Brand New Supports Feature! (4/5/18)



  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smart80 said:
    How much difference does the 12k riso make to 1 or more supports?
    38 levels if applied to 1 support.
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    How much difference does the 12k riso make to 1 or more supports?
    38 levels if applied to 1 support.
    If I go by the 29 riso progression per day PVE that Brigby stated, it'd only take me 414 days to up 38 levels. Woot!!!

    Yes, I know there will be other ways to earn riso, but just felt like pointing out what a weirdly low number 29 riso is...
  • dark jurai
    dark jurai Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I really like the idea behind this. I think it can/will be really fun. The enjoyment factor is really gonna hinge on how tokens are handled though. If tokens only come from PvP seasons and vaults, then I'm getting the sense that I won't be seeing much from the feature.

    Pre-TLDR; Basically, you've gotta put them into regular progression rewards in the place of one of the million useless boosts we get. Otherwise most people will see little action from this otherwise cool new feature.

    So the vault for launching this feature has 2 tokens out of 81. 2. Are you serious right now? That's so sad. If this is an indicator of the token presence in the vaults going forward, I can wholly ignore this new feature. Without paying HP, getting three or four pulls from an event, I'd probably RNG into a single token from a vault maybe once every three months. There's no way I'm dropping a hundred bucks worth of HP for two tokens.

    PvP season rewards get hoovered up by the top 50 every month. I hit 4K every month, place around the top 7th percentile 250/5k, and the rewards for that are like three heroic tokens. It's a pittance. Putting the tokens here will just give more to the few people who are already gobbling up everything.

    So yeah, I feel like a fairly average player. Generally top 7-15 percentile, consistent daily play, VIP access and a full champed 3*, fully recruited 4* roster, trying to cover them. There's gotta be a lot of other players like me. In my experience, if the new tokens aren't in the progression rewards for story events, then I can pretty much ignore this feature entirely. The random vault token I pull will likely be less frequent than the rate at which new supports get introduced.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I'll certainly agree that two tokens out of 81 is faintly ridiculous, but it's in keeping (madly) with tradition.  "It's the Jubilee and Friends vault!  With one Jubilee and 79 friends!"  I've always thought that three character covers in their vault, one for each color, would be right.  Six support tokens from 81 would be great.

    I hope that Support Tokens and RISO will find their way into Deadpool's vaults in place of some 2*s.  I'd also like to see small amounts of RISO in PVE progression rewards.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards

    I hope that Support Tokens and RISO will find their way into Deadpool's vaults in place of some 2*s.  I'd also like to see small amounts of RISO in PVE progression rewards.

    I'd like to see another Crash of Titans type of node added to Deadpool Daily that awards support tokens. I have no idea yet how accessible they want these to be, so it could be a node that appears anywhere from once every day to once every five days. If they want to gate it a bit, maybe the node requires a featured 3* character, or perhaps it allows for any 3* character but requires a specific support equipped to that character in order to compete.

  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    How much difference does the 12k riso make to 1 or more supports?
    38 levels if applied to 1 support.
    Thanks. And how much does that improve the support?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smart80 said:
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    How much difference does the 12k riso make to 1 or more supports?
    38 levels if applied to 1 support.
    Thanks. And how much does that improve the support?
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    Man, Clint can't catch a break.  First he's off the Infinity Wars poster (maybe movie also), and now  Pizza Dog (support) helps Kate not Clint.  It's like the comics all over again  :'(
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s telling that even the weakest support token is treated as a 4* reward.  That goes to show how ridiculously rare these tokens are going to be.  Looks like the H4H is going to be the best way to get them which makes them the most P2W part of the game.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    Perhaps gate the new daily ddq behind the behemoth burrito thus requiring players to have the right 2,3,&4s each day.

    Also, the icons for supports tokens all show as 4*s. The basic silver ones (1-2-3s) should only show as 1*, the gold ones (2-3-4s) as 2* and only the purples (4-5s) as 4*s.
  • McThunderpants
    McThunderpants Posts: 59 Match Maker
     Not sure if this was covered earlier in the thread, but if you have a support that is rank 4, do you only get to the the rank 4 perk, or do you also get the perks for the previous 1-3 ranks as well?
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    Just as a data point, I got a dupe 2* (I think, it went by pretty quickly) for one of my gifted tokens. It auto-converted and I received 1,400 RISO as "Duplicate Support Rewards."
  • hferg
    hferg Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2018
    I apologize for not reading the 19 pages of this thread before posting this, so I'm sorry if you already answered it, but are you going to add a way to check and see which heroes can be leveled up without having to manually click each hero in your "Roster" page? The "Train" button was nice, but it got removed when the "Supports" button was added.

    Also, when/how will people be able to receive the other tokens? The only ones I've seen so far are the basic ones that only go to three stars.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
     Not sure if this was covered earlier in the thread, but if you have a support that is rank 4, do you only get to the the rank 4 perk, or do you also get the perks for the previous 1-3 ranks as well?
    Perks are additive, so yes, you would get all 4 of the perks at the same time.
    Yepyep said:
    Just as a data point, I got a dupe 2* (I think, it went by pretty quickly) for one of my gifted tokens. It auto-converted and I received 1,400 RISO as "Duplicate Support Rewards."
    Duplicate Rank 1 Supports return 1,400 Red Iso-8 upon conversion. Rank 2 duplicates are converted to 7,000 Red Iso-8. You can check out the remaining conversion rates in the Supports Details - Duplicates and Packs post.
    hferg said:
    I apologize for not reading the 19 pages of this thread before posting this, so I'm sorry if you already answered it, but are you going to add a way to check and see which heroes can be leveled up without having to manually click each hero in your "Roster" page? The "Train" button was nice, but it got removed when the "Supports" button was added.

    Also, when/how will people be able to receive the other tokens? The only ones I've seen so far are the basic ones that only go to three stars.
    As of right now, players can still see the "Level Up" indicator, during the team selection, prior to beginning a match.

    In regards to how to receive other tokens, check out the Supports Details - Vault & Event Rewards post.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018

    PvP season rewards get hoovered up by the top 50 every month. I hit 4K every month, place around the top 7th percentile 250/5k, and the rewards for that are like three heroic tokens. It's a pittance. Putting the tokens here will just give more to the few people who are already gobbling up everything.

    So yeah, I feel like a fairly average player. Generally top 7-15 percentile, consistent daily play, VIP access and a full champed 3*, fully recruited 4* roster, trying to cover them. There's gotta be a lot of other players like me. In my experience, if the new tokens aren't in the progression rewards for story events, then I can pretty much ignore this feature entirely. The random vault token I pull will likely be less frequent than the rate at which new supports get introduced.
    Just want to point out that you are currently top 7-15 percentile in your season bracket. There are many brackets per season with varied scores. Top 50 in one bracket might not even be Top 200 in another bracket. 
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:

    In regards to how to receive other tokens, check out the Supports Details - Vault & Event Rewards post.
    @Brigby Unless I'm missing something, all this details is how to earn Red ISO going forwards. There's the two limited special offers and the one limited-time vault, but these are both temporary and require a purchase or a purchase and RNG in order to get the tokens. Is the implication here that this is the main way we'll be able to get support tokens in the future? Or will they be integrated into other rewards as well? As of yet we don't have any clear path, which most of us are anxious for.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Brigby said:

    In regards to how to receive other tokens, check out the Supports Details - Vault & Event Rewards post.
    Brigby Unless I'm missing something, all this details is how to earn Red ISO going forwards. There's the two limited special offers and the one limited-time vault, but these are both temporary and require a purchase or a purchase and RNG in order to get the tokens. Is the implication here that this is the main way we'll be able to get support tokens in the future? Or will they be integrated into other rewards as well? As of yet we don't have any clear path, which most of us are anxious for.
    I'm not sure how many ways there will be to acquire tokens in the future; in my personal opinion, I hope a few more get added. Having said that though, I referenced that post, because it is simply the most relevant one to their question, and stated the avenues that are currently available to players. 
  • hferg
    hferg Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Pongie said:

    PvP season rewards get hoovered up by the top 50 every month. I hit 4K every month, place around the top 7th percentile 250/5k, and the rewards for that are like three heroic tokens. It's a pittance. Putting the tokens here will just give more to the few people who are already gobbling up everything.

    So yeah, I feel like a fairly average player. Generally top 7-15 percentile, consistent daily play, VIP access and a full champed 3*, fully recruited 4* roster, trying to cover them. There's gotta be a lot of other players like me. In my experience, if the new tokens aren't in the progression rewards for story events, then I can pretty much ignore this feature entirely. The random vault token I pull will likely be less frequent than the rate at which new supports get introduced.
    Just want to point out that you are currently top 7-15 percentile in your season bracket. There are many brackets per season with varied scores. Top 50 in one bracket might not even be Top 200 in another bracket. 
    Indeed, I get over 4k each season myself, but never get above 1100th place.... then again, I also start with the VERY FIRST EVENT of the season, so most people in mine are going to get pretty high scores.....
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    Brigby said:

    In regards to how to receive other tokens, check out the Supports Details - Vault & Event Rewards post.
    Brigby Unless I'm missing something, all this details is how to earn Red ISO going forwards. There's the two limited special offers and the one limited-time vault, but these are both temporary and require a purchase or a purchase and RNG in order to get the tokens. Is the implication here that this is the main way we'll be able to get support tokens in the future? Or will they be integrated into other rewards as well? As of yet we don't have any clear path, which most of us are anxious for.
    I'm not sure how many ways there will be to acquire tokens in the future; in my personal opinion, I hope a few more get added. Having said that though, I referenced that post, because it is simply the most relevant one to their question, and stated the avenues that are currently available to players. 
    Thanks @Brigby ! It was unclear if there were more avenues that just were not yet detailed, or if these additional avenues (if any) were still TBD — now we know it's the latter.
  • dlegendary0ne
    dlegendary0ne Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Does a 5* support automatically make the support level 250, or does it start from level 1?  For example, if your first cover for a support is a 5*, will it be at level 1 or level 250?

    Also, it would be great to preview what the increases are for the supports as they level, like we can with the main characters.  That will make it easier to know what we're getting for our iso.