Limited Edition New Character Boosts, S.H.I.E.L.D. Training, ISO and HP.



  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't be quite so miffed at the mode if the previous character had been in tokens for more than a day when the event starts.  Even if you played the previous release event optimally and either gotten lucky or bought out the friends vault, you still can't get the new character cover without pulling several more of the previous, which you can only do with direct CP cover purchase between training events.  If you BH luck is in you can manage to get there, but even then you're putting everything else on hold so you can cover and level a character you may not even like or ever intend to use to do it.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calnexin said:
    I wouldn't be quite so miffed at the mode if the previous character had been in tokens for more than a day when the event starts.  Even if you played the previous release event optimally and either gotten lucky or bought out the friends vault, you still can't get the new character cover without pulling several more of the previous, which you can only do with direct CP cover purchase between training events.  If you BH luck is in you can manage to get there, but even then you're putting everything else on hold so you can cover and level a character you may not even like or ever intend to use to do it.

    America Chavez happens to be awesome, so I have saved up a mini-hoard in anticipation of her arrival in the token pool. No guarantee I will actually get enough covers, of course (I Think I need at least two more, possibly Three), but it's still better than no chance. SHIELD training runs for a whole week, as long as you get the covers you need in that time frame you can finish it at your own pace.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,105 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy said:

    Definitely, agree with your points. My only qualm is the shiny new thing. It's one thing for the bottom row to get the LT. Reward the diehards and whales with that, no problem. But denying so many, including seasoned vets, one measly cover to the newest character just feels petty and overly stingy.

    It does not encourage people to play harder, it fosters resent and a feeling that your hard work and financial support (at whatever level) is not valued by devs. I have every single 4 champed except for the last 3 releases and ST is a message from the devs that my dedication to the game isn't enough for them. Really is a slap in the face.

    Edit: the stupidity of it all is getting that one measly new cover would actually entice players to work harder to cover the new release or possibly whale him.
    Oh I agree it is kind'a mean spirited - you might as well just give out a free cover to the whales and big spenders in place of a LT if they buy out a vault than make players jump through hoops (and still often fail).
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,105 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster said:
    DAZ0273 said:

    4.)    Iso is one of the Devs “controls” to stop everybody sprinting to the end of the game. The price of iso is ridiculous but isn’t likely to change any time soon. When I entered 4* land I was shocked at the iso costs (and no doubt will be floored by 5* iso costs) but this game has made strides in iso generation over the 2 years I have been playing. I’m by no means anywhere near an optimal player but I’m still managing to champ 4* older and new without needing to buy any iso. So it comes down to managing and juggling your iso needs. I still have 4* to champ (Nick Fury and Venom have been ready to go for months and months) but they will just have to wait their turn.

    Going off on a tangent here, but the ISO costs do the biggest leap from the Three-star to four-star tier, the fivestars aren't that bad in comparison. A fourstar costs 360K ISO to max while a fivestar costs 550K ISO, so you can max two fivestars for approximately the same amount of ISO as it costs to max Three fourstars. A threestar costs 120K ISO to max, so you can max Three Three-stars for the same amount of ISO it costs to max out one fourstar.

    I really wish they'd lower the cost to max a fourstar a bit. A 25% reduction to around 270K ISO would fit very nicely with the cost of the other tiers.

    A reduction in 4* iso costs would be one of the best improvements this game could make.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    I'm gonna start the next ST complaining thread just so you can post you're usual "shut up and take what they give you" post.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    I don't get why people get so salty about SHIELD training. Yes, it's obviously there to entice you to buy covers, but here's the thing: it doesn't replace any other event, so anything you can complete is just extra ISO you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. 

    I went hard on Rogue's release events, so she's the only training where I managed to clear almost everything, but on the others I just clear what I can, and then forget about it. 

    As for the boosts, just, like...use them up if they bother you that much. How is this even a problem? Once they get retired, they get shunted over to the far right so you never even need to look at them again if you don't want to. I thought my Nightcrawler boosts had just vanished until somebody told me I just had to scroll further.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Borstock said:
    Oh, look, another thread complaining about SHIELD Training.

    It didn't replace anything. It's additional free and easy rewards for very little effort. This is like being handed a free stick of gum and then complaining that other people can buy a whole pack. Just chew your gum.
    What if you're like me, and get the cover and most of the rewards but are not happy that others can't get that 1 solitary cover? I don't understand why you'd be against it. Do all your alliance mates get the cover? Not all of mine do. They all play their hearts out but some of them just plain don't have the older 4s. Not their fault, I'd like to see that change.

    I know, I know. It didn't "replace" anything. On an unrelated note, sure is a shame we haven't seen an Amadeus Inferno or Growth Industry type event in awhile. Gee, I wonder why that is? 
  • Raud
    Raud Posts: 74 Match Maker
    I think it's time for maxed 5 stars event  :):):)
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I stopped caring so much about these events. I play whatever I can, get whatever iso rewards I can (they are still quite large in terms of in game rewards)... and move on. I’m not frustrated by it, but I do wish there was something we could do to give the rest of us something to do while the higher end players play this. Maybe allow some sort of SCL type division, where you can play more of the nodes for lower rewards? I play for about 10 minutes, gather my iso, and then the event just sits there for a while. It’s not unfair, it just bores me
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:
    I don't get why people get so salty about SHIELD training. Yes, it's obviously there to entice you to buy covers, but here's the thing: it doesn't replace any other event, so anything you can complete is just extra ISO you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. 

    I went hard on Rogue's release events, so she's the only training where I managed to clear almost everything, but on the others I just clear what I can, and then forget about it. 

    As for the boosts, just, like...use them up if they bother you that much. How is this even a problem? Once they get retired, they get shunted over to the far right so you never even need to look at them again if you don't want to. I thought my Nightcrawler boosts had just vanished until somebody told me I just had to scroll further.
    It doesnt replace an event? What about "Growth Industry" type events that would actually give a cover to a lot of people because that was actually reasonnable to complete.

    The shield training event smells of cashgrab and its rather insulting the way it has been run so far. One time, the required 4* was not even in tokens when the event ran (lol). Asking people to cover a 4* to 209 (10 or 11 covers) within a week of them hitting tokens is ridiculous.

    Only way to get the required char there is extreme luck or purchasing the covers outright. I completed it once because I opened 220 LT's and Rogue was required...   thats just not feasible to do every time they run this.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    The ISO shortage is imo a problem if you get too many 4* and 5* in a short period of time. My 4* and 5* come at a pace that goes well with my accumulation of ISO. 
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    Kind of excited for Shield training this time around. It'll be the first time I've got the 3 required 4*s already champed even before the event. It'll all depend on how I do with Kraven's release events and how many covers I can amass before Shield Training ends. I've usually been able to get to complete it except for the last 2-3 nodes. Will respond in Rockett's future thread if my progress meets expectations.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:
    I don't get why people get so salty about SHIELD training. Yes, it's obviously there to entice you to buy covers, but here's the thing: it doesn't replace any other event, so anything you can complete is just extra ISO you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. 

    I went hard on Rogue's release events, so she's the only training where I managed to clear almost everything, but on the others I just clear what I can, and then forget about it. 

    As for the boosts, just, like...use them up if they bother you that much. How is this even a problem? Once they get retired, they get shunted over to the far right so you never even need to look at them again if you don't want to. I thought my Nightcrawler boosts had just vanished until somebody told me I just had to scroll further.
    And rogue was the one release that people with the champed 4s were actually able to get that one cover that enticed you to "went hard on rogue's release events".

    Haven't seen the coulson event in awhile...

    Really it's not about being salty, it's about good business. Give a little and you get back more return.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    sinnerjfl said:
    Jarvind said:
    I don't get why people get so salty about SHIELD training. Yes, it's obviously there to entice you to buy covers, but here's the thing: it doesn't replace any other event, so anything you can complete is just extra ISO you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. 

    I went hard on Rogue's release events, so she's the only training where I managed to clear almost everything, but on the others I just clear what I can, and then forget about it. 

    As for the boosts, just, like...use them up if they bother you that much. How is this even a problem? Once they get retired, they get shunted over to the far right so you never even need to look at them again if you don't want to. I thought my Nightcrawler boosts had just vanished until somebody told me I just had to scroll further.
    It doesnt replace an event? What about "Growth Industry" type events that would actually give a cover to a lot of people because that was actually reasonnable to complete.

    This is speculation. Those events run extremely rarely. It's entirely possible they could run one concurrently with SHIELD training, or one right after the other.

    Additionally, creating a new GI-type event for every new character presumably requires a lot more work than just changing the required characters in SHIELD training. While I would certainly prefer that, given the rate at which new PVE events are released, it's just not a reasonable expectation.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    I love shield training!  I actually had well leveled ant man and thing as well as for once actually had America so I was able to to get three tokens out of this.  Those three extra 2*'s totally transformed my roster.  I really wish they could put 2*'s in legendary tokens because it's so disappointing when I don't get one.  Most 2*'s wins, right?
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just rerun growth, coulson, and cho giving the new character. No need for changes.

    :::Eagerly awaits but mah story won't make sense:::
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    “There’s a story?”  

    Someone had to say it.

    I’m not sure there is a story in some of those events....
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think coulson had something of a story and wasn't Cho the first part or follow up to HoD?

    At this point does it really matter when the same 5 or 6 pves are constantly recycled.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd have no problem with the bottom row being fensed off unless you had a high enough level character.

    It's a little bit stingy to not give out the single new 4* character in the training. It's two nodes you can't complete in that main block. Giving away a free 4* cover as the character comes out is unlikely to break anything. You can't tell me "Yeah, but whales..." because whales will whale regardless of the free cover in that event.