
  • Cooper075
    Cooper075 Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Been around a long time (day 206 I think) and I'm chiming in with my agreement for this.
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    Wholeheartedly agree with several sentiments listed here. While there has been great help and support from iceix, the general issues with this game go far and beyond normal lately

    Signed TheHueyFreeman
    Radical revolutionary and Ace of Blades member
  • danikalil
    danikalil Posts: 502
    Signed. Whatever our expectations were, we never thought it would come to this.

    We think we've reached the breaking point. Please fix this game. We used to love it.

    Daniela and Janaina
    Second-in-command to ScarFighters
  • The rewards in PvP for me are barely achievable now, i only have one 3* fully covered character in my roster and i am competing with multiple 141 lvl rosters. Whenever you get to even close to top 10 you are instantly trashed for -50 and the slow climb starts all over again and top 10 is never reached in the end anyway, because the bar is already lifted for a hundred points more.

    Dear devs, please make PvP as it has been before, it was like the only thing left i was still enjoying...

  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    I agree with everything the OP said.

    Just speaking for myself, but I have already decided I will never put another penny into this game. Just checked my account and I've spent $160 on this game, at this point it's a regret. I'll continue to play because I enjoy the game, but if I get to the point that I can no longer progress without paying more, I'll be done. I have 39 roster spots with every character available. I've already told Yelena she's going if/when Daken arrives as I'm completely done supporting D3 financially. I'm fortunate enough to be in an alliance that I enjoy playing with, or I may have already been gone.
  • Boogerbear wrote:
    I have to agree with everything QTQuazar has just pointed out in that list. I too have been a long time player and have already wasted $220 buying HP in this game and right now when I logged into the game to play the Heavy Metal event to get my points in I see there is no events to play and I am not in an alliance anymore either. You Developers sure know how to get long time players to quit the game and make me feel like I've been cheated out of my $220 that I've already spent on the game to support you guys and this game

    Don't get burned by D3 anymore and stop giving them your money. They don't care how you feel about whatever problems you're having, they have your money and they're laughing all the way to the bank.

    You give them $$$; you support and perpetuate their incompetence
  • I can't say anything else but ditto. QT hit the nail on the head.

    QTQuazar is the Abraham Lincoln of the MPQ universe and he just gave the emancipation proclamation.

    Mpq: bladebrown13
    Over 130 days played
    One of the first members in Ace of Blades
  • I agree with everything posted.

    considered this signed.
  • GumisK
    GumisK Posts: 372 Mover and Shaker
    Can't agree more. No clear communication, no signs of improvement, no good news lately. No nothing, really. I've been putting up with this tinykittery long enough.

    GumisK (founder of the X-Poles)
  • Lots of agreement here too


    Founding member of iso illuminati
  • daveomite
    daveomite Posts: 1,331 Chairperson of the Boards
    I may not quite be a "veteran" player yet, but I agree completely with QT. I too agree with others, these are growing pains, and possibly understaffed and overworked. I don't feel that they are intentionally trying to complicate things for us, but are too busy to realize if/when they do something that destroy's progress for players, such as scaling and MMR/brackets.

    So...signed. Great call to arms QT!

    Almost all tournaments end at 6am (im from czech rep. - middle of europe) - thats really unfair plus yesterday I played the event and get to 700points, and then immediately when i reach 700 a get -200point down beacause of attacts..then again, hour play to reach back, and -200 beacuse of attacks. When somtemies want to skip match, a get SAME opponent and also pay 10ISO!

    Every update ruining this game, dev should start thinking with brain and not only with their wallet!
  • Signed.

    I kind of wish the devs would schedule down time to deal with issues.

    They could suspend events when server issues occur unexpectedly.
  • Sounds like they have been keeping IceIX too busy to communicate with the player base. I remember them posting in the past that someone always reads nearly each and every post and they often incorporate player comments in their internal discussions.

    I don't know what is keeping them from communicating with us more, but I for one loved when I felt like there was even a chance that the dev's listened to us and gave feedback on what was going on. Made me feel like WE were a community. Devs and players together. With minimal communication the line is drawn in the sand. We can have our own community of players and they have their dev group, but wow it was nice to feel like this was OUR game....
  • Started playing when the rosters were in a row. You unlocked a new ability every 5 covers collected.
    Anyone else remember thtat? First change to the color system was cool. It was in the beginning of beta.
    I have seen and lived a lot of changes, but lately, things seem to be getting out of hand.

    Please stop trying to fix what's not broken... And fix what is.


  • Things will improve only when the turnover sinks.

    Only loss in cash will make them change.
  • Art Flash
    Art Flash Posts: 47
    I agree. Honestly the developers have a great opportunity coming up. After Season One ends, they could just throw up a basic SHIELD event and then spend 2-3 days just recomposing themselves. Not only will it help them and the game's integrity, but most of the players here will likely welcome a break from the relentless competition.
  • I've been thinking about this more, and I feel like part of the reason so many of us are so upset is because we feel like the devs are taking something away from us that we really like. All of us really LIKE playing MPQ, and many of us have found an amazing community here in the forums. The devs made the game, but we all, together, made this community.

    But that community only exists because of the game, so if you take away the game, you destroy the community. None of us want that to happen, so we keep hoping that the devs will try to make things right.

    Please don't take this away from us, devs. Give us the game back.
  • FoxyMulder wrote:
    I've been thinking about this more, and I feel like part of the reason so many of us are so upset is because we feel like the devs are taking something away from us that we really like. All of us really LIKE playing MPQ, and many of us have found an amazing community here in the forums. The devs made the game, but we all, together, made this community.

    But that community only exists because of the game, so if you take away the game, you destroy the community. None of us want that to happen, so we keep hoping that the devs will try to make things right.

    Please don't take this away from us, devs. Give us the game back.
    You just gave me an idea - how about massive move to another game? Like, with 30-40people? So that we could build another community icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Emeryt wrote:
    You just gave me an idea - how about massive move to another game? Like, with 30-40people? So that we could build another community icon_e_biggrin.gif

    That might be a really good idea! Any suggestions?

    I've recently started playing Marvel Heroes. The community there is obviously already huge, but we could always make our own little niche, if anyone's interested in that. I'm FoxyMulder there, too.