What is your plans for the new season and beyond?



  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    I realize people are VERY unhappy about the handling of Supports and while I'm among them (the feature seems cool after all) this isn't something I'm willing to go to bat for so to speak.

    I will not be quitting in the game in protest or anything so dramatic.   I've done my part and given my feedback on the forums and within the in game survey.  It is my hope that D3/Demi make Supports a feature that's available to at least 50% of the playerbase rather than its current roll out of less than 0.0001%

    To be fair...if these gifted supports kept up FOREVER I'd stop complaining.
    But with that coming to an end I'm left with the one and only support I've managed to obtain through regular daily play on my own since that feature was released.   During which time I've nearly champed a 5* latest character by the way....just putting things in perspective.
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    I just joined a new alliance about 3-4 weeks ago, so I'm going to be playing the same amount for at least another month because I feel like I owe them at least that, but the grind is definitely a lot more painful these days due to these demoralizing events.  After that month I'll have to decided if it's too much and I need to cut back and jump ship to a more casual group.
  • Mr Bacon
    Mr Bacon Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    I plan to move to another Marvel related game and play less than MPQ
    While I think MPQ completely fell flat with Infinity War, I'm not too disappointed. It makes the transition to Marvel Strike Force that much easier
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I plan to play less than I have in the past seaons
    A lot of my current alliance, 5DeadyVenoms, is really feeling the combined burnout and repetitiveness of the game. Draining at the minute, looking for something to make the top-end PvP more exciting certainly. 
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    My time spent with the game overall is far less than it was a year ago, but it wasn't supports that did that.  It was Gambit.  I lost the magic.  Started playing another marvel-related property, and I probably spend about twice as much time on that as I do on MPQ now.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    About the same, though my last two or three seasons have been pretty lax. Apparently three-ish years of slamming the same nodes over and over is my limit before I start to taper off.
  • BatteryHorse
    BatteryHorse Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I plan to play less than I have in the past seaons
    Funny, this question came up just as I was thinking about this subject.  I think I'm going to play a lot less this season.  I still play every PvE, but I usually get almost exactly 10k per PvP season, and I'm toying with maybe going for 4k, or even less this time.  That 10-pack is always disappointing for me, and now that I've champed almost every 4* there isn't much left to play for.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I plan to play more than I have in the past seasons
    PVP - I've been a slice 5 guy through and through, and generally I do just about all of my work in the last 8-9 hours of the event. I still hit 900 with relative ease, though not always due to my alliance requirement only being 575. However, for the IF's Fist Bump, I tried playing the way I normally do (rushing to 800 and shielding, then hopping to 900 on), except I did it wayyyyy earlier. Like with over a day left still in the slice. It still moved incredibly slow, as I had to watch my hop times a lot more closely  now that I had amassed much more points, much earlier, but I finally hit 1000 points in an event. There was an actual incentive this time since there was Red Iso waiting on me, but usually I stopped after 900 due to not caring for that dead space between 900-1200. I'm gonna actually try now all season to hit 1200, and if I hit it even once I'll consider that a success. Regardless, this should mean a lot more t10 finishes in S5 when I'm used to t25. I've been wanting 1200 for a long time, and have had the roster for it almost as long, but I never told myself I could really do it. 

    PVE - Not including the Duck and the Dino, I only have 3 classic 4s left to champ. Widow will make 4 new characters that I still need to champ, but in either case I'm almost at the end of the tunnel when it comes to champing all the 4s. Nothing motivates you to keep pushing quite as much as seeing your end goal so close within your grasp. Shuri & Valkryie are on deck right now, but Ghost Rider is right on their heels, with a dupe Loki cover waiting to give me Eddie Venom as well. I know Okoye is still coming down the line, but the end of this season hoping to be on the cusp of being ahead of the release schedule, which was one of my major goals. 

    I know supports are absolutely garbage in the state they are right now, but I'm hard-pressed to use that as an excuse to not keep pushing for my own goals. They cost me nothing but some Red Iso, which literally isn't useful for anything else BUT supports, so this implementation isn't slowing me down. I place t10 in event brackets where I'm one of the few rosters that aren't 5-star level pretty regularly, and I'm not even one of those people who's super nitpicky about speed. It's why I consider supports a marginal boost for me at best, these little banners that occasionally pop up aren't hurting my game in any kind of way. As far as the overall state of affairs and how depressing it's been lately......again, not a reason to stop pushing for my goals. When I'm done champing 4s like a madman, and have moved on to this glorious "post-iso" phase, maybe then I'll slow up a bit. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I plan to move to another Marvel related game and play more than MPQ
    Playing less elsewhere is a feature, not a bug.  I used to be frustrated, because I cared and was hopeful that things would change.  Now, I'm mostly apathetic, because things aren't going to change.
    So much this.  I’m more engaged in pve now without tapping but that doesn’t equate to more gameplay.  My pvp play has been steadily declining every season post Gambit.  Missed an entire event last season for the first time in 2+ years.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    I plan to play less than I have in the past seaons
    My hoard is ready for the next batch of latest legends, not that it feels like anything's gonna shake up the meta unless it's something that negates passives.  I guess that's the feeling of reaching the endgame, and supports wasn't gonna change that, for either pvp or pve.  
  • dragonreader
    dragonreader Posts: 89 Match Maker
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    Overall I am happy with the game and plan to continue playing as much as I have been.  Would love to play more but with a 2 year old and a demanding work schedule i just don't have more time.
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    I plan to play more than I have in the past seasons
    I’ve been taking it too easy and my personal and alliance placements are suffering for it. 
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    Same as I always have. Don't see any reason to stop playing or play less because one of the features is lackluster.

    That said, I very rarely participate in the PvP and am usually more focused on just building and upgrading my roster so there's that.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    Same as I have in the past. I'm starting the transition from 3-star to 4-star land, with my first 14 4 stars champed. I had all 3-stars champed once, but sold a few to keep a 4 star cover from dying on the vine. In PvP, I don't fare as well, so I focus more on PVE. I really wish they'd open higher clearance levels in PvE so some of the whales migrate further north and I might get a few top 50 finishes as opposed to top 100. Grinding and farming 2 stars helps my roster improve slowly but surely though, and supports are just a meh at best.
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2018
    Other (Please explain below)
    TL/DR: Don't Worry Be Happy Do-dooh-dooh-deedoo | Don't bring me down........Brrrruuoouce

    The foreseeable future is just sheer isogrind. I have my farm to re-sow and Mordo/Nova/Starlord/PinkPanther ready to champ. My queue is free and I'm in a holding pattern to keep it that way I think I'm gonna roll right into a proper Hoard. See what I can do by the end of the summer. I'm not at all into transitioning into 5* so I'll blow my cp on Classics and micomanage my BH's. Kind of like rolling a boulder to the top of a cliff just to push it into the water to watch the splash. 
     I may slot in more mindless grinding while watching TV cuz Westworld don't make any sense anyway and the news is depressing. It's probably a wash, Depends on how boring I find the activity of hoarding.

     Hear me now believe me later when the nerf threads start :Supports are OP. Bam! prognostication! #ubeenKanyed 
     I am really excited to work on my miracle 5* Corvus Glaive. I am re-prioritizing my entire bonus hero strategy to ramp up possible villains, new experimentation w/ possible teams which is leading to a change of play style. It's been too long I've been down in the mines just grinding,grinding,grinding and I had forgotten how much fun the game is when your making progress towards a specific goal. The fact is that you don't get meaningful red from grinding but from selling dupes. That they are throttled like a California exhaust pipe is causing the rice famine. It's an example of small minded greed, but we'll get through it. I think they gonna give us dat gubment cheese and award SCL based payouts! and the peasants rejoiced! 

    I'm excited for the upcoming tweaks to supports, ready for some long awaited system reboots, Have a side quest that is invigorating, Really been enjoying the latest characters(not so much double-double mint 5*'s), I'll probably buy the next SCL bundle because they have so far been a pretty good deal for the HP alone and I am pretty happy with the level of thought and humor on the forums- ya'll make me smile. MPQ is in a good place right now. However: The total lack of brand building/customer outreach/ basic tinykitty marketing! could make me slow my roll and just grind in the background at a diminished pace, maybe pass on some offers until they get they tinykitty, gather it up, get it, all the kitty in one place and just get their kitty together. 
    Devs Pubs your blowing it! 
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    I'll play about the same, maybe a little more pvp and less story, but only because I managed to champ Gambit, and pvp is no longer the wall of horror that it was. Had I not got him, I would have had to consider dialling back on pvp. As much as I'd like a couple of sessions with him in his prime, the rally need to do something about him.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    Nothing will change. 
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    I don't care about supports either way because so far they have been a virtual nonentity. I care far more that so many longstanding problems in the game have not been touched. 

    The gulf in power between Gambit and Banner? Not so much an issue as the fact that Banner has been out and left forgotten on the shelf for how long now? The RNG distribution that leaves people talking about things like a 11/4/0 5*? Now extended to the distribution of supports for added excitement! The army of 5*s banished into Classic limbo? Growing with each new release. The endlessly retreaded events in both story and versus? The pvp rewards that have stayed the same for years? I don't know that there's anything that can be done to resuscitate my interest.

    At this point I'm just playing out of bloody minded habit. 
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2018
    I plan to play about the same as I have in the past seasons
    I haven't been visiting this forum nearly as much as I used to; what's everyone all twittipated about in the game now?