*** Loki (Dark Reign) ***



  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    himatako wrote:
    In case someone doesn't know about this, making a match 5 that doesn't include any 4 gems in a straight line WILL NOT activate Loki's greenflag.png.
    I'm not sure why you would think so, but you're wrong. Perhaps there were no basic blue/green tiles on the board after the cascade(s) following Polarity Shift/Deceptive Tactics and Loki tricked you into a false sense of security? Anyway, here's an example of both match-5 and match-7 with no more than 3 gems in any straight line as you say:
  • It is a fun ability. I can tell by how much it frustrates me when it's used against me. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I think I'll take him out for a test drive in the prolog just for fun.
  • I call it, "OBW ain't got nothing on me"


    As you can probably guess from that available match on the bottom right of the board, he died to X-Force before any of those went off, but it was still quite a thing to see all of those animations go off during my megacascade
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Sontar wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Match 4s are overwhelmingly the best moves in the game. Godlike Power is just 2 match 4s that generate no AP on the match itself and you can find plenty of conspiracy theories about how AI gets unfair cascades but all it does is illustrate how good match 4s are in general. There is no such thing as a worthless match 4, unless your opponent is Loki. And Loki's power goes far beyond habits. There is often no safe way to break up a match 4 so you're pretty screwed either way. It is also not uncommon to have an opening board with more than one match 4s on the board and again no matter what you do here you're screwed when facing Loki.
    Uhm what? You can always diffuse a match four by making a match three (except for extremly rare cases where the board forces you to make a match 3 which results in a match four):
    Not always, sometimes it's like this:
    The A.I. usually moves one of the bluetile.png 's that are next to the other one, avoiding to make a whitecrit.png . icon_e_smile.gif
  • himatako wrote:
    In case someone doesn't know about this, making a match 5 that doesn't include any 4 gems in a straight line WILL NOT activate Loki's greenflag.png.
    You probably matched Team-Up tiles. Those don't activate Loki's ability.
  • Sabrecat
    Sabrecat Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    The Gauntlet has really driven home the need for this. AI-controlled Loki is able to trigger this ability almost every turn (as magically he gets a huge cascade every time), and the animation takes way too long. By the fifth activation in a row I'm about ready to shut off the game. C-Magneto's switch is fast, over in a few seconds. Please speed up Loki's to match.
  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    john1620b wrote:
    himatako wrote:
    In case someone doesn't know about this, making a match 5 that doesn't include any 4 gems in a straight line WILL NOT activate Loki's greenflag.png.
    You probably matched Team-Up tiles. Those don't activate Loki's ability.

    You're right. I read his ability and miss the "or more" part, so I thought it activates on a match of 4 of any tile. Of all the more-than-4 matches I made during the Gauntlet, only one in a cross pattern didn't activate Loki's green so I misunderstood. I tested the cross pattern again with MNM and it did activate Loki's green, so it must have been a match of Team-Up tiles.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some moves take longer to animate when you're on the receiving end of them. I HATE how slow World Rupture is when the computer pulls it off against you, but it's like 3 times faster when you use the move yourself.
  • SOOOO.... XF, TGT, Loki... that might be the team I run through Prodigal Sun. Not terrible synergy and free AP is good. Sub Loki out for OBW for Goon nodes perhaps.
  • As a required character in the new Prodigal Sun event, he certainly sucks vs. goons. Purple can maybe match some countdowns, but that's about it. Black is only useful if you get lots of thug strike tiles, but you should be avoiding that. His green is almost worthless in goon fights.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    sarlok5 wrote:
    As a required character in the new Prodigal Sun event, he certainly sucks vs. goons. Purple can maybe match some countdowns, but that's about it. Black is only useful if you get lots of thug strike tiles, but you should be avoiding that. His green is almost worthless in goon fights.
    Just play him with Patch. icon_cool.gif
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Lerysh wrote:
    SOOOO.... XF, TGT, Loki... that might be the team I run through Prodigal Sun.
    You have no idea how long it took me to figure out TGT stood for Thor, Goddess of Thunder. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • The one Loki use against goons - get black, let Muscle make a few strike tiles (and/or Bullseye make protects, but that's much riskier due to match damage) use his black to shut down damage, win.

    He's not good against goons, but he's usable in certain situations.
  • Okay I love Loki green. Just love it. It allows you to do those "Eh, I'll match the middle column and maybe it'll match 4 or 5" without fear, since even if the AI ends up getting the match, you'll often drain back even more important colors.

    This was an amazing update.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just updating my best characters to use thread.

    Any updates to:

    - 3* Wolverine
    - 3* Wolverine + [Daken or Hulk]

  • Also good with X-Force/cMagneto, X-Force/4or.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mischief is one of the best powers in the game.

    Let's say I see a purple 4-match, and I don't need purple. And maybe the opponent doesn't need it either. I leave it on the board.
    1. The opponent will do the 4 match.
    2. 8 purple is removed from the board.
    3. The opponent loses 8 AP, and my team gains 8 AP. Net 16AP swing.
    4. 4 Tile-by-tile cascade opportunities for my team.

    What is the worst disaster in most play? A heavy cascade. Mischief largely reduces the dangers of a cascade. I've seen Mischief activate up to 4 times in a single turn.

    Being able to remove 8 tiles of a color from the board by setting up a 4-match for the opponent is a very valuable power. In one game against x-Force, my teams strongest color was red, so I used Mischief to let the opponent remove Red from the board for me, nullifying the dangers of a Surgical Strike.

    As I get better at using Mischief for color erasure, I'll start using Loki+Hood+Blade for a total shutdown of enemy teams, just to see if I can pull it off.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mischief is one of the best powers in the game.

    Let's say I see a purple 4-match, and I don't need purple. And maybe the opponent doesn't need it either. I leave it on the board.
    1. The opponent will do the 4 match.
    2. 8 purple is removed from the board.
    3. The opponent loses 8 AP, and my team gains 8 AP. Net 16AP swing.
    4. 4 Tile-by-tile cascade opportunities for my team.

    What is the worst disaster in most play? A heavy cascade. Mischief largely reduces the dangers of a cascade. I've seen Mischief activate up to 4 times in a single turn.

    Being able to remove 8 tiles of a color from the board by setting up a 4-match for the opponent is a very valuable power. In one game against x-Force, my teams strongest color was red, so I used Mischief to let the opponent remove Red from the board for me, nullifying the dangers of a Surgical Strike.

    As I get better at using Mischief for color erasure, I'll start using Loki+Hood+Blade for a total shutdown of enemy teams, just to see if I can pull it off.

    I know what you mean, I have only level 1 Mischief and I'm already stealing loads of AP, I can't wait till it's maxed and I'm putting out 4 tiles per 4 match or more since the AI gets those in abundance, and while it's random in steal at least each tile goes off independently so you can get rainbows of colors.
  • Mischief is strong simply because we all make a lot more mistakes than we think we do and Mischief pretty much allows you to take back those mistakes. And even if you never made any mistake in the game, there are a lot of 50/50 situation where the drop could be a match 4 for you or for the opponent. Those were never bad moves to take, but now those moves are more like 100% good for you regardless of what happened.
  • Illusions needs a fix in the description in game, it says 14 pairs of tiles when it is 7 pairs (14 in total). Using the phrase as it is here in the forum looks better.