MTGPQ Sneak Peek: October 2018 Edition *Updated (10/25/18)



  • NickBKK
    NickBKK Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Given the perilous SD bug, this change is an improvement over the planned RtO. I appreciate the Dev team’s sentivity to our requests.

    Thank you. 🙏
  • Bil
    Bil Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2018
    It is nice to see a weekend event free of bugs. AWR would have been a better choice but it is already better than nothing. Thank you!
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2018
    Avacyn Madness. One of my favorite legacy events. However... Are you certain that bug on 5.1 node freezing the game is resolved? 
    Reminder: (still in investigate phase ?)
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2018
    I think A World Reborn is going to be the last stable option. And it is standard. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    Well. It's something. The issue was brought up, they reacted and the reaction solves the issue which is good. The "how" wasn't optimal, but better than what we're used to.  
    This. Like many others i would have preferred AWR but nevertheless i still greatly appreciate the work and effort.

    P.S. Luckily, i havent run into the SD bug yet.
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2018
    I play Goldnight in every Legacy TG and i never notice the freeze there.

    I also have just tested the whole 5.1 deck in totp green today, i dont get any freeze neither.

    P.S. not test in AVM yet.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Szamsziel said:
    Avacyn Madness. One of my favorite legacy events. However... Are you certain that bug on 5.1 node freezing the game is resolved? 
    Reminder: (still in investigate phase ?)
    Good question! I dug around a bit, and found that it was fixed back in 2.7.

    Thanks for the heads up! I've gone ahead and updated that thread title to reflect its current status.
  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    @Brigby can we see the schedule for next week/November?
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    By the way :thank you for running FIRF exactly once. I think it's refreshing once a year, but then it's good not to play it for another year
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Check out the November Sneak Peek HERE