Zen and the Art of BonusHero Maintenance

purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
How do you manage your Bonus Heroes?

for myself:
5*: I used BH in order to get at least one cover on each so I can do any req'd node, now I just highlight Black Bolt because I think he would be the most ute for transitioning(long way off)
4*: my favorite unfinished character. I switch once I get 5 in any color because usable covers in a less desirable char is better than wasting the BH, a lesson I learned by having to eat the salty, salty covers 6 & 7. Right now i'm chasing Ant-Man (2/2/3), Nova (2/3/4) and Kate Bishop (3/3/3)
3*:  I set the next champ reward that's an LT or usable cover otherwise my default was Strange. Now that he's maxxed I don't know whom to set as default. I want someone that is worth keeping and might be playable as I move into the deep end of the 4* pool. I'm thinking Patch, IF, or Hawkguy

What tips/strategies/suggestions/tales do you have? 


  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    In 5* i put the most useful characters as BH and those i havent got yet (looking at you Gambit)
    In 4* i always select the useful ones (again) until it reaches 5 in one color. A BH doesnt come by too often, so i want to make sure it's usable
    In 3* i have a lot champed, so i make those 3* BH that are close to a nice champ reward, like a 4* or a LT
  • KinDM
    KinDM Posts: 72 Match Maker
    5* I put whomever my current target it for whatever reason, just one at a time.
    4*, it's whomever is 1 or 2 covers away from getting a LT to accelerate that process.
    3*, it's honestly every character I don't have maxed but have champed. 3s are so plentiful anyway I stopped micromanaging them. Sometimes this is cut back to build new releases, sometimes not.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* is Gambit because he is my 2nd favorite Marvel character and a total beast in game

    4* is Rogue because she is my favorite Marvel character and looks GORGEOUS in game

    3* is Gambit because his 4* cover champ rewards are Rogue covers

    These three will never change again. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    5*: 5tarLord. The only character I don't have rostered yet. If I don't manage to get a new 5* from their release store, I'll switch to them when they hit Latest, and then switch back once I have at least one cover for the new character.

    4*: I actually usually have at least a couple. Anyone who's about to get a LT/5* cover gets bonused. If no one's at that point, I go for some of the poorly covered 4* I have sitting around that don't yet have 5 in any one colour. On the rare occasions when I end up with someone at 4/4/4, they get it automatically until Champed. I've also done that for characters who were 5/4/3 with a cover on the vine.

    3*: Similar to 4*, the basic plan is to bonus anyone near a LT or a 4* cover I want. If not, it goes to whoever I like as a character and is somewhat behind the pack.
  • ABaker84
    ABaker84 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    5*HE. Seems to have the most synergy with the current 4* meta (looking at you Coulson and C4rol)

    4*: the next I want to champ that has at least 8 covers . Just finished Chavez, currently working on wasp

    3*: bring them up in waves. Started by getting all my 3* to level 200 starting with the closest. Now I'm getting them all up to 223 for that 4* cover

    Really wish they had 2* BHs, lol
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    For me it's either something I need more covers to champ and save covers on the vine or champ levels towards something I want. Currently...

    5* is Ghost rider. Mine is 0/2/5 and I'd like to get him looking better while CS does swaps for him. With AA at 4/5/3 and JJ with just 1 cover, I am not planning to open more latests until the next one cycles in.

    4* is Medusa to get Blackbolt covers. I have no 4*s in danger right now so just adding champ levels.

    3* is Kamala Kahn because she feeds Medusa. No 3* problems right now either, but if I have any I will switch to them.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m not really opening anything right now including standard tokens but...

    3* is always the LOWEST level character (currently Angel)

    4* I’m only missing one cover in tokens (Thoress Yellow). So I just go with people who benefit from tanking (Rogue/Chavez) until Valkyrie enters.

    5* Whoever I’m chasing in Latests (currently J.J.). If no one, then probably Thanos or Bolt but both have terrible build (1/4/4 and 4/0/0... yeah)
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    For 5*’s, I’ve had it on Hawkeye for as long as I can remember.  Just seems like a fun character. Mine is 1/4/2, so unless I get a 5th blue it’ll probably stay on him for the foreseeable future.  I’ve only had 2 5* bonuses ever.

    For 4*’s, I either go for either 11-12 cover characters with no abilities with 5 covers or I go for whoever of the latest 12 RNG is failing me on.  Currently, i’ve set it on a 4-cover Nico.

    For 3*’s I just focus on either new releases or whatever characters are lagging behind. Right now it’s set for Spider-Man, Dr Octopus, Elektra and Angel, all of whom are 30+ levels behind the next lowest character.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    5*: I’ve changed strategies a few times.  Currently I have Gambit and Strange as BH.  I figure either of those will help if I can champ them, and I can’t get them currently with 4* feeders.

    4*: I had Peggy as my only BH for a long long time.  Got her from 275ish to 365.  She’s by far my highest 4*, and when she’s boosted she’s insane.  My next plan is to BH Kate and Gamora, because I need 5 more Kate covers to champ 5* Hawkeye, and 18 Gamora covers to champ 5* Thanos.  After that I’ll either work on getting another top tier 4* to 350+, or another feeder if they add another that will help me champ a good 5* (like Rogue -> Gambit).

    3*: I used to have Strange and Thanos as BH to get them to 266 ASAP.  Now I have a couple set as BH that I sold off to get their dupes back to 266.  I’ve also used 3* BH on lopsided dupes to rechamp them before having to sell extra covers.
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    5*:  One of the latest 3, specifically one I am trying to cover with the oldest non-covered one having the priority.  For example, when Gambit, Thor, and Archangel were the latests, I set it to Gambit until he was covered, then it switched to Thor.  It has never been set to Archangel because I have no particular interest in champing him.
    4*:  Newest character available in tokens.
    3*:  Rotate this among those that are close to 266 and for whom I am compleing their dupe so that I can best combat RNG.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* doesn’t really matter since I’m hoarding. 0 chance of getting 5* bonus hero. When I do pull though, I tend to set it to one of the latest I’m after and switching to the other when i’ve gotten 13 covers

    4* is medusas, only because I need 15 more to finish blackbolt from her champ rewards

    3* is Kamala, only because she feeds medusas
  • OneLungDave
    OneLungDave Posts: 72 Match Maker
    "Zen and the Art of Re-loading" is still my favorite Xbox achievement of all time. 
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    5*: I'm so far behind on these that they don't really matter, so it stays on Bolt.
    4*: Get the most useful ones to 360, then switch to the next one. Rogue is 352 so I'll switch to someone else soon.
    3*: Get the first copy of new guys to 266 (currently Angel), after that I do a Demiurge (ie I throw a dart).

    I don't chase champ levels which give a LT, those LTs will be useful whenever I get them, I don't need them all right now.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me right now it's

    5* = Look at Classics only.  Look at characters that can't be completed by an existing or future 4* feeder.  Next which character is most desirable/likely to be useful.  BH them.  Currently have HE (2/2/3), he needs one more to be a feeder for L280 Kate Bishop.  Next will likely be 1/0/3 OML

    4* = Look at 4*s that's feed 5*s that are highly desirable/close to 13.  Currently Medusa L306 (BB 4/2/3).

    3* = Look for 3*s that feed 4* BH.  Currently Kamala Khan L239.

    Earlier (before all my 3*/4*s were 13, I would BH ones that need to get finish up and/or their feeders)
    Later (once most of my 5*s are feeder ready/my 5*s are far enough along, 3*s will become any that aren't 266 with a rotating farm dup and 4*s best characters/new characters)
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    For me it’s mostly about feeders, I BH’d Vulture to get Parker covers, and I’ll switch back to Rogue when PP is champed. Other main BHs have been Medusa for Bolt, Gamora for Thanos and Carol because, well, she’s Carol.

    Also, all of these I BH’d when they were in Latest so they were able to get high, when any of the above are boosted they are badass and usable even in 5* land. Climbing off Thorbit with Medusa and Gamora is very satisfying.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me - 

    5* - Whoever I want to cover.  Could be the last Latest I want to cover before they go Classic, or a new Latest I don't have a cover for, or a Classic I'm close to covering, but need 1 or 2 more.  It changes constantly.

    4* - Default is Carol, who I want to get to 370.  But I will change it to a newer 4 that I want to champ.  Now that I've champed everyone but Valkyrie, it will probably stay on Carol for a while.

    3* - If I get a cover for a dupe that I can't use (all 3*s are champed and most of them are maxed), then I'll make them my bonus hero so I can champ them and not waste the extra cover.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    5-star: whoever I don't have (for PVE), then whoever I'm closest to fully covering.

    4-star: whoever I'm closest to full covering, remaining there once champed in order to get the LT at 271. Exceptions are characters with 5/5/2 cover spread as that's a 2/3 chance of it being worthless. I currently have all 4-stars rostered, but if I don't manage to get a new release in their PVE I'll BH them until I pull one.

    3-star: since I have all 3-stars except Gambit champed, try to get an even spread of levels (focus on the sub-200 ones), highlight those who give desirable 4-stars as champ rewards, or those who are nearing a 4-star reward level anyway.
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    5*:  Whoever I don't have since I have so few, right now its BB.

    4*  Vulture since he is usable underleveled and 3/3/3.  I'm still a 3* player.

    3*  Well........

    Great topic for a newer player in the 3* realm.  I have 26 3*s champed.  But now I am re-thinking my current strategy.  I BH a 3* I have yet to champ.  So basically I am trying to champ all my 3*.  But is that really the best strategy?

    I apologize if this is slightly off topic.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    randomhero1090 said:
    ...  But is that really the best strategy?
    Generally speaking, champ everybody before moving up is the way to comfortably support your growth at the next tier. It's not what I did, I sold off a bunch of lvl 200+ 3*s to make room for every 4*/5*, and I've been working backwards to re-roster/champ the 3* tier between character releases. I have 20 more to champ, and of those 20 i still need to roster Colossus, which brings me to:

    5*: Whoever I don't have. I'm just missing Jessica Jones, and I've made around 20 pulls from Alias and Legends chasing her. Once I get JJ, I'm not sure what I'll do there. My highest covered 5* is Star Lord at 2/1/3, and I use him daily on my 4ocket/Medusa fast clear team. But he isn't good empirically. I guess I'll switch it to Gambit (1/1/1) even though i have a few others at higher covers already.

    4*: Whover is nearest to champion, or who I would like to be nearest to champion. currently that's Chavez. After that, I may switch to whoever is furthest from champion to try and maximize my ability to finish the DDQ crashes when they come around

    3*: Right now it's Colossus, since he is the only 3* I'm missing. Once i get him, I'm planning on champing the whole 3* tier so it'll be whoever is nearest, or maybe furthest depending on my iso situation at the time.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    5* - Gambit since he's at 9 covers (no 5s champed yet though OML is fully covered)

    4* - Bonus whoever is next to champ to get a head start on champ rewards.

    3* - Bonus next dupe to champ. If no dupes are being champed, highest level.