PVP question. What does this mean and what should I do?

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
Every now and then in PvP I come across a player worth 75 points or around there with a base level required 3*, a boosted 4* and a mediocre 5*.

It's an easy win, but if you look at their roster they have a max level required 3* and much better champed 5*s.

I'm unsure about these guys. On the one hand I'm thinking "IT'S A TRAP!" and they're going to murder me with retalliations. But on the other hand I'm thinking "Are they just being generous and I should hit them?"

My usual strategy is to skip them entirely, but last night I was close to my goal so I hit him once and immediately shielded. I just wanna make sure I'm not stepping on toes here.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's called a grill team. High-level players put them out before shielding to give others an easy fight so they can gain points faster. With out of game communication you can chain grills and gain in points really fast, which is the reason for the high scores at the top of the scoreboard.
    Anyway, it's not a trap, so you shouldn't feel you can't hit it. However, you should not hit it immediately - give the player who put the grill out time to shield so they don't lose points over their kindness.
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    It's good etiquette to give it a couple of minutes before hitting a grill, but in truth the person who grilled will have reset to their A-team and shielded before their grill gets hit.  Not always, but usually.

    Very occasionally it will be a trap and/or someone seeking to drop points but if you're posting on this forum and not a Line user the trap won't be for you.  And even if it is you've still gained 75 easy points.

  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    Hit as soon as you see it. 
    Do this and you'll seriously tick off a hardcore player and you will likely get a bunch of ppl coming after you .
    Wait ~10 min then hit it 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you guys check your opponent's team frequently, or do you check only when the opposing team gives you 75 points? I hit whatever team has the highest point. I rarely see opponent with 75 points, probably once or twice. 

    Initially, I check my opponents' team when the game shows me my losses. I can have 10 losses and those 10 are from different teams.
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    edited January 2018
    evade420 said:
    Hit as soon as you see it. 
    Do this and you'll seriously tick off a hardcore player and you will likely get a bunch of ppl coming after you .
    Wait ~10 min then hit it 
    I do it all the time, well when I see them. No issues scoring well here... don’t play scared is my advice. Point tinykitty are more afraid of you then you should be of them. 

    **Removed inappropriate language - Ducky
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you guys check your opponent's team frequently, or do you check only when the opposing team gives you 75 points? I hit whatever team has the highest point. I rarely see opponent with 75 points, probably once or twice. 

    Initially, I check my opponents' team when the game shows me my losses. I can have 10 losses and those 10 are from different teams.
    Only when it's suspicious.
    A weak looking team worth a ton of points is suspicious. Because there's no way you could climb high enough to be worth 75 points with a level 40 Spider Man, a 30k HP Mordo and a 30k HP Doctor Strange 5*.

    So a quick check of their roster reveals a bunch of champed 5*s, including Gambit and Black Bolt, as well as al most all 3*s max champed and a ton of champed 4*s.

    I figure it's obvious they've changed their roster to be easy to hit for a reason, but I was never sure if that reason was phishing for points, or just being a nice person. Could be my Britishness that sees generous acts as something to be suspicious of =)
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    Its perfectly fine to hit them, thats why they do it. Very rarely it's a trap but dont worry about that.

    If you're already shielded when you come across grills, have the decency to wait, it costs you nothing.

    Hitting them right away is fine if you're in a hurry but they dont have to do this for anyone you know, I appreciate the work these people put in and you should be thankful for it as well.
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Do you guys check your opponent's team frequently, or do you check only when the opposing team gives you 75 points? I hit whatever team has the highest point. I rarely see opponent with 75 points, probably once or twice. 

    Initially, I check my opponents' team when the game shows me my losses. I can have 10 losses and those 10 are from different teams.
    Only when it's suspicious.
    A weak looking team worth a ton of points is suspicious. Because there's no way you could climb high enough to be worth 75 points with a level 40 Spider Man, a 30k HP Mordo and a 30k HP Doctor Strange 5*.

    So a quick check of their roster reveals a bunch of champed 5*s, including Gambit and Black Bolt, as well as al most all 3*s max champed and a ton of champed 4*s.

    I figure it's obvious they've changed their roster to be easy to hit for a reason, but I was never sure if that reason was phishing for points, or just being a nice person. Could be my Britishness that sees generous acts as something to be suspicious of =)
    It’s all part of the hand holders strategy to make points easier to earn. Not a bad thing for game, helps create overall points. Most don’t lay out those teams to drop pts and reclimb. So hit it and enjoy the easy points. 
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl said:
    Its perfectly fine to hit them, thats why they do it. Very rarely it's a trap but dont worry about that.

    If you're already shielded when you come across grills, have the decency to wait, it costs you nothing.

    Hitting them right away is fine if you're in a hurry but they dont have to do this for anyone you know, I appreciate the work these people put in and you should be thankful for it as well.

    I hope you're not suggesting I'm not grateful for the relatively free points, because I totally am. I was just making sure hitting these guys is an okay thing to do or if I'm going to bring the wrath of an alliance down on me or something.

    Now that I know what these guys are for, I'm in the right frame of mind for it all.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wasnt meant for anyone in particular, just a general statement :)
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl said:
    Its perfectly fine to hit them, thats why they do it. Very rarely it's a trap but dont worry about that.

    If you're already shielded when you come across grills, have the decency to wait, it costs you nothing.

    Hitting them right away is fine if you're in a hurry but they dont have to do this for anyone you know, I appreciate the work these people put in and you should be thankful for it as well.

    I hope you're not suggesting I'm not grateful for the relatively free points, because I totally am. I was just making sure hitting these guys is an okay thing to do or if I'm going to bring the wrath of an alliance down on me or something.

    Now that I know what these guys are for, I'm in the right frame of mind for it all.
    Only if you happen to hit people at the wrong time too often. Hitting someone who is shielded is not a problem, and when you decide to put a grill out you are obviously aware of the risk you will get hit before you have a chance to shield up.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards

    I figure it's obvious they've changed their roster to be easy to hit for a reason, but I was never sure if that reason was phishing for points, or just being a nice person. Could be my Britishness that sees generous acts as something to be suspicious of =)
    Think your questions through carefully.  You've figured out the main reasons the grill exists.  Now its about your experience, knowledge of the players involved,  status of the the points available to you,  to determine/ascertain grillers intent.

    Was this a lone wolf bake?
    Where there big ques alongside it?

    These are the clues you should be picking up on to learn how people are hopping.  Once you get a feel for how people play scoring1200 becomes a trivial with or without battlechats.

  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eh, scoring past 1200 has never been my goal. I'm happy to get to 900 and stop.

    I'm really not feeling that reward-free grind for 300 points. Heck, some days even the slow trickle of rewards between 300-650 feels like a chore. Oh goody, 50HP. Woo.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade said:

    I figure it's obvious they've changed their roster to be easy to hit for a reason, but I was never sure if that reason was phishing for points, or just being a nice person. Could be my Britishness that sees generous acts as something to be suspicious of =)
    Think your questions through carefully.  You've figured out the main reasons the grill exists.  Now its about your experience, knowledge of the players involved,  status of the the points available to you,  to determine/ascertain grillers intent.

    Was this a lone wolf bake?
    Where there big ques alongside it?

    These are the clues you should be picking up on to learn how people are hopping.  Once you get a feel for how people play scoring1200 becomes a trivial with or without battlechats.

    Indeed. I was able to score 1200 with ease long before I entered any battle chat simply because I learned the dynamics of the slice by observation - when people would be likely to hop, who were likely to grill during their hop (or put out cupcakes when that was possible) and so on. Did my best to not step on any toes on the way, but I don't think I always succeeded in that goal...
  • DieMyDarling
    DieMyDarling Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Wow i have been playing this game for three years and I have never thought about any of this at all. I just see if they have points worth taking and then take them. That’s all. I didn’t realize there were grills and cupcakes and slices and traps. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow i have been playing this game for three years and I have never thought about any of this at all. I just see if they have points worth taking and then take them. That’s all. I didn’t realize there were grills and cupcakes and slices and traps. 
    As mentioned, the risk the griller decides to take.
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