


  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl said:
    Dormammu said:
    X-23 I don't know if people are still high on her or if everyone has come around to what a terrible character she is. Her purple is impossible to pull off, her green is underwhelming and goofy, and its too hard to get her tanking her colors in order for her passive healing to be of any use.
    MEHulk He's okay, but his powers are as liable to hurt you as help you.
    Thanos Yeah, Court Death is good for clearing out weak seed-like teams, but after that I'm switching to someone more useful.

    Mr. F This guy is one of my favorite supports at the 4-star tier.
    Kate Bishop I don't know why she doesn't see wider use. Her damage output is incredible.
    Nick Fury Since his re-balance, he's a pretty effective dude.
    Ares The absolute best 2-star by a wide margin. Never gets no love.
    MaxPun I'm with Jarvind on this one. His black/Green combo is positively deadly.
    X-23: fairly sure everyone is aware these days of how clunky her mechanics work, she's in need of a redesign on her green for sure.

    Kate Bishop: I like Kate, she's great, she hits hard and they gave her pretty good art. Main issues though, her blue is very expensive (doesnt feel worth it unless its at 5 covers), black has the annoying self-hurt after a few turns but hits like a truck, purple makes you choose between the strikes and the damage.

    She has great powers but several downsides, I think it's why she's not as popular.
    Kate's synergy with the Lucky support is surprisingly useful.  Perhaps I just got unusually fortunate, but it amazed me how often that one extra turn on her black negated the countdown going off, either through it being matched or by finishing off the last enemy.  

    For Overrated, I'd say:
    -4* Captain Marvel: For all the "she needs to be nerfed!!!" threads during her boost weeks, people seem to forget that she's hardly a speed bump in PVP when she's not and she only really helps specifically crafted teams against goons in PVE.  Definitely a top tier 4*, but not to the degree that she trumps most other 4*'s when they're boosted and she's not.
    -1* Juggernaut: Many people still seem to cling to the notion that he's the best 1* to hold onto for DDQ.  The revised Spider-Man is noticeably faster than him clearing that node and, frankly, if you're not looking for speed, any ~Lv30-35+ 1* can easily solo the node.  Sure, people who have already had him as their only 1* won't find it worth selling him to max someone else, but that doesn't mean he's the best in the tier.

    For Underrated:
    -2* Moonstone: She has the only tile theft in the 1* & 2* tiers and her red has one of the three best single-target damage abilities of anyone in the tier (with Ares' green and Wolverine's red).  Her wonky purple and the fact she's a Dark Avenger really hurt her reputation.
    -4* Kate Bishop: It's already been discussed, but even during her boost weeks I don't see her as much as it feels like I should.
    -4* Riri Williams: No one disputes she's amazing during boost weeks, but people seem to forget about her in other weeks.  Probably around 2/3 of the teams I see running unboosted Carol in PVP would be no less effective, if not way more effective, with unboosted Riri in her place.  Her hard hitting, self-feeding red and a disruptive green are always dangerous...or at least cost you health packs and/or time in PVP.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Overrated: Vulture
    He's good, but he's just so slow.  Takes 2 turns to get him in the air, then your team is waiting and taking damage while he generates AP for them.
    You're kidding, right? Vulture is an accelerator. He speeds everything up.
    Not when you're running Gambit in PVP and Thor/Chavez/Featured 5 in PVE.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards

    Nico Minoru- she’s a really good 3rd for teams who need a purple/blue character. She buffs your A/Sh/St tiles every turn and her stun is awesome vs medusa and characters who have fortified CDs like Carol and Mockingbird. 

    Elektra - she’s a niche character but is really fun when able to play specific roles on certain teams. She’s hard to kill when she gets going and as the last character. Teams well with: F4st/C4ge, Medusa/IW, Kraven/Venom

    Mr. Fantastic - great, cheap stun. Gets life back when your special tiles are matched. Imaginaut is pretty niche but can do great combo damage. He and Shuri are magic together. Teams well with: 5*DD/Shuri, Medusa/Carnage, MEHulk/Shuri

    Kraven - very niche but can be VERY valuable. His purple is really good and his black is a sneaky good finisher. He and Venom (Eddie Brock) go together like pancakes and syrup. Teams well with: Venom/Carnage, Venom/Valkyrie, Venom/Elektra, Carnage/Squirrelgirl

    5* Ghost Rider - all his powers are sneaky good. You can set his red on the highest lvl enemy and forget about it while you attack someone else. His green does really nasty chain damage and causes cascades. 


    C&D - good battery, but that’s it. 
    Bl4de - without red on the field, there’s no use for him. 

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Dormammu said:
    Overrated: Vulture
    He's good, but he's just so slow.  Takes 2 turns to get him in the air, then your team is waiting and taking damage while he generates AP for them.
    You're kidding, right? Vulture is an accelerator. He speeds everything up.
    Not when you're running Gambit in PVP and Thor/Chavez/Featured 5 in PVE.
    Vulture is probably the fastest 4* in the tier. So basically everyone except Thorbit is overrated?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Dormammu said:
    Overrated: Vulture
    He's good, but he's just so slow.  Takes 2 turns to get him in the air, then your team is waiting and taking damage while he generates AP for them.
    You're kidding, right? Vulture is an accelerator. He speeds everything up.
    Not when you're running Gambit in PVP and Thor/Chavez/Featured 5 in PVE.
    Vulture is probably the fastest 4* in the tier. So basically everyone except Thorbit is overrated?
    Why would I run Vulture with Gambit in PVP?
    I need red, and he only gives one red after two black matches.
    Plus once he's airborne, Gambit tanks everything.

    PVE is Thor country.

    Vulture is probably a great 4*, but comparatively weak for a 5* player, like I said.
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Unless he's boosted, like he is now. Vulture, Gambit, and Thor (or Spidey in his 5* essential node) have been tearing the symbiotes a new one. And even when he's not boosted, he's still a very solid third to those three 5*, plus others like Jessica and Okoye
    I've been running Vulture wth Spidey and Thor......and Thor kills everything before Vulture has time to generate enough AP for Peter to do anything.  Typically it goes like this....

    Turn 1 - Make a black match
    Turn 2 - Thor does 5k damage, generates 5 usable AP.....set up a black match
    Turn 3 - Thor downs first enemy, generates 5 usable AP, make a black match
    Turn 4 - Thor does 5k damage, generates 5 usable AP, send Vulture airborne, make a green match
    Turn 5 - Thor does 5k damage, generates 5 usable AP, Vulture generates 10 usable AP, use Thor green to end battle.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,173 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could someone explain the synergy between Wasp and Drax as mentioned above? Wasp and C4rol for sure, but Drax?
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    qandols said:
    Could someone explain the synergy between Wasp and Drax as mentioned above? Wasp and C4rol for sure, but Drax?
    Drax has a passive that deals damage every time a friendly countdown expires.  Once she has enough blue AP, Wasp places a one turn countdown tile every turn.
  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,173 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018
    Drax has a passive that deals damage every time a friendly countdown expires. 
    Thanks, did not realize that, will try!

    Pair them with e.g. Nova or R&G, a few strikes and the damages is great every turn
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Re Vulture: oh noes he's not as good as a top tier 5*?
    Yeah, my mistake - you guys are right.  He is clearly the best 4* in the game, and you should all start using him instead of R4G/Medusa.  My AA has been itching to get some play time in anyway.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's not all get silly, now. Yes, @Bowgentle, I imagine Vulture does grow less effective for players in the 5-star tier  - just like IM40 loses some of his luster for 4-star players. And yes, @PenniesForEveryone, Grocket + Guardian + Medusa is still very fast at clearing out certain nodes.

    BUT... Vulture feeding 5-star Spidey has been clearing out symbiotes in those hard nodes faster than Quicksilver in the current PvE, just like he was feeding boosted Moon Knight last week, and boosted Quake the week before that...
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Re Vulture: oh noes he's not as good as a top tier 5*?
    I don’t think these people understand what overrated means. No one has ever said that Vulture is better than Gambit or Thor. I doubt anyone has ever in the history of MPQ rated Vulture higher than them so saying he is overrated because he is not better than them is a very weak argument.

    But carry on...

  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    Re Vulture: oh noes he's not as good as a top tier 5*?
    I don’t think these people understand what overrated means. No one has ever said that Vulture is better than Gambit or Thor. I doubt anyone has ever in the history of MPQ rated Vulture higher than them so saying he is overrated because he is not better than them is a very weak argument.

    But carry on...

    Stop acting like my argument is Thor > Vulture therefore Vulture is overrated.  He's slow.  It takes 5 turns before he does any acceleration.  That was my only point.  He also has a hard counter in AA.  His damage is not great either for the inevitable scenario where he is the only one left and you are left with dealing with this wonky mechanic of having to choose whether or not to make a match and generate AP or send him off for two turns while the enemy does it's thing while you watch.....also quite slow.

    Yes, he is good, yes he allows you to punch above your weight......but he's still overrated.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Re Vulture: oh noes he's not as good as a top tier 5*?
    I don’t think these people understand what overrated means. No one has ever said that Vulture is better than Gambit or Thor. I doubt anyone has ever in the history of MPQ rated Vulture higher than them so saying he is overrated because he is not better than them is a very weak argument.

    But carry on...

    Stop acting like my argument is Thor > Vulture therefore Vulture is overrated.  He's slow.  It takes 5 turns before he does any acceleration.  That was my only point.  He also has a hard counter in AA.  His damage is not great either for the inevitable scenario where he is the only one left and you are left with dealing with this wonky mechanic of having to choose whether or not to make a match and generate AP or send him off for two turns while the enemy does it's thing while you watch.....also quite slow.

    Yes, he is good, yes he allows you to punch above your weight......but he's still overrated.
    But that is your argument.  That he's slow... compared to the fastest teams a tier above him.  That would be like me saying IM40 (an accelerator) is slow because it takes 5 turns before he does anything and he stuns himself while the enemy does their thing, and 5* Gambit is a hard counter because he can overwrite his countdown tiles (the Archangel argument).  So is IM40 overrated? Of course not!  Because the argument is silly.  IM40 is still the best 3 in the game.

    Most have Vulture as the #2 4* in the game.  I feel he's the best in his tier, so I think he's actually slightly underrated, but we're talking a single spot.  I could argue Grocket being number 1, only because he's the best 4* boosted and it's not even close.  His boost weeks are like turning the game to easy mode.  But either way, Vulture is a top 5 4* where most people have him at #2 (where he landed in the March Madness tourney behind Carol).  That to me is by no means overrated.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,182 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018
    That's like saying Gambit is overrated because it takes him 4 turns to use his Red, and 6 turns to use his Purple. And Gambit himself is a hard counter, because when you cast Aces and Eights once, the opponent Gambit can take advantage of the Charged tiles for the extra damage.

    Good argument?

    Oh, and the scenario where Vulture is the only one left? Get as much Black AP asap to keep Vulture airborne, while fuelling his own Green and Blue to damage the opponent. Or did you forget the battery part?
  • eddidit
    eddidit Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I think I agree with Carol being overrated. She's good and definitely top tier but there are some major issues with her that bother me. If she falls victim to RNGesus she kind of just takes up space. Which in turn means you always have to bring someone like C&D or 3Fist. Even then some bad placement of the tiles and she still ineffective. Also on more than one occasion I've lost her fortified tile to some very unfortunate cascades. I would also argue that Vulture was in a similar boat, but his other skills can still do dmg even if he is lacking black tiles. But at the same time when she is boosted wow talk about a powerhouse. That last alliance pve were she was boosted was super easy because of her.

    I think Moonknight falls into my underrated category. I often seen him criticized because of the random nature of his skills. But when used right he causes devastating dmg especially when boosted. Also being one of the few who has a true heal is nice. 
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards

    Ghost Rider - Most people don't use him because there are typically better alternatives in his colors. That said, he's solid.

    Mr. Fantastic - One of the best stuns in the game, if not the best. Solid healer, too.

    Invisible Woman - She has very real limits, but the invisibility in yellow is surprisingly useful.

    Ant-Man - That blue is sneaky good when facing a team that drops a lot of specials. Don't sleep on it. He's an excellent alt-Medusa.


    Rock4t & Groot - I think people have caught on at this point, plus there are more counters now, but this character is basically just an annoyance put in the game to eat your health packs.

    Vulture - Don't get me wrong, GREAT set of tools. Absolute MONSTER when boosted. I just think it's easy to get rid of him because he takes too long to get going. He's still a top tier 4*, I just think he's a little slow.

    Kate Bishop - She's somewhat useful as a hammer when boosted, but she doesn't do enough in the new meta of batteries and special tiles.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why does everyone think Vulture is slow? For 6 AP you're swimming in green and blue, plus he'll give you a bit of red and almost make back all of the initial black AP invested. You can basically put him on a continuous battery loop. Is Switch slow because her countdown takes 3 turns? Is IM40 slow because you have to get 6 AP and then wait 2 more turns? Is 3Fist slow because you have to gather some purple AP before he'll finally make some black for you? NO. Every one of those characters can speed us up.

    I swear, insta-passives that play the game for us and require little-to-no effort from the player are spoiling us.

    3Thor is slow. Winter Soldier is slow. Teen Jean is slow. Flaptain is slow. Vulture is fast-fast-fast.