If you could only bring one



  • AardvarkPepper
    AardvarkPepper Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
    Jarvind said:
    None. I would not play that event.

    Real answer: probably 5* Daredevil. True healing would be huge if you only had one character, and OML can't heal without partners. Plus DD's match damage gets wild once he starts dropping strikes.
  • AardvarkPepper
    AardvarkPepper Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
    Are we supposed to select a character from each tier?  Because if so perhaps the original post could be edited.

    Also might want to put in something about health pack usage, team-up usage, what SCL assumed, if players are going for placement as well as progression - the OP mentions that to some degree, but personal preferences are really going to change the "optimal" answer.

    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    If the goal is competitive PVE (like the OP indicates) then there is only one answer: 5* Thanos.
    That's a really good answer, though I agreed with an earlier poster that mentioned 5* Daredevil.  If you're looking at sustainability and don't have health packs to burn, and opponents are doing decent damage, then Daredevil looks a lot better.  But it's not that Thanos is "wrong", especially if you have health packs to burn, or if opponents somehow just aren't getting that damage in, and if you are going for placement.

    Dormammu said:
    Let's pretend there was an announcement today about a new PvE Story event that is sort of like a Heroic event on steroids.

    In this event, you were restricted to one character of your choosing.

    It would be a goon-heavy event but there would be some nodes with active opponents sprinkled in, with three opponents per node. There would be no essential nodes. You could bring whatever boosts (+AP, +Match Dam) or team-ups you wanted like usual, but you'd only have the one character available; that character would have to handle all your clears. Normal SCLs, placement, and progression prizes would be in play.

    Who would you choose?
    Sure the OP states "you can bring boosts . . . or team-ups".  But even without Essential nodes you're facing three hard nodes for something on the order of 21 hard matches.  Then there's a question of wave nodes &c.  If you're assuming the SCL's pretty low for the character, or pretty high for the character, the answer has to change, right?  Then too there's a question of placement rewards and a player's personal preference.

    More specifically, you can count on 10 health packs and 20 Team-Ups, as well as stocked Boosts.  But it's 21 hard matches; if you're counting on Team-Ups or even multiple Team-Ups in every match, that's not going to be too easy right?

    jtmagee said:
    1*: Spidey
    If you're only restricted to one character, in 1* land Spidey has multiple attack powers so he doesn't come off too badly compared to 1* Juggernaut, in theory.  But again, this is where I think there's a question of the particulars regarding the level of the event and the enemies faced.  If enemies have a good deal of hit points and have dangerous Specials then the answer has to be 1* Juggernaut.  If enemies have lower hit points and not-so-dangerous Specials then Spidey's multiple small hits and higher match damage and crits are better for small damage chunks that are more effectively managed.

    Dormammu said:
    2-star land? Ares. 'nuff said.

    If I was in 3-star land I'd choose Vision. He'd wreck with his blue out, have some protective ability with his yellow, and a nuke/AoE option in his red. It'd be tempting to take someone like Patch or Daken for their true heal but I don't think either would work very well offensively.

    Choosing 2* Ares and 3* Vision pretty much well says you anticipate being able to kill any enemy before they can get their fun stuff off (over the course of multiple hard nodes), or if that is not assumed then that you at least have plenty of health packs and team-ups to cover.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    5* - I really like the idea of respecc'ed Okoye, but Thanos is the one true master of PvE. Plus, in a one-on-three scenario, health pack usage wouldn't be as much of a concern.

    4* - I might actually choose Ghost here (with an appropriate amount of purple boosts). Her skillset would be a lot of fun in a survival-type node; invisibility, self heal, a nuke, great match damage, and self-acceleration. Her only downside is her moderately expensive powers.

    3* - it has to be IM40, right?  I might take Cyclops or Patch, too (especially with Patch having all tiles on the board for his red).

    2* - Ares.

    1* - Spidey. Crits, stun, and nuke, all 6 AP.