What is Your Highest Level Support?



  • frederec
    frederec Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Level 101-150
    I've got a level 109 (out of 200) Lucky.  Adding 0.8 critical damage to a five star character is pretty awesome.  Once I've leveled him as far as I can (which will probably be months from now) I've got a rank 3 Sharon Carter who can boost another five star's crit damage.  Those are probably the most useful ones I've got.

    It is pretty annoying that with aggressive playing (but not hitting top 10 in PVP) I can reliably get at least nine four star covers a week, and could theoretically level a five star from 255 to 450 in around two weeks, but if I'm really really luck in a vault I can maybe get a rank one or two support and months of leveling I'm barely halfway through leveling one rank four support.  It's easier to cover and level five star characters than supports.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Level 51-100
    2* Wong at level 100 equipped to 5trange.  

    I went ahead and equipped all of my available supports to characters.  A few observations that will come as a surprise to probably no one.

    1.  The UI stinks beyond belief.  It took me so long and so many back and forth taps to find/view a support to see who it could be good for, find the character, equip the support, and then get back to the supports to check out the next one.
    2.  The UI was "smart" enough to show the support that was meant for the character I was equipping in the first slot of the selection page so that helped a little.
    3.  Since I couldn't see who the supports are equipped to from the supports page (really annoying) I wasted time trying to equip a support to a character, only then finding out that it was already equipped to someone else.
    4.  The children of Thanos supports are ill suited to most of the villains.  Are there villains that can use them?  Sure, but when I'm a 5* player with every character rostered, I shouldn't be scrolling all the way to the 3* tier to try to find somebody to equip it to.  Unfortunately I think this says more about the available villains and there usability in general than about the actual supports.
    5.  Piggybacking on 4 a bit, why can't you sort your roster by team affiliations or at the very least by villains or heroes?
    6.  Dupes, dupes, dupes.   Sure you get RISO from dupes, but as others have said, it's not a lot and when you rarely get any tokens (current daily login generosity notwithstanding), pulling the same 1* dupes over and over again is underwhelming.  

    I will say that looking through all of the supports, I'm hopeful.  I think that some of them will help my 4* toons become more useful in 5* PVE.  A few can help in the 5* tier even at lower levels.  My Wong usually takes out a couple enemy special tiles every node which is always a pleasant surprise.  As most have already said, I think I would have been more engaged with supports much earlier than now, if they hadn't botched the rollout so badly.  Fix/improve the UI and let us get tokens a little bit easier and I'm all in.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 223 Tile Toppler
    Level 2-50
    When I woke up this morning I got an advanced Wasp token and finally got a Korg, a level 4 one at that. I've stuck it on Thor and leveled it to 40 this morning.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 51-100
    I have a 3* elemental guns leveled to 99/150. Basically all my RISO since it was introduced has been dumped onto those, because my fast clear team is generally 5* Lord, 4ocket, Medusa, and the rank 3 perk of fortifying special tiles when the supported character makes a match is fairly reliable at 35.58% now. It really goes a long way to keep the 4ocket strikes on the board a little longer on nodes with tile movers. The other effects don't make a difference one way or the other to my play that I've noticed. Since the Synergy perk (at start of battle there is a 48.61% chance to gain 3 random AP for each GotG on the team) doesn't factor at all into this all-match damage team, I guess I could put these on anybody that was going to be tanking colors
    They are good on daredevil too. I just recently got a level 3 as well. I use 5* daredevil, 4* carol, 4* wasp, race to 6 blue, if daredevil is not low enough to put out his swords I use wasp yellow and enjoy the craziness. Daredevil tanks everything but black so the fortified tiles get out quick.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Level 51-100
    Homemade Web Shooters and Wong are both level 100+. Others have sung Wong's praises (I use 5* Strange a lot in pve), and I will echo them. But I also use Peter Parker quite a bit (he just puts out absurd damage), and the homemade web shooters are crazy useful with him. A match-5 adds two web tiles to the board, and rank 4 raises his critical multiplier by 0.8 at level 100. His red already does great damage, the support just makes it even better.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    Level 2-50
    I'm trying to keep the supports I have evenly leveled. Only one do I have maxed at the moment, my Milano, for the Synergy bonus with 4* Grocket. It delvers a tiny help in low level clears in PVE of Guardians team. I'm working to increase Ebony Maw (my only 4 star support) and Wong's (3 star) levels, as they've proved most useful. Pizza Dog has also helped in this current event, giving me 5 turns instead of 4 to match those black tiles for Kate Bishop. And man, does Kate's powers hit like a truck when she's powered up. 
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Level 2-50
    Currently an 8-way tie. 

    Rank 4 Quad Blasters - I use St4r Lord enough for it to have an impact
    Rank 3 Avengers Tower - I use IM40 with characters that really play on the strengths of this support
    Rank 3 Corvus Glaive - Currently on Red Hulk, but no synergy perk makes it more interchangeable
    Rank 3 Destroyer Gun - I use Coulson often enough that this was worth it
    Rank 3 Lucky (Pizza Dog) - Dont use Kate incredibly often, but this def makes a difference when I do
    Rank 3 Sharon Carter - Perfect synergy perk for 3* Cap, but the other perks work better for Peggy. 
    Rank 3 Milano - Who doesn't use R4G these days.....leveling this one was a no-brainer
    Rank 3 Wong - Strange gets called off the bench just about every PVE, another no-brainer

    All the above are at Level 40. We do a ****-ton of complaining right now, but the day will eventually come when supports are made more available. When it does, I will enjoy having developed a pretty viable stable of supports. I like the idea of having multiple perks to tap into, rather than putting all my eggs in one basket at a time. 
  • WebTangler
    WebTangler Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Level 51-100
    Rank 3 Milano at L73, on R4cket & Groot. The countdown tile helps when it manages to go off and the bonus damage on green is a constant buff.  The extra black AP doesn't seem to come up as often as raw odds say it should.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 1
    All the above are at Level 40. We do a tinykitty-ton of complaining right now, but the day will eventually come when supports are made more available. When it does, I will enjoy having developed a pretty viable stable of supports. I like the idea of having multiple perks to tap into, rather than putting all my eggs in one basket at a time. 
    I imagine you're right, but the thing is, not pouring RISO into them means that when they *do* become useful and more easilly obtained, I'll have a better idea of which handful to funnel the RISO into.

    Rather than a scattershot approach where I have a bunch of kind-of useful supports, I can pick the top 3 - 5 supports