5 year Anniversary events, how would you rate it?

The rockett
The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
Now that the much hyped 5th Anniversary events are over, lets look back on what you think of these past 2 weeks.  Please vote below and post your feedback. 

5 year Anniversary events, how would you rate it? 165 votes

Dragon_NexusPorkBellyMennoKnightColognoisseurslartiIridiousTaganovZommyGDDartmaster01AardvarkPepperNajboljichrisHdivouneJangoLoreStevO-Jdokiyrdvargas1bobby_2613beyonderbubvinnygecko 61 votes
B-Above Average
ZeiramMRKolencesinnerjflNeuromancerrixmithkillercoolxKOBALTxPunter1Chrono_TataJexmanabmorazpillaroffaith23Markotrdevil32northnorthtdtmfZootSaxChipster22CT1888jackstar0 74 votes
DormammuafsplatYasururadavZeroKarmaLHammerSpudgutterillusionist_KAEichenPolarPopBearLopan15KevmcgslabagAlfje17FelessaDyingLegendThunderKapCactus_Jack_87DAZ0273Pr0spect0r 22 votes
D-Below Average
LavaManLeen25phillyThe rockettErunner1201InfectiousYawnMagipink 6 votes
TheBakuWontonz 2 votes


  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    D-Below Average

    This was a very hyped event to the point of making the off season coming into this event drag on and on and on and on.  Here are my thoughts.


    New PVE event

    Double PISO

    More RISO

    Nice Vault


    Taskmaster Limited:  Such a good character with a very interesting power set and will never use him.  Great.

    New PVE Event:  The communication on this event was the worse I have seen in a very very long time from Demi and D3.  It was insane on how bad they rolled this out.  While I get trying to keep some things a "secret" not answering some questions was just nuts.  Very glad some ally's worked on this together to see what to do and being very cautious on our approach.  After we figured this out, this event, minus the rewards, was very boring.  Clear and make sure your ally mates to the same.  That's it.  By the last day many were just glad this was done. 

    5* Feeders:  While yes we did get one in JJ, this was at the end of these events.  We got no other ones including Kitty that they made a 5* E without a feeder, which they started to do.  This would have been the perfect time to release the rest of them and would have made this a lot better.

    Lighting Rounds:  Didn't have the 20 person brackets like in the past.  Again, same old lighting rounds with more iso. 

    As it seems with some of the roll outs, just seems this missed the mark for me.  Many things they could have added in but didn't. 

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards

    Generally – I am not going to complain – there were lots of tokens, tons of iso and the regular PVE’s chosen were good choices in my opinion in terms of player engagement. The PvP'S were a mixed bag - Deadpool was horrible for some reason as was Howard but IM40 was fairly bonkers and Devil Dinosaur showed that a bunch of players got to champ this year!

    As I judge these things generally on the strength of releases and new events, it means that I skewed a little lower than I might have otherwise.

    As a 4* player, character wise as much as I love both of the releases (and I really do like Cable a lot) neither are going to do much for my roster advancement sadly due to difficulty in obtaining. I’ll just be satisfied with whatever Cable I can get though and be on the look out for Taskmaster opportunities I guess.

    I was disappointed about the lack of actual new content. The new PvE event didn’t really contain a story or anything actually “new” besides a convoluted scoring system. I would have preferred a new Boss event personally, especially as they are now in regular rotation. In fact, I would have been happy with them re-vamping Boss Rush and giving that another go – how bad could it have been?

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    B-Above Average
    I didn't like the new PVE event, take away the excellent rewards (which is what will happen if they run it again) and it was dull. Four clears and done, no special battle like Ksilly and no increased puzzle element. Also I don't like how critical it was for everyone to do the hardest nodes. Hopefully when they remove 90% of the rewards for the next run it will slacken up on that front.

    Liked the vault but it didn't have me emptying. I don't personally care about chasing limited characters and the Fan Favs didn't interest me enough to pour through my HPchasing tokens. But if you wanted them I think the reward level was great.

    Double Iso, best thing about the event for me. Working towards finishing off my four stars and getting to post ISO and this helps a lot. I have no idea going forward how new players are ever going to not just quit this game without that flow rate being the norm. Even if you can champ a 4* per week that still a hideous amount of game time.

    Taskmaster being limited doesn't bother me, will never use him anyway and I can finish him off next year. Seems nice enough.

    Feeders, we got one and I'm happy but TBH I don't get the clamor for feeders in the 5* tier, it affects such a small percentage of players. Clearing up 3 to 4 star feeders and adding multiple sources there is far more relevant to the game than adding one for the 5* covers. It would help new players with dilution in the 4* tier. They could add a feeder to every 5* and it would make so little difference to me as my 4*s average around 295. It's nice when we get a feeder but I think there are better ways to use Dev time than just helping the top end of the game.

    An enjoyable season and I think they gave plenty.

  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2018
    D-Below Average
    I enjoyed it until the giant "forget you" at the end

    //Removed Profanity -Brigby
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    B-Above Average
    I loved the off-the-timer nature of the Raid as well as the rewards. Anniversary vaults are always fun - I emptied mine twice. Taskmaster has an interesting design and the underlying tech could open up some cool new characters. 

    Why didn't it get an A? Though I was a big fan of the Raid format, it didn't really have a sense of "newness" to like a new Boss event does. Introducing new mechanics that keep the game play fresh are really important and it would have been nice to see something new during the Anniversary.

    Overall, really good, but missing that secret sauce to make it extra special.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    B-Above Average
    above average - it was double iso, can't remember the rest
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    Got iso, new characters, new events, didn’t have time for lightning rounds as usual. Alliance worked together. Talked about strategies and who got what out of vaults. Fun time was had by all. 
  • Wontonz
    Wontonz Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    I was having a great time until the devs showed their true colors with the 200hp + Dino cover slap in the face 'compensation'.
  • Cactus_Jack_87
    Cactus_Jack_87 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    I finished the 4* tier, got a new 5* champ (Black Panther), and spent over 50K HP on the anniversary vaults. The alliance event was decent, and I hope that future more PVEs will take that route as far as the lack of timers. The lack of any character reworks remains the most disappointing thing about MPQ for me. I like to actually use the 4* and 5* champs that I've worked hard to finish, but they remain on the shelf because there is usually no reason to use anything but Thokoye in PVP (unless you actually like a challenge, heaven forbid!). The lack of additional feeders was also disappointing. Overall, I didn't love it, didn't hate it, it was fine.  #nerfThor #nerfOkoye #nerfGambitandOMLagain #nerfeveryonebutWasp

  • InfectiousYawn
    InfectiousYawn Posts: 72 Match Maker
    edited October 2018
    D-Below Average
    There were many factors that pulled the rating down: 
    - same old, boring lightning rounds.  They could have done something different besides double iso even if it was just for the anniversary event.  How long have we been asking for a change to them for variety's sake?
    - DDQ wasn't improved/altered.  Besides temporary double iso, the enemies, the format, and the reward structure remain unchanged.
    - Poor communication prior to the Places of Power event.  It felt like we were being kept in the dark intentionally about needing 10 alliance members in each deadly node to reach the LT rewards.  The write-up made it seem like we could divvy up our alliance between the hard and deadly nodes (for example, 4 in each hard and 6 in each deadly) and reap ALL the rewards.  Additionally, we faced the same enemies and had no new mechanics.  The top personal progression was a single 4 * cover for all that effort.

    These "dings" alone only put the anniversary into the B-/C+ range.  What really dragged the rating into the toilet was the anniversary vault reset bug (more specifically, how it was handled).  I was supposed to receive with my 13 tokens (awarded AFTER the season ended) and only 11 pulls left: 3900 hp (actually have a screenshot as proof), a Dino, a Duck, two 4 *s, four 3 *s, and a 2 *.  A single DD and 200 hp to EVERYBODY that played during the affected timeframe whether their vault was reset or not doesn't cut it.  I had to pull my tokens right before the reset vault expired: 2 iso rewards, five 3 *s, and six 2 *s.  I'm still working with support to hopefully have them replace the covers I received with what should have been awarded.  I am not optimistic, though.

    *edited to remove redundant rating at the top
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    B-Above Average
    By definition the of "Average", this Anniversary was:

    Not better than #1
    Way better than #2
    Better than  & #3
    Slightly better than #4
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 786 Critical Contributor
    B-Above Average
    On the whole I enjoyed the season 

    my only complaints are that taskmaster; an interesting character is only available once a year 

    secondly, having hyped up the new alliance event so much, when it finally arrived it was poorly designed and not enough information given out 

    I voted above average because I felt it was a big improvement and the amount of awards was really good for most events 
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    B-Above Average
    + The double Iso went on for longer so that alone makes it better than average. I got real work done on my 4* champ list and my farm is back up (Miles/Ghost/MK/Howard say Hi!)
    + New Content with Places of Power; players forget the background art and mix of villains and all the wave nodes that make each of the places stand out. If your just speed racing then yeah it was probably boring but thats a play style and shouldn't knock against the event. The prizes were fantastic! and I think alliances got caught up in the idea that 2 LT's a day were the goal but if you look carefully at the reward tables there is a case for spreading out and getting more varied rewards at the expense of one of the LT's. First run of the event, give it a break already
    + Cable is fan fav and strong kit
    + return of forum prizes ; wow that's a lot of Dr. Strange!
    About the same:
    = about as many free tokens(compensation for vault reset does not count)
    = fan favorites seemed to be the same ol randomness; Xforce wolv and 5* Strange? doubt it.
    = sales lasted exactly as long. Why not run these the whole time, you would have had more purchases. You be looking at old metrics devs, and/or your valuation is outdated
    = Lightning rounds; who cares if they were villainous? same ol same ol. see above comment about 20 player brackets
    = Supports maintained the status quo, nothing updated.
    = SCL/daily rewards/DPD unchanged (slight minus for Taskmaster as soon as he was)
    = Devil Dino still sucks and isn't worth chasing
    Needs Improvement:
    - Communication; I mean really with the Places of Power rollout. 
    -Vault bug - Wasn't affected but I could see how infuriating it would be to lose out on the last of a vault that I'd been chipping away at. That would leave a very sour taste to the whole experience
    - Taskmaster at DevilDino level Limited. why? why? why? (also Devil Dino sucks)
    - Taskmaster sword as season reward. If you hadn't had a prolonged period of no season before Anniversary it wouldn't seem so ridiculous. Compare with an infinity stone. It is just super boring. plus all the usual gripes about availability and the clunky missing 2/4 perks
    -feeders: huh? Merica to JJ? whhaaaa?? and.....that is all. see also rebalances

    So basically we got double iso and a slightly better vault. otherwise MPQ just carried on as usual. Technically the releases they keep pushing didn't make dilution worse but they didn't do all that much different than any other 3 week stretch of time. 
  • MaxPowers
    MaxPowers Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Where are the Support tokens!?

    I thought for sure we might get access to some more supports, but as of right now the feature seems firmly locked behind a paywall making it utterly irrelivant.

    Would it have been that hard to throw a few support tokens in an anniversery vault? If this is supposed to be a celebration of another year in MPQ how come one of the most noteable recent additions to the game was left unaddressed?

    I'm left feeling that this new feature is either so poorly concieved the developers dont know how to properly impliment it or it is just a cash grab.

    Poor form.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    I LOVED LOVED LOVED how you played at your own pace for the alliance event.  Pure progression is how story events should be.  

    I have been asking for Taskmaster for 4 years.  If you look at comments I have made on the forum here you can see all my requests for him.  SO YEAH I finally get him!!! But he is limited... Really?  You had to make him limited?  Awesome character, awesome abilities, and hardly anyone will be able to use him.  On top of that every anniversary usually rains covers of the new limited character.  But alas not this time.  Yeah I got a bunch of Dinos and Ducks but it should have rained all three limited characters not just the old ones.  
  • Neuromancer
    Neuromancer Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    B-Above Average
    Champ'd my Howard (among others), got Taskmaster 2/2/3, scored some quick HP, and loved the extra ISO.

    It improved my game, and I enjoyed it!

    Just wish I could get my Alliance behind the new PvE event.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    84% rated it an A/B compared to 5% giving it a D/F. Nice job, developers!!

    For me I’d go B+ or A-.  Fun time, definitely sad it’s over. My main two gripes are similar to others.

    Taskmaster is the first 4* I’ve gotten excited for in awhile (and I’m a 4* player!), and it turns out he’s limited. Super bummed because he’ll never be boosted past this week and thus I won’t get to use him.

    I like that they tried something new with the alliance raid, but I found it super boring.  Prefer normal PVE and even boss events much more. But again, I give props for trying something new. 

    Other than those two things, I really enjoyed anniversary!

    (By the way, I agree the vault bug sucks. But it’s not like they planned for it and it’s not feasible for them to compensate each person individually. I’m not going to knock the anniversary for that.)