What do you think about Aliance events as the way of introducing new characters (like IW Spidey)?

veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
I make this as a poll because i dont really want to speak for whole playerbase. 
For me: Thanks guys, introducing new characters through Aliance events feels like an awesome idea for me (mostly because i can get more than one 4* from event, i also have more time to do SHIELD training or whatever its name is - thanks for that too, making old 4*s required is great change compared to not very great beginning).
I would like to see the same with other future characters, and i am adding a poll to find out whether other players feel it the same way.

What do you think about Aliance events as the way of introducing new characters (like IW Spidey)? 175 votes

I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
DormammuDragon_NexusPorkBellyantreas1911freakygeekWonko33YasuruSpiritclawColognoisseurrixmithDrNitromanBearVengerkillercoolxKOBALTxbuddy2034Jexmanhangewymtimeabmorazchris0001 137 votes
I prefer new characters being introduced in regular PvE placement reward pool.
Dartmaster01tiomonoprofessorplum9QubortThe rockettevade420Steve111shartattackTenebraeDougfresh413bowla33LifeofAgonyPtahhoteptwistmonkeyStormDragonE55 15 votes
Other option
KolenceHadronicGrimSkaldKevin61STOPTHISzodiac339Tony_FootJHawkIncbluewolfshadowyoshiZenReecohcrackninjaJaguarHoundofShadow 15 votes
I dont really care
TwystaChrono_TataCaptainFreakyfrachrrdvargas1PolarPopBeardandyfellow00Pyram7 8 votes


  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    I was just saying that in the Spiderman thread
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    A boss event every two weeks would be a great step towards interrupting the tedium.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other option

    I'm not sure I want all of the new characters to be released in alliance events, so I selected "other option." I do enjoy them so I wouldn't mind either way, but I wouldn't insist on all of them.

    It's definitely a lower time commitment, which is nice, but it's also less resources.

  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    My alliance isn't very competitive and at best half of it participates in boss events, so while I always reach max progression we usually end in Round 7, meaning we only get two of the 4* cover awards at best, but this is still way preferable to the PvE placement system. The few times I've played heavily for PvE placement in a new release I was so burnt out that I could barely play more than DDQ and some key PvE nodes with worthwhile rewards for the week after.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    GrimSkald said:

    It's definitely a lower time commitment, which is nice, but it's also less resources.

    True. Maybe its time to actually think about option where Aliance events runs along with regular PvE.
    Later Aliance event rounds take lot of time, but i agree - rewards cannot compete with regular PvE: No placement rewards, fewer nodes, pretty much average progression loot, Round rewards are good, but i cant say i would value two 4*s over 20 000+ ISO8. Plus the fact that our success is limited by aliance).
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    I prefer new characters being introduced in regular PvE placement reward pool.
    My alliance is waaaay casual. I play clearance level 9 in release events and always come away with my top 100 finish. We often do not get a 4* in boss events. Alot of my alliance are pretty new to the game.
  • Sim Mayor
    Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    My alliance is pretty casual, but we really come together for boss events. That being said, I voted before I realized that this would mean a boss event every 2 weeks, which feels a bit much.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other option
    I like it sometimes. Sometimes it's fun to work hard to earn a new character, where my own efforts directly relate to how well I get them covered. Sometimes it's fun to work hard with a team to guarantee we get a new character. But sometimes the boss event provides useful covers (like Peggy), and it's nice to work hard to help alliance members get those too. Making all future releases part of alliance events means I lose the chance to help alliance members earn non-release characters, and I don't think that's worth the trade-off.

    Variety is good. Doing all releases as bosses would be just as bad as never doing a release with a boss.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Other option
    I like it, but not every time. The lack of iso in boss events is a problem. Covers will eventually come, but iso is almost always required.

    That said, I think we've got it right with 5* star releases and every 2-3 4* releases as alliance events. If we want more than that, I'd like to see an occasional midweek alliance event for a classic 4*.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    I'm just happy to get all 3 colors for a new release instead of being stuck with 0/1/2 everytime.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    I'm just happy to get all 3 colors for a new release instead of being stuck with 0/1/2 everytime.
    Exactly this. I don't love it because it is a boss event, I like it because I get guaranteed color coverage (my 0/4/4 Black Widow over there says 'Hi'). And that members of my alliance that don't have power rosters have a chance to get a jump start on a 4*. 

    What I really like about Boss events is the greater flexibility in play times as well as unique play styles of the events (though having them more often might dull that). Just turn the ISO knob up a bit...
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I prefer new characters being introduced in regular PvE placement reward pool.
    I don’t like it at all.  I am top 1-2 or 3-10 for new releases (all depends on bracket). So that is 3 or 4 covers just for personal plus 1 for the ally.  So 4-5 covers.  Now, this is 3.  So I am behind 1-2 covers with a boss event PLUS all the other missing rewards (ISO/Hp/CP/Tokens/sub rewards). 
    Exactly this.  Boss event new releases cost me 1-2 covers and all the other resources.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,735 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other option
    I like a mix; sometimes bosses, sometimes normal pve.  Keeps it more interesting.  
  • Dougfresh413
    Dougfresh413 Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    I prefer new characters being introduced in regular PvE placement reward pool.
    I dislike the boss events.  I don't like the 8 hour cycle and I belong to an alliance with only two members.  Even if we clear every level each cycle we're lucky to make to round 4.  Absolutely hate the idea of them introducing new characters through boss events.  What would improve boss events is if they had a single player option and it wasn't based solely on your alliance.  Frankly, I think the entire alliance feature is pretty lame.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other option
    Mixing it up would be a better option. It provides a fairer gameplay to those who excel in story events rather than boss events. I think running boss events every two months is better. In between story events, 7-day story events can be run once per month.
  • Twomp_thaDJ
    Twomp_thaDJ Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    as you can see I selected the Alliance battle for new releases, but if this were to become a thing (which is highly unlikely) I would also propose a boost in ISO rewards for the other non new release PvE events. as great as it was to get all three colors of ISpidey I really missed the ISO I needed to champ and advance some of my other 4* characters. Along with the New Release also comes the shield training, and if you dont have the required characters already leveled then thats more ISO youve got to spend with no decent time to recover it. And im sure this goes with out saying but for 5* releases theres no way in hades they are giving out 3 covers in boss events that most alliances would eat up in 2 days or less.. just my 2cents
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    As was said above, these are great for relieving the tedium of daily play.
  • Ptahhotep
    Ptahhotep Posts: 428 Mover and Shaker
    I prefer new characters being introduced in regular PvE placement reward pool.
     What would improve boss events is if they had a single player option and it wasn't based solely on your alliance.  
    I am in agreement here. I find myself trying to do these on my own. I would like to see something that allowed you to enter on your own and be teamed up with others at random. A bit like normal PVE but instead of competing against each other for placement you have to work together for progress.
  • Pr0spect0r
    Pr0spect0r Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I would like to have all future characters being introduced in Aliance events.
    Ptahhotep said:
     What would improve boss events is if they had a single player option and it wasn't based solely on your alliance.  
    I am in agreement here. I find myself trying to do these on my own. I would like to see something that allowed you to enter on your own and be teamed up with others at random. A bit like normal PVE but instead of competing against each other for placement you have to work together for progress.
    You could always merc for the event then go back to your alliance after.