MPQ at (Ghost Rider - Robbie Reyes) (1/23/18)



  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    So there's even a comic cover showing both versions of Ghost Rider simultaneously:

    So that would seem to invalidate the "same symbiote", "same hammer", or "could not exist simultaneously" reasons for making two characters mutually exclusive.

    It's not obvious that I'd want to run both Ghost Riders on the same team, but it does seem a bit odd given I can create a team of Captain Americas who all appear to be holding the same shield.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I heard somewhere that a dev revealed that they were going to make Angel and Archangel the "same" character, following the logic of Jean/Phoenix and such, but Marvel insisted they should be different characters. I think some of these just go down to Marvel doing whatever the heck they like.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I heard somewhere that a dev revealed that they were going to make Angel and Archangel the "same" character, following the logic of Jean/Phoenix and such, but Marvel insisted they should be different characters. I think some of these just go down to Marvel doing whatever the heck they like.

    Licensor approval is incredibly important. Marvel can just say "Sorry guys, if you don't do it the way we want we won't let you use our characters any more", and then it's literally game over. If the devs tried to threaten to shut the game down to get their way the response would probably just be "go ahead, see if we care" and then they'd be out of a job...
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    I heard somewhere that a dev revealed that they were going to make Angel and Archangel the "same" character, following the logic of Jean/Phoenix and such, but Marvel insisted they should be different characters. I think some of these just go down to Marvel doing whatever the heck they like.

     Well, truth to be told, they are different characters, so Marvel in fact was right. One is the young version of the other from a different timeline and different universe (I don't know if they plan to ever send them back in time, but this storyline is horrible and makes no sense at all, and in my personal opinion is one of the many reason X-Men is not as popular as it used to be, another one being how they killed Cyclops, which is one of the worst xmen stories ever written), and it is also true that Jean is not Phoenix, for the exact same reason, so we should be able to play both. Maybe at the time Phoenix was created, Marvel was still planning to end the storyline by sending them back in time, removing the new memories, and now they have assumed it is all just a big mess without any way of fixing it :P