
  • FoxyMulder wrote:
    Emeryt wrote:
    You just gave me an idea - how about massive move to another game? Like, with 30-40people? So that we could build another community icon_e_biggrin.gif

    That might be a really good idea! Any suggestions?

    I've recently started playing Marvel Heroes. The community there is obviously already huge, but we could always make our own little niche, if anyone's interested in that. I'm FoxyMulder there, too.
    I can't, I'm banned for life there icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif
  • I don't get it, guys. If you aren't happy, move on. I have been playing games for years and no matter how much I like a game, whether an RPG or a shooter or a mobile game, it eventually becomes stale and I move on. Go find another game and take the pity party somewhere else please.
  • I don't get it, guys. If you aren't happy, move on. I have been playing games for years and no matter how much I like a game, whether an RPG or a shooter or a mobile game, it eventually becomes stale and I move on. Go find another game and take the pity party somewhere else please.

    This community is unreal... Everyone here hates being criticized... Why do people complain about things if they don't want to hear a valid truth... I agree with Pestilentcod, if you don't like it, quit... I've got things to complain about just as much as the next guy, but expect criticism, don't be prude... I hope D3 mess this Season 1 event up that you leave tbh and any other guy that wants to whine and make empty threats, about it... I don't like the events sometimes and this Daken one that is on right now is the most annoying out of the lot, but I'm not making a thread here complaining saying that it's stupid, shouldn't be allowed since he's a new character blah blah blah.

    Just go download another game if you're not happy with this one... I play this because it's about Marvel, I don't play because of the people or the prizes, I have fun nonetheless... It's even more fun when someone with 100+ leveled teams and get 15 points from me then I go and beat them for 38 and they still continue to fight back like a sucker lol... Can't you just enjoy the game for what it is.
  • I don't get it, guys. If you aren't happy, move on. I have been playing games for years and no matter how much I like a game, whether an RPG or a shooter or a mobile game, it eventually becomes stale and I move on. Go find another game and take the pity party somewhere else please.
    For most players complaining here the game hasn't become stale yet, they are just unhappy with the way the game is run. Suppose you are crazy on ice cream, just with the supplier not getting the delivery channels straight, serving you some melted slop over and over again. One approach would be to get addicted to pizza instead, the other to ask your supplier to improve his service, with details on how to do so. I guess a lot of players are really, really fond of ice cream, considering the effort they spend to contact their supplier, even after repeatedly getting ignored.
  • Adamantium wrote:
    I don't get it, guys. If you aren't happy, move on. I have been playing games for years and no matter how much I like a game, whether an RPG or a shooter or a mobile game, it eventually becomes stale and I move on. Go find another game and take the pity party somewhere else please.

    This community is unreal... Everyone here hates being criticized... Why do people complain about things if they don't want to hear a valid truth... I agree with Pestilentcod, if you don't like it, quit... I've got things to complain about just as much as the next guy, but expect criticism, don't be prude... I hope D3 mess this Season 1 event up that you leave tbh and any other guy that wants to whine and make empty threats, about it... I don't like the events sometimes and this Daken one that is on right now is the most annoying out of the lot, but I'm not making a thread here complaining saying that it's stupid, shouldn't be allowed since he's a new character blah blah blah.

    Just go download another game if you're not happy with this one... I play this because it's about Marvel, I don't play because of the people or the prizes, I have fun nonetheless... It's even more fun when someone with 100+ leveled teams and get 15 points from me then I go and beat them for 38 and they still continue to fight back like a sucker lol... Can't you just enjoy the game for what it is.

    Most of us here on the forum have (most likely) been here longer than you. We used to enjoy the game before a lot of the newer changes. The game was fine before (fundamental gameplay is still the same). I'm trying to keep it in perspective as a lot of us are also suffering from simple tiredness as a result of playing the same thing all the time. The issue that most people here have is that they have changed it and made it WORSE than it was. You can't be a casual MPQ player and still be rewarded the way you used to be. You now need to be HARDCORE just to get one 3*

    I'm going to go out on limb and say that the last month is when things have deteriorated rather rapidly. The season concept was introduced and that was probably the last cool change that was introduced. Since then most of the changes have been secretly implemented for no good reason (other than finding out what will make people spend more money). Most frustratingly of all is the lack of communication from the Developers. The community is not told what changes are coming or what the motivation for those changes is. In addition the fact that we are getting repeats of PvPs for Heroes that no one likes just feels like an outright insult.
    -"Oh hey! You hate Loki, well here is a Loki PvP. God of Lies."
    -"BUT WAIT, because Loki lies a lot we're going to make you play another Loki PvP because that's how this tricky bastard works"

    SO, @Admantium and @Pestilentcod: I'm tired of complaining too. But we complain because we care and we don't really want to walk away from this game. Maybe you've been here from the start or maybe you're a newer player, I don't know. But for a lot of us it is heartbreaking to see a game we used to love turn into something that we can't stand anymore EVEN THOUGH we want to continue loving it.
  • Milkrain wrote:

    Most of us here on the forum have (most likely) been here longer than you. We used to enjoy the game before a lot of the newer changes. The game was fine before (fundamental gameplay is still the same). I'm trying to keep it in perspective as a lot of us are also suffering from simple tiredness as a result of playing the same thing all the time. The issue that most people here have is that they have changed it and made it WORSE than it was. You can't be a casual MPQ player and still be rewarded the way you used to be. You now need to be HARDCORE just to get one 3*

    I'm going to go out on limb and say that the last month is when things have deteriorated rather rapidly. The season concept was introduced and that was probably the last cool change that was introduced. Since then most of the changes have been secretly implemented for no good reason (other than finding out what will make people spend more money). Most frustratingly of all is the lack of communication from the Developers. The community is not told what changes are coming or what the motivation for those changes is. In addition the fact that we are getting repeats of PvPs for Heroes that no one likes just feels like an outright insult.
    -"Oh hey! You hate Loki, well here is a Loki PvP. God of Lies."
    -"BUT WAIT, because Loki lies a lot we're going to make you play another Loki PvP because that's how this tricky bastard works"

    SO, @Admantium and @Pestilentcod: I'm tired of complaining too. But we complain because we care and we don't really want to walk away from this game. Maybe you've been here from the start or maybe you're a newer player, I don't know. But for a lot of us it is heartbreaking to see a game we used to love turn into something that we can't stand anymore EVEN THOUGH we want to continue loving it.

    Please don't give me a "I've been here longer than you so I know what's up" argument. They are ridiculous and I've been playing for a few months. Not way back in yesteryear when the game first started, but I've seen most of the changes.

    I agree with you that it's significantly more difficult to get a 3* cover in a tournament. My alliance can't compete for covers and the only ones that can are the hardcore of the hardcore. However, when I'm done, I'll just move on. Complaining probably won't affect much of anything without a solution proposed, so at least do that and I will be less critical of you.
  • I agree with you that it's significantly more difficult to get a 3* cover in a tournament. My alliance can't compete for covers and the only ones that can are the hardcore of the hardcore. However, when I'm done, I'll just move on. Complaining probably won't affect much of anything without a solution proposed, so at least do that and I will be less critical of you.
    But we, as a community, keep on proposing possible solutions.

    The truth is - no one of the devs listens. Cos no one of the devs cares.
  • Complaining probably won't affect much of anything without a solution proposed, so at least do that and I will be less critical of you.
    I'm under the impression that he did propose a solution: communicate. It's such a universally well received approach that I couldn't name any other company that refuses to do it to the extent of D3. Just look at the premature Season One placements that just came up, why keep people guessing for most likely days instead of spending a few minutes explaining what is going on and how it will be handled? They sure must hate their support guys to encourage so many players to file support tickets.
  • FYI: I don't care for thumbs up or thumbs down.

    If you have to bring the "my dads' bigger than your dad" tactics in to this, then you have bigger problems than just "gameplay"... I've been on this game a while actually, but only signed up here recently so that's neither here nor there... The gameplay is fine, it's the other systems, points, who you're getting paired against, costs... Things of the like, that need working on, proposals of extra content, new events, etc. Are just what they are, proposals... Devs don't need to listen to you, hell, they don't even need to give you a response... But because you liked it when you were getting your own way, doesn't make the game bad now... I agree, that some of the events have poor end times for most and when Heavy Metal had down time, that was somewhat unfair, but if they gave out 3*'s like cotton candy, the community will get destroyed, not to mention HP would become an irrelevance, so it's good to work for what you need, so when you get those covers, it's a win-win.

    One thing I didn't agree to, was the game becoming stale, it isn't yet, but again, most games become stale after time... Changes, community, prizes, costs, economy... They all play their part, with D3 pretty much releasing characters on a weekly basis, newer players won't stand a chance, there needs to be a way to be able to get these covers without having to wait for the specific events, like I noticed 2 events in a row with Bullseye as it's 2* prize, it's things like that-that are a nuisance... I think there should be a few events at the same time, like you said, no-one likes Loki (well, I do... In the movies anyway), so why didn't they make a, Loki, Daken, Iron Man and Wolverine event, all at the same time... You can't play and win them all, thus you pick which is better suited for you... I pretty much hated that Daken tournament for one reason and one reason alone, when matching a green tile, both teams had strike tiles added to the board, biggest waste of time ever... Krakadoom is alright, but why have they played this event twice in less than a week?! This raises questions, is Iron Man going to be next, Daken after that, whatever...

    It all comes down to who you are and what you like, but making empty threats about quitting if your questions are not answered is childish and pathetic.

    That's my point to my post... So thumbs up or down me all you like, I won't expect a Christmas card from you either way.
  • Adamantium wrote:
    It all comes down to who you are and what you like, but making empty threats about quitting if your questions are not answered is childish and pathetic.
    I think you are missing the point. Players are not making empty threats about quitting, they are giving D3 feedback on why they no longer plan to continue playing, even though they like the game. D3 may use this information to make their next product a better success than this one, provided their growing bad reputation doesn't prevent this from happening at all. I'd consider it a way of saying thanks for all the hours spent with a still enjoyable game, most other players just left without giving D3 the chance to find out why.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Adamantium wrote:
    The gameplay is fine, it's the other systems, points, who you're getting paired against, costs... Things of the like, that need working on, proposals of extra content, new events, etc.
    Yes, we understand that perfectly well. No one here (or, AFAIK, anywhere on the forums) has complained about the fact that we need to actually swap two adjacent tiles to make colorful stuff do pretty things, or that you need AP to make Marvel characters go boom-bada-bang-bang.
    Adamantium wrote:
    Are just what they are, proposals... Devs don't need to listen to you, hell, they don't even need to give you a response... But because you liked it when you were getting your own way, doesn't make the game bad now... I agree, that some of the events have poor end times for most and when Heavy Metal had down time, that was somewhat unfair, but if they gave out 3*'s like cotton candy, the community will get destroyed, not to mention HP would become an irrelevance, so it's good to work for what you need, so when you get those covers, it's a win-win.
    Again, most people here realize that the devs are not legally bound to listen to informal feedback threads on their forums. However, in no way does that grand revelation make "Tch, everyone should STFU" remotely sensible.

    As for "it's good to work for what you need", a lot of the people who've chimed in here (myself included) are able to still consistently get Top 10 in PVPs (I just took #1 in the Uberdaken event, thankyouverymuch). Instead of strawmanning the core argument here with a "you just don't like it, so you're just whining cuz y'all are all lazy little whiners who whine all whiny-like, whinoceroses," perhaps you might want to actually read the OP, or TU1's crazy-scaling thread, or one of Clintman's recent suggestion threads. While I can understand the newbie-incentivization intent behind the new longevity-based bracketing, calling it a win-win is utterly laughable. Veterans needing to hit 1000, minimum, to get Top 10 while relative newbies can win a bracket with 760 is bulls--- when rewards are exactly the same across all brackets.
    Adamantium wrote:
    with D3 pretty much releasing characters on a weekly basis, newer players won't stand a chance, there needs to be a way to be able to get these covers without having to wait for the specific events, like I noticed 2 events in a row with Bullseye as it's 2* prize, it's things like that-that are a nuisance... I think there should be a few events at the same time, like you said, no-one likes Loki (well, I do... In the movies anyway), so why didn't they make a, Loki, Daken, Iron Man and Wolverine event, all at the same time... You can't play and win them all, thus you pick which is better suited for you... I pretty much hated that Daken tournament for one reason and one reason alone, when matching a green tile, both teams had strike tiles added to the board, biggest waste of time ever... Krakadoom is alright, but why have they played this event twice in less than a week?! This raises questions, is Iron Man going to be next, Daken after that, whatever...
    And now who's slinging idle complaints? Are you sure you're not just whining because you're not getting your own way, when such changes clearly don't make the game bad now? After all, it's clearly a win-win, so any use of interrobangs must be patently absurd. It's sure strange to see a complaint about Daken power animations from someone who so confidently dismissed others' criticisms with a simple "the gameplay is fine."
    Adamantium wrote:
    That's my point to my post... So thumbs up or down me all you like, I won't expect a Christmas card from you either way.
    Yes, let's all applaud the rebel. He's truly a honey badger among men.
  • Blergh
    Blergh Posts: 159 Tile Toppler
    We could make our own puzzle game!

    Shonen Jump puzzle quest anyone?
  • Blergh wrote:
    We could make our own puzzle game!

    Shonen Jump puzzle quest anyone?

    NERF GOKU the genki dama is ****
  • So I see a huge boast of E-Peens around here... Quite frankley, someone whined about quitting if things weren't "fixed"... I'm saying, don't complain like a little school girl if you don't get your way! I don't get the characters I want or the ranks I want or the events I'd like, I just play... Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, it's how it goes really... I'd love to keep coming back and arguing, but arguing is not something I can be bothered with tbh.

    Back on point;
    i can't speak for everyone, but if you trash Season 1, i'm walking. end of story.

    All of you that blasted me need to look at the OP and understand that, it's merely a childish complaint, qtquazar's not getting their own way... And to refer back to Pestilentcod's first point... If you're not happy, move on... Will qtquazar actually leave if season 1 stays the same, probably not... That makes it an empty threat... And just to say, I read the OP and I may agree with it... Just stop crying like a little [puppy] about it.

    I want D3 to "trash" the rest of season 1 now and see if he walks... I hear Farmville 2 has been released lmao
  • Adamantium and Pestilentcod,

    Your objections have been noted. No one is forcing you to agree with or sign the petition listed here, which was the sole purpose of the thread.

    If you'd like to complain about what big whiners we all are, I suggest you move to one of the many other threads in which we whine and do so there.

    This particular thread has a very simple purpose—sign or don't sign—and I think it would be best if we all stuck to that.
  • You guys drop off point a lot... Emeryt, you really went and search for that lmao.

    I agree with the petition, not the way he went about it.
  • Adamantium wrote:
    You guys drop off point a lot... Emeryt, you really went and search for that lmao.

    I agree with the petition, not the way he went about it.

    Okay, I think I understand your point a lot better now actually, so thank you.

    I just don't want to obscure the simplicity of the thread with arguments here.
  • FoxyMulder wrote:
    Okay, I think I understand your point a lot better now actually, so thank you.

    I just don't want to obscure the simplicity of the thread with arguments here.

    Thank you and no problem... I don't want the arguments, but sometimes it's got to happen for one to get their point across, after all, we all live with governments and liberal/democratic parties (no matter if they are wrong 98% of the time lol)
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker

    I don't need or want to be given prizes for showing up. I want to see a few things fixed:

    -I want d3 to return an interested and interactive presence on this board and to their CS mails. We had a lot of server hooey going on and no response from them on the boards about any of it. I have three support issues out with no meaningful response in about a month.

    -I feel as a longtime player, d3 considers me a revenue source that has been "tapped out." They admitted, only after poster comments, that they've given veteran players harder brackets, regardless of roster strength. I have no beef with the newer guys who are getting a smoother path than I got, but I expect that with enough player-days, they'll get pushed off on an iceberg for another group of wide-eyed players.
    -I'm just tired. I've never given this much semi-voluntary time to a game to be able to advance in it.

    So, once my Season is up, and I've given a fair contribution to my alliance, I'm going to take a step back and watch how the game develops. If the staff doesn't make any change in direction, I'll give an honest review and copy it to d3. Then I'll find something more rewarding with my time.

    I don't need a game to cater to my wishes, but it's losing fun and it is negligent with its customer service.