Need some advise on a team



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Another 3* team that is very good is Blad3/Falcon/Almost Anybody.

    Spid3r-Man is pretty good here, because he's making defense tiles on purple and has an awesome active yellow, along with his dirt cheap blue stun.

    You could also use IM40 here so that you again have an active yellow and won't feel so bad leaving all those reds on the board for Blad3's strikes. Plus his blue generation can fuel Falcon's Redwing, or just be a big aoe nuke from model 40 if you prefer.

    You could use Iron Fist or Luke Cage depending on your preferences since Cage has an active yellow and a better black than Blad3 with a defense tile on passive that Falcon is going to be buffing for you, or you could use Fist if you prefer to have that attack tile on the board from the jump off. Or you could just use Fist/cage/falcon and forego Blade.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    I’ll second TheRoadWarrior in saying you’ll be much better off in the long run focusing on your 2* characters. The game doesn’t do a good job of communicating it but jumping into the next tier before you’re ready will almost always have a deleterious effect. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Shout out to Trilateralus for hitting us with a correct use of deleterious #WordOfTheDay

    But to your point, I actually think the game kind of relies on human nature's impulse to chase the carrot, and is usually giving you stuff you aren't ready for with the implication that IF YOU DON'T GET THIS NOW YOU'LL NEVER GET IT AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! with how it is always giving you 4*s and 5*s when you are least prepared to roster them, leading to you asking "who should I dump to make room for this thing?" The real answer is no one, stay the course and add your slots, and you'll get there. You can make the case for 5*s, since they're so rare, but you probably aren't landing those unless you're spending CP/Legendary Tokens before you ought to be.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since this thread has kind of become a "share your wisdom" thread, one thing you may choose to do when champing your 3*s is spending the 20cp on that last cover, then using the cover you would have used to get that LT instead. Gives you a 5cp discount on LTs, but 3* bonus heroes being as relatively easy to get as they are, you could make the case that just spending nothing and waiting is better in this scenario also.
  • ABaker84
    ABaker84 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Cyke, Iron Fist and Strange allowed me to finish top 50 in PvE lvl 7 while I was still in 3* land. Some of those goon count downs can mess up a 3* team .Cyke's yellow and red, and Fist's purple saved my butt MANY times by shaking the board and clearing countdowns that I couldn't match. Not to mention feed Cyke's nukes, which are BEAST!

    If you stick with Cyke and Stange, then you just really need a green and maybe better purple user, Thanos, KK, Black Widow Grey suit all come to mind.

    If you have any 4* Grocket covers, his strikes can add bite to Strange's yellow passive, and their green moves the board a little and get you extra AP. 

    As already mentioned, IM40 is an awesome battery and a must have, but to be honest, I use him more now with boosted 4*s than I did when I was in 3* land.

    2* mags also goes great with Cyke and Strange, tons of red and blue AP!

    You have options, especially with Strange champed . He was a game changer for me in PvE
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,032 Chairperson of the Boards
    Out of boredom I just compiled a ranking of all the characters from 1 to 4* land (separated by tier).  I don't know if my 2-3* rankings would be helpful for you or not, since it's just one man's opinion, but I think I'm pretty knowledgeable about the game.
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
    edited January 2018
    3Thanos is my only max champ, while others are still in their 190s. He was my only bonus hero for a very long time just because I love the speed he provides when clearing nodes (and I wanted Spider Woman covers lol). For this reason, I'm using him with Patch Wolverine due to his reliable regeneration passive. Despite many people saying that you should use Daken, I do not actually like him because his healing is not that reliable. The best team I have crafter while using Thanos is 5/3/5 Thanos, 3/5/5 Patch Wolverine and 5/3/5 Rocket&Groot. It might sound crazy, but it's actually really good for easy nodes. At 5 covers, Groot yellow heals him for 1k (and increasingly more as you level him up) hp per team up tile, which is true healing as well. With Thanos on your team, you always have a reliable and safe way to get Groot below the given threshold to trigger his passive with a yellow match. This strat, however, is best being used on easy nodes. It clears them crazy fast and saves you a lot of health packs as well.

    I do not recomend using Thanos and Dr.Strange on the same team tho, because Strange health pool is just average, and even tho his passive does heal the team a bit, it isn't true healing and neither is enough to cover for Thanos team damage. My go-to team when using Strange is IM40 at 5/3/5, Strange at 5/3/5 and a 3/5/5 Quicksilver. He's not very popular, but when he gets rolling he does a lot of cheap single target and team damage, while also providing occasional board control with his black. Gathering blue for Strange's stun also works in his favor as well. On top of that Iron Man's yellow feeds Strange's stun, Quicksilver's Fist Fury and his own Unibeam. It's a well round team with both AoE and single target damage, one of the best if not THE best stuns in 3* land and an easy way to generate AP. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since this thread has kind of become a "share your wisdom" thread, one thing you may choose to do when champing your 3*s is spending the 20cp on that last cover, then using the cover you would have used to get that LT instead. Gives you a 5cp discount on LTs, but 3* bonus heroes being as relatively easy to get as they are, you could make the case that just spending nothing and waiting is better in this scenario also.
    I wouldn't make a habit of it, but if you have a cover about to expire in your Queue for someone who's at 12, or even just something frustrating like a 5/5/2 IM40, 20 CP really isn't all that much in the long run, and can be very worth dropping for that last cover you need.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since this thread has kind of become a "share your wisdom" thread, one thing you may choose to do when champing your 3*s is spending the 20cp on that last cover, then using the cover you would have used to get that LT instead. Gives you a 5cp discount on LTs, but 3* bonus heroes being as relatively easy to get as they are, you could make the case that just spending nothing and waiting is better in this scenario also.
    I wouldn't make a habit of it, but if you have a cover about to expire in your Queue for someone who's at 12, or even just something frustrating like a 5/5/2 IM40, 20 CP really isn't all that much in the long run, and can be very worth dropping for that last cover you need.
    I did that on Str3nge's yellow, once i realized what a killer power that was. And i wasn't even at 12 covers then. It was before BH though.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    The best team I have crafter while using Thanos is 5/3/5 Thanos, 3/5/5 Patch Wolverine and 5/3/5 Rocket&Groot. It might sound crazy, but it's actually really good for easy nodes. At 5 covers, Groot yellow heals him for 1k (and increasingly more as you level him up) hp per team up tile, which is true healing as well. With Thanos on your team, you always have a reliable and safe way to get Groot below the given threshold to trigger his passive with a yellow match. This strat, however, is best being used on easy nodes. It clears them crazy fast and saves you a lot of health packs as well.
    That was my go-to team for easy nodes and seed teams until I got 4* R&G Champed.

    And actually, since 3* R&G are boosted right now, I was using them in Weapon Tex-Mex. In one match, they tanked enough damage to have dropped my entire team and were still standing, since they kept getting hit by nukes that were just barely not enough to finish them off and then I had a yellow match handy. One particular incident healed like 20K. Still love those guys.
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    To build on the solid wisdom above:
    With Strange float your green health bar until you could absorb the courtdeath which is the other hand of stagger your targets to finish em all at once. Try to have a stronger blue to tank. cap'n and daken could work there
    I try to put thanos in front to take nukes; his health pool is pretty high and he avoids the constant chipping away from his ol lady. Max out green, your match dam won't be important until you can incorporate 5's.
    These two are the some of the best grinders day after day, i don't feel like either's animations get old, faltline is badkitty!
    To complete  the grind squad I would recommend:
    -Second place in a beauty contest def goes to Ironfist here. It's such an easy combo; you can survive terrible boards with patience, and his animations are pretty cool. it's one of the cooler moments when you can pop off a boardwipe combo: chase black, punch em in the face and they all melt. Until you get Medusa; IF is your third.  
     -Moonstone actually pairs well cuz her high health, big red bomb and you will never care when she dies.
    -Colossus gives you a good color spread and can buy you time with his yellow tile. and if you time it right you can throw thanos and avoid the trigger. 
    -Vision does similiar stalling but clashes with DrS. stun.
    -Sentry is a chump that you can burn through and not care with an occasional red punch. Sacrifice can be "free" if you play with the heal bar.
    -DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR 5*s!!!! even as a meat shield with high match dam they are useful. Throw a 0/1/0trash(ock/banner/starbum) with thanos/strange and you can still push through a bunch of boring grind. The rarity is worth the roster cost. 

    Farm as soon as you can, once you start getting champ levels you pace yourself to better afford roster slots. I have Strange as a default bonus hero because he gets so much usage. 2k &reasonable heal per trigger is so money!
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    purplemur said:
       -Moonstone actually pairs well cuz her high health, big red bomb and you will never care when she dies.
    -Colossus gives you a good color spread and can buy you time with his yellow tile. and if you time it right you can throw thanos and avoid the trigger. 
    -Vision does similiar stalling but clashes with DrS. stun.
    -Sentry is a chump that you can burn through and not care with an occasional red punch. Sacrifice can be "free" if you play with the heal bar.
    Ragnarok is another decent chump to toss into the mix. His red is actually decent, and he's got a ton of health. He's also a Lightning Round character.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also of note: Vision is one of the few characters that can reduce Court Death damage to himself, though only from 3* Thanos and you'll need to have the correct density countdown out for that.
  • BigND2k14
    BigND2k14 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Another question popped up. I have several extra roster places and some LTs. I'm itching to try my luck on 5* :-) Wil this move impact my game in the long run? I do pve most of the time.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,554 Chairperson of the Boards
    The most likely outcome will be you get 4* that will sit there with low covers pretty much useless. Much better to use those slots on 2 or 3* characters that you have a good chance of championing over the coming weeks.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    ^this. that is exactly "how they get you." 4* characters don't come alive until they are nearly champion, with certain exceptions. So until you can easily roster them, it's best to hang on to those tokens if you can
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
    Also of note: Vision is one of the few characters that can reduce Court Death damage to himself, though only from 3* Thanos and you'll need to have the correct density countdown out for that.
    Fun fact: Elektra's black trap tiles completely negates the damage she would get from Thanos
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,247 Chairperson of the Boards
    ^this. that is exactly "how they get you." 4* characters don't come alive until they are nearly champion, with certain exceptions. So until you can easily roster them, it's best to hang on to those tokens if you can
    Second (or is it third) this sentiment.  Let's say you open tokens or use CP.  You're going to pull the latest 4* at 3x odds.  Unless you plan on constantly doing this, by the time you enter 4* land, all those latest 12 4*'s become harder and harder to cover fully.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,524 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spider-Woman can also reduce some of that damage if her black is out, but it doesn’t send Nightcrawler into the air and defense tiles don’t reduce it. I’ve heard Quake can’t eat some of it too, but I don’t have any colors in that color on mine to verify.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    ^this. that is exactly "how they get you." 4* characters don't come alive until they are nearly champion, with certain exceptions. So until you can easily roster them, it's best to hang on to those tokens if you can
    Second (or is it third) this sentiment.  Let's say you open tokens or use CP.  You're going to pull the latest 4* at 3x odds.  Unless you plan on constantly doing this, by the time you enter 4* land, all those latest 12 4*'s become harder and harder to cover fully.
    Agreed. At the stage you're at getting any 4* or 5* characters will only be eating up a roster slot. And if you get in a roster slot pinch, you might end up selling that character anyway, effectively nullifying the tokens or CP you used getting them. Don't pull until you're confident you can hold onto the character long term. 

    Unless you're planning on being a whale and dropping a bunch of cash on slots and 40 packs.