5* Ghost Rider as essential 72h after being released in tokens UPDATED 2/13 OP no longer valid



  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    You know what they could have done? Given out a ghost Rider cover instead of an LT. But there are only 22 five stars in the game...so rare a tier.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    smkspy said:
    You know what they could have done? Given out a ghost Rider cover instead of an LT. But there are only 22 five stars in the game...so rare a tier.
    It would be unprecedented to give away a 5star cover in Civil War boss event!

    except for the first run 2 years ago or something when they gave away both a Cap5 and an IM5...
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daiches said:
    smkspy said:
    You know what they could have done? Given out a ghost Rider cover instead of an LT. But there are only 22 five stars in the game...so rare a tier.
    It would be unprecedented to give away a 5star cover in Civil War boss event!

    except for the first run 2 years ago or something when they gave away both a Cap5 and an IM5...
    There even fewer 5s back then. I just don't see the harm in the having a five in progression for these boss events. The refusal to end the pay gate has to end at some point. They did it with 4 stars after two years, time to loosen the stranglehold a bit on fives now. Imagine when we're 30 depend into the tier and it's still based on RNG. That's insane when the dilution in classics is 27 characters and the only options to get these characters directly conflicts with itself.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    My theory on the first CW rewarding 5’s is that there were so few 5’s that they wanted to expand the tier, and adding 2 at once pushed the stores to suddenly have 3 Latest and 4 Classics, so there was an advantage to pulling Latests.  So they wanted to jump the number of 5’s from 5 to 7 and gave away a cover to mitigate anger that might have resulted otherwise.  If they had just released 1 you would have had 2 stores with unequal CP costs but equal odds of a specific 5.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    smkspy said: ... The refusal to end the pay gate has to end at some point....
    Does it? Why?

    They are going pretty hard after the cash recently ... maybe if these sick, once a week, "gimme twenty bucks or else" offers pay off enough they can loosen up more on 5s. Maybe. But I think the allure of those offers will wane. If they are too regular, too often, no longer seem special, they'll turn players off.
    I didn't mean completely end the paygate, just making 5s available in a means that isn't completely paygate, rng, unrealistic feeding, or conflicts with what the devs can't decide for us to do with CP.

    And not saying make 5s rain, but boss events and such is a great way to do it.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Not to be a supportive voice to the devs, but multiple 4s now offer 5s as champ rewards, so I’d say they’ve actually taken steps to do this already.  Sure it would be nice if the end of the Civil War rainbow was a 5*, but the paygate has slowly been brought down regarding 5s.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    Not to be a supportive voice to the devs, but multiple 4s now offer 5s as champ rewards, so I’d say they’ve actually taken steps to do this already.  Sure it would be nice if the end of the Civil War rainbow was a 5*, but the paygate has slowly been brought down regarding 5s.
    While it is certainly a nice gesture, the reality is that feeders are just lip service. The 4 star tier is so diluted that gaining those levels for a feeder is an overly slow process. It's just not a reliable means of building fives because unless you are lucky enough to have a high level 4 star feeder at rollout, you're back to being reliant on rng.

    My own example is Kate. That has been stuck at 271 since vaulting ended. Even BHing her, get 280...much less 300 is pretty unrealistic. 

    But at least it is a crack in the dam and devs will one day realize that a better way to attain fives, especially older ones, should be addressed.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    smkspy said:
    Not to be a supportive voice to the devs, but multiple 4s now offer 5s as champ rewards, so I’d say they’ve actually taken steps to do this already.  Sure it would be nice if the end of the Civil War rainbow was a 5*, but the paygate has slowly been brought down regarding 5s.
    While it is certainly a nice gesture, the reality is that feeders are just lip service. The 4 star tier is so diluted that gaining those levels for a feeder is an overly slow process. It's just not a reliable means of building fives because unless you are lucky enough to have a high level 4 star feeder at rollout, you're back to being reliant on rng.

    My own example is Kate. That has been stuck at 271 since vaulting ended. Even BHing her, get 280...much less 300 is pretty unrealistic. 

    But at least it is a crack in the dam and devs will one day realize that a better way to attain fives, especially older ones, should be addressed.
    It can be slow, but they’ve given us other tools like bonus heroes that can definitely speed the process on a specific toon.  I’m not saying it’s perfect system by any measure, but it’s a pretty significant improvement.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    smkspy said:
    Not to be a supportive voice to the devs, but multiple 4s now offer 5s as champ rewards, so I’d say they’ve actually taken steps to do this already.  Sure it would be nice if the end of the Civil War rainbow was a 5*, but the paygate has slowly been brought down regarding 5s.
    While it is certainly a nice gesture, the reality is that feeders are just lip service. The 4 star tier is so diluted that gaining those levels for a feeder is an overly slow process. It's just not a reliable means of building fives because unless you are lucky enough to have a high level 4 star feeder at rollout, you're back to being reliant on rng.

    My own example is Kate. That has been stuck at 271 since vaulting ended. Even BHing her, get 280...much less 300 is pretty unrealistic. 

    But at least it is a crack in the dam and devs will one day realize that a better way to attain fives, especially older ones, should be addressed.
    It can be slow, but they’ve given us other tools like bonus heroes that can definitely speed the process on a specific toon.  I’m not saying it’s perfect system by any measure, but it’s a pretty significant improvement.
    I agree, they gave us a tool, but again, just too rng-based. Really rng on top of rng. I need one Spidey cover to max, and my vulture was like 292 at the rollout. Immediately BH him. Flash forward to today and he's 295 because of a bad streak of too few BHs and 4 star token dilution. 

    That's the way it goes, but doesn't make it any less annoying. But the balance was pulling a string of five star BH to max covered Gambit.

    But eventually and with certainty, at some during this year, the devs will have to provide a means to EARN five stars thru some form of actual gameplay. It's happen with every tier, they just need to figure out how to do in a way that still promotes natural roster development.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    I don’t think they have to provide that at all.  Until the 5* tier is no longer the top tier (which frankly I pray is never) there’s no reason not to put the highest tier as the most difficult/costly to attain.  You can have a complete gameplay experience in mpq without ever having to use a 5*.  It’s nice to have but in PvP you’re not being pit against 5* players if you don’t have a 5* roster.  PVE is set scaling so you can decide what your threshold is based on your roster.

    And yet even with all that, you can earn the premium currency (CPs, LTs) and hoard long enough where you can guarantee your transition into 5* land with more than enough examples of F2P doing so.

    For once, I support the devs fully.  I’m glad they haven’t put guaranteed 5* anywhere in the game.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards

    To me, as long as 5* remain the sort of end game, and the bulk of content remains at the 3/4 tier, then I'm okay with it remaining RNG on top of RNG.  If they were to introduce more tiers, that's when I might be done altogether. 

    My understanding is that 5* were supposed to be these hard to obtain things that if you got them, great! But if not, the game is mostly played at the 3/4 tier anyway.  But the "gotta catch em all" whales moved the goalposts, so that even with the game not giving direct access to these covers, they could still buy their way to a new tier and the culture of hoarding to cover latests was born for the rest to keep up.

    The devs probably make way too much money the way the system is now by NOT giving too much direct access to covers (there is HFH).  They would make much less offering direct access to the covers.

    I know for me, the harder it is to obtain just the right cover, the more excited I feel when I finally get it.  That's part of what keeps us addicted.  And the more they remove that the less the game has that addictive hold over me.  Look at the 3* tier.  I know I'm getting a 3 and when I'm getting it in DDQ.  I can plan for that accordingly.  And while nice, I can't remember the last time I got excited for a 3* cover.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    If ... [THEN] that's when I might be done altogether.  <nyuk, nyuk, nyuk>
    The devs must be playing drinking games while reading this forum.
    Lolz that they read the forums.  High comedy.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
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    Just a friendly reminder to please keep the discussion on topic. Thanks!

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  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    If they start giving away 5's easily, we know that that means that 6 stars are right around the corner.  I'm ok with them being more rare and special.