MPQ Four Year-End Poll (Unofficial) - RESULTS

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2017 in MPQ General Discussion

Hello fellow matchmakers,

I want to thank everyone who participated in this poll. Surprisingly, it took several days to reach 100 participants. This is the first time since my very first poll back in 2015 that it took longer than 24hrs. Some players expressed the length of the survey. Sure, my polls are long but they also have not changed and have always included all the additions/changes for the year. The lack of participation seems to be that there are much less active players on the forums now than they used to be. I have enjoyed creating these but they are very time consuming to gather all the information. Therefore, I think this will be my last MPQ poll. I appreciate all the supporters over the years. Perhaps someone else can carry the torch next year.

Below are the results with my commentary. As with my previous polls, due to the many choices, I placed the T10 answers. Some have T5 for Best and T5 Worst.

Thank you for being patient waiting for the results. Enjoy and feel free to leave some feedback on the results!

Previous Polls I created:

Character Ability Poll (April 2015): viewtopic.php?style=1&f=14&t=28154
Character Ability Poll Part 1 (July 2015): viewtopic.php?style=1&f=14&t=31552
Character Ability Poll Part 2 (July 2015): viewtopic.php?style=1&f=14&t=31768
Second Year-End Poll (2015): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=34297&hilit=+poll
Anniversary III Poll (2016): viewtopic.php?f=7&t=53478
Third Year-End Poll (2016):

Anniversary IV Poll (2017):


  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017

    4. What was the Best Change in Year Four? (10 being the Best and 1 being the Worst)


    T5 Best:

    8.54: DDQ: Changes (Increased rewards, Crash available during entire cycle, Behemoth node)

    8.32: PVE: Increased Rewards in 7-day PVE Events

    7.82: Added ability to view descriptions for characters with multiple power states (Hawkeye, OML, Cloak & Dagger, etc)

    7.79: Shield Rank: Raised from 125 to 200

    7.43: PVE: Character Restrictions Removed from PVE events (Can use same character as the enemy)


    T5 Worst:

    3.71: PVE: Strange Sights’ Alliance rewards now receive Iso instead of Tokens for Alliance

    3.76: Trap Tiles: No longer activate if destroyed by a line of a Match-4 or greater

    4.05: Migration to the New Forum

    4.36: PVE: Heroic PVE events are removed

    4.59: Discontinued Shield Intercepts. Only available via purchases (e.g. VIP)


    Last year there were some major changes (e.g. Eliminated 20 ISO reward) and some great quality life changes (e.g. Claiming multiple rewards at once, instead of separate pop-ups). This year we saw increase rewards and other necessary changes. Due to the many changes I am only discussing the T5 Best and Worst New Changes. The best rated change voted was surprisingly increased DDQ rewards. They added a new Behemoth node that rewarded CP and kept the Crash of Titans node open during the entire 5-day cycle. That was a small change that helped in a huge way. I hated scrambling to complete the node on 1 day. This allowed me to continue to try throughout the week. Increased iso always helps, which is why the PVE 7-day event increases was voted 2nd. Personally, 7-day events are a drag. It is difficult to maintain top placement, due to life always getting in the way! Events such as Enemy of the State weren’t too bad because of all the rewarded tokens but 7-daye events like The Hulk make me want to quit the game forever. The increased rewards certainly help (additional 3/4* cover, more Iso, HP, CP). Next was a huge quality life change with the ability to view descriptions for characters with multiple power states. When Hawkeye was released, his blue has about 5 different powers into one. Unless you had his forum page available, you didn’t know what his blue would do next until you used it. We also had characters like C&D and OML, so this change was a much-needed necessity. Shield Rank finally increased from 125-200. This increase also accompanied a change to the way we earn XP, as it was removed from completing events and opening tokens (rated 4.72). Players were leveling fast and even after the change I am still increasing roughly the same amount. There are some players that already reached rank 200, might as well open it to 500! The next major change was the character restriction was removed in PVE. This meant that nodes containing Deadpool, no longer prevented us from using our own Deadpool (for Whale purposes!). This was a great change but it did come at a cost. For some players, this meant the challenge decreased because you can keep using the same team, while others are disappointed that this change ended Heroic PVE events (rated 4.36). While many players disliked Heroic events because you were restricted to a handful of characters, it also forced you to try teams you would never try before (e.g. 3* IF w/ QS). Personally to me I did not like it because now it’s less events to play. I feel like we play ‘Meet Rocket & Groot’ every month, because we probably do! Oddly enough, they tested the character restriction removal with Oscorp Heroic, then it was not seen again. It would be nice if they brought them back for variety again, even it means fighting Dark Avengers over and over again.


    Besides, the loss of Heroic PVE events, there were numerous other changes the players voted as the Worst. Strange Sights saw the alliance reward change from tokens to Iso. The Iso is very generous but the tokens were amazing. After the end of each sub, as long as 1 player in your alliance chose a different door, you would earn up to 6 tokens, no matter how your alliance placed in the sub. By the end of the event, you could have a near empty vault, so it was a major disappointment... infact voted the worst change! Next worst change was Trap Tiles no longer activated if destroyed by a line 4 or greater. This severely indirectly nerfed Trap Tiles characters such as Nick Fury. His blue (at the time) was his only good ability. He received a rebalance later in the year, but his blue is somewhat tarnished. We also saw the SHIELD Intercept rewards be discontinued. This was a new addition last year that was voted T7 (rated 7.25). It was my favorite addition last year because I was flowing with tokens, iso and HP. The Intercept rewards still exist if you make purchases (e.g. VIP) but the rewards also seemingly took an unannounced drop. Lastly, the worst change for me personally is the Migration to the New Forum. No the Forums are not part of the actual MPQ game, but they are obviously part of this community, so it was very sad to see the forums change for no explained reason. Our reputation points were removed (I had over 3000!) and were replaced with new buttons for posts (Like, Insightful) but then Dislike and LOL were removed very shortly after. The cool character icons were gone. All the previous posts that players worked on became unusable or lost. Some were brought back to life but the damage was done. Many longtime forum players either quit the game or moved to Line/Reddit. I find the new forum cumbersome just to Quote another player or add pictures. The forum is not what it used it be and it makes me sad..




    5. Who was the Best Character Rebalance in Year Four?

    T5 Best:

    84%: Riri Williams (Ironheart)

    55%: Wasp

    35%: Mordo

    15%: Spider-Man (Classic)

    13%: Mr. Fantastic/Carnage - TIE


    T5 Worst:

    2% Venom/Elektra/1* Spidey - TIE

    1%: Drax

    0%: Mile Morales (Spider-Man)

    0%: Wolverine (Old Man Logan)

    0%: Kingpin


    Last year we saw 8 character rebalances compared to an astonishing 19 this year! Some we repeatedly asked for (Mr. Fantastic), while some we didn’t think needed a rebalance (Kingpin). Some you might not have noticed were changed at all (Miles). Nonetheless, we only had one true nerf in OML (Gambit was not in this survey). You could argue Kingpin was nerfed, like the original Carnage “buff” that players complained was a nerf, and they rebalanced him again the following season.


    I completely agree with the votes on #1. Riri (Ironheart) received the best rebalance. She went from completely useless to one of the best characters. She will make you forget about Ironman (Hulkbuster) due to her 3 good-to-great active abilities! Wasp is #2, that was my #1 for most of the year. She is another character that went from useless to one of the best support characters in the game. It also helped that her rebalance came around 4* Carol’s release. These two are best friends in MPQ! Next we have Mordo. I am surprised to see him at #3 but I agree his was very good too. Despite the loss of health (that went to Riri), his purple is a beast! It went from doing a lousy 1-turn stun and stealing measly AP to one-shotting the enemy! Next was 3* Spider-man.. that’s right, after 4 years of constantly pleas and sacrifices to the MPQ Gods, he finally received his rebalance. Was it what we wanted? No, not even close as his blue and purple were not touched, but his yellow is now the highest damage in 3* land. Giving him an offensive ability is all we needed. Next we had a Tie for T5 Best with a two characters that actually pair very well together: Carnage and Mr. Fantastic. Carnage actually received two rebalances this year, this is likely why his percentage is so low. The devs thought it would be a great idea to take Carnage’s black passive and turn it into a 5AP active ability that did more harm than good (Sound familiar? Look at 3* Gambit’s rebalance). The players rightfully complained that Carnage was actually nerfed, so the devs did the right thing (surprisingly) and rebalanced him to be much better! Mr. Fantastic was happy with the change! He was 4* that was frequently requested, like 3* Spidey. Was his rebalance what we wanted? No, but he’s still better than he was.


    As for the Worst rebalances, it is no surprise that OML sits at 0%. He was not the strongest 5* (Thanos says Hi), he was simply the oldest. Just like XFW, he was nerfed because most players had him and used him often. Hopefully if 6*’s are ever released, the devs do not release Wolverine as one of the first ones (even 2* was nerfed at one point for similar reasons!). Kingpin is at 0% because he was nerfed, even though the devs argued he was buffed. Kingpin is only buffed as an enemy in PVE, as he is often paired with the Don goon, who gives Kingpin free black so he can damage you with AOE.. thanks devs! Also 0% is Miles.. wait he was rebalanced? Yeah.. I think.. yeah. 1% is Drax, which is a shame. Why? Because earlier in the year there was a bug, which dealt 1-damage when a CD expired. Who cares right? Except when you had high strike tiles it was amazing (think Carol and Wasp). Well when the bug was finally fixed (like a month later), it turned into a new passive ability for Drax! Awesome! I’ll pair him with 4* Grocket, so his blue CD decreases each turn.. except his CD is now a Repeater tile. Sorry Drax, you are still not liked by the masses. Speaking of not liked, Elektra and Venom are still trash. Are they better? Yes. Are you using them? No, maybe boosted.. actually no. This leaves us with 1* Spidey.. wait.. you didn’t know he was rebalanced? We didn’t either. It was not announced, and it’s ignored when we ask. Basically 1* Spidey lost his web tiles, less stun/crit tiles and just deals slightly more damage. Does it affect us? No, but the lack of communication continues to plague the forum after all these years.


    6. Who was the Best New Character in Year Four?


    T5 Best:

    59%: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)

    47%: Medusa

    40%: Vulture

    37%: Rocket & Groot (Awesome Mix Vol 2)

              Gambit – 5* - TIE

    26%: Gamora (Awesome Mix Vol 2)


    T5 Worst:

    0%: Doctor Octopus (Classic) – 5*

    0%: Sandman

    0%: Elektra (Assassin) – 3*

    0%: Lockjaw

    0%: Hulk (Main Event)


    Last year Peggy reigned supreme with 62% of the votes. This year another woman takes the throne. 4* Carol has been an amazing addition to MPQ. Many players complain about variants (Carol already had 2), but it’s hard to argue when the newer variant is awesome. Carol wasn’t just a great character by herself but to me, she is a team player that makes everyone around her better. She pairs well with Coulson, Medusa, Wasp, Blade, etc. Personally, she is not just the best new character, but the best 4* because she is versatile because she can be the main damage dealer or the Support. Next up is Medusa, another woman who is equally as good. Like Carol, she makes others around her better, such as Carnage, Blade, Grocket, etc. When it comes to special tiles, she is the queen! Next is a guy.. that can fly.. collect AP.. and destroy your team. Vulture! Probably the most annoying character to face because he only needs 6 black AP to fly away.. probably forever. Unlike IM40 (who he’s compared to), Vulture does not stun himself, and his powers are good.. very good.. probably too good. That’s only if he uses him, forget about if his allys use them. He can be very tough. Speaking of tough, how about the pair of Gamora and Grocket? Everyone knows about them because that’s all you see in SHIELD Simulator.. paired with Medusa, of course. Many players disliked 3* Gamora and thought 3* Grocket was good, but slow. The devs amped up their 4* versions, especially Grocket, who starts the match with several strike tiles, strong strike tiles when paired with a GotG character, like Gamora! 5* Gambit was tied with Grocket, but if it weren’t for the recent nerf to 3*, he would likely be ranked high too. 3* Strange was voted 2nd last year, and 3* Gambit definitely took his throne, but for all the wrong reasons, which led to his nerf.


    Now for the worst new characters. While the new characters this year were much better than last year, unfortunately five characters rated 0% compared to just two last year (Venom and Miles). I don’t think any players will be surprised. 5* Doc Ock is cool on paper, but the reality is, to fully utilize his ‘instant-win’ is very difficult to pull-off. It reminds me of Magics the Gathering (devs have admitted the card game inspires their character mechanics). I love instant-win cards in MtG such as Coalition Victory, where you need a basic land and creatures of each color.. sounds easy right? No because you need a rainbow color deck.. by the time you pull it off it’s turn 25.. basically dead in any real competitive game, but amazing when it works.. just like 5* Doc Ock. Maybe if his other two abilities were useful, he would be better, but we rarely see 5*’s get rebalances (Hello Bruce Banner). Also 0% is Sandman, who really needs a rebalance. He reminds me the original Chulk release, where you could barely use him.. okay maybe not that bad but he’s still bad. 3* Elektra is pathetic. It’s one thing to get a ‘lazy’ character, but to make it from an already trash tier 4* like Elektra, is just stupid. When 4* Elektra was originally released, players complained that she should be a 3*.. 2-3 years later, the devs decided we were right and gave us one.. thanks. Not only is she bad, but the lazy version is her pre-buffed version we received earlier in the year, so we’re stuck with an even more useless version. Next we have Lockjaw. I was very excited reading his abilities, thinking about how I can pair this dog with 4* Thor and Carnage, but it never happened because Rogue (17% votes) was the next new character and she is tremendous! So sorry Lockjaw, I’ll walk you another time. Lastly it’s the main event… of worst characters! 4* Hulk (not to be confused with Chulk or Rhulk) is just lousy. His passive looked like it would be the ultimate Grocket counter, except it really doesn’t do anything most of the time.. just like all of his powers.. sure he can make crit tiles but very expensive and chances are the enemy will use them.. his yellow could do a number of things except the damage/heal is too low to care.. but he can move tiles around every turn to make a match.. maybe. MEHulk is the ultimate gambler because he can be amazing, but he has a higher chance of not doing anything at all.

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017

    I would also like to point out two events that received 0 votes: Venom Bomb and the Hulk. Same as last year, no one likes these events. 

    I have to point out that 0% voting it there favorite does not mean no one likes it or 0% like it.  I like it a lot.  It's probably in my top 10-15, but you couldn't pick that many.  If there weren't so many boss events that I enjoyed more it would have made the cut.

    43%: PVP: Return of Win-Based Rewards or a Hybrid of the two systems'
    Woo!  Top 10!  :D  

    Thanks as always for a great poll and the hard work you put in.  I always enjoy participating and reading the results!
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017

    8. What was your Favorite PVE (Story) in Year Four?

     0%: Venom Bomb and The Hulk

    I would also like to point out two events that received 0 votes: Venom Bomb and the Hulk. Same as last year, no one likes these events.

    This interpretation is projection on your part. You did not ask whether individual events were liked / disliked on a scale (maybe you should!); you asked respondents to pick their top X choices.

    Naturally, events that have unusual, player-friendly aspects won (duh :D )

    I'm glad you responded. You're the statistician and long-time forum player, takeover the poll for me. I do this mostly for fun but you would do a better job with the analysis. How about it, @aesthetocyst?
  • MCUinmyPants
    MCUinmyPants Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Incredible job. I really enjoyed the previous surveys too. So much information and history. This is awesome. Please don't stop!
  • RedLion
    RedLion Posts: 70 Match Maker

    8. What was your Favorite PVE (Story) in Year Four?

     0%: Venom Bomb and The Hulk

    I would also like to point out two events that received 0 votes: Venom Bomb and the Hulk. Same as last year, no one likes these events.

    This interpretation is projection on your part. You did not ask whether individual events were liked / disliked on a scale (maybe you should!); you asked respondents to pick their top X choices.

    Naturally, events that have unusual, player-friendly aspects won (duh :D )

    I'm glad you responded. You're the statistician and long-time forum player, takeover the poll for me. I do this mostly for fun but you would do a better job with the analysis. How about it, @aesthetocyst?
    An @aesthetocyst, @Punisher5784, team-up? World's Finest? Brave and the Bold? Mixed metaphors? Whatever, I would totally sign up for that newsletter. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    RedLion said:

    8. What was your Favorite PVE (Story) in Year Four?

     0%: Venom Bomb and The Hulk

    I would also like to point out two events that received 0 votes: Venom Bomb and the Hulk. Same as last year, no one likes these events.

    This interpretation is projection on your part. You did not ask whether individual events were liked / disliked on a scale (maybe you should!); you asked respondents to pick their top X choices.

    Naturally, events that have unusual, player-friendly aspects won (duh :D )

    I'm glad you responded. You're the statistician and long-time forum player, takeover the poll for me. I do this mostly for fun but you would do a better job with the analysis. How about it, @aesthetocyst?
    An @aesthetocyst, @Punisher5784, team-up? World's Finest? Brave and the Bold? Mixed metaphors? Whatever, I would totally sign up for that newsletter. 
    I like Prime and Punishment
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    @aesthetocyst I'll contact you around end of November!
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks for the awesome job here @Punisher5784