Did you start a 1* Farm?



  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    AXP_isme said:
    I don’t farm them but I keep an open slot for 1*s, a different one from my Juggs that I keep for DDQ. I don’t sell their covers right away and about every week to ten days I clear out the 1* slot then work through the covers rostering or selling depending on how many of each I have. 

    Plowing ISO into them seems like a complete waste so I just try to generate some XP or ISO on a semi-periodic basis without having to overthink it. I’m trying to think of an analogy to compare what I do to farming but i’m Coming up blank. Poaching maybe, turn up periodically, take what you want and leave a trail of corpses. That one’s pretty weak too. 
    This is exactly what I've done.  The tiny amount of ISO that I lose is well worth the XP that I gain.  I probably do this once or twice a week and I've leveled up 3 or 4 times since the change which is more than I would've done otherwise.  I'm not 3* farming yet since I want to hoard HP for whatever Xmas celebration there is but I do the same thing with the 3* I pull that I already have max covered. 
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Tried it once, and didn't feel the effort was worth it.  That's time I can spend fighting matches, or not looking at my phone.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 564 Critical Contributor
    If you want to level with any speed you have to, a little bit of a HP investment but once you get  it rolling it is a good system.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    Yes I did since it made sense based on my rank and iso I receive from xp.  I also have way more hp than I need and could afford extra slots to do so.  Roster slots never become less valuable so that part didn't worry me at all.  For me, every 10 XP is actually worth 135 iso based on my rank/iso lump sum.  I will take the 35% higher iso bonus right now.  I am not worried about hitting shield rank max either any time soon lol.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have one, but I'm half-tinykittying it.  I maintain MBW and Hawkeye for teamups and don't want to bother keeping a separate dupe for them, so I sell their covers.  The others I just tap the train button, and if one color piles up I don't bother to wait for 13, I just sell and re-roster.  Decidedly un-optimal, but I think I'm still coming out slightly ahead without having to commit any significant time to managing it.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not that invested and don't want to be given that my focus has been on how to make MPQ take up less of my life, not more.  :D
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I did but only cause I had extra roster slots from selling a few 3*s to champ 5s. Once I need them for something else I'll probably get rid of them since it's sometimes more hassle than its worth. That said I'm only at like level 119 so I still have a long way to go before its a drain.
  • djperry1973
    djperry1973 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    I rostered and cover-maxed all of them and have been swapping covers on the 13-cover characters as they come in. I'm not bothering to level them and Juggs is still my DDQ go-to; I use both Black Widows with him because sometimes I feel like stunning or turning countdowns into crit tiles.
  • Slothkins
    Slothkins Posts: 58 Match Maker
    I did for a while then stopped. Now I just have three 13 cover characters that I swap covers around on if I get them. Everything else I sell, because I'm lazy. 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    STOPTHIS said:
    Not quite a farm. Maybe like small herb garden. I already had Spidey and Iron Man rostered, so I just rostered Storm too and now just swap their covers as I get them. I still sell off Venom, Hawkeye, Juggs, BW, and Yelena covers as they come.

    Too much micromanaging to do it any other way. Now, if we could champion 1*s....
    I've been doing the same. Pretty much done with rostering 1s outside of Black Widow for teamups.
  • Kevmcg
    Kevmcg Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I am level 143. At this point, if you have the 8 extra 1* slots (I do), applying the covers for XP gains ISO slightly faster than simply selling. It does take a few more seconds, but more brainless than tapping. As long as your ISO award for the next level is more than 10 times the XP required, it is an optimal strategy. Example - Earning 72,500 ISO at level 144 for 6700 XP is the equivalent to getting 108 ISO per cover application.
  • Nick9819
    Nick9819 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In

    but you are essentially spending 100iso (the cover)   to get the xp that will eventually be converted to iso by leveling up.   what happens when you max out on shield rank levels?????

    it doesn't really make sense to why 1* farming is a good idea

  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    And if the max level does not get raised then you are out all the iso you would have gotten by selling the covers just to have gotten to max rank sooner.
  • Nick9819
    Nick9819 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    do they use the old format of retroactive XP  or the new future one if they change it again.  without champ rewards for 1* I still think it is a waste.    the iso in the shield ranks will eventually be yours.  selling a 13 cover 1*  to me is a waste  you are just speeding up  your shield rank  at the cost of what 1200iso per sold one star.  I farm 2* and 3*   the sell rate and champ rewards are worth imo  
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nick9819 said:

    but you are essentially spending 100iso (the cover)   to get the xp that will eventually be converted to iso by leveling up.   what happens when you max out on shield rank levels?????

    it doesn't really make sense to why 1* farming is a good idea

    If you ever top out you then wait for the cap to be raised again and fat retroactive payouts to be rolled out.

    Not only this, the higher your SR the less likely you would ever be locked out of playing something due to SR. If SCL 10 comes out and offers a 5* cover from PvE progression you'll be upset you didn't farm if you at SR 122 and the requirement is SR 125.

    Granted everything I said above is about as likely Wile E Coyote standing on the top of the walls to my cube and dropping an anvil on my head, but hey it's technically possible.
  • Nick9819
    Nick9819 Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    that was the only thing I could think of that would maybe justify the farming,  if I was locked out of a CL.       I am half way through rank 126 so I feel pretty safe.
  • Kevmcg
    Kevmcg Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I'm not worried about hitting level 200 too soon. It takes 7-8 days at this point to go up a level. If the game survives tapping and I am still playing in a year and a half, I might look back thinking I should have saved more ISO for the current 7* character.

    Seriously, many fault the developers, but of all the changes, they have not been stingy on,massive ISO drops when SHIELD ranks started and when they expanded to level 200.  I would expect it to reward again. 
  • Spidurman27
    Spidurman27 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    It's effectively 121.4 ISO per cover for the 10-cover 1* by cycling them at 10 covers (no levelling) and selling to flip.  If I sell covers for ISO, I sell covers for ISO.  If I change my mind and recover the roster slots, I've already gotten the XP, and pre-paid the HP for my future roster needs.  

    I will at some point get annoyed with it, and as noted - free roster slots at that point for either new characters or 3* dupes.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Yes and no. Most 1*s have 2 colours only which makes farming not worth it.
    I have some 1*s who have 3 colours and i am getting xps by swaping their colors, but still i have to sometimes sell colours i cant use.
  • guib
    guib Posts: 83 Match Maker
    veny said:
    Yes and no. Most 1*s have 2 colours only which makes farming not worth it.
    I have some 1*s who have 3 colours and i am getting xps by swaping their colors, but still i have to sometimes sell colours i cant use.

    why is there a difference between 2 colors or 3 colors 1** ?
    isnt the only benefit coming from the fact that the xp from adding a cover is worth more than the iso from selling it ?

    is there any additional trick behind that ? (for exemple, there  is no point leveling them like a 2**, it is a waste, isn't it ?)

    is there a special interest in swapping the colors of a full 1** ?
    adding all the covers I have at once then deleting it, and repeat next time seems much faster ...