How do you recycle/reroster your max champed characters?

Alphateam Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
edited February 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
Do you max champ, sell and start over? or start a second one before you sell?

I start a second one, because I don't want to be without a high level required character. For my 2* when a character gets to level 133 I stop adding covers and start a new version of that person until I get 13 covers. (I hate it when I have 10 yellow and no green covers and I have to sell them. If I have extras I can just add them to the 133 level person) Then I start adding till its max champed and sell. Champ my 13 cover guy and wash/rinse/repeat. 

I ask because I'm getting to the point where I'm getting some 3*'s to max. Its just a big hassle, and with the 3 * covers coming more infrequent, I don't want to waste covers if I get more than the 5 and have to sell them off. It seems like a bigger investment in the 3* guys. 



  • Tiggida
    Tiggida Posts: 64 Match Maker
    I level the original to 261 so that I get the 15cp and then I start a dupe. Once the dupe is cover maxed (or 4/4/4 build) I max champ the original, then I champ the dupe. I haven't wasted any 3* covers so far doing it that way. Some people say to start the dupe earlier than 261, but I personally haven't had any problems with waste yet. 
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I start my duplicates at 257. Get that LT and then start building. That way if I get 6+ of a color I can feed it to the main.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    2* - i keep only CMag, Storm and Hawkey while I rebuild a dupe (so I sell max lvl when dupe can be championed). Others I sell immidiately when I have 1 cover for the new (so at 144 with 1 cover I can't apply).

    3* - get to 261 for 15 CP and then start a dupe. Champion dupe for the LT and then max the high lvl one (sometimes I don't want the 4* cover so I add the champ level for the dupe). I don't sell the high cover unless I am desperately needing the ISO (happened with 4 or 5 of them when I have opened a hoard of LT). 
  • Kevmcg
    Kevmcg Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I'm a completionist, and mostly FTP with 16 of 21 5* champed so this will not apply to newer rosters. My overall plan has always been to plan ahead and be patient over the 2 weeks to never sell a cover.

    1* - Keep 2 copies of each. One is maxed, the other to apply covers for XP.
    2* - Keep building and building until you sell several to apply toward a 5* project. Think of them as savings account - pay yourself first. I have 4 of each 2* maxed now - also helpful for PVE. You can burn through them quickly with Big Thanos and not use health packs.
    3* - Similar to above, start to build the dupe before completing the first. My experience is that by setting as Bonus Hero, you can get the covers you need without wasting any, I tend to only have 1-2 to worry about at a time. If you have more coming due, then certainly 260 is a good point to build a dupe in case you get a run on 1 color.
    4* - I change the Bonus Hero, when they hit 360. Close enough to 370, still gives something to play for and the thought of duping 60+ 4* scares me.
    5* - ask a whale.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 981 Critical Contributor
    Mostly FTP, lol.
    It's one or the other. Just like you can't be a bit dead
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,177 Chairperson of the Boards
    For 2*s, I get a character to 144, then any extra covers that come in for them, I store in my queue. As soon as I get a viable mix of 13, I sell the champ, reroster the character and champ right away. Occasionally, I won't get the right mix of covers in two weeks, so in those cases I sell the champ and build the best version I can and hope to champ the character before the first extra cover expires.

    It's perhaps not the most efficient way of doing things, but if you can't spare a roster slot to build the dupe while holding on to the champ, I think it's one of the better ways to go. It really does not happen that often that I fail to get the right mix of covers in two weeks that I end up playing with an undercovered character or sell a bunch of covers. 

    3*s are a different story though. I've been rostering a dupe roughly around the 257 mark and getting the dupe built before maxing the champ. Wasting a few 2* covers doesn't bother me terribly; not the case for the 3*s.

    I wanted to hold onto my max champ 3*s, but IM40 is the only I haven't sold yet. I sold Cap and Grocket, and am planning to do the same for Patch and Panther, who are both at 265. Too many 4*s need to be champed right now. Hopefully I'll keep the 3*s the next time around. 
  • Kevmcg
    Kevmcg Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Some of us spend $100 once or twice a year to support the game and take advantage of sales, but are not active in regular buy rooms. We can't say we are completely free to play, but pretty close compared to what many top-end players spend. Anyone on VIP is not "free to play", but earning your roster through good consistent play still shows you can build up a decent roster that competes for Top5 in PVE and PVP over time.  For the spending I have done, 100% has gone toward HP to get the roster slots needed to grow. With champing rewards, I'll re-emphasize that you need to find ways to never sell a cover.
  • Alphateam
    Alphateam Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    edited February 2018
    It would be nice if we could "un-maxchamp" a character. Its a PIA to collect the right 13 covers, then sell the max champed one, champ the new one, add covers, wash/rinse/repeat. Its 8000 ISO loss to take a 2 * through this dance. It would be worth it to take the 8000 ISO less or heck even 10000 ISO less when you sell a max champ to just make them champed at just 13 covers again. So you can just start adding covers right away. Thats what I end up doing anyway. I sell my max champed, and then champ my 13th covered character. It would just save a step of having to rebuild a second character. 

  • Vold
    Vold Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    So far I only recycle 2x *

    i try to collect as many covers as possible until my oldest one is about to expire then I sell the max champ and recruit a new one with all the covers I’ve gathered.

    i’m Curious why I keep reading people trying to conserve ISOs...

    personally i I got too much to even know what to do with them and everyone is maxed where possible.
  • Alphateam
    Alphateam Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    ISO is by far my biggest hole in the game. I have so many characters I could put ISO in to. 
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    Get one 3 to 266, start dupe, get dupe to 266, sell dupe, start another dupe.

    I don't hold any 3 below 266, so far I've sold a grand total of 2 covers because of that.
    Bonus Heroes will take care of your 3s, as long as you remember to switch once the dupe hits a dangerous build.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards

    - I have the champ and a level 15 max-covered dupe for all (even Bag-Man!).
    - As soon as the champ reaches 144, I sell it (except Bag-Man... he shall be my trophy!)
    - Use the iso to champ the dupe
    - I build another dupe right away and do so with the ideal configuration of covers (3/5/5 Cap, 5/5/3 Wolverine, etc.)- even though I can respec later. Weird habit.
    - Any extra covers outside of building the dupe ideally goes to the level 94 main.  And of course all extra covers after 13 go to the main. 
    - Rinse and repeat. 

    - Start building a dupe at level 255, again, with the ideal cover configuration- and any extra covers being applied to the main.
    - Once the main hits max-champ try to scrounge up the iso to champ the dupe without selling the original.
    - Keep both versions if at all possible (only one max and dupe Champed 3 so far).

    I think I might start the dupe at 256 instead of 255 just so my characters are organized better, because right now after my champed 4s, it is all my 3s over 255, all my max covered 5s at 255, all my 255 3s, and then the rest of my 5s. A single level might make for less of a jumbled mess.

  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    2* - sell once at level 144 and have single cover to start new one.

    When I used to cycle 3* - same process.  With BH I’ve never wasted a 3* cover during rebuild.

    4* dupes I don’t start until original is 370.  That’s led to some waste but I prefer to get those big ticket rewards before worrying about the dupe.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    2* - I have two full sets. Essentially, one set is at level 15 that is almost all fully covered and ready to be champed, the other set is champed and range from 95-144. Sell the 144, champ the lv 15, roster a new lv 15, build it up to thirteen covers, go back to the 95 and apply covers until it maxes at 144. Then I wait to get two dupe covers, one is to roster to replace the 144 and the other dupe I apply to the newly champed one to get the heroic.

    3* - Just started the process of farming 3s. I will leave the main at 250 until the dupe is fully covered then finish maxing the main. Whenever the dupe hits 266 I will sell it and start working on a new one. Won't have to worry about doing that for a while though.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    2* - once they hit 144 I start saving their covers in the queue. Once I have 13 covers or (more rarely) a cover is about to expire I sell off the 144 one and roster a new version. Can't really afford extra roster spots for this tier.

    3* - I used to start saving when they hit level 257, but that got boring and I started taking them to level 266 Before saving covers for a dupe. Here I spring for the extra roster spot though. Should I hit an unusable cover configuration I set that hero as a bonus hero - so far that has Always worked out for me, but if not then sacrificing a 3* cover is not that big a deal. My replacement Psylocke is currently 2/6/2 though so it will be interesting to see if I can get enough red and black Before the blue cover on the vine expires...

    4* - not even Close to maxing one out yet. My best ones (Carol, Medusa, Deadpool) have passed 320, so they are at least half way...

  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    2-star: when one is at 144, wait until another cover for them drops, then sell the maxed one and start a new one. This avoids being caught short in PVEs for the required 2-star. I keep an additional max-champed Storm, Magneto and Moonstone as my permanent 2-star bench for DDQ etc.

    3-star: not quite there yet but my strategy will be to simply roster and build a new one while keeping the existing max-champed one in place. Maxed 3-stars are very useful, especially when boosted.
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2018
    Vold said:
    So far I only recycle 2x *

    i try to collect as many covers as possible until my oldest one is about to expire then I sell the max champ and recruit a new one with all the covers I’ve gathered.

    i’m Curious why I keep reading people trying to conserve ISOs...

    personally i I got too much to even know what to do with them and everyone is maxed where possible.

    There seem to be 2 main phases of the game where you have more ISO than you can spend: during the early 2*->3* transition, and the early 3*->4* transition. (There's probably another for true end-game max-champed 5* players who have "won" MPQ) 

    In both cases, you need to acquire a significant number of covers before you can champ your first character of the next tier (3* or 4*, respectively). During this time, you steadily accumulate ISO and can build up a significant surplus.

    And it's not much of a drain on that stockpile when you make your first champ. But once you champ your 2nd or 3rd character, you start to hit 13 and 14 covers on other characters much more frequently, and you burn through your ISO reserves amazingly quickly.

    When I transitioned 2*->3*, I had over 600k and thought people complaining about not having enough ISO were crazy. Once I started champing 3*, I was down to zero ISO within 4 days.

    For my 4* transition, I had 1.2 million ISO saved up. That was gone within a week, even with the slower accumulation rate of 4* covers.


    (edited for clarity and to fix typos) 
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    Hit 144, start dupe, sell.

    Hit 266, start and champ dupe, only sell if needed.

    If I have to throw a cover or two out along the way is okay with me.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dogface said:
    Mostly FTP, lol.
    It's one or the other. Just like you can't be a bit dead
    You should see me on a Monday morning at work. I am definitely a bit dead. 
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    1* - I had all of them already maxed, so with the change to XP, I do the following:
      Spider-Man, Storm, Iron Man - Cycle their build around using spare covers for the 20 extra ISO that the XP gives me when I level up.
      The rest - save covers and when I re-champ a 2* try to make complete 1*s to sell in the slot before I start the new 2*.

    2* - Like a few others said, I don't do spare slots for these. I just save up covers to have a 13 build (or as close as I can get) and then sell and replace the champion (but see the 1* bit above)

    3* - Level a champ to 261 for the CP, then start a dupe. Covers I can't use go on the champ. Sometimes I'll start the dupe when the champion is a level or two earlier than 261 if I win a balanced set of 3 covers from event rewards or something.

    4* and 5* - Not high enough level to merit a dupe, and I don't slot unusable 5* covers as backups.