New pvp problem team

MgoBlue51 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
I’ve been getting hammered by okoye/Thor teams, obviously Thor being brought on offense with under 1/2 health. 

I find this team to be a problem, personally. A team on offense that can hit like crazy without earning anything? Isn’t that why we nerfed gambit? Granted, this is nowhere near gambit level, but it’s annoying nonetheless.


  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards

    Ok. I am kidding. But you knew that already. It's a bloody puzzle game. It should be challenging at least a bit to make it interesting. There is no need to cry about meta each time it changes (and people will still do for as long as they don't have the meta defining character available). This change was previewed from the moment Gambit nerf was announced so no surprises there.

    Thor-Okoye is a great offensive team. On defence it's not that challenging. I think as it stands the defensive challenger is Jessica Jones as random cascade can do some serious damage. 
  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    So I started this post not to cry out for a nerf for anyone. But I can say my okoye/JJ team gets demolished on defense by Thor/okoye, and even still... it’s a healthpack drain to try to hit that team on defense. It also isn’t a guaranteed win either. So, sure... I can beat them. I just think it’s a little nuts 
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    But this is how "meta" work in all games like that. Somebody is on top and the players use it when they can or complain that it's too strong. Eventually it gets nerfed (see X-Force, OML, Gambit), surpased by a great character or combo (Panthos for example) or by power creep as it is very often the case in MPQ. 

    So Gambit was ruling the world and got nerfed. Thor-Okoye and Thor-JJ are ruling now. When they will be down from the podium you better be ready to flash the next best thing, regardless  of how it arrives (hence the strategy remains hoarding and skiping the mediocre 5*).
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2018
    Gambit was not to fun play against. The only teams that beat Gambit team reliably were teams with Gambit.

    Thor+Okoye can be beaten with any team. Even Doc Oc + Banner + Wasp can beat them. Just deny green/red. 
    I tried to be creative and sometimes pick non-gambit...well i almost always lose because of AP denying and free AP.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m a 4* player but looking at powers, I’m guessing Thorkoye is best on offense and Jessica is best on defense.

    Crazy I have all three (plus DD and Goblin) max-covered as well as 280 pulls stockpiled for the next meta bunch. I really could skip the 5* “transition” and jump right to the top if I had the desire (and iso!). 

    I was mad when they nerfed Gambit and predicted people would be mad because the developers don’t know how to nerf properly (which happened). Also predicted people would call for the head of the next most powerful character(s) (also happened) because there’s always going to be a “best” and people will gravitate to it. I really hope they leave the current meta trio be. 
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Thorkoye is a great climbing team, but any 2 5s can beat them on D.  I used Banner and Bolt to take down a comparatively leveled team.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    JJ/thor is way worse than Thor/ok imo

    I guess it depends on if you have a thor/ok to fight thor/ok....

    but isn't that a big reason why people wanted old gambit nerfed. lol
  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    This isn't a strong team on defense.  I bring my own Thor and JJ and have been cleaning up in PVP facing these teams.  It's great on offense but when you go against them I just aim to take Okoye down to where thors green can finish her off.  Fire a red on Thor, followed by JJ's black and then Thors green and that almost takes out a Thor in one turn.
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    I prefer fighting okoye/thor over jj/thor in pvp. JJ always always always matches her traps and if Thor's green is the strongest color (which it usually is) that means he has a good chance to get off his green before he dies. Granted, his green usually won't kill anyone, but the last thing I want is for my Thor and whoever my 3rd character is to take 14k damage that they can't easily heal up from.
  • ViralCore
    ViralCore Posts: 168 Tile Toppler
    We've said it before, Thor needs a rebalance.
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Thor really isn't that bad to fight as long as you don't play it dumb against him though. If he has 60k hp stop hitting him at 35k left just to make sure you don't get a cascade that puts him under 50% and let's his passive eat you alive. Then just use your abilities to down him in 1 shot from there while starting to kill whoever your next target is.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    MgoBlue51 said:
    So I started this post not to cry out for a nerf for anyone. But I can say my okoye/JJ team gets demolished on defense by Thor/okoye, and even still... it’s a healthpack drain to try to hit that team on defense. It also isn’t a guaranteed win either. So, sure... I can beat them. I just think it’s a little nuts 
    Here is the biggest thing with your team of Okoye/JJ.  It is just slow unless you can match a lot of trap tiles right away.  The benifit or Thor/Okoye on offense is you can just focus on TU tiles while Thor generates AP from his tile destruction.
    For Thor Okoye I have beaten it with DD/Thanos, Thor/JJ, DD/Phoenix (switch PVP), Thor/AA (sneaky good team), DD/AA (really slow) and of cours Panthos.  
    PVP overall can still be a health pack suck which is why having a deep roster in a meta like this is important.  Since PVP is a health pack suck Thor Okoye will be meta.  Okoye can tank for Thor and true heals so you get massive AP generator a true healer and Okoye buffs Thor’s Damage massively.  You can fire Thor’s green then red and take out a full health Thor easy.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    Stun-nuke them.  Hawkeye + Coulson tears through Thor + Okoye/JJ fairly easily.

    But as most people have said on here, It's easy to win on offense.  No team is really good on defense.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster said:
    I'd rather fight Okoye than Jessica Jones. Okoye is usually easy to handle (though when things go wrong, they go really wrong). When you are fighting Jessica it is almost inevitable that you will eat at least one trap, possibly more.

    Nothing like being abolutely fine for ages, making a move that shuffles the board and watching as she makes a match that includes 2 traps in one go.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Thor is fine and quite frankly makes the game bearable for a "longer session" play.

    JJ is fine too  but man is fighting her lame.