is quake the worst?



  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,795 Chairperson of the Boards
    It’s not about pvp, in pve I’d still rather use cage than quake because I like putting him in front and wiping out tiles. She doesn’t suck because she’s not for pvp, she is just low tier because someone else has come along better.

    Every tier could do with them stopping pumping out characters and rebalance, but that doesn’t make them money. So just embrace the creep and keep on chasing.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    Niche passive? Yes but absolutely vital for many every time Enemy of the State is run. much THIS!  When I finally got her champed, and respeced her yellow passive to 5, suddenly those Caltrops that were smacking my team for 2500 pts of damage a shot were reduced to 1.  That saves a LOT of health packs, let me tell you.  Team her and 4-star Cage up, and even LVL 400+ Muscles aren't much of a threat.

    She's certainly not the best in the 4-star tier, or even top 10.  But she'd definitely be in my top half of the 4-star tier.  Kingpin's nerf took him to that ranking.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quake is definitely the worst anagram of "unhermeneuticable" that I've come across.  There's not even a "q" in there.  Or "k".
  • cameronsch
    cameronsch Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Quake can be very good when teamed with Vulture as her battery. I think Hulkbuster is the worst since is red is about the only useful power. Then again, in tandem with Blade, he could help boost Blade's passive by creating and generating red tiles and AP
  • cameronsch
    cameronsch Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Quake, Vulture, and Mockingbird works surprisingly well together. 2 batteries and 2 strong hitters
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quake, Vulture, and Mockingbird works surprisingly well together. 2 batteries and 2 strong hitters
    I'm always on the lookout for a good Vulture team, so I'm curious how you use this team.  Do you use the Vulture's green (more damage vs countdown) or Quake's green (instant, and a board shake)?  Same question for the blue.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fo4 those who say quake sucks something to remember is when quake came out she was a PVE savior especially with Enemy of the state.  With the wave nodes and powerful caltrops she reduced that damage down to 1.  Also remember there were few if any 5* so you didn’t get to match damage everyone down with ease and hulk buster and Jean Grey were probably still king of the 4* land.  She was super useful in PVE against muscle as well since it was so hard to keep his blue AOE from firing.  Now with all the newer 4* nd 5* her anti AOE isn’t as useful and her other powers could use a buff.  She has been passed over by newbies 4* and could use a buff to green and blue,  it I would still use her over eddy Brock or Falcap or craven
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    she shines in enemy of the state and strange sights.  if in 4* land,  tshe is the only way to withstand all them caltrops trap tiles.  actually enjoyed using her, jean and switch in pve
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    she was rotten in the crash for sure, champed & it still took 5 tries. now admitted I suck but still. no boosts btw
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe I played mine differently, but my Clash was easy. No buffs, no boosts. Make her 3 yellow, and then targeted IW’s yellow with my blue. She’s not the best 4*, but she isn’t the worst at all, and buffed in PvE, she can really save a lot of health-packs with 5 yellow.
  • DrDevilDinosaur
    DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker

    I think the perception of her as 'weak' is due to the behaviour of her activated abilities. The damage on her Green is only slightly worse than Rhulk Green with 18 AP (I'm working with both Quake and Rhulk at champ level 283, which was a happy coincidence, and Quake Green ~424 dmg:ap, while Rhulk's big Green ~431 dmg:ap). The challenge that Quake faces is with the secondary effect of her power. It's a random board reset. It's not a shuffle, like Loki or Medusa, so there will be no resulting cascades; it doesn't clear or steal enemy special tiles, or buff friendly tiles; it can't generate an AP by itself; it might move an enemy countdown in a position where you can more easily clear it away, or it might not. Essentially, the board reset part of the ability does "nothing" of any discernable value, yet we're accustomed to getting something out of extra effects. Honestly, if you just think of her Green as "a 10 dmg:ap weaker version of Rhulk's big clap" then you may see her in a better light.

    Her second challenge is Blue, which deals damage equal to her damage per tile for the given colour, rather than whatever the best damage is for her team. This means that you want to target Green/Yellow/Blue if you want any worthwhile damage out of it, but since it doesn't gather AP you're only hampering yourself to pick Green or Blue, you have a very limited selection here. Yes, you should really only be using this tactically to try and knock out an enemy special tile that's troubling you, but I think if that damage was equalised from team strengths it would raise the perception of the ability.

  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Quite enjoyed running her with ProfX in the bullseye PvP. While slow it trivialised any teams with Carol, and her blue set up several match 5's. 

    I don't think she's in need of a buff, maybe not as much as some of the other 4's that are lagging behind. 
  • Qubort
    Qubort Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    The worst? She can defeat a team of ninjas by herself while keeping her team from taking any real damage. She may not be a power hitter, but worst? Not even close. Especially on developing rosters she can be a huge hp saver against the right team.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Her yellow has proven very useful for me against goons with AOEs (Muscle, Shield Spy, Kishu, Mindless Ones, etc.) as well as the tile-movers that can be problematic (CM4, Red Hulk, JG, C&D, Vulture, Iceman, etc.) Sure it fits the bill of a skill that counts as "niche", but I certainly use it quite often. 

    Her blue I love pairing with XFDP's purple, since both are so cheap. Also is mostly reliable in helping activate Entanglement for Medusa, and getting rid of enemy special tiles. 

    Sure, she could use a buff, most characters could. However I certainly find her useful enough as is to not warrant calling her bottom tier. 
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    For a while, I was pairing her with Carol and [situational third character] in Sim to counter the other Carols. Have the same strongest color? Who cares!? Just watch out for how dangerous the AP generated is and ignore the AOE damage part of it. Meanwhile, enemy take full damage.

    Then Grockmora happened... Then I Champed 5*s... Might as well call the thread “Buff everyone to beat Gambit”, because most of the roster becomes irrelevant eventually.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I hafta admit she’s pretty bad in my opinion. She barely does any real damage, her board shakes don’t often lead to cascades... and I love the idea of her aoe protection but at low champ levels (mine is 272) she does 3400 aoe protection. That’s certainly nice, but she has no extremely powerful ability. Everything is sorta middling or low level. She’s fun if you have a match against goons where you probably feel like you’re not gonna get hurt anyways, so you can play around and taunt them. Otherwise she kinda stinks. 

    One on one in a crash where her opponent does no aoe damage though? Brutal experience every time. 
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,763 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doc L said:
    Maybe I played mine differently, but my Clash was easy. No buffs, no boosts. Make her 3 yellow, and then targeted IW’s yellow with my blue. She’s not the best 4*, but she isn’t the worst at all, and buffed in PvE, she can really save a lot of health-packs with 5 yellow.

    Easy depends on your level and the board: when your Lv155 Quake can be one-shot killed by IW, then a lot of green on the board spells certain doom.

    Anyway, 4 tries later the LT was mine.

  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    658 said:
    She has three good powers.  The older 4s don’t accelerate themselves much and aoe is never going to be strong against a single target.  She’s not t10, but she’s miles from the worst.  

    This is laughable. Not only isn't she a self starter, but you've forgotten who was released when she was 

    Iceman (all new x-men) 9/17/2015 <- self starter. His purple both makes blue, destroys their red, and enables his green.

    Cyclops (classic) 10/8/2015 <- self starter; his blue makes red, removes red, and his yellow generates AP on team-up matches.

    Red Hulk (thunderbolt r) 10/15/2015 <- that purple.

    X-23 (all new wolverine) 10/29/2015 <- matching red means she heals, and enables her green to roid out.

    Ghost Rider (j blaze) 11/26/2015 <- reworked to have complimentary abilities.

    The Hulk (totally ave) 12/3/2015 <- reworked to have complimentary abilities.

    Miles Morales (spiderm) 12/17/2015 <- reworked to have complimentary abilities

    Venom (eddie brock) 12/24/2015 <- noticing a trend yet?

    Nova (sam alexander) 1/28/2016 <- all strike tiles enable airborne; eg self-starter.

    Spider-Gwen (g stacy) 2/11/2016 <- yet again, webs beget webs; enable heals or big punch.

    Quake (daisy johnson) 3/10/2016 eh..........

    The Punisher (max) 3/24/2016 <- blue raises the black output. Green ensures better black output.

    Now onto the "three good powers".

    It costs 11 for marginally higher damage than Sandman (better AoE), or Ross. But with Ross, you're never firing his AoE at 9. You're waiting until 18 unless you're facing another Ross. And his red is garbage, all considered. It needs a rework.

    SO DOES Daisy's passive. It needs an extra oomph. Here's why.

    When we were all worsensed by the "targeting team-ups" detune, Quake took a big hit. Her blue was thus unable to target team-up tiles, and really slowed her down. She was taken down even further.

    The passive only works with AoE, only works sometimes, and she's in that "meddling, situational tier".

    No. She's not Elektra, Sandman, Kraven, or Venom/Falcap/Dino/Howard.

    But she's on the bottom end of the spectrum. 
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor

    I can agree that she is not top 30, but she has her uses, especially in PVE. If you want to see if quake is bad, compare her to some of these bottom scrapers. 

    Mr. (less than) Fantasic,  

    Sam (Capt who? No seriously... him?)Wilson.   

    That's so Kraven the (failed) Hunter