MPQ Third Year-End Poll - RESULTS
Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
Hello fellow tile-matchers!
The other day I made a post to gather player’s feedback on Year Three of Marvel Puzzle Quest (MPQ):
I want to personally thank all the players that completed the poll. I understand the poll was long and time consuming so I appreciate every player who took the time from their match-making to complete it. Although some things seem very obvious, I believe these polls help the devs understand the playerbase more whether it feels like it or not. Many changes and additions that were implemented this year were expressed on last year’s Second-Year End poll.
Before I proceed with the results I wanted to apologize for missing two major changes that occurred in Year Three that I did not enter on the poll: PVP Defensive Teams default to strongest team (Death of Cupcakes) and Devil Dino’s Buff (or Nerf to some players). Fortunately we’ve had enough discussion on the forums about the removal of Cupcakes that the devs are well aware but unless they completely restructure PVP, I do not anticipate them making any changes to this, unfortunately.
Well without further ado below are the results. Due to the many choices, I placed the T10 answers. Some have T5 for Best and T5 Worst.
Enjoy and feel free to leave some feedback on the results!
Second Year-End Poll:
The other day I made a post to gather player’s feedback on Year Three of Marvel Puzzle Quest (MPQ):
I want to personally thank all the players that completed the poll. I understand the poll was long and time consuming so I appreciate every player who took the time from their match-making to complete it. Although some things seem very obvious, I believe these polls help the devs understand the playerbase more whether it feels like it or not. Many changes and additions that were implemented this year were expressed on last year’s Second-Year End poll.
Before I proceed with the results I wanted to apologize for missing two major changes that occurred in Year Three that I did not enter on the poll: PVP Defensive Teams default to strongest team (Death of Cupcakes) and Devil Dino’s Buff (or Nerf to some players). Fortunately we’ve had enough discussion on the forums about the removal of Cupcakes that the devs are well aware but unless they completely restructure PVP, I do not anticipate them making any changes to this, unfortunately.
Well without further ado below are the results. Due to the many choices, I placed the T10 answers. Some have T5 for Best and T5 Worst.
Enjoy and feel free to leave some feedback on the results!
Second Year-End Poll:
1. How long have you been playing MPQ?
44%: 2-3 years
23%: 1-2 years
14%: 3 years +
10%: 6 months to 1-year
6%: I’ve been playing since the beginning!
3%: Less than 6 months
I am happy to see we still have a lot of many long time players. The feedback from the Vets is about the same as last year. Again, not too many new players but maybe it’s because players do not discover the forums until after 6 months of playing.
2. Biggest Surprise in Year Three (Select as many as needed):
65%: Championing Characters (5/4/3/2*)
56% SHIELD Rank (earn Iso per Rank)
54% New currency: Command Points (CP)
53% SHIELD Clearance Level (earn better rewards in events based on Rank)
48%: 20 Iso Reward Eliminated
31% TIE: VIP Membership (28-days); Daily Alliance Bonus increased (200 to 2000-Iso)
29%: SHIELD Signal Intercept: Earn bonus rewards from watching ads
25% TIE: Dr. Strange released as 5* and 3*; CP Cover purchases (cannot use HP)
A lot of huge surprises this year! Year Three started off with new PVE’s and many game altering changes and additions. The biggest surprise is of course Championing Characters! This feature singlehandedly made most of us fully level our characters. This helped us not waste covers (sell for Iso) and rewarded us with each Champ level. Although it did slightly nerf some 3* powers, overall it was a very positive and much needed addition to the game. This brings us to SHIELD Rank, which is the reason I came back from an 8-month retirement in January. I logged into my account to discover I was Rank 50 and earned a huge amount of Iso (I believe 400K). Players were champing characters left and right. It was such a huge welcome and the most overall positive response since DDQ! The SHIELD Rank brought along SHIELD Clearance Levels (SCL) that allowed players to earn rewards that are appropriate for their Rank (e.g. SCL7 gave a 4* in PVE Progression while SCL1 gives you 1* Juggs!). This alleviated many problems, prevented new players progressing too fast while giving vets more suitable rewards. Although SCL8 was disappointing to many players, overall this is another step in the right direction for MPQ. Command Points (CP) was also introduced this year. This allowed us to buy Legendary Tokens to earn 4*’s with a chance of 5*’s. While this has been great, it started off negatively by eliminating HP purchases for Covers and it was very difficult to earn. SCL helped the problem by adding CP in mid-point Progression instead of the full amount at the end. This has helped tremendously and hopefully there will be more ways to earn CP in the future (bring it back to DDQ!).
The biggest surprise for me was the Elimination of 20 Iso.. for over two years we begged for the devs to fix this but they repeatedly stated they were “looking into it”.. well the day finally came! Instead of randomly earning node rewards that typically gave you 20 Iso, the node rewards were pre-set and 20 Iso was removed.. the playerbase was rejoiced! The next surprises were tied at 31%: VIP and Daily Alliance Iso increased. When I returned from Retirement and played a DDQ node, I was so happy to see I earned 2000 Iso instead of a measly 200 Iso from the Alliance Daily Bonus.. much needed change! Then I saw VIP, curious to see if it was worth it I bought it for a month. The additional Health regeneration at 25% made little difference and the rewards were nothing exciting. Just as I was about to let my VIP membership to lapse, a new feature called SHIELD Signal Intercept was vastly released. To my pleasure I beat a node and Ironman gave me a Heroic Tokens… awesome!! This alone made VIP worth the monthly investment. However, SHIELD Intercept has had some issues with errors and not being extended to Steam players. Hopefully this can be resolved soon and fair to everyone. Lastly to many players surprise new character Dr. Strange was released as a 5* AND a 3*. Never before (and likely never again) has this occurred. I love 3* Strange, he really refreshed the 3* tier and I would like to see more of this. Tied was CP eliminated HP cover choices. This is ashamed but the devs likely felt players were progressing too fast. I quickly bought covers to fully cover Rhulk, JG, and Cyke but sadly I have not been able to cover any 4* since then.. there are too many 4*’s and not enough ways to earn them yet but it is slowly getting better.
3. Best New Additions in Year Three
9.62: Championing Characters (5/4/3/2*)
9.44: SHIELD Rank (earn Iso per Rank)
9.06: SHIELD Clearance Level (earn better rewards in events based on Rank)
8.33: Reward Cache: Added drop-down bar for Star-Tier (easier to sell covers)
7.85%: Character Screen: Can now view Power levels descriptions above/below covers
2.93: New PVE: Boss Rush
4.34: New PVE: Venom Bomb
4.64: Characters: Added Character Affiliations in Bio
5.73 TIE: VIP Membership (28-days); New PVE: Heart of Darkness
I said enough about the T3 Best new additions so I’ll move onto #4: Reward Cache. The devs FINALLY added a drop-down bar to allow use to Sell covers by Star-Tier (Rarity). This made me so happy because I begged and pleaded for this for over two years! I use to spend so many hours slowly deleting each 1* cover. The more time I spent managing my pending covers, the less time I played the game which results in less money for the devs. It’s the little things like this that needed to be upgraded. Speaking of upgraded, the devs also added a way for us to view the Power Level descriptions for each character cover. I did not start utilizing this until recently but this is another fantastic addition that needed to be added. There was nothing worse than have a 3/5/5 character and not knowing if changing it to a 4/4/5 would make the character better or worse after adding the cover (before Championing was implemented), now we can view it ahead of time.
Now onto the Worst new additions. With an above neutral score of 5.73 is VIP Membership. VIP is what it is, neutral, neither bad nor great. I don’t believe VIP was intended to give players a big advantage over F2P players, which is good but most of us do not see value in VIP. I foresee more players favoring it now that VIP allows you to skip SHIELD Intercept ads for bonus rewards. I would personally like to see an increase in Healthpack regeneration instead of character health. Reduce the healthpack to 15mins instead of 32mins and this would be huge. It would also be nice to see 1000 HP to earn a Roster slot too. Not surprisingly new PVEs Heart of Darkness, Venom Bomb and Boss Rush are at the bottom 5. I find it amusing that we keep asking for new PVE’s but when they are finally released, they are too difficult and not very fun. It feels like the devs are telling us to stop asking for new PVEs! The last new PVE Strange Days brought some changes to give you different paths with an End boss but ultimately it’s the same as the others but still much better than the other three. The other bottom 5 Worse new addition is Character Affiliations in the Bio. I do not believe the players hate it per se, but the affiliations do not serve much purpose. They were implemented for Civil War but other than that it has not been utilized too much. Mr. Fantastic grants additional AP for F4 members and Ghostrider deals additional damage to Villains but that’s about it! It’s a shame because when I first joined the game you could earn special Damage Boosts such as “50% increased damage to Mutants”. I would like to see a return to this. Heck Mutants or X-Men do not even have an Affiliation! Stupid Fox!
4. Best Changes Made in Year Three
9.27: Daily Alliance Bonus increased from 200-Iso to 2000-Iso
8.82: Character Rebalance Plan (Buffs to QS, IM40, Vision earlier in year)
8.53: Character Rebalance Plan (Surfer, Cho, SL, IW)
8.34: Championing: Increased Sell-Back Prices
8.26: Claim multiple rewards at once instead of separate pop-ups for each reward
3.43: PVP: Season Name Change to Infinity Gems (‘Power Gem’ Season)
3.70: CP Cover purchases (no longer can use HP for to purchase Covers)
4.12: Removal of special Victory Banner
4.38: PVE: Difficulty indicator removed from missions
4.78: PVP: Improved matchmaking
Year Three brought on many positive changes, probably more so than Year Two. Obviously the increased Iso in the Daily Alliance Bonus was a huge welcome. The year started off nicely with some the Character Rebalance Plan that brought us buffs to IM40, QS, and Vision earlier in the year then made its recent return with buffs to Surfer, Cho, SL and recently IW. I’ll discuss this on the next question. Next we had increased sell-back prices on Championing. This is very helpful for the 2* farms. Selling a fully maxed 2* Champ yields 66K and 125 HP. While it’s not even where I can roster a new 2* and fully level them, it’s very helpful! I am starting my farm now and it’s great. Lastly in the T5 brought us a change I have been requesting since day 1: claim multiple rewards at once! Originally if you placed T50, you would get a reward pop-up for the Cover, then a pop-up for the HP, then another pop-up for Iso, then if you received tons of FB rewards each one would be a separate pop-up. This used to lock up my game if I was in an area without bad service, so this change was very welcome. It’s the little things that need improvements that make me and many players happy.
Now onto the Worst changes. Coming in under Neutral was improved matchmaking for PVP. Honestly I do not see a difference in my PVP matchmaking. It is the same slugfest it’s always been. I still face teams at a higher level than me and the defensive losses are supposed to be reduced but it doesn’t look like it. In my opinion, no many how many changes the devs made to PVP, it will always end with the same results. They really need to restructure PVP that’s fair and rewarding for everyone. Also, as I mentioned earlier I forgot to add that Defense PVP teams are defaulted to the strongest team, which meant the removal of cupcakes. This likely would have made the T5 Worst change if I included it. It would help if we knew what our Defense team is but it is still a mystery that we never got clarification for. I repeatedly get hit but I have no idea what team they are hitting. The devs need to add a button or some sort of indication that shows my defense team. We’ve complained about this enough on the forums, moving forward the devs also removed the Difficulty Indicator in PVE. This doesn’t bother me much as I stopped paying attention to it. The last 2-3 nodes are always the hardest while the first 2-3 nodes are always the easiest and the 2* essential is the easiest and the 4* essential is the hardest. But for those that relied on it, they still kept the difficulty “colors” on the nodes so it’s not completely removed. Next was the loss of the special Victory Banner that was only around for maybe two weeks. Not sure if those who voted this were trolling as the victory banner served no purpose but I know there is a cult following of players clamoring for its return. Maybe we’ll see the glittery “VICTORY” again soon. Another cosmetic change that players don’t seem care for is listed as the Worst new change in Year 3: PVP Season has changed its name to Infinity Gems. Each season will be a different Infinity Gem with the next Season being the Time Gem.. oh nice wonder what this means.. nothing. The devs simply did not want to scare off new players by having Season XXXLXI. This is understandable and makes sense but players likely wanted to see more with it, like obtaining a Gem at the end of the Season that granted us special abilities when we had them all.0 -
5. Best Character Buffs in Year Three:
86% Iron Man (Model 40)
30% Star Lord
21% The Hulk (Totally Awesome)
7% Quicksilver
6% Silver Surfer
3% Vision
3% Invisible Woman
This year brought us a lot of buffs and hopefully they keep coming. The current rebalance plan is 1-2 character rebalances (buffs or nerfs) at the start of each PVP season. The rebalance earlier in the year started with 3*’s in a big way. IM40 was obviously the best buff I’ve seen in a long time. You can put him with virtually any team or all rarities. Quicksilver’s was decent and allows him to use his Blue AOE more, but then Vision came and it was just a small boost in numbers but no changes to his powers which was disappointing. Honestly when I came back from retirement I did not even notice a difference in Vision. The rebalance plans ended earlier in the year but made a return surprising but much needed buffs to Silver Surfer and Hulk (Totally Awesome). Silver Surfer was deemed one of the weakest 5*’s, mainly because he was the first and was quickly surpassed by the likes of OML, Phx, and BSSM. The buff looked nice but I still do not see many players utilizing him. While on the other hand, I see many players using Cho. His character is no longer a chore to use. He creates a CD that generates green and he can finally heal himself without some stupid ruling. Devil Dino followed at the start of the Anniversary Season. I forgot to add him to the choices. However, many players felt he was nerfed. His red and purple AP powers increased and he gained slightly more damage but other than that, he is still nothing special and feels like a waste of a roster slot for the past three years.
Then came Star-Lord, who was voted second best buff. At first it looked like a nerf as his purple damage decreased and the devs made a quick (but necessary) change to his CDs from purple to the color of the tile. Players were exploiting his purple CDs to make match-5’s with Professor X for the new Winfinity team. This was squashed fast but nonetheless he is still an amazing character. Every time an enemy uses a power, SL creates CD tiles that decrease your AP power costs by 2. Against goons, there are CDs everywhere! This all makes his red stronger. I like it and I actually don’t regret pulling him repeatedly when LT’s were originally implemented. Most recently we received the Invisible Woman buff, it is not live yet but it looks promising so far. Invisible Woman is not only the oldest 4* but is also the only character to have more than two buffs… she’s on her 4th one. Hopefully this one lasts!
6. Best New Character in Year Three
62%: Peggy Carter
33%: Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange) – 3*
19% TIE: Black Bolt; Dr. Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) – 5*
18% TIE: Nova; Quake
8% X-23 (All New Wolverine)
0% TIE: Spider-Man (Miles Morales); Venom (Eddie Brock)
1% TIE: Drax; Captain America (First Avenger)
2% TIE: Kate Bishop (Hawkeye); Hulk (Totally Awesome); Spider-Gwen;
Spider-Woman; Blade (Modern); War Machine
Now onto everyone’s favorite part about MPQ, new characters! We love seeing new characters implemented every two-weeks (sarcastic). Surprisingly we actually had less new characters this year than last year. Last year we had 35 new characters and this year we’ve had 30, so while it feels like the releases haven’t slowed down, they have slightly. Ironically last year we had 1 new 2* while the rest were new 3/4* while this year we had 1 new 3* while the rest were new 4/5*. That alone shows how much the game has shifted.
Anyways, onto the best new characters. Dominating the poll was Peggy Carter with 62%. Not only is she an original character created specifically for MPQ but she came with an awesome moveset. Her yellow alone puts fear into her enemies! Then came Doctor Strange in second place.. not his 5* but his 3*! Similar to SL, against Goons, Strange is a PVE beast. As I have repeatedly stated he really refreshed 3* land. Mine is only 0/3/3 and I am using him like crazy and plan to open my heroic token hoard to champ him. Tied for third is two 5*’s, Black Bolt and Doctor Strange. I have a single Black Bolt cover for his black, those charge tiles every turn are awesome. While many vets complain about his yellow, to someone that has low covered characters such as having an OML without yellow, BB can give OML that yellow power he does not have a cover for. I think it’s very useful to those type of players. 5* Dr. Strange is nearly identical to his 3* counterpart. While many of us hate “lazy” characters, imagine we had a 3* lazy Black Bolt.. ah the dreams. Closely behind was another tie with Quake and Nova. Both solid 4*’s. Quake can reduce AOE damage which is huge against the likes of RHulk and a particular pesky ninja. Nova has cheap AP powers that unleash strike tiles while also launching your enemy in the air, allowing you to gather more AP to do it again! Then we have X-23.. yes more Wolverines! Woohoo! She’s alright, she can heal, set traps and has a better green than her 4* Daddy.
Now the worst of the new bunch. Do you notice something about the worst new characters? That’s right; four of them are Spider-man related! Even BSSM only had 4%, although he is a really good 5*. At 0% of the votes is Miles Morales and Venom. I like Miles, he’s basically what 3* Spidey should have been with his Web powers but as a 4* he is weak compared to the rest. Venom.. oh Venom.. I was so excited to see that Lethal Protector #1 cover but then I saw his powers.. horrendous. I feel like villain characters are made to be annoying opponents in PVE with goon-feeders and that’s it. His yellow, while strong, makes protect tiles for the enemy, which I guess is supposed to help fuel his lousy green. He’s basically 4* Doc Ock. I don’t even want to talk about his Black. At 1% is a tie with 5* Cap and Drax. Drax has a skill that ends the turn.. why is that still a thing.. I don’t know. 5* Cap is ridiculously weak for a 5*, especially when he was released simultaneously with 5* Iron-Man who is a top-tier 5*. Maybe he should have had Peggy’s moveset. A bunch of new characters are tied at 2%, none are particular bad but aren’t great either. Cho is a awesome but players likely voted this as how awful he was all year, and not for how good his recent buff is. Blade looks decent but still very new and there are players who love Kate Bishop.
7. Favorite PVP (Multiple Character) in Year Three
65% Combined Arms (Team of 2,3,4 buffed)
18% Balance of Power (All Characters buffed to 550)
10% Class of 2016 (2016 Characters buffed)
9%: Best Friends Forever
7% Earth’s Mightiest (Avengers buffed)
The surprise this year was the return of Combined Arms PVP. Last year Combined Arms did not appear. The devs made a smart but necessary change from 1/2/3 team to 2/3/4 team. Players loved it because there were no 5* opponents and they got to use some 2/3* that often sit on the bench. Hopefully we see more of this event. Next is BOP. Last year all characters were boasted to 270 but with 5*s and championing, the boost raised to an astonishing level 550 for all characters. 5*’s are deemed weaker, which is evident by 3* Strange be stronger than 5* Strange in the event. Many players do not like it because all the characters have crazy high health. Personally I love the event, but I am also running Rhulk, Cyke and IM40 and beating teams by turn 4. In third is Class of 2016. Last year Class of 2015 was heavily positive but this year all the new characters were 4 and 5*’s.. not so much fun if you do not have anyone covered. It also didn’t help that it followed by the negative Best Friends Forever which surprisingly received votes. The event was boosted “friends” (e.g. Winter Solider and Cap), but the problem is you can still use any character so instead of seeing Torch team with Thing, Thing found a “friend” in Kingpin. This also plagued PVP Matchmaking (Valentines Day) earlier in the year. Hopefully the devs only allow pre-set teams if they run a similar event in the future.
8. Favorite PVE in Year Three
44%: Civil War
34%: Strange Sights
20%: The Gauntlet
16% TIE: Enemy of the State; Webbed Wonder
15%: Deadpool vs MPQ
0%: Thick as Thieves; Venom Bomb; All Heroic PVE events
Civil War received very positive reviews, something that Boss Rush could not (somehow that received 4% of votes). Civil War had two sides to choose with a different boss and list of boosted characters with different rewards. If your alliance was strong enough you can complete most of both sides. Strange Sights followed which also allowed you to choose a different “Path”. Ultimately you were basically choosing which Sub-event you wanted to complete first but it was a nice change of pass that did not require you to beat the end Boss. It was an interesting twist, unlike the other new PVEs such as Venom Bomb, which bombed at 0% of votes and Heart of Darkness at 3%. New PVEs should not equal no fun and extremely difficult. Gauntlet mustered 20% of the votes. Despite the rewards not being as generous as other PVE events, it’s still a stress free event where there are no Placement or time restrictions. I am still clamoring for a Gauntlet that stays open during the entire PVP season. Enemy of the State followed. As a 7-day event, it is a drag but the event rightfully rewards you plenty with tokens galore! I acquired 35 tokens which yielded three 4*’s last time it ran. I did not have the opportunity to play Howard the Duck’s Webbed Wonder as I was retired when it first ran and I returned after its second run. I am assuming it is a decent event. Deadpool v MPQ is a fun, short but challenging event. I do not cringe when the event appears, unlike all the Heroics that yielded 0% of the votes.
9. Wish List for Year Three
81%: Colorless Covers (e.g. no more 1/15/2)
79%: 4* DDQ – That’s not Crash of the Titans (Extra Nodes)
75%: More Double Iso Events
67%: More ways to Earn 5* covers
63%: Release Clearance Level 9 and 10
58%: New PVE storylines
58%: Increase Daily Rewards (More Iso, Tokens, Covers)
54%: Add SHIELD Clearance Levels to DDQ (better rewards based on Rank)
54%: Increase Dev Communication on Forums
52%: More Buffs to Weak Characters (e.g. 3* Punisher, Mr. Fantastic)
Players had the choice to type in Other. The feedback included: Release new characters not Variants, SHIELD Intercepts in PVP, Remove Placement from PVE
Last year many of the Wish List items on the poll was implemented into the game this year such as Strong Color Indicator, buffs to weak characters (e.g. IM40), Drop 20 Iso node reward, Sell character by Star-tier. That is amazing. Hopefully the devs can make some of these wishlist items a reality for year four. At a very high but not surprising 81% is Colorless covers. I have mentioned this probably 100 times since 4* Thor was released, she is literally at 2/15/3. Keep in mind I earned 1 of each cover for the daily supply. That means I pulled 1 red and 2 blues while I pulled 14 freaking yellow, her worst color. This must change. I would love to see a system in place that when you have 5 of one color, it lets you choose one of the other two colors. But wait there is already a system that exists! When you acquire a cover for a character with 13 covers, we get a pop-up to lower one of the other two colors, why can’t the devs utilize this system that’s already in place. Hopefully this is something we will see in the near future.. please.
Next is 4* DDQ that’s not Crash of the Titans. Crash of the Titans is moreso for 4* players transitioning to 5* land than a 3* transitioning to 4* land. This is disappointing, especially how awesome DDQ was for 2* players transitioning to 4* land last year. I think the solution to this is to add SHIELD Clearance Level to DDQ. It is working as intended in PVE and PVP, and it will work for DDQ. For instance, I enter SCL8 and instead of winning the designated 3*, it’s a designated 4*. The 3* covers are flowing in for champ levels but sadly the 4* covers still aren’t. There are more 4*’s than 3*’s.. I don’t want to wait until 6* tier is released to see more 4* covers flow. At 75% are more Double Iso rewards. This was fantastic for Anniversary, I was champing all my 3*’s like crazy but at the same time the double iso felt like the right amount we should normally be receiving. I’ll admit that there has been more Iso flowing than last year but we also have double the amount of 4/5* characters that require more Iso. It would be nice if they had Double Iso Week once per month.
67% wish for more ways to earn 5* covers. The only method now is by RNG.. which means amassing LTs and CP then hoping you open a nice purple cover but pray it’s not one you have already. There is much anticipation that SCL9 or 10 will reward 5* covers. 63% wish for those gates to open. SCL8 was very disappointing to many players so we’re curious what the rewards will be for SCL9 and 10. 58% want more PVE events, but I haven’t enjoyed many of the new PVEs so I don’t know. As much as I dislike Dark Avengers, I have fought against them enough that they’re easy opponents now. Tied at 58% are increased Daily rewards. Last year the devs increased it substantially but it is still not enough when you’re over day 1000 and you’re earning a standard token, that’s a problem. 54% want increased dev communication on the forums. I am shocked this is not higher, especially since we witnessed the department of both IceIX earlier in the year and most recently David [Hi-Fi] Moore. David’s replacement, Brigby has already made contact and has a list of goals. Hopefully this works out. Most of the player’s anger comes from the lack of communication. Lastly at 52% is more buffs to weaker players. I hope this continues with Mr. Fantastic and some other 4*’s but also a few 3*’s such as Punisher.. sometimes I am embarrassed to have the same name as him but at least his 4* counterpart is good.
Anyways, thanks again for participating in the poll and always giving me feedback. This is a great community of players from all over the world. I look forward to year four and beyond!
Take care and keep matching,
Tom aka Punisher5784
Full Results: -
I'm surprised VIP came up as one of the worst improvements. I know a lot of people think it's a little weak, but it's not that bad. Other than that no real surprises.0
Strong Color Indicator
What is this? Can you offer more information? It looks like something I might like, but I'm unfamiliar with it.0 -
mpqr7 wrote:Strong Color Indicator
What is this? Can you offer more information? It looks like something I might like, but I'm unfamiliar with it.
I'm not sure if you are being serious or not but characters such as 4* Cyclops, Black Panther, XFW, 3* Blade, Professor X, among others have abilities that utilize the strongest AP color. Someone like XFW, their black destroys tiles of the enemies strongest color but you would not know what the strongest color is unless you looked at each enemy and did some math. The devs implemented last year a strong color indicator, so now when you use XFW's black, the description shows what the strongest color is so you know exactly what color tiles will be destroyed.0 -
Punisher5784 wrote:Ironically last year we had 1 new 2* while the rest were new 3/4* while this year we had 1 new 3* while the rest were new 4/5*. That alone shows how much the game has shifted
even so, your point remains....0 -
Jam_Adams wrote:Punisher5784 wrote:Ironically last year we had 1 new 2* while the rest were new 3/4* while this year we had 1 new 3* while the rest were new 4/5*. That alone shows how much the game has shifted
even so, your point remains....
2* Ms Marvel was released during Year 2 but yes we also had a 1*, point taken0 -
ah, OK. I just don't remember the 2* releases chronologically (gosh, that seems like such an eternity ago)0
Jam_Adams wrote:ah, OK. I just don't remember the 2* releases chronologically (gosh, that seems like such an eternity ago)
I know! Looking back at the changes from last year is crazy.0 -
Thank you for this thorough write up, I quite enjoyed reading it! And thank you for making the poll.0
Thank you everyone for your positive feedback via comments, thumbs-ups, messages and Line. I hope to continue to do more of these in the future.
Take care and enjoy your weekend grind for Venom!0 -
Fantastic write-up and analysis, Punisher5784! This definitely helps us report on what is working and what isn't, based on player sentiment.
I'll be sure to share this around the office to anyone that hasn't seen it yet. Great job!0 -
Punisher5784 wrote:mpqr7 wrote:Strong Color Indicator
What is this? Can you offer more information? It looks like something I might like, but I'm unfamiliar with it.
I'm not sure if you are being serious or not but characters such as 4* Cyclops, Black Panther, XFW, 3* Blade, Professor X, among others have abilities that utilize the strongest AP color. Someone like XFW, their black destroys tiles of the enemies strongest color but you would not know what the strongest color is unless you looked at each enemy and did some math. The devs implemented last year a strong color indicator, so now when you use XFW's black, the description shows what the strongest color is so you know exactly what color tiles will be destroyed.
Oh yes, that! I was thinking of something else.
I definitely am a fan of the power descriptions when it states that (for example "XFW destroys all [green] tiles"). I appreciate that new addition and find it very helpful.
For some reason, I thought that you were saying they had implemented the request some people had to show which characters would tank which colors on the character select screen right before a battle (ie so you would know that with oml/2*marv/ice, oml would tank black, yellow and red, whereas ice would tank blue, green and purple).0 -
Brigby wrote:Fantastic write-up and analysis, Punisher5784! This definitely helps us report on what is working and what isn't, based on player sentiment.
I'll be sure to share this around the office to anyone that hasn't seen it yet. Great job!
Also.....Punisher......I cannot believe you did THAT MUCH of a write up. I hate to see people that I enjoy posting, spending so much time and energy on stuff like this.
:+/0 -
Brigby wrote:Fantastic write-up and analysis, Punisher5784! This definitely helps us report on what is working and what isn't, based on player sentiment.
I'll be sure to share this around the office to anyone that hasn't seen it yet. Great job!
Thank you Brigby! This is very nice to hear that the results of the poll will be passed around the office for discussion. I really hope it helps them understand the playerbase's opinion of the game.
I had also recently done a poll on Anniversary III: Incase they are not aware of it, which also has very good feedback that leads to Colognoisseur's recent post on our reactions of the devs that commented on a podcast discussing Boss Rush: This is something that should definitely be discussed.
Thanks again for reading our posts and passing along our thoughts.0
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