properly reflect the correct topic, and ultimately I don't have a problem with it.

    Here, I am simply quoting one of my posts in the old Rune Nerf thread so that people who asked what I said could know what I was saying (in particular, about @Machine's comment that my wild guess wasn't so wild:

    arNero said:
    I don't know if this is relevant to the discussion, but after testing the GRN Rising Tension for the Xp bug, it suddenly dawned on me there's something strange about the XP situation.

    See, the last time I tested by putting a completely unmastered, fresh new common in my deck, I got 20 XP and the Xp bar of the card was filled over half the meter. At first this is already a known bug many players have reported, but then it hit me: That bar was filled over half, potentially 60% of the full bar as though the card got 60 Xp while I get only 20 Xp.

    Which then hit me: GRN Rising Tension can award up to 600 Runes per win, 3 times what RNA Rising Tension can ever award. But perhaps somehow in doing so, by rewarding 3x the Runes of RNA, GRN instead also pushes the card mastery Xp 3x as normal despite not giving bonus Xp. Could the dumbing down of RNA Rune reward be somehow related to this bug?

    I know this is a stupidly wild guess, but the situation feels rather uncanny....

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2019
    See my post above @arNero ;-) It did NOT have the XP issue, but now it does. Heck, I wouldn't care if you unpush the data "fix". I want the XP I'm due. The runes are less important (still needed, but less important).
  • Dropspot
    Dropspot Posts: 200 Tile Toppler
    I understand having everything working correctly is the least they can do. But let's be honest runes are more important than XP, at least for the great majority of players.

  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    Dropspot said:
    I understand having everything working correctly is the least they can do. But let's be honest runes are more important than XP, at least for the great majority of players.

    What's your source for this statement? This so-called "fix" completely spoils the fun for the RT events for me. Sure, you can still use unmastered cards, if you don't care about how much XP you get for your cards.
  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2019
    This is yet another reason why I've come to hate this Player leveling system, especially in its current iteration.

    On one hand, I will say that Runes are more important than mastering cards (even if it has its limit; a player who has a few millions of Runes obviously doesn't care as much since they can fully level up a dozen of planeswalkers coming in the next year or so), especially for a Platinum player who doesn't quite have any more need to master cards due to the fact they're already at the top of reward options. So Rising Tensions 600 runes max per win is very much welcome.

    Problem is, the current player leveling system also gives an encouragement to master cards due to the fact that you get some rewards upon leveling up. I admit sometimes they are a bit underwhelming for the sheer amount of effort you need to put to fill up one level, but reward is reward. This means that trying to master cards in Rising Tension hurts you in the long run, and unfortunately, ever since they dumbed down the speed at which we can master cards in Story mode and made grinding for level irritatingly hard, we don't have very many options to level up and we are forced to ignore leveling up and lose out on rewards.

    Basically, as @Machine said, it's best that right now, use only fully mastered cards for the events for both Rising Tension until a fix can be found. In the mean time, Devs have several problems that they must solve about this Xp issue.

    Frankly if you ask me, I am currently thinking about one action that the Devs can do right now to mitigate the damage done by this XP denials, and that is to immediately remove the player leveling system for a while. I mean, please, between players who have complained about not getting the proper amount of levels despite having so many mastered cards, Rising Tension denying Xp in the long run preventing players to gain rewards, this system is bugged as hell and doesn't benefit players as well as it should. I am also currently looking if we currently have a thread about what people think about player leveling system to pour my ideas into; These mistakes need to be addressed soon.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2019
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  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Merged same topic comments into same thread

    For players that are saying their cards are receiving more XP than they should be, could you please provide more specific detail? (what event, what card rarity, how much XP before and after)

    When I tried it on my own account, I did not see any error. I had a Common card with 0 XP prior to completing a match in the Rising Tensions - Azorius Senate event, and after the match it had 20 XP
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  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can confirm the issue.
    I joined the event "rising tensions". I chose a pw and added 10 new cards. I mastered them too fast.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    starfall said:
    Brigby said:
    *Merged same topic comments into same thread

    For players that are saying their cards are receiving more XP than they should be, could you please provide more specific detail? (what event, what card rarity, how much XP before and after)

    When I tried it on my own account, I did not see any error. I had a Common card with 0 XP prior to completing a match in the Rising Tensions - Azorius Senate event, and after the match it had 20 XP
    It's very obviously broken. Do some playtesting. Or are you offering to employ us as playtesters?
    I understand that you are upset, and rest assured, no one is required to provide any further information unless they would like to help.

    I am merely asking for clarification on how players encountered the issue, because my own personal experience attempting to reproduce it failed to cause the issue to occur. (Note that regardless, I've already passed this along to our QA team for investigation)
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Can confirm the issue.
    I joined the event "rising tensions". I chose a pw and added 10 new cards. I mastered them too fast.
    Thanks for that insight. I just have a few quick follow up questions:
    • What specific Rising Tensions event was it?
    • Are all 10 of those cards from the same set? If so, which set was it?
    • When you say you mastered them too fast, how much XP did they gain, and how much did you expect to receive?
  • Brakkis
    Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2019
    Brigby said:
    Can confirm the issue.
    I joined the event "rising tensions". I chose a pw and added 10 new cards. I mastered them too fast.
    Thanks for that insight. I just have a few quick follow up questions:
    • What specific Rising Tensions event was it?
    • Are all 10 of those cards from the same set? If so, which set was it?
    • When you say you mastered them too fast, how much XP did they gain, and how much did you expect to receive?

    The specific Rising Tensions is irrelevant. They are all doing it. All 5 of the GRN ones are, and now the RNA one is after the runes were fixed. Presumably this initiated the bug within the RNA events as well.
    The specific set is irrelevant. It happens to every card, regardless of set and rarity.

    Rising Tensions is giving 20 XP per objective to cards based on the number of objectives completed as opposed to just a victory.

    Let's use a common card as an example. They require 100 XP to master.

    If you only complete the win objective and not the secondary or tertiary, it will take you 5 wins to master a common, as expected. Instead, if you complete all 3 objectives for 2 matches, you will master the same common in those 2 matches. If you instead only win the match and meet one of the other 2 objectives for 3 matches, you will master that card in those 3 matches.

    However, the mastery screen will only say the card gained 20 XP and you will only earn 20 XP towards your Player Profile. But the card will be mastered after it only shows 40 XP having been gained, or 60, or 80, depending on how many of each objective you complete.