Bouncing effect cause freeze , still in 3.1 with new cause [Investigating]



  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Depth of desire - angel of intervention brought by deploy.

  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for reporting this. I'll relay this to the team so that they can take another look at these cards. 
  • Szamsziel
    Szamsziel Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Engulf the shore on deployed creatures (again angel of intervention) on 5.2 = freeze 
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker

    i think this time is come along with creature relate to servos support

    @Tombstone please kindly check all creatures relate with servos & clue token
  • Zzyzzx
    Zzyzzx Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2018
    I just got a soft-lock casting Depths of Desire on my own Prized Amalgam with 3 reinforces.
    He came back into my hand, fully charged (for some reason), and then the little flashy animation in the middle of the board just spins.
    I could potentially do very well in this event, but these locks/freezes force me to forfeit matches, losing my shot at top 10.

    Weird thing is, I use Depths of Desire all the time.  During Trials Blue yesterday I probably threw it out a dozen times alone and never had a soft-lock.
    Is it only when you target your own creatures?  I use Rescue the same way, never locks.  What gives?

    I'll also note that this was a Tezz II legacy zombie build so I had a handful of servos out in play.  Also, Prized Amalgam may have been cast once, but the reinforcements came from the graveyard.  Seems to fit most of the symptoms indicated by everybody who posted before me.
  • Zzyzzx
    Zzyzzx Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Since I'm such a glutton for punishment, I had to know whether or not Rescue would also cause a soft-lock when bouncing a reinforced Prized Amalgam.  I had cast it in the previous round and it reinforced once from the graveyard.

    Rescue also causes the soft-lock.
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker
    greg's journeymage etb was going bounce my creature (journeymage) with 2 JM wasnt bounced but reinforcement was reduced by 1....and freeze :angry:  :rage:

    in 2.1 AWR
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker
    Boucing Slimefoot with reinforcement via Depth of Desire also cause freeze
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    This also happened to @Imbrium in 2.3 in A World Reborn when the AI played the bouncing merfolk (I looked at the Battle Log afterwards and she still had 3 creatures on the board, so it was freezing in the _middle_ of the supposed bounce without doing it.)
  • Feiticiera
    Feiticiera Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    Had this happen to me twice now in a world reborn.  Both node 2.1 both due to bounces from the opponent (separatist voidmage and once with blink of an eye).  Both times my bounced creatures were reinforced.  Sent screenshots and ticket in game.
  • Hesturk
    Hesturk Posts: 73 Match Maker
    A world reborn totally ruined by this and I'm probably not alone. Voidmage Separatist and Academy Journeymage have caused 3 freeze. Totally ridiculous
  • fiirst
    fiirst Posts: 438 Mover and Shaker
    @Tombstone please help
  • Hesturk
    Hesturk Posts: 73 Match Maker
    I confirm i was able to beat the bounce freeze by not reinforcing my creatures. That should give a good hint to the dev. 
  • Coagula
    Coagula Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2018
    I encountered this issue in the current build (3.0). I played Academy Journeymage which should have bounced the opponent's Void Winnower. Neither creature was reinforced. The Journeymage replaced an existing creature when it entered play, but I don't recall what creature it replaced or if that creature was reinforced (that detail isn't tracked in the battle log). I believe the opponent's creatures were being buffed by Starfield of Nyx. 
  • Gun Bunny
    Gun Bunny Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
    Seen with river's rebuke and s stack of tokens.
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hi everyone. I'll go ahead and relay all of this to the team so they can look into this. 
  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    I just got a soft lock in one of my Emrakul's Corruption matches. I had a scion token stack, Benthic Infiltrator, and Blight Herder out. Greg had a Fathom Feeder and Spawnsire of Ulamog. Greg cast a Lashweed Lurker, bounced my Herder, and then the game stopped responding.
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  • EvilDead
    EvilDead Posts: 167 Tile Toppler
    Harbinger of Tides just cost me a Node win. Is this going to be fixed any time soon?
  • Azerack
    Azerack Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    Separatist Voidmage used by AI in A World Reborn just froze and caused me to lose that game. This is CURRENT, so still hasn't been fixed.